HLLN report on the Soccer Match massacre on Aug. 20 and 21, 2005
Interview recorded
August 25, 2005
Danto Witness Project
“Daddy, its goats or pigs that I have seen cut up
before. How come they are cutting up people now?"
(Horrified exclamation of a traumatized young Haitian boy watching
the Grand Ravine Massacre on Sunday, August 21, 2005)
See also: Radio
Commentary on the Soccer Match Massacre and UN complicity in the killings.
Organized foreign-sponsored kidnapping phenomemon replaced by organized
MINUSTHA-led police hacking poor Haitian women and men Rwanda-style
with with imported machetes. See:
Important Businessman was Arrested in Relation to Kidnapping cases reported
in Port-au-Prince
SOCCER GAME MASSACRE | Ezili Danto Witness Project, August 25, 2005
Below is an excerpt from an Ezili Danto Witness Project report, direct
from our HLLN Investigator in Haiti about the Aug. 20 and Aug. 21st
slaughter of Haitian youths attending a soccer game. This interview
was recorded August 25, 2005 and translated from Kreyol into English
by Frantz Jerome for the Ezili Danto Witness Project.
“Daddy, its goats or pigs that I have seen cut up before. How
come they are cutting up people now?" (Horrified
exclamation of a traumatized young Haitian boy watching the Grand Ravine
Massacre on Sunday, August 21, 2005)
Ezili Danto: ...What happened in Grand Ravine, on Saturday
and Sunday, Aug. 20 and 21. I understand that it was in the realm of
a soccer game?HLLN Haitian Investigator: It is the Summer Camp for Peace
program, organized by USAID, OIM and the Haitian Secretary of State
for Youth and Sports, especially for the youth of various “hot-
neighborhoods” around the city.
Ezili Danto: So, the activity name is “Summer
Camp for Peace?”
HLLN Haitian Investigator: Summer Camp for Peace!
Ezili Danto: O.I.M.? You said OIM… Do you know what OIM stands
for?HLLN Haitian Investigator: Eh… It escapes me right now. I
will have to look it up. It is the same organization set up to offer
political asylum in the context of the first coup against President
Aristide in 1991. They were located in Lalue, in the Bank of Paris building.
That's the same institution. It is an American company.
Ezili Danto: They are the ones who organized the soccer
game?HLLN Haitian Investigator: They are the one who sponsored it. Many
different location like Martissant, Lasaline, everywhere there is a
Summer Camp for Peace, they are sponsors. OIM**, USAID, the Haitian
Secretary of State for Youth and Sports. If one goes to any of the neighborhoods,
one will notice the big banners on display: Summer Camp for Peace!
Ezili Danto: OK. Was there a soccer match during both days
or was the game on Saturday? Was there a game on Saturday and then one
on Sunday?HLLN Haitian Investigator: No, there was no game on Sunday.
The "attaches" [machete wielding paramilitary] came back to
the area along with the police [on Sunday].
Ezili Danto: So, they started hacking soccer game attendants
on Saturday…
HLLN Haitian Investigator:
They started Saturday during the game.
Ezili Danto: Give more details on “they came
back on Sunday?” Where were the people gathered on Sunday? Were
they in one location? How did they find the people?HLLN Haitian Investigator:
When they came back, they attacked people inside their house and anybody
they found in the neighborhood. Soon, you’ll hear a citizen I
interviewed, an elder, he said that his home was on the verge of being
burnt down and was saved thanks to the vehement “NO!” of
a couple of MINUSTHA soldiers. They had already set five houses on fire.
There were also a few people that they had already cut up.
This same elderly man tells you of his young son who said in shock:
“Daddy, its goats or pigs that I have seen cut up before. How
come they are cutting up people now?
I have all this on tape. He provided a detailed account and I will play
it for you soon.
Ezili Danto: Ah yes. I would like to see this videotape! When
you said MINUSTHA intervened, you mean that MINUSTHA was present when
the assassins were attacking the people?
HLLN Haitian Investigator: That
Sunday, MINUSTHA was present. There are more interesting facts to be
reported, for when MINUSTHA arrested some members of the machete wielding
gang, they casually took out cell phones and called the police. The
police intervened, took them away from the MINUSTHA soldiers, then freed
them and it’s not a simple matter. I have an interview with a
Solino resident who testifies to this fact.
Ezili Danto: They arrested these guys on Sunday…
HLLN Listener: On Sunday, when they arrested these assassins,
was it in Solino?
HLLN Haitian Investigator: No. Yes, they arrested them in Corridor
Bastia. When they [MINUSTHA] arrested them in Corridor Bastia, it was
the same scenario: the police intervened; the police liberated them
and subsequently gave them new machetes. The same thing happened in
Solino. That proves that the police are aware of the events of Grand
Ravine. One does not need an investigation!
Mrs. Coicou [Latortue’s police spokesperson] is taking the position
that she saw 7 corpses in the morgue and that the police are still investigating
[the Solino massacre from the first two weeks of August where this hacking
with police-distributed machetes started]. Well, the death toll is much
higher than that [7 people]. On Sunday, when I went to the emergency
section of the General Hospital, I saw those with machete gashes in
the back, others with gashes in the arm, in the legs, all over. And
there were those who were succumbing to their wounds. They were dying,
on Sunday afternoon!
Ezili Danto: OK. Corridor Bastia, is it part of Solino…
HLLN Haitian Investigator: Corridor Bastia, it’s the
extension of Rue Tiremasse. It extends all the way to Nazon. It’s
one of the two longest streets in Port-au-Prince. Corridor Bastia is
one, the other one is Rue Monseigneur Guilloux.
Ezili Danto: OK. So there are two instances where MINUSTHA
soldiers arrested the men armed with machetes and in both cases, according
to the information you got, the Haitian police released them and gave
them new machetes!
HLLN Haitian Investigator: Yes, the police took them
away from MINUSTHA, released them and gave them new machetes!
Ezili Danto: All together between Saturday and Sunday,
August 20 and 21, how many do you think died? I have…
HLLN Haitian Investigator: According to an organizer
in the area, he was one of the conference’s organizers, he said
that they can account for 30 corpses, for they found, over these two
days, 30 mutilated bodies. Some in the media are not relating this information.
(End of excerpt. More to come)
Note:– Please help us do this work. More Kreyol translators are
critically needed to tell our people’s stories. Please consider
volunteering by sending an e-mail to: Erzilidanto@yahoo.com)
**Note 2: IOM stands for International Organization for Migration and
reportedly it manages the Haiti Transition Initiative, the USAID-program
that sponsored the "Summer Camp For Peace" soccer game.
Radio Commentary on the Soccer Match Massacre and UN complicity in the
killings | Ezili Danto
Witness Project
HLLN Note: Below is a commentary excerpted from a Haitian Radio Broadcast
in New York on August 23, 2005 by an HLLN network collaborator. This
sort of reporting on the USAID|OIM "Camp for Peace" Soccer
Match massacre this weekend in Haiti may only be heard on (un-embedded)
Haitian radio as none of the mainstream press will likely report on
the Bush bloodbath brought to Haiti or even when they do, tell the truth
about the UN-led police slaughters in Haiti.
HAITI, as excerpted and translated by the Haitian Lawyers Leadership
Network for the Ezili Danto Witness Project
Employing criminal means, supposedly to eradicate criminal elements
from the population:
Haitian radio news correspondent (talking directly from Haiti):
News of massacre in Grand Ravine over the weekend (August 20-2, 2005)
have been confirmed. Saturday, the Machete Army was at it again. The
rumors were strong starting from Wednesday and indeed this weekend they
chopped up over 20 people. The practice of hacking people with machetes
is continuing. It started in Solino, proceeded to Bel Air and now it
is Grand Ravine that was visited by an army named “lame ti manchete”
(little machete army), accompanied, according to neighborhood resident
witnesses, by the Haitian Police and MINUSTHA. They hacked 20 people
to death.
It occurred Saturday and Sunday during a soccer game. With UN-MINUSTHA
troops securing the area, these armed men erupted, by arms we mean machetes,
they cut a few heads and quartered many. Twenty died and many more were
Lionel Mondestin who is on the executive board of a political party
named MUR (Movement for Republican Unity) said that it was unacceptable
that the national police and MINUSTHA accompany these machete-wheeling
men on such a barbaric mission, inside a community! He continued to
say that he understands that the police want to apprehend bandits; nonetheless
nothing justifies the national police and MINUSTHA staging a systematic
massacre, by attaches armed with machetes. This sort of thing had never
been seen before in the history of Haiti! According to the MUR official,
none of the previously repressive regimes had ever reached such barbaric
and criminal heights. Ironic, since they claim their actions to be justified
by the fact that they are looking for bandits.
What is interesting though is the matter-of-fact attitude of the Haitian
elite and authorities, characterized by Mrs. Coicou’s claim that
the national police did not have all the facts and that she would not
comment until she got a report. When Mrs. Coicou (police spokesperson)was
asked more specifically about the Haitian police distributing machetes
to people, suggesting that they seek vengeance, she ignored knowing
this fact in the case of Solino, but agreed that she had heard reports
from neighboring residents witnesses that such was the case. Nonetheless,
she is yet to confirm the distribution of machetes by the national police.
Still, the machete hacking crimes continue with the complicit silence
of notably all the political leaders that were actively denouncing,
creating and fomenting violence during the anti-Aristide campaign. Today,
they are harboring the “fool’s silence”, since the
victims seem to be Lavalas supporters. It is to be noted, nonetheless,
that in Solino, MINUSTHA interfered when the machete-wheeling brigades
took to the streets, seeking more Lavalas blood, subsequence to the
news that a former Lavalas minister had come back to Pot-au-Prince.
The MINUSTHA soldiers got the men to lay down their machetes. However,
informed sources attribute the MINUSTHA action to reports that EURO
News had played images of people being hacked to death in the presence
of both the National police and MINUSTHA soldiers. Mindful of their
image, the MINUSTHA officers ordered an end to operations.
Unfortunately, the reality of the machete armies is that the National
Police is installing them in popular neighborhoods like Solino and Grand
Ravine. The armies are composed of people who were ostracized in the
past for petty crimes, forced to leave the area or jailed. They hold
grudges and are coming back for revenge. Many are not from these areas,
and the MINUSTHA-led Haitian Police gives them machetes and uses them
to kill Lavalas supporters, a subhuman practice that one is at a lost
to qualify, similar to the one where armed men slaughter people.
We should also point out that many observers are afraid that this practice
will lead to a civil war. The Rwanda scenario is being echoed more and
more, referring to the machete dominated civil war where over a million
died. These same observers are saying that whoever is distributing the
machetes is fomenting civil war!
It should also be pointed out that the “Haitian Authorities”
(the defacto gang”) are yet to take a stand on this new MINUSTHA-led
police practice. The last statement to memory can be attributed to Mrs.
Coicou encouraging neighborhood vigilante gangs to get together with
the police to go “bandit hunting”! She said that she was
aware of the courageous side of Haitians and that she knew that the
people would not step back and she appealed to their sense of responsibility,
asking the neighborhood who were yet to follow suit to hurry-up! That
is exactly what just happened in Grand Ravine where a machete-wheeling
gang received logistical and material support from the police and MINUSTHA
and hacked to death 20 neighborhood residents, in the realm of this
new wave of violent crimes being perpetrated against the people of Haiti.
One should also point out that this new wave seems to have replaced
the kidnapping phenomenon that had so abruptly erupted on the Haitian
scene. As a matter of fact, the sustained salvos of gunfire heard in
Haiti day and night seem to have mysteriously disappeared, since the
apparition of this new crime wave that Haitians call “Lame Ti
Manchèt” (Little machete Army). One can only point to one
killing that does not seem to be connected to the MINUSTHA/Police sponsored
machete gangs. It is a case in Drouillard, where a Canadian and a Haitian
seem to have been shot in a kidnapping attempt. Nonetheless, there is
a marked change in the kidnapping situation, reflected in some resuming
habits that made them prime kidnapping candidates.
Thus, the new wave of criminal acts definitely seems to be machete massacres
implemented by the MINUSTHA/Police Nationale sponsored gangs. Though,
as mentioned previously MINUSTHA reluctantly did stop the Solino gang
on Sunday, subsequent to the news of images played on Euro News showing
people being hacked and quartered under the supervision of the MINUSTHA-led
Nationale Police and MINUSTHA troops.
Urgent: Help Prevent Further Massacres in Haiti! - Letter
to UN officials and Canadian Members of Parliament | from Jean St. Vil,
August 28, 2005
Dear U.N. officials and Canadian Members of Parliament,
News broke two days ago that a key organizer of the kidnapping wave
that caused so many deaths and so much suffering to Haitians in the
past year have been finally caught.
The arrest of Stanley Handal, a multi-millionaire suspected to be a
ring leader of the kidnapping enterprise, seems to corroborate the many
reports which suggested all along that the materminds of the kidnapping
phenomenon are rich and powerful individuals from Haiti’s ruling
elite who have powerful connections in the banking industry and within
a faction of the post-coup government, and who, as identified by the
Geneva-based Small Arms Survey, are the primary owners of firearm stocks
in the country.
Nonetheless Lavalas political activists or suspected sympathisers of
the deposed constitutional president continue to be scapegoated and
marked for elimination on the pretext that the regime and its foreign
accomplices are «fighting bandits ».
Most disturbing of all, in the last few weeks, news broke that the Police
had distributed machetes and supervised numerous public lynchings in
the poor neighborhoods.
We are receiving frequent on the ground reports of major UN/MINUSTAH
operations in the poor neighborhoods like Cite Soleil. The last such
operation, which was well-documented, resulted in the deaths of several
dozen civilians. Independent journalist and fimmaker Kevin Pina wrote
an emergency appeal about the coming massacre on August 18th, 2005,
where he writes:
"If the UN goes ahead with its plan for a second major military
incursion against Cite Soleil, it is guaranteed the number of casualties
will far exceed July 6th and further tarnish and expose the real role
of the UN in guaranteeing the coup of Feb. 28, 2004."
As early as June of this year, the Police spokeperson who refused to
divulgate the identity of a detainee suspected of involvement in kidnappings,
shamelessly intervening to protect his « good family name
», was lamenting to reporters how "there are people
of good family and high social level that unfortunately are involved
in kidnappings,"
So, why are the poor still the target of such senseless repression?
We ask that you intervene publicly - in your official capacity - by
any means possible - to stop the repressive operations before it's too
late; stop the large scale military attacks on the poor. Please intervene
as soon as possible to stop the loss of innocent life; it is still possible
to do so.
Jean Saint-Vil,
Gatineau, Québec, Canada
Canada Haiti Action Network
(English Translation of an AUMOHD report)
5000 Soccer Fans Witness Machete/Hatchet Lynching by Haitian Police
and Civilian Murderers
by Tom Luce with AUMOHD investigators
Aug. 25 Port-Au-Prince
(*captions to attached photos printed at:
Dredging up fearsome memories of days thought to have gone by forever,
eyewitnesses here in Port-Au-Prince have portrayed an unbelievable lynching-by-machete/hatchet
rampage by red-shirted killers wearing head bands, backed up by the
Hatian National Police, of up to 50 victims on Aug. 21 at a soccer field
in Gran Ravin-Martissant. This summary, extra-legal execution follows
similar type massacres in Bel Air and Solino earlier this summer. This
time the killings were done in plain daylight in front of and involving
5000 soccer fans, an incredibly bold assault by Haitian police and their
civilian accomplices in the presence of troops from MINUSTAH. As has
been the case this entire past year, the "targets" in Sunday's
massacre, were all identified as "bandits", "Lavalas"
scum (Ratpacaca).
Eyewitnesses described to a group of human rights agents today this
super t.v. drama styled event. As fans were being entertained during
one of the breaks in the soccer game--highly attended because national
league players had joined the local teams--a group of police and men
wearing red tee shirts and head bands entered the playing field and
took over the microphone from the announcer.
The people in the crowd at first thought that this was a friendly show
of security by the police. But that idea was immediately dashed when
the red shirt announcer stopped the music being played by the DJ and
then demanded everyone to lay on the ground. A shot was fired into the
air and people began a panicked response. Some tried to run away, some
tried scaling the walls to escape and several of these were shot. Others
tried running into the adjoining rooms of the stadium and later were
found hacked to death. The red shirts, backed up by the police began
demanding specific individuals lying on the ground if they were affiliated
with Aristide, asking for confirmation from others whether these people
were "bandits". Then without mercy these red shirts either
hacked their victims to death or hacked them and then had their victims
shot by the police.
According to eyewitnesses and the family members of the victims interviewed
today, the victims of the executioners were innocent people and were
attacked only because they were allegedly Lavalas supporters.
The red shirts were equipped with machetes and hatchets that were distributed,
according to witnesses, by the police at the Martissant police station.
These same civilians who appeared in red shirts and head bands at the
soccer game, armed with machetes were recognized by people in the area
as the same people who at least a month previously were thrown out of
the area as trouble makers among whom were some prison escapees and
thieves. Some of these executioners were named by witnesses: Georges
Jean Yves, Gérard, aka, Gwo l'Ombril (Big Belly Button), Élifet
aka Tête Calé (Shaved Head), Ti Clody, Rudy, Joël,
Eddy, Apoupann aka Colonel, Ronald Toussaint, Kiki , Rocky Rambo, and
Cliska. The chief of police of Martissant was also implicated in the
operation by the witnesses and according to the witnesses threatened
to come after them and "wipe them out the next day."
On Sunday, Aug. 21 the same red shirts, accompanied by the police, invaded
residential areas and burned more than four houses alleged to be inhabited
by Lavalas supporters. They also severely damaged an electricity transformer
in the area. They also damaged several other houses.
Captions (photos):
#1. Family members of victims of the Gran Ravin lynching gave interviews
to human rights investigators today, Aug. 25
#2. Other Family members of lynching victims tell their story.
#3. A school for the poor built by Pres. Aristide stands idle and empty
#4. A view of the Port-Au-Prince harbor from Gran Ravin
Note: #5 has been omitteed
#6. Mother of a lynching victim
#7. A view of the hillside community of Gran Ravin
#8. School I.D. of a young 23 year old man, one of the victims of the
Tom Luce, President
Human Rights Accompaniment In Haiti
900 Advocates In The Northeast of the U.S.
30 Park St.
Barre, Vt. 05641
In Haiti: Cell phone 011-509-428-8676
Tel. 802-476-7056, 522-3525
(French Version)- Lynchage à machete et hâche à
Gran Ravin Avec PNH
5000 Fanas De Foot Témoignent Un Lynchage Par Machette et Hachette
Aux Mains Des Civils Aidés par la Police Nationale d'Haïti
En Présence de la MINUSTAH
par Tom Luce
avec investigateurs d'AUMOHD
août 25 Port-Au-Prince
Contacts: Tom Luce, 428-8676
Evel Fanfan, Pres. AUMOHD-DwaMoun 424-3334
181 Autoroute de Delmas 23, PAP
(* légende des photos attachées se trouve en bas de l'article
** Version anglaise après la version française)Évoquant
des mémoires effrayantes des jours censés pour ne jamais
être répétés, des témoins oculaires
ici à Port-Au-Prince ont dépeint un saccage incroyable
de lynchage-par-machètte-et-hache aux mains des tueurs civils
en maillot rouge avec des mouchoirs à la tête, soutenus
par la police nationale d' Haïti en présence de la MINUSTAH.
environ 50 victimes ont été trouvés samedi 21 août
dans un terrain de foot à Gran Ravin-Martissant.
Cette exécution sommaire et illégale suit des similaires
massacres au Bel Air et à Solino plus tôt cet été.
Cette fois les massacres ont été commis en plein jour
devant une foule de 5000 fanas de foot, qui eux aussi ont été
subis à des incroyables menaces et ordres de ce groupe de tueurs
en maillot rouge. C'était un assaut incroyablement audacieux
par la PNH et leurs complices civils en présence des troupes
de la MINUSTAH. Comme a été le cas tout le long de l'année
2004-5, les cibles de ce lynchage/massacre le samedi 20 aout 2005, ils
étaient tous identifiés par la police et les maillots
rouges comme des "bandits", dégats de "Lavalas"
(Rat pa kaka).
Les témoins oculaires ont décrit à un groupe d'agents
de droits de l'homme aujourd'hui ce drame qui resemble à un feuillton
détectif à la télé. Pendant que des fanas
étaient en train d'être animés par un "DJ"
lors d'une des pauses dans le match de foot -- suivis par un grand nombre
parce que des joueurs de niveau de ligue nationale avaient joint les
équipes locales -- un groupe d'hommes habillés en maillot
rouge avec des mouchoirs à la tête sont entrés dans
le terrain de foot et l'un d'entre eux a pris le microphone de l'annonceur.
Les personnes dans la foule de prime abord pensaient que c'était
une manifestation amicale de sécurité par la police. Mais
cette idée était immédiatement renversé
quand l'homme en maillot rouge a arrêté la musique jouée
par le DJ et puis a exigé chacun de se coucher par terre. Un
coup de feu a été tire en l'air et les gens ont commencé
avec une réponse paniquée. Certains ont essayé
de courir pour s'échapper, d'autres ont essayé de grimper
les murs pour prendre la fuite. Plusieurs de ces derniers étaient
fusillés par la police. D'autres ont couru dans les pièces
voisines du stade et plus tard ils ont été trouvés
hâchés à mort. Les maillots rouges, soutenus par
la police ont commencé à exiger des individus spécifiques
déja couchés par terre s'ils étaient partisans
d'Aristide, demandant la confirmation d'autres si ces personnes étaient
des "bandits". Alors sans pitié ces maillots rouges
ont hâché leurs victimes à mort ou les ont hâchés
et puis ont fait la police tirer à mort leurs victimes. Selon
des témoins oculaires et les membres de famille des victimes
interviewées aujourd'hui, les victimes des bourreaux étaient
des personnes innocentes et ont été attaquées seulement
parce qu'elles étaient présumés des défenseurs
de Lavalas.
Les maillots rouges ont été équipées des
machettes et des haches avec le sigle PNH qui ont été
distribuées avant le match, selon les témoins, par la
police au commissariat de police de Martissant. Ces mêmes civils
qui ont apparus dans les maillots rouges et mouchoirs à la tête
au match de foot, armés avec des machettes et des hâches
ont été identifiés par des personnes dans le secteur
en tant que les mêmes gens qui ont été, il y a au
moins un mois, expulsés du secteur comme des malfaiteurs et voleurs
parmi lesquels étaient quelques évadés de prison
et voleurs. Certains de ces bourreaux ont été nommés
par des témoins comme les suivants: Georges Jean Yves; Gérard,
alyas "Gwo LOmbrik", Elifet,alyas "Tête Calé",
Ti Clody, Rudy, Joël; Eddy; Apoupann alyas "Colonel",
Ronald Toussaint, Kiki, Rambo Rocky, et Cliska. Le chef de la police
de Martissant a été également impliqué dans
l'opération par les témoins et selon les témoins
ce dernier les a menacé en disant qu'il viendrait après
eux et il les "éliminera" le jour suivant."
Le 21 aoôt, dimanche les mêmes hommes en maillot rouge,
accompagnés par la police ont envahi des voisinages de Gran Ravin
et ont brulés plus de quatre maisons censées d'être
des partisans Lavalas. Ils ont haché à mort d'autres victimes
comme ils l'ont fait le samedi.
Légende des photos : http://www.haitiaction.net/News/TL/8_26_5/8_26_5.html
# 1. membres de famille des victimes du lynchage à Gran Ravin
donne une intervue aux investigateurs des droits humains aujourd'hui,
25 août
# 2. Autre membres de famille des victimes de lynchage racontent leurs
# 3. Une école pour les pauvres construite par Pres. Aristide
actuellement vide et pas utilisée
# 4. Une vue de Port-Au-Prince de Gran Ravin
(note : _ #5 a été omis)
# 6. Mère d'un victime de lynchage
# 7. Une vue de la communauté Gran Ravin batie sur une colline
# 8. Une carte d'identité d' un jeune homme agé de 23
ans, victime de lynchage
Arrestation d’un important homme d’affaires en relation
les cas de kidnapping enregistrés à Port-au-Prince
(Unofficial English Translation of Radio Kiskeya report above):
An Important Businessman
Was Arrested in Relation to Kidnapping Cases recorded in Port-au-Prince
Tuesday August 23, 2005
Radio Kiskeya
Tuesday in Port-au-Prince, the police arrested an important Arab/Haitian
businessman, Stanley Handal, based on his involvement in kidnapping
cases that have plagued Port-au-Prince these last few months.
Mr. Handal, who also does business with the police, was apprehended
as part of the investigation in the disappearance of a (31 years old)
UNIBANK employee, Nathael Aleus Genelus, which occurred this past August
2, subsequent to his questioning at the police precinct of Delma 62.
The police inspector responsible for this precinct, James Bourdeau,
is being actively sought for his role in Mr. Genelus’ assumed
According to police sources, the investigation in the disappearance
of UNIBANK’s employee allowed police to uncover the existence
of a huge and powerful network of crooks, linked with drug money laundering,
kidnappings, and many other shady activities.
The Businessman Stanley Handal and the bank employee Genelus were apparently
part of this network. Sources contacted by radio Kiskeya pointed out
that it took the deployment of an important police contingent in order
to apprehend Stanley Handal. The UN civilian police (CIVPOL) were part
of the operations as well.
No further details were given about the bank employee’s fate,
as well as police inspector James Bourdeau’s.
Subsequent to a slowdown period, kidnapping cases are slowly returning,
spreading to previously unaffected parts of Port-au-Prince.
A Canadian, a Haitian residing in the US as well as a high level cadre
of the Taxation General Management were killed within a week.
Translated Radio Kiskeya Report
Arrestation d’un important homme d’affaires en relation
avec les cas de kidnapping enregistrés à Port-au-Prince
La police a procédé mardi à Port-au-Prince à
l’arrestation d’un
important homme d’affaires haïtien d’origine arabe,
M. Stanley Handal,
en relation avec la série d’actes de kidnapping enregistrés
Port-au-Prince ces derniers mois.
M. Handal, qui est aussi un fournisseur de la police, a été
dans le cadre de l’enquête ouverte autour de la disparition
employé de la UNIBANK, Nathael Aléus Génélus
(31 ans) depuis le 2 août
dernier après une interpellation dont il a été
l’objet au sous
commissariat de police de Delmas 62. L’inspecteur de police responsable
de ce sous-commissariat, James Bourdeau, est encore activement
recherché pour implication présumée dans l’enlèvement
de M. Génélus.
Selon des sources policières, l’enquête autour de
la disparition de
l’employé de la UNIBANK aurait permis à la police
de découvrir
l’existence d’un vaste et puissant réseau de malfaiteurs
impliqués dans
le blanchiment d’argent de la drogue, les actes de kidnapping
d’autres activités louches.
L’homme d’affaires Stanley Handal et l’employé
de banque Génélus,
feraient partie du réseau. Il aurait fallu le déploiement
forces de police pour l’appréhender, indiquent les sources
par Kiskeya. La police civile de l’ONU (CIVPOL) a également
participé à
Aucune précision n’a pu être obtenue sur le sort
de l’employé de
banque, de même que sur celui de l’inspecteur de police
James Bourdeau.
Après une période d’accalmie, une certaine recrudescence
des actes de
kidnapping est constatée à Port-au-Prince avec une tendance
l’extension du phénomène à d’autres
quartiers jusqu’ici épargnés.
Un canadien, un haïtien résidant aux Etats-Unis et un haut
cadre de la
Direction Générale des Impôts ont été
tués en moins d’une semaine à
Forwarded by the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
"Men anpil chay pa lou" is Kreyol for - "Many hands make
light a heavy load."
Join our International Solidarity - THE FREE HAITI
MOVEMENT. For info,
see: http://www.margueritelaurent.com/photogallery/haitisolidarityday.html
Matters To Be Investigated by
an International Tribunal on the
Bicentennial Coup:
List (partial) of The
Haitians" financed to starve democracy,
forment violence, sponsor the Coup D'etat:
UN Machetes in Haiti | Haitian Perspectives by August 15, 2005
(Letter to UN officials - Stop the slaughter and bloodshed in Haiti,
particular the new Coup D'etat folks practice of chopping up the
Lavalas poor and women with police machetes
HLLN's Open Letter Demanding a stop to UN slaughter in Site Soley
Demand a Stop to the killings in Site Soley | Denounce the slaughter
of Haitian people by UN Troops:
HLLN's thanks the Hip Hop Kulture Community for their Petition for
Peace in Haiti and M1 of Dead Prez
Open Letter to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva from New York Haitians
See also: No Voters, No Problem - HAITI: ELECTIONS IN A CEMETERY
(Text of Radio BC audio commentary)
(Audio Radio BC commentary)
Outsiders plan Haitian elections: No voters? No problem by Sue Ashdown
| Women's International League for Peace and Freedom | SFBayview, June
29, 2005 http://www.sfbayview.com/062905
Video: The Truth Behind the Haiti Coup
Amnesty International human rights report (in Kreyol and English) on
Haiti: Disarmament delayed, justice denied - July 28, 2005
or, http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGAMR360052005
Action Request******************************
HLLN Statement - Open Letter Demanding a Stop to UN slaughter
of Haitian civilians in Site soleil, Haiti, July 21, 2005
OF PREGNANT WOMEN AND 1, 2, 4 and 5-year old toddlers. Demand stop to
killings of Haitian civilians in Haiti by UN troops. Please send appeals
Solidarity Day Pictures & Articles
May 18, 2005 |
and Articles Witness Project |
photo for larger image |
Emmanuel "Dread"
Wilme - on "Wanted poster" of suspects wanted by the
Haitian police. |
"Dread" Wilme reported killed July 6, 2005
_______________ |
"Dread" Wilme speaks:
Radio Lakou New York, April 4, 2005 interview with Emmanuel "Dread"
_______________ |
Alert- Demand a Stop to Killings
in Cite Soleil:
Background Info,
Sample letters and Contact information provided, April 21, 2005
Crucifiction of Emmanuel
"Dread" Wilme,
a historical
Peralte - The old Bandit King of Haiti
* In 1919 the US murdered him and put the body on public display |
Urge the Caribbean Community to stand firm in not recognizing
the illegal Latortue regime: |
CARICOM Contacts |
Addresses |
Show at the
July 27, 2004 Haiti Forum Press Conference during the DNC
in Boston honoring those who stand firm for Haiti and democracy;
those who tell the truth about Haiti; Presenting the Haiti
Resolution, and; remembering Haiti's revolutionary legacy
in 2004 and all those who have lost life or liberty fighting
against the Feb. 29, 2004 Coup d'etat and its consequences |