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90% of the Agricultural Workers in the DR are Haitians (Haiti's most valuable asset: Its people)

Haiti Remittances top US $1.6b

US$2billion annually augmented by 360M more in Haiti remittances in 2010
Haiti is 3rd largest Dominican export over US $147 million in 2006
The Western vs Real Narrative on Haiti

Does the Western economic model and calculation of economic wealth fit Haiti, fit Dessalines' idea of wealth? No!
No other national group anywhere in the world sends more money home than Haitians living abroad

Note from Yves to the Network on UN operations in Site Soley:

Site Soley is prime waterfront real estate. Under pretext of killing bandits and apprehending kidnappers, the coup d'etat UN forces are depopulating Site Soley in order to steal the land for the elite sectors without compensating the impoverished occupants


HLLN's Media Campaign

Dessalines Is Rising!! Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!





Massacre in Haiti by Jafrikayiti
(Jean St. Vil)

Martin Luther King and the Man on the Road to Cite Soleil : The cry is always the same "we want to be free" by Jafrikayiti (Jean St. Vil)


Africa: In Solidarity with Site Soley
by Jacques Depelchin,
Allafrica.com, March 22, 2007

Donate to support this work zilibutton


Haiti's most valuable asset: Its people -
Their land, Gods and Dessalines' legacy

The Haitians Gods, the Gods of immemorial Africa, cannot be embodied without Haitian corporeal existence. The Gods are part of the land and depend on human devotees for their embodiment on earth. (The Revolutionary Potential of Haiti, its creeds, values and struggle)

Haitians living abroad prop up Haiti's economy, sending more than $1.65billion in cash to relatives

Does the Western economic calculation of wealth fit Haiti - fit Dessalines idea of wealth distribution?

"(n)o other national group anywhere in the world sends money home in higher proportion (than Haitians living abroad.)"

90% of the agricultural workers in the Dominican Republic are Haitian, according to a report from the IDB and the World Bank

AHP News - February 15, 2007 - English translation (Unofficial) |Source: <mlhaiti@cornernet.com>

Port-au-Prince, February 15, 2006 (AHP)- Hardly any agricultural activity would take place in the Dominican Republic without the participation of Haitian nationals, according to a study by the Inter-American development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank into the question of poverty in the Dominican Republic.

Haitian manual labor is so important in this sector that Dominican peasant leaders have admitted that the country's growth is in large part due to the contributions of Haitian immigrants to the agricultural sector or to the growth of exports.

A whole series of agricultural products such as rice, bananas, coffee, cocoa, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables and sugar benefit from Haitian labor, according to the report. Haitians also are employed in cleaning, watering and security activities on the plantations in addition to weighing and loading goods, the report observes.

Estimates made by the Dominican chamber of commerce and by producer Victorio Valerio indicate that Haitian involvement in rice production is so significant that it amounts to 100% of the work force in some cases.

At the national level, statistics indicate that nine out of 10 agricultural workers are Haitian.

In the report, the IDB and the World Bank acknowledge that their study is limited because there is very little information on the Haitian presence in the Dominican Republic.

Another report prepared by the Jesuit Service for refugees and Immigrants in the Dominican Republic concludes that the tomato industry based largely in Azua, San José, Ocoa in the south and northwest of the country employ a large number of Haitians, estimated at 60 to 70% of agricultural workers.

AHP February 15, 2007 2:00 PM
See also:
Haiti is 3rd largest Dominican export over US $147 million in 2006



Haiti remittances top US$1.6b
March 21, 2007, Jamaica Gleaner

Haitians living abroad propped up the economy of their impoverished Caribbean homeland by sending more than $1.65 billion in cash to relatives last year, according to a report from the Inter-American Development Bank.

That sum represented twice Haiti's national budget and 30 per cent of its gross domestic product, said Jean Geneus, Haiti's minister in charge of Haitians living abroad.

"Remittances are the most important economic factor in Haiti today," said Donald Terry, the manager of the IDB's Multilateral Investment Fund.

The study was presented on Tuesday to a group of political and economic decision-makers in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince.

Terry said an estimated US$400 million in food and other gifts were also sent home by Haitians living abroad, bringing the total remittances to more than US$2 billion. Haiti, a former French colony trying to establish democracy after decades of violence, dictatorship and military rule, is the poorest country in the Americas. Most of its eight million people scrape by on less than US$2 a day.

No absentee ballots

Haitians living abroad complain Haiti welcomes their money but not their participation in politics. Haitians abroad could not vote in the last election because there were no absentee ballots and those with dual citizenship cannot vote or run for office because the constitution considers them foreigners.

The study, conducted by Bendixen & Associates for the IDB, found 31 per cent of adults living in Haiti, or 1.1 million people, receive remittances regularly.
"Eighty-one per cent of Haitians living in the United States and Canada send money home on a regular basis," said Sergio Bendixen, who directed the survey. "No other national group anywhere in the world sends money home in higher proportion."

The report said 70 per cent of emigrants from the neighbouring Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, and 60 per cent of Mexicans send money to their families back home.

The study found that about 1.5 million Haitian-born adults are living and working abroad and that 80 per cent of them send money to relatives on a regular basis, with an average of US$150 at a time. (See also:
US$2billion annually augmented by 360M more in Haiti remittances in 2010.)


The Western vs the Real Narrative on Haiti
Ezili Dantò, HLLN, March 21, 2007

Haiti's most valuable asset is not the charity of the Western powers but the will of its people to live free and independent, sustained by Haiti's unique culture, revolutionary history, Kreyol language and Vodun spirituality. Ezili's HLLN works to bring this Haitian narrative to the forefront and to expose the lies and Western narratives and ugly propagandas about Haiti. (See, Haitian Riches, Economic proposals that make sense for the reality of Haiti - The Western economic model doesn't fit an independent Black nation; When Haiti Was Free - Video Evidence of Media Lies; Veil of Blood: Ignorance is no Defense; Media Lies: The two common storylines about Haiti - May 14, 2008 & August 27, 2007.)

A recent study noted that Haitians living abroad sent home, in 2006, remittances totaling more than US $2billion and that (n)o other national group anywhere in the world sends more money home in higher proportion (than Haitians living abroad and US$2billion annually augmented by 360M more in Haiti remittances in 2010.)

But this US $2billion amount is perhaps only a portion of what is actually invested per year in Haiti by Haitians living abroad. In fact this US$2billion may just reflect the tip of the iceberg. For it is only when Haitians are sending relatively small amounts that they use transfer companies. Every Haitian with relatives in Haiti, send monies in other ways that may not be readily observable and/or subject to transfer fees - either with relatives and friends going to Haiti, or in person.

Haitians also are the most significant immigrant population in the Caribbean, adding substantial value to the economies of the Caribbean countries they reside in. For instance, according to a recent report, "...Hardly any agricultural activity would take place in the Dominican Republic without the participation of Haitian nationals. (Go to: "90% of the agricultural workers in the Dominican Republic are Haitian, according to a report from the IDB and the World Bank" http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips
/laborvalue.html#90 ).

Yet, because of the Western narrative about Haiti, Haitians are the most persecuted human beings in the entire Western Hemisphere, bar none.

Haiti is continually punished for undermining the Western narrative and leading a successful slave revolt against white supremacy and tyranny. (See, Africa: In Solidarity with Site Soley, Haiti "... The collective and severe punishment which followed 1804 is in line with the syndrome of discovery, which can be stated as follows: discoverers shall always be discoverers, and should discovered ones discover anything, especially something universally acceptable such as emancipation, they shall be put back in their place. In the case of the slaves overthrowing slavery in Haiti, the virulent vengeance of the response has not abated, two centuries after the event. Indeed, the arsenal has grown bigger, multi-headed, more sophisticated...")

Thus, Haiti's most lethal problem is the former enslavers' historical narrative about how Blacks cannot govern themselves and are innately inferior to whites, which narrative is used to persecute modern day Haitians all over the world. The Euro/US former enslavers are not concerned with human rights in Haiti, or Africa for that matter. The US-led powers are committed only to NOT allowing democracy in Haiti, to NEVER allowing Haiti to be a success story because if the Black majority in Haiti was allowed to be, Haiti could become MORE of a model and motivation to Blacks all over the world resisting neocolonialism, financial colonialism, and US/Euro white domination that is founded on the Western narrative about the inferiority of Black people.

This is why Haiti's peoples, revolutionary history, Vodun spirituality and unique culture are suppressed. For, if they were not, and were utilize to first serve Haiti's own interests, than the fictional image that Haitians are unable to properly utilize the land they won in combat from France productively would be decimated. That is why the US/Euro powers use their military, diplomatic, political, media and economic powers to support and even create brutal dictators in Haiti and around the world as long as these dictators do their neocolonial biddings.

The meddling of the foreign powers, led by the US and the US's Haitian death squad/mercenaries (Raoul Cedras, Toto Constant, Guy Phillip, Louis Jodel Chamblain, Latortue, the Lucas, Apaid and Boulos families, et al), their IFI's endless debt and death policies (beginning with the 1825 Independence Debt paid to France and then to the US), their historic racist, patriarchal insistence on dependency and domination with sponsorship of 33 coup d'etats in Haiti to date continues to contain Haiti in poverty, while feeding US/Euro narratives about the incompetence of Haitians. The Independence Debt repayments and the 33 foreign-supported/encouraged coup d'etats in Haiti were to deny Haitians the ability to invest in their future. Through these, Haitians are forced, by the Western powers (US, France, Canada, Vatican and their IFIs) to begin again and again and again at ground zero or minus zero in terms of building wealth; kept contained-in-perpetual-poverty in the name and guises of Western interventions for "humanitarian aid" and "human rights" to Haiti! (See, Tyrants and Despots dressed up as "peacemakers," and "police" cleansing Haiti of "Bandits" )

With the 2004, Bush-sponsored 33rd coup d'etat in Haiti, the bloody demobilized Haitian army, first created by the US marines during their first occupation (1915-1934) of Haiti, was restructured into the current coup d'etat "police force" reigning in Haiti today and the demobilized soldiers were given ten years back pay for "time-off" during the people's Lavalas years. The rabid Haitian elites and "subcontracted Haitians", such as the Apaid and Boulos families, (mostly immigrants who found asylum in Haiti a few generations ago with no strong connection to the Haitian foreparents' Revolutionary Narrative along with noted black Haitian opportunists' like Stanley Lucas, Guy Phillip, Louis Jodel Chamblain, Jean Tatoune, et al,) were rewarded for selling out Haiti to the Internationals. This "private sector" was given 3-years tax break, US jobs and political positions in Haiti and/or in Washington, IDB commercial contracts, USAID/IRI/EuropeanUnion contracts, and most importantly rewarded with foreign contracts to run Haiti's electoral machines - Boulos was given an exclusive contract to print the voting ballots and Apaid's brother was given the contract, even though 90% of Haiti has no reliable electricity, to run Haiti's elections with computerized electoral voting.

"This Group 184/'private sector'/civil society where fake civil society fronts, with no large popular support because even with the 2004 coup d'etat, with all their political opponents in exile, dead, in hiding or in prison, even with all the odds on their side, and all the electronic advantages in their realm and the UN forces helping to “pacify” their opponents, they simply could not garner more than 8% to 12% of the Haitian vote in the Feb. 7, 2006 election, that brought back to power, President Rene Preval as a means to show support for the return of President Jean Bertrand Aristide. (http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/expose.html ). Guy Phillip, whose murderous convoy the Western media traveled with as he and they decimated Haiti's authentic electoral democracy, was allowed to run for president and garnered a paltry 1.7% of the vote even with the Apaid family running the voting machines. (See also, "Decoding the ‘Haiti Democracy Project’" by Dominique Esser; "HLLN’s links HDP, the Haiti Death Project and how the most powerful countries and peoples in the world are hurting the poorest and most powerless." http://www.williambowles.info/haiti-news/2006/0406/hlln_160406.html )

Under the reign of IRI's Boca Raton regime, Haiti's minimum wage, already the lowest in the Western Hemisphere, was CUT in half; Haiti's jails were emptied of criminals and filled up with Lavalas and other innocent Haitian resisters (Yvon Neptune, Father Jean Juste, So Ann, Amanus Mayette, Rene Civil...) to the US/France/Canada bicentennial coup d'etat. From Feb. 2004 to Preval’s election, more than $965 million was rewarded in foreign “aid” to the imposed Boca Raton regime. No one knows what the Neocon’s Haitian technocrats did with this money taken in the name of Haiti by the coup-d'etat-Haitians; over $70 million is under question through the foreign ministry alone. Meanwhile, U.N. firepower holds up the coup-d'etat-oligarchy, allows for robbing Haiti blind, the suppression of the Haitian majority’s interests, the wholesale incarceration of Haiti's boys and young men and the continued Western containment and impoverishing of Haiti.

Go to:
Expose the lies about Haiti, its people, culture, Vodun spirituality and unique resources http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/expose.html

- Stealing Haiti's Gold, Copper and Uranium under cover of regime change - The Exploitation of Gold and Copper in Trou Du Nord

-Gold and Copper Exploitation Resumes in the North and Northeast Departments of Haiti http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/expose1.html#gold2

- Plundering Haiti's Under Water Treasures: Authorities in Florida are opening an investigation into the origins of emeralds stolen from an interim Haitian dignitary's home

-Audit of State Institutions continues: Valuable objects stolen from the National Palace

-Microbe discovered in Haitian soil may develop super-antibiotic drug

- Fleecing Haiti: Is Latortue getting $15,000 per month PENSION from Haiti?

- Genocide and the UN's deliberate depopulation of Site Soley, a prime oceanfront property of the poor, under pretext of controlling crime in Haiti

-Conspiracy of Not? The UN Slaughter in Haiti is a Crime Against Humanity

-Coincidence or Intentional? Is there an International plan to depopulate and exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population?

- Vodun: The Light and Beauty of Haiti

- Haiti: Privatisation plan starts with mass firings


Does the Western economic model and calculation of economic wealth fit Haiti, fit Dessalines' idea of wealth distribution?

...In terms of Gross domestic product (GDP).

A country's average GDP is what is used to define how large (successful/ unsuccessful) a country's economy is.

Haiti's GDP is what is used by the World Bank and other IFI's to place it last in the Western Hemisphere as the "poorest."

The question is, should we actually accept this as a legitimate indicator of Haiti's comparative economy or lack of economy?

GDP is defined generally as:
"The GDP of a country is defined as the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. It is also considered the sum of value added at every stage of production of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. Until the 1980s the term GNP or gross national product was used in the United States(USA). The two terms GDP and GNP are almost identical - and yet entirely different; GDP being concerned with the region in which income is generated and GNP (or GNI - Gross National Income) being a measure of the accrual of income to a region. The most common approach to measuring and understanding GDP is the expenditure method:

GDP = consumption + investment + (government spending) + (exports - imports."

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Gross_domestic_ product

In Haiti, who is counting the INFORMAL ECONOMY, the Madam Sarah (marketwomen) trade, et al. ("...Haiti is a country filled with "non-workers." With an "informal sector" that is the economic backbone of Ti Pèp La - the masses in Haiti..." HLLN Regarding OPL and Batay Ouvrye.)

Who is putting a monetary value on the property of the poor in Haiti? Property they have owned for generations and which, in a capitalist setting, would be marked and given a market value?

But most importantly, if in St. Kitts for instance, the vast majority of the people are averaging making, let's say $700 per year. But the Marriott Hotel, the Island's largest employer, is making, lets say, $500 million a year. Now if GDP is calculated by taking the $500 million and averaging it with the $700s per year to get the country's GDP, is this really the average wealth of folks in St. Kitts? Remember the Marriott exports most of this $500 million out of St. Kitts.

Haiti is necessarily tagged as "poorest" BECAUSE there are LESS foreign corporations in Haiti than anywhere else in the Caribbean. Why? Because the poor in Haiti OWN more than the poor anywhere else in the Caribbean. Is "Western Development" (which would necessarily equal FOREIGN companies owning more in Haiti) and their calculation of GDP really indicative of true Haitian wealth and what Dessalines would call "development? "

These are important and critical consideration.

Just as U.S. (electoral-college) "democracy" was homegrown, over a century to fit the U.S. and cannot be arbitrarily fitted to other places, (U.S. democracy cannot be exported to Haiti) neither also can US/Breton-Wood idea of wealth and economic development, be applicable to Haitians, especially if that means Haiti would be a corporate "haven" with foreign "skilled" workers flown in, the native Haitian generally relegated to being maid and butler, with a Haitian army (police) foreign-trained to protect the foreigners at the expense of the native Haitian's freedom and personal liberties and all the good land and properties owned by foreigners.

Wouldn't Haiti then just be Jamaica? Jamaica has the highest gang and murder rate. Yet, because foreigners own most of the wealth, their white corporate media play down the poverty and inequities and give it a very good image for tourism and "economic development. "

Haitians must define for themselves, in Dessalines fashion, what good Haitian economic development would look like. The models being presented, through the economic, legal, social and political prism of Haiti's subjugators, go against the Revolutionary Maroon's and Dessalines' struggle for equitable division of Haitian assets amongst Haitians.

"Haiti, 'the poorest country of the, so-called, "Western" hemisphere' reads the lamentation billboards of the Western media. As if Haiti and its poverty is a stain on the image expected to be projected by the West. Or a tortuous way of warning those who might be interested in following the same route? You shall be crushed so badly that no one else would be tempted to think outside of the path traced by the discoverers and abolitionists...Is it not true that we keep hearing that the only way to improve the lot of humanity is to forget our humanity in order to save ourselves later, by following the very mindset which has brought us to such a precarious point?...," (Africa: In Solidarity with Site Soley by Jacques Depelchin)

From the beginning to now, the Haitian way was other than that of the "discoverers." There is important work to be done by good Haiti economist on what a Haitianist economy would look like.

No other national group anywhere in the world sends money home in higher proportion than Haitians living abroad

The Haitian Diaspora holds up the common man/woman - Ti pèp la - in Haiti. Always has. Not international aid, a great percentage of which, if not most goes to folks who are unemployed in the donor country, or who are being "rewarded" for positions taken that is in the interest of the donor country that most times undermines Haiti.

The fact that Haitians are helping Haitians is critical and cannot be sweeped under the table as if it was a bad thing or in terms of given it a negative swing. It is a positive that Haitians living abroad have not forgotten their homeland and families. It is an important asset of Haiti. And Haitians living abroad should be recognized and further
encouraged to invest and participate in the economic development of Haiti. In fact, the ordinary Haitian is the ONLY one who will have the necessary desire to stay the course of development inspite of ALL the issues because of the personal angle: family, relative, homeland, sense of belonging, sense of pride, a unique cultural heritage.

However, although it is EXTREMELY important to commend our people for what they do to help Haiti, and to recognize that the more than $2 billion dollars Haitians living abroad send to Haiti per year (in 2006) is MORE than ANY total international aid that trickles down to the common, everyday Haitian in Haiti, there is a BETTER WAY TO SEND THE MONEY so that its IMPACT is doubled, quadrupled.

Western Union pretty much, as American Airlines, has a monopoly on Haitian trade from those living in the diaspora.

What is the dollar profit figure on their transfer fees and other charges? Should it afford Haiti leverage?

No one will do this for us. In terms of Haitian development, I've always counted out the Haitian government. The elites and economic classes are not paying taxes to run free of the vicious circle of foreign aid "help" and its humiliating ("free trade /privatization") conditions and strings attached. The national industries owned by the state are always gutted in coup detat, corruption, et al. Moreover, in my lifetime, my experience with Haiti work, illustrates how the traditional enemies of Haitian development ALWAYS go through the government TO contain Haiti in poverty and chaos with the carrot of "foreign aid," "democracy enhancement," "foreign investment" or "humanitarian assistance" that does little more than bring dependency. But still we must move forward and the current Haitian Diaspora is one of Haiti's single most important untapped asset. Something Haiti has not had in the numbers and significance it has now.

This means we have more reach, more rights and leverage abilities than ever before.

What percentage of the fees being collected by Western Union and others on the more than $2 billion (sent in 2006 for instance) can be expected to be re-invested by that company in impoverished Haitian communities under stress in Haiti and abroad?

More precisely, if the Haitian government or an authentic Haitian business organization formed a Haitian DEVELOPMENT BANK, or opened up a credit union or a branch of Haiti's national bank in the US for these transfers and asked Haitians to pass their monies that are being sent to relatives through this transfer bank, why couldn't that bank then turn around and BORROW monies (credit lines) for development projects in Haiti, on a percentage of the expected transfers and thereby LEVERAGE this more than $2 billion per year in order to help develop Haiti?

Over ten years ago, I put that question to the Haitian government then in power and the Minister of Haitians in the Diaspora. Over ten years ago, I also put before these entities the idea of encouraging Haitians living in the diaspora, who are retired, to come live in Haiti and thereby spend their (many of these retirees have fixed social security payments coming in regularly) pensions and income IN HAITI. This is another way of meeting the needs of Haitians at home and abroad and leveraging to our own benefit. Isn't self-reliance, self-determination - a way other than what amounts to begging and accepting malevolent charity, with all its attendant offensive and debilitating foreign strings and dependency entrapments - what Jean Jacques Dessalines required of his descendants?

The dual citizen question is also involved here and as everyone knows HLLN pushed to try and get that passed. A law benefiting Haitians living abroad was eventually passed, before the second coup detat, under the Aristide 2000 administration. Perhaps without the 2004 coup d'etat, another seating Legislature might have already addressed the requirements to confirm dual citizenship by now. But with the 2004 bicentennial coup d'etat, this is all up in the air again, for the powers-that-be would prefer that only the small reactionary-Haitian-elites at home and in the diaspora, holding up the interest of the Neocon (colonialist) and former enslavers, have a say in Haitian affairs. It is precisely because of this, and because of the 2002 laws already addressing the issues dual citizenship needed to address that HLLN now says that all that is necessary for Haitians to fully participate in the affairs of Haiti, other than positions in the Executive or Legislative branches of government, is currently available. "It has become increasingly clear that no Haitian, with citizenship elsewhere, NEEDS legislative or executive power just to assist Haiti's sustainable development, or to claim their Haitian heritage." (See, Ezili's HLLN on dual citizenship, the Diaspora middlemen for the colonists and Why Constitutional Amendment is not a priority for Haiti right now: Food, Fuel, Schools, Sanitation, Social welfare, Jobs and Building Flood Barriers, Roads and Infrastructure, et al... are more immediate priorities for Haiti).

So there we are. Still, it is critical that enough Haitian consensus is formed so that the money sent per year to Haiti is leveraged towards a Haitianist development model - it is on the fluidity of money and credit access that the U.S. stock market is run and billionaires are made. Why shouldn't Haitians take advantage of all that is available in the financial markets with this more than $2 billion per year asset? (US$2billion annually augmented by 360M more in Haiti remittances in 2010.)

In a series of articles written for the October 17, 2006 bicentennial commemoration of the life and works of Dessalines, I wrote for HLLN that: "Haiti's liberator and founding father, General
Jean Jacques Dessalines, said, "I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided" and for that he was assassinated by the Mullato sons of France. That was the first coup d'etat, the Haitian holocaust - organized exclusion of the masses, misery, poverty and the impunity of the economic elite - continues (with Feb. 29, 2004 marking the 33rd coup d'etat). Haiti's peoples continue to resist the return of despots, tyrants and enslavers who wage war on the poor majority and Black, contain-them-in poverty through neocolonialism' debts, "free trade" and foreign "investments." These neocolonial tyrants refuse to allow an equitable division of wealth, excluding the majority in Haiti from sharing in the country's wealth and assets." (See also, Kanga Mundele: Our mission to live free or die trying, Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation; The Legacy of Impunity of One Sector-Who killed Dessalines?; The Legacy of Impunity: The Neoconlonialist inciting political instability is the problem. Haiti is underdeveloped in crime, corruption, violence, compared to other nations, all, by Ezili Dantò .)

Frankly, it is up to each and every Haitian capable to make a way out of no way for Haiti to beat its great powerful enemies at their own game, but on our own battlefields, upholding Dessalines law and ideals with our own and very substantial and indomitable inner and outer sources. The Haitian government may help. But, in my experience any initiative they take that denies BIG BUSINESS their umpteenth profit, will be used against Haiti and Haitians, living at home and abroad.

Kenbe la, pa lage.

Ezili Dantò
Founder and President of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network ("HLLN")
(Dedicated to protecting the full civil, human, and cultural rights of Haitians living at home and abroad)
March 21, 2007 *

*Updated to reflect HLLN's new position on dual citizenship, as expressed at: Ezili's HLLN on dual citizenship, the Diaspora middlemen for the colonists and Why Constitutional Amendment is not a priority for Haiti right now: Food, Fuel, Schools, Sanitation, Social welfare, Jobs and Building Flood Barriers, Roads and Infrastructure, et al... are more immediate priorities for Haiti, Oct. 25, 2008. (See: US$2billion annually augmented by 360M more in Haiti remittances in 2010.)


See also: Racism and Poverty; Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth; Haitian Riches; Economic proposals that make sense for the reality of Haiti - The Western economic model doesn't fit an independent Black nation; When Haiti Was Free - Video Evidence of Media Lies; Veil of Blood: Ignorance is no Defense; Media Lies: The two common storylines about Haiti - May 14, 2008 & August 27, 2007; HLLN counter-colonial narrative links; Rich countries use trade deals to seize food from the world's hungriest people ; and, What Haitian-Americans Ask of Congress and the New US President.)


Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!

"When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped...........If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is a compromise." Robert Fritz

HLLN's controversy
with Marine
US occupiers
Lt. Col. Dave Lapan faces off with the Network
Solidarity Day Pictures & Articles
May 18, 2005
Pictures and Articles Witness Project
Drèd Wilme, A Hero for the 21st Century


Pèralte Speaks!

Yvon Neptune's
Letter From Jail
April 20, 2005

(Kreyol & English)
Click photo for larger image
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme - on "Wanted poster" of suspects wanted by the Haitian police.
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme speaks:
Radio Lakou New York, April 4, 2005 interview with Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme

Crucifiction of
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme,
a historical

Urgent Action:
Demand a Stop
to the Killings
in Cite Soleil

Sample letters &
Contact info

Denounce Canada's role in Haiti: Canadian officials Contact Infomation

Urge the Caribbean Community to stand firm in not recognizing the illegal Latortue regime:

Selected CARICOM Contacts
zilibutton Slide Show at the July 27, 2004 Haiti Forum Press Conference during the DNC in Boston honoring those who stand firm for Haiti and democracy; those who tell the truth about Haiti; Presenting the Haiti Resolution, and; remembering Haiti's revolutionary legacy in 2004 and all those who have lost life or liberty fighting against the Feb. 29, 2004 Coup d'etat and its consequences
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