
Another Independence Day Under Occupation, by Èzili Dantò, January. 1, 2009

Independence or Death:
Celebrating the 205th Anniversary of The Haitian Revolution


What do we do on an independence day under occupation? January 1, 2009


Background Information of the FreeHaitiMovement

HLLN's counter-colonial narrative on deforestation , Haitian Perspectives, Oct. 25, 2008

HLLN on need for Constitutional Amendment in Haiti - Not A Priority, Haitian Perspectives, Oct. 25, 2008

Haitian Americans Ask of the US Congress and New US President
By HLLN, Haitian Perspectives, Sept. 2008

HLLN is mobilizing legislative and international support for Haitian-American foreign policy concerns


Bòn Ane 2009!

New Year Message from President Jean Bertrand Aristide, Pretoria, Dec. 2008 (Audio Recording -JBA_2009)


Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!


Sam Cooke-It's Been A Long Time Coming...But Change Gonna Come


Diskou desalin premye janvye

CKUT Interview (in English - 34:03) with Ezili Dantò on Mining of Haiti Resources and Riches by Chris Scott for CKUT (90.3 FM) in Montreal, April 29, 2009

Haiti Riches: Lakounewyork (Kreyòl) Interview with Ezili Dantò on environmental degradation concerns of gold/copper mining in Haiti, May 6, 2009

To subscribe, write to erzilidanto@yahoo.com
zilibuttonCarnegie Hall
Video Clip
No other national
group in the world
sends more money
than Haitians living
in the Diaspora
Red Sea- audio

The Red Sea

Ezili Dantò's master Haitian dance class (Video clip)

zilibuttonEzili's Dantò's
Haitian & West African Dance Troop
Clip one - Clip two

So Much Like Here- Jazzoetry CD audio clip

Ezili Danto's

to Self

Update on
Site Soley

RBM Video Reel

Angry with
Boat sinking
A group of Haitian migrants arrive in a bus after being repatriated from the nearby Turks and Caicos Islands, in Cap-Haitien, northern Haiti, Thursday, May 10, 2007. They were part of the survivors of a sailing vessel crowded with Haitian migrants that overturned Friday, May 4 in moonlit waters a half-mile from shore in shark-infested waters. Haitian migrants claim a Turks and Caicos naval vessel rammed their crowded sailboat twice before it capsized. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Dessalines' Law
and Ideals

Breaking Sea Chains

Little Girl
in the Yellow
Sunday Dress

Anba Dlo, Nan Ginen
Ezili Danto's Art-With-The-Ancestors Workshops - See, Red, Black & Moonlight series or Haitian-West African

Clip one -Clip two
ance performance
zilibutton In a series of articles written for the October 17, 2006 bicentennial commemoration of the life and works of Dessalines, I wrote for HLLN that: "Haiti's liberator and founding father, General Jean Jacques Dessalines, said, "I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided" and for that he was assassinated by the Mullato sons of France. That was the first coup d'etat, the Haitian holocaust - organized exclusion of the masses, misery, poverty and the impunity of the economic elite - continues (with Feb. 29, 2004 marking the 33rd coup d'etat). Haiti's peoples continue to resist the return of despots, tyrants and enslavers who wage war on the poor majority and Black, contain-them-in poverty through neocolonialism' debts, "free trade" and foreign "investments." These neocolonial tyrants refuse to allow an equitable division of wealth, excluding the majority in Haiti from sharing in the country's wealth and assets." (See also, Kanga Mundele: Our mission to live free or die trying, Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation; The Legacy of Impunity of One Sector-Who killed Dessalines?; The Legacy of Impunity:The Neoconlonialist inciting political instability is the problem. Haiti is underdeveloped in crime, corruption, violence, compared to other nations, all, by Marguerite 'Èzili Dantò' Laurent
No other national group in the world sends more money than Haitians living in the Diaspora


Oct 17 – Day of Heroes In Haiti- See
Dialogue between Two Haitians


HLLN on oversight needed on USAID


Bòn Ane 2009 ! New Year Message from President Jean Bertrand Aristide from , December, 2008 (Audio Recording -JBA_2009)

Bòn Ane 2009 !

Sè m, Frè m,

Nan lespri Mèm Amou an,
Minouche avè m kontan
Vin anbrase w fratènèlman
E swete w yon Bòn Ane 2009.

Jan Jezi ta di w nan lang ebre a : (_____)
Ki vle di : Bòn Ane ! (______) Bòn Ane !

Anpil afeksyon pou ti moun yo ! 
Yon gwo akolad espesyal pou
Tout viktim lekòl ki efondre yo
Ak tout viktim dènye siklòn yo,
Pandan n swete solèy 2009 la
Va klere nan yon pi bèl Ayiti.

Limyè ak chalè solèy la pran
8 minit 18 segonn pou rive sou tè a.
Pèmèt mwen pran kèk segonn
Pou m fè chalè salitasyon an rive
Nan tout seksyon kominal
Kòm nan tout katye popilè :

Okap, Okay, Jeremi, Pòdepè, Fò Libète, Gonayiv,
Ench, Jakmèl, Miragwan, Sen Mak, Tigwav,
Site Solèy, Lasalin, Bèlè, Solino, Matisan,
Gran Ravin, Kafou, Taba, Laplenn, Delma,
Petyonvil, Kenskòf, kòm nan Pòtoprens
Enfen, nan kè Ayisyen lakay kòm lòt bò dlo,
San bliye frè nou Lovenski Pierre-Antoine.

Chak premye janvye toujou sanble
Ak yon paj blanch nan kaye listwa.
Nan paj premye janvye 1804 la,
Gran Gran Paran nou yo te ekri
Yon kokenn Testaman Diyite
Pou tout Ayisyen te ka viv nan
Libète – Egalite – Fratènite.

Testaman an vin blaze men li pa efase.
Testaman an chifonnen men li pa dechire.

Pandan nou youn ap swete lòt
(_______) Bòn Ane,
Nou salye memwa tout moun
Ki sakrifye lavi yo nan defann
Dwa ak Diyite Pèp Ayisyen.

Onè pou Papa Jan Jak Desalin le Gran !
Respè pou Jeni ras la, Tousen Louvèti !

An 1802, kignapig Tousen Louvèti
Te reprezante nan listwa d Ayiti
Yon pwen alaliy e non yon pwen final.
Jodia plis ke jamè, Tousen Louvèti
Rete yon gid pou save nan syans sosyal.
Jeni sa a se yon Ewo entènasyonal
Pou tout Pèp vanyan ki swaf jistis :
Jistis sosyal kòm jistis ekonomik.

Anvan kignapig ane 1802 a,
Tousen tap fè louvèti pou Ayiti.
Youn nan pi gwo tonton zam
Tousen te itilize, se te sèvo l.
Sèvo pa l te toujou branche
Sou sèvo Pèp vanyan an.

Pèsonn pat reyisi jwe nan may Tousen
Pou dekonekte sèvo l ak sèvo Pèp la.

Sontonaks eseye, nad marinad.
Edouvil eseye, anyen menm.
Prejije Napoleyon Bonapat
Te anpeche l konprann kijan
Tousen te gen yon sèvo lòt nivo.

Sèvo Tousen kòm sèvo tout moun
Peze 2 pou san pwa kò a, men
Li konsome 20 pou san oksijèn
Ak san k ap sikile nan kò a.
Si yon moun pase 3 a 5 minit
San l pa respire oksijèn,
Moun sa a deja tou pre lanmò.

Pou Tousen Louvèti, libète se tankou oksijèn.
Kote ki gen lesklavaj, Tousen pat ka respire.
Soufrans mas Pèp la se te soufrans pa l.
Lè flèch tribilasyon an pike youn nan yo,
Tousen te santi doulè a nan pwòp kè pa l.

Jiskaprezan, se menm bonte sa a
Ki ret tache sou Pèp Ayisyen an
Tankou yon pafen ki santi bon.

Kit se bonte sa a, kit se zantray Peyi a
Ou rasin kilti a, tout gen pafen santi bon.
Dayè, pou jan Peyi nou an nan mìzè,
Si se vre zo a pat gen ni vyann ni mwèl,
Ou kwè ta gen tout koudeta sa yo ?

Dènye koudeta kidnapig 29 fevriye 2004 la
Kase tout kolonn vètebral Peyi a bout pa bout
San poutchis yo pa janm jwenn bout ki gen sèvo a.

Mennen koulèv la lekòl se youn, fèl chita se de.
Pèp la granmoun depi nan zòtey rive nan tèt.
An bon kreyòl : Pòch li vid men tèt li pa vid.

Ann gade byen ! Jodia atravè lemonn,
Chak 40 segonn, yon moun swiside tèt li.
Pi fò swisid sa yo fèt nan peyi moun rich.
Erezman bò lakay, sèvo moun pa tonbe
Nan tantasyon sa a pou ti krik ti krak.
Solidarite moun ak moun bay anpil vitamin
Pou fòtifye 100 milya selil ki nan sèvo a.

Gen yon gwoup nan selil sa yo ki rele neronn.
Selil neronn yo espesyalize nan kominike youn ak lòt.
Kominikasyon sa a pèmèt sèvo a kòmande tout rès kò a.

Bò dwat sèvo a kòmande tout bò goch kò a.
Bò goch sèvo a kòmande tout bò dwat kò a.

E 2 bò sèvo a kominike antre yo
Gras a yon matyè ki kole yo ansanm.
Matyè sa se tankou yon lakòl blanch
Ke save yo rele “kòpous kalosoum.”

Lè koudeta fann yon peyi 2 bò,
Fòk minorite a rekole ak majorite a
Tankou 2 bò yon sèvo ki kole
Ak “kòpous kalosoum.”

Wi, lè koudeta fann yon peyi 2 bò,
Fòk minorite a rekole ak majorite a
Tankou 2 bò yon sèvo ki kole
Ak “kòpous kalosoum.”

Inite sa a endispansab paske sèvo a bezwen
Ni vitamin ki soti nan manje moun manje,
Ni vitamin ki soti nan solidarite moun ak moun.

Souwè Bòn Ane ki pataje ak senserite,
Pa egzanp, ka bay bon vitamin solidarite.
Kanta pou tout bon souwè ki soti nan
Bèl solidarite 15 jiyè a menm, se pa pale !

Pèmèt mwen pwofite di n 15 mil mèsi
Pou kokenn temwayaj solidarite sa a.
Jan Tousen Louvèti te aprann nou an,
Sèvo nou ap toujou branche youn nan lòt.

Pami 100 milya selil ki nan sèvo moun,
Gen yon lòt gwoup yo rele selil gliyal.
Selil gliyal yo espesyalize nan pran swen
Lòt gwoup selil ke yo rele neronn yo.

Chak gwoup selil sa yo gen espesyalite pa yo.
Men, youn bezwen lòt pou gen bon fonksyonman.
La a toujou, nou obsève yon bèl sous enspirasyon
Pou ranfòse solidarite ant Ayisyen ak Ayisyen.
Trè souvan, absans amoni lage latwoublay
Andan sosyete a kòm anndan sèvo moun.

Atravè lemonn, sou chak 4 moun,
Gen youn ki soufri twoub mantal.
Nan lane 2020, pral gen plis moun
Kap fè depresyon sou depresyon,
Plis moun kap soufri strès ou vin fou.

Dayè, 75 pou 100 nan moun
Ki soufri twoub mantal pa gen kòb
Pou chèche bon jan tretman kay doktè.
Konsa, yon senp twoub mantal
Konn transfòme an maladi mantal.

Soti nan twoub mantal ou nevroz,
Tonbe nan maladi mantal ou psikoz,
Se soti nan ti depans tonbe nan gwo depans.
Lè sa a, pa gen ni lapè nan tèt ni lapè nan vant.

Pou gen lapè nan tèt ak lapè nan vant,
Fòk pa gen asid batri nan trip moun.
Boulvès trajik mwa avril 2008 yo
Reveye chofè tèt mato k ap dòmi
Sou volan kamyon bwat mizè a,
Men, nou toujou panche 2 wou anlè
Bò falèz malè pandye - pi ta pi tris la.

Pèsonn pa bezwen linèt gwo loup pou wè
Pèp la pa rantre tout bon, se sou twotwa a
Li kanpe ak menm asid batri a nan vant li.

Lavichè sa a fè yon lòt seri dega ki pa twò vizib
Men, viktim yo la e y ap ogmante nan divès peyi :
Chak ane 18 milyon ti moun fèt tou andikape mantal.
Pouki sa ? Paske yo manke yon vitamin ki rele yòd.

An jeneral, ti bebe ki gen ant 6 a 24 mwa
Toujou bezwen bon jan vitamin yo rele fè a.
Absans vitamin sa a, malerezman, ralanti
Devlopman mantal 60% nan ti bebe sa yo.

Tank kalamite sa yo fè dega nan sèvo moun,
Se tank yo fouye twou lanmò toupatou sou tè a.

• Chak jou, 25 mil moun mouri grangou nan lemonn.
• Chak 5 segonn, m di byen, chak 5 segonn,
yon ti moun mouri grangou.
• Chak ane, 9 milyon moun mouri grangou.

Pou tablo trajik sa a parèt pi klè toujou pou nou,
Ann imajine n yon peyi ki menm gwosè ak Ayiti
E ki genyen menm kantite popilasyon moun ladann.
Nan lespas yon sèl ane, tout moun nan peyi sa a disparèt.
Se egzakteman malè sa a k rive chak ane atravè lemonn.

Sè m, Frè m,

Ou kwè Tousen ta ret bra kwaze, bouch be
Devan konsekans esklavaj modèn sa a ? Jamè.
Tousen tap fè sèvo l mache pou mobilize
Tout moun ki vle tout moun viv kòm moun.

Nan sans sa a, fòk Fanmi Lavalas toujou loreya
Nan mobilize Pèp la pou defann enterè Pèp la.
Pasifikman ! Fòk Fanmi Lavalas toujou loreya
Nan mobilize Pèp la pou defann enterè Pèp la.

Ak rezon, paske toupatou se mèt kò ki veye kò.
Anvan kidnapig 29 fevriye 2004 la, lespwa te fè viv.
Jodia, boujon lespwa a pa fleri anba wòch trayizon.
Li klè, boujon lespwa a pa fleri anba wòch trayizon.

Aletranje lè yo pa montre Ayisyen kap manje tè,
Kamera a fikse sou bòl ble lacharite silvouplè a.

Soufrans sa a pou nou tout,
Sof pou sèvo ki nan koma.
Pandan tout ane 2009 sa a,
Fòk n ede sèvo ki nan koma yo
Reveye pou n met men ansanm.

An 2007, sèvo yon Polonè ke yo rele
Jan Grzebski te reveye byen vivan
Aprè msye te fin pase 19 lane nan koma.

Wi, lè a rive pou yon revèy san parèy, paske
Imilyasyon Ayiti se imilyasyon tout Ayisyen.

Se pa pou lawont sa a Tousen te sakrifye lavi l.
Paske imilyasyon Ayiti se imilyasyon tout Ayisyen,
Fòk nou tout pote kole pou nou chanje sa
Nan mobilize ni matyè griz, ni matyè blanch.

Anndan sèvo tout moun ki nòmal,
Pa gen matyè griz san matyè blanch.
Plis selil sa yo ponpe enèji nan sèvo a,
Plis n ap jwenn kouraj pou nou refè

“ L’Union fait la Force.”

Konsa, Testaman an pap ni blaze ni dechire.
E nou tout, na santi nou pi fyè pou nou viv
Nan yon lòt Ayiti, kidonk yon Ayiti ki pi bèl.

Se nan lòt Ayiti sa a menm
Nou kase yon randevou istorik :
Randevou MEM AMOU AN !

Nan lang Swahili,
Upendo huo huo !
Sa vle di :

An natandan Minouche avè m
Vin kanpe bradsou bradsa avè w
Nan randevou Mèm Amou an,
Nou anbrase w fratènèlman e di w
An Swahili : Tutaonana Ayiti !
Sa vle di : Na wè an Ayiti !
Ana kwa ana ! Sa vle di : Fasafas !

Tutaonana Ayiti ! Na wè an Ayiti !
Ana kwa ana ! Fasafas !
Upendo huo huo ! Mèm Amou !

Pretoria, Desanm 2008

***************** (Audio Recording -JBA_2009) *****************

Eyewitness account of the abduction of President and First Lady Aristide of Haiti by the United States Special Forces


Children dying in Haiti, victims of food crisis
Life gets worse for Haiti's hungry children
U.N.: High food prices creating more hunger

Bon Ane 2008! - Mèm Amou
Year Message from President Jean Bertrand Aristide
from Petroria, South Africa|(in Kreyol) | Dec., 2007 (mp3 audio)


Bon Ane 2007 (New Year's message from President Jean Bertrand Aristide (in Kreyol text and audio) December , 2006



Ezili Danto's Note: I first wrote this piece on December 31, 2005. It's in our archives and at http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/Jan1_08.html#08 ).

January 1, 2009 - Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation
Today, January 1, 2009, I see no need to completely rewrite this New Year's-Independence Day Haiti message. We are still spending another Haitian independence day under occupation. The December 31, 2005 essay is as applicable for January 1, 2009 as it was for January 1, 2008. Different Haitians are dying, in jail and being abused, raped and slaughtered. We are still under UN occupation, a USAID/NGO shadow government that cancels out Preval's puppet government, weighing it down in capricious international provisions, rules and supervisions rather than as before, living under little Bush's imposed bloody Boca Raton regime. This past year, Klorox hunger exploded into the April 2008 famine crisis used to unseat Haiti's Prime Minister, Jacques Edouard Alexis. And the four, back-to-back September 2008 hurricanes and storms killed almost 1,000 Haitians, while the school collapse that killed almost 100 school children is evidence of what happens when a duly elected Haitian president is ousted by right wing powers, letting anarchy run amok, leaving the Haitian people and children totally without protection. This year, in 2009, HLLN shall continue to counter the colonial narrative and push to end the UN occupation, restore Haiti's sovereignty, advocate for a more humane US-Haiti relationship as outlined in our postings and at What Haitian-Americans Ask of the New US Congress and President. Other than this, the changes made for this essay to fit the current situation in Haiti on January 1, 2009 are minimal.

I hope next year not to find this essay still an applicable template. Happy 205th Birthday Haiti (January 1, 1804 to January 1, 2009). We shall fight from one generation to the next. Nothing much has changed, see The Crucifixion of Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme by U.N. Troops: A historical perspective, where one learns the Haitian revolution warriors' song that they chanted into battle is still applicable today: - Grenadye alaso sa ki mouri zafè a yo. Nanpwen manman, nanpwen papa. Sa ki mouri zafè a yo!!!! Or, if you know Boukman's Prayer at Bwa Kayiman, another verse may well also end with: Sa ki mouri n ap vanje yo!.

The Haitian struggle is the greatest David vs. Goliath battle being played out on this planet. Haiti pays and is paying over and over again an Independence Debt. The 1804 Independence Proclamation of Haiti's Founding father, General Jean Jacques Dessalines, warned: "....if they find asylum amongst us, they will be once more the schemers of our troubles and our divisions."

Men, nou pap bay legen.

Èzili Dantò
Li led li la
January 1, 2009

January 1, 2009 - Another Haitian independence day under occupation

January 1, 2009 marks Haiti’s freedom day.

205 years ago - Jan. 1, 1804 to Jan. 2009 - Haiti won its independence in combat with all the Euro/US powers in a Haiti struggle that was anti-slavery, anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism and anti-racism, setting forth the standard for universal freedom on this planet.

The sons of France turned these stunning gains back assassinating Dessalines on Oct. 17, 1806. With the assassination of Haiti's founding father, Jean Jacques Dessalines, neocolonialism found footing in Haiti and has yet to let go.

Today we acknowledge Cuba for its 50-years of a successful revolution against Euro/US neocolonialism.

Today, the price for freedom Haiti pays for its 1804 victory is evidenced by a foreign military occupation, endless debt and US/Euro humanitarian imperialism. The price for freedom Cuba pays goes on with an inhumane embargo, demonization, vilification and an isolation that Haiti understands very well as that has also been Haiti's fate.

Ours has been a long struggle. It started in 1503 when the first kidnapped African captive set his enchained foot on what is now known as Haitian soil.
Back on Jan. 1, 1804, European/ U.S. barbarity and savagery received its greatest blow in the Western Hemisphere. We continue to face the guns, greed and odious cruelties of the white man, but we also continue to celebrate our victories against him. Haitians have been stigmatized and forced to pay with their lives and freedom for that achievement ever since.

Oceans of our blood have poured and watered the soil to nourish civilized co-existence on this planet Earth and continue, this very minute, to soak the earth needlessly, simply because Haitians were the first to counter, in combat, European/ U.S. biological fatalism, destroy its myth of white superiority and to do what even Spartacus could not.How should Haitians mark this anniversary? Who should we confer with about our awesome burden, our plight, our long struggle to be treated as human beings by the European settlers?How do we get justice?

In the book “Two Thousand Seasons,” Ayi Kwei Armah writes: "For whose entertainment shall we sing our agony? In what hopes? That the destroyers, aspiring to extinguish us, will suffer conciliatory remorse at the sight of their own fantastic success? The last imbecile to dream such dreams is dead, killed by the saviors of his dreams.”

And so it is an exercise in futility to go to the perpetrators and executioners of human rights crimes in Haiti in hopes of getting justice for our people. Those who ousted the constitutional government of Haiti – the U.N., which acts as proxy to maintain this international crime, the Haitian lackeys and their State Department masters – are dead inside and cannot hear the cries of the Haitian masses.

It’s not their mission or mandate. For they don’t represent life, liberty, democracy, development and decency, but its opposite.

This officialdom, this authority, rains death, despotism, destruction, cruelty, inhumanity, injustice, and represents all that civilized peoples worldwide struggle to overcome. They write laws but are too “high tech” to live them. They mouth words of “justice” and fairness but their words are DEAD.

To further quote Ghanaian writer, Ayi Kwei Armah: “Those utterly dead, never again to awake, such is their muttering.”

So what do we do with the mentally colonized Haitian lackeys and collaborators? What do we do with the Stanley Lucases, Boulos, Apaids, Latortures, Mr. 30%, a Puppet Haitian government, the Haiti Democracy Project gang, coup d’etat folks and their Washington masters? We remember as Ayi Kwei Armah wrote, that: A zombie’s mutterings are meaningless. Change will come.

Ayi Kwei Armah explains what’s to be done with predators, destroyers and their blan-peyi Haitian lackeys, for they are dead: “Leave them in their graves.

Whatever waking form they wear, the stench of death pours ceaseless from their mouths. From every opening of their possessed carcasses comes death’s excremental pus. Their soul itself is dead and long since putrefied. Would you have your intercourse with these creatures from the graveyard?”

NO. Leave the dead in their graves. Speak your righteous message not to these “long rotted ash” but address your message, my people, to the living and look only to Dessalines’ descendants worldwide. His legacy is liberty. Speak to liberty lovers. Empower the world’s lovers of liberty.

On freedom day, raise up peaceful co-existence in the name of Dessalines, the father of Haitian independence, author of the concept that a “Haitian” is a “freedom lover,” no matter his or her skin color or from which branch of that Black woman, mother of all the races – our ultimate root – he/ she hails from.

Remember that “Black” as redefined by Dessalines means a “lover of Liberty.” Therefore, any person, of whatever fabricated social “race,” who loves freedom and liberty is Black, not white in the pejorative “tyrant” sense. For, to Haitians, anyone who is a tyrant, no matter what his or her skin color, is deemed “white,” a blan, a stranger, not family.

Black is also, to Dessalines and his knowledgeable descendants, the color and texture of liberty.

It is because of this Dessalines philosophy and psychology that Haitian beliefs are marginalized and why Haitians are forever marked for destruction and annihilation. Our concepts, based on the observable facts of our history, experiences and existence, threaten white supremacy to its core. That is why most people in this world only know the lies told and retold about Haiti, about Haiti’s culture, its psychology, its philosophy.

For within what cannot be seen by sight lies only the divine and sacred. But Euro/US archetypes, concepts, philosophies and societies teach that what cannot be seen is simply black and black is bad, death, criminal, demonic and needs the light of bourgeois freedom, of a benevolent-tyrannical Western God and colonial narratives and their irrational ejaculations and duality to be 'right,' 'good,' 'civilized,' 'progressive' and 'saved' - to get salvation. For the Haitian revolutionaries and Vodouist, these bullets are dust. We see the African Ancestors in the unseen realm; we can see in the dark and within self and outside of conscious attention lies only one power – good. One God, good (Bondye). One future – good. And we live to extend it with the help of our Ancestral spirit and revelation - Lwa yo. Ginen Poze.

By the blood of the Ancestors we stand, joining a long line going back to the beginning of time. By the blood of all the lambs of Ayiti: the blood of the exterminated Taino-Haitians, all the captive African-Haitians who lost their lives for liberty during 300-years of Spanish/French enslavement and post-independence during 200-years of unrelenting US/Euro neocolonialism. By their blood and sufferings we stand, we stand, we stand with the unrecognized autochthon Black going back to time immemorial. There is only one reality and it's to extend a good not a good/tyrannical god, its to extend universal not bourgeoisie freedom and that love has already been demonstrated by the Haitian warriors, our Ancestors. One people, one love that's already proven its worth way back on January 1, 1804. "Se pa kado blan te fè nou, se san zanset nou yo ki te koule" (Haitian National Anthem) - "Haiti wasn't gifted to us by the white colonists, it's ours by the blood of our Ancestors."

I’ve written in the “Red, Black & Moonlight” monologue series, “Reaching for Black, keeps me from bursting into flames.” For it is that “reaching” which defines and gives texture to our struggle. Our independence and freedom is divine and “as black as primordial space; as black as the firmament from which creation sprang … the color of carbon, the key atom found in all living matter. All who are ‘Haitian’ carry particles of a culture, where every vibratory energy comes out of the dark … seed that Haiti and Africa owns, which captures light and reproduces itself and various hues and shades, full of multidimensional patterns, disparate energies, eternal seeds.”

Remember and celebrate the road traveled

Humbled by the courage of the Haitians who left us a freedom legacy to live, a liberated psychology to help free Africa’s children from all sorts of colonization, a philosophy to extend, on Independence Day we remember, respect and honor our deep roots even as we continue to face officialdom’s bitter lies, its white despotism and racist disdain. We face its lies and half-truths, such as written by the US Embassy, USAID, State Department reps, Christian NGOs or their various mainstream press chums, who steadily and continually call Haitians “fouled up,” “failed,” “gangsters,” “corrupt,” “incompetent,” while calling their bloody, wasteful and abusive UN occupation and the rule of their NGO benefactors in Haiti, “progress.” And the farcical reign of their elected-under-occupation Haitian puppets' “democracy,” that is “worthy” of their international support. Haiti's material misery witnesses to the deeds of their good but tyrannical god as comfortably and continually re-imaged, extended and demonstrated in their US-Haiti relationship.

On our Independence Day, Haitians shall come together to stand tall within ourselves against the empire’s lies and stigmas. We’ve survived. We know who we are, what we are and that we’ve got roots to keep us strong.

Our history of survival is our greatest asset and rallying point. We exist still because we have ALWAYS defined ourselves, extended ourselves, given value to ourselves, our life, strengths, ancestors, history and heroes, when the world’s greatest armies, media and superpowers have not.

In fact, Officialdom and its Haitian blan-peyi lackeys are united solely in their refusal to recognize Haiti’s value, its sovereignty and right to self-determination. Death, imprisonment, suffering and sacrifice may be our perennial plight in this, Bartholomew De La Casa’s “New World.” Yet try as the pathetic likes of the line of US Ambassadors and USAID mission directors to Haiti may, to tell Haitians what we are worth, how exclusionary elections are “our due” and that repression is liberty and bourgeois freedom is “progress”, they fool and shame only themselves and their restavek Haitian lackeys.

Ayi Kwei Armah writes, “A people losing sight of origins is dead. A people deaf to purposes is lost. Under fertile rain, in scorching sunshine, there is no difference: their bodies are mere corpses, awaiting final burial.”

As flesh and blood, endowed by our creator with the right to life, we claim the natural right to just retribution, to self-defense, to equal application of international laws governing human and civil rights. For we are certain, if not in this lifetime, then in our children or great-grandchildren’s time, the day will come when the fiendish ‘Bourgeoisie Freedom’ advocates of this world will answer for the Haitian lives they’ve helped to destroy down the centuries and generations.
Every tomorrow will be our Independence Day. Every tomorrow we Haitians shall extend our independence, blocking re-colonization, its modern day applications and their new rods of empire – endless foreign debt, NGOS shadow governments and elections-under-occupation. We won’t relent
but shall recount our glorious history of struggle, until no doubt remains that we are indeed Dessalines’ descendants.

My peoples, leave the dead in their graves and look to Dessalines descendants. Gather the living un-coopted Haitians, drink soup joumou, call on Makandal, Boukman, Toya, Defile, Marijan, Marie Claire Heureuse, Kapwa Lamò, Dessalines and celebrate our living history. Keep making that history. Remember and celebrate the dignity of all those who fought and died to stop the current foreign occupation of Haiti, those still languishing in indefinite detention since 2004, and the Ezili Dantò goodness and courage of Haiti’s women warriors. Remember our roots, our struggle – its vast glory.

Those roots are our living way, our legacy, our path to freedom and our light that’s impossible to lose. Its remembrance calls us, animates us and keeps us moving through these unspeakable sufferings and grief.

On our Independence Day, Jan. 1, and on every other tomorrow to come, we shall forget the dead living amongst us, sucking our blood like the vampires they are. These parasites have lost sight of Haiti’s origins – its sanctity, divinity and goodness, its gift of liberty and fraternity, when all around the Europeans settlers were bringing only depravity.

Dessaline’s descendants hold a sacred trust. Our mission is to live free or die trying, not to live as dead zombies, corporate or U.N. sell-outs, servile to gluttonous and inhuman greed like the Stanley Lucas, Guy Philippe and Andre Apaid restaveks and their vampirish “free-trade” masters.

Kanga Mundele!” said the spirit of Ezili Dantò that mounted that great mambo Cecile Fatiman, on Aug. 14, 1791, at Bwa Kayiman, the ceremony that began the great Haitian Revolution. Kanga Mundele means “kill the stranger” in Kikongo – “kill the stranger (the colonized/delusional stranger) within,” “amongst us” or, "kill the dead in spirit who walk amongst us" – and also means “long live freedom.” Indeed our freedom still lives. Despite 505 years of grief, Haitians are still here – standing on truth, living without fear. Nou La! We don’t get much press, but we’re here. Nou la! Kanga Mundele!

Èzili Dantò
Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network ("HLLN")
January 1, 2009
Djab la di l ap manje m, se pa vre
( from the Haitian spiritual: "Ogou oooo, wa dèzanj, djab la di la manje mwen se pa vre. Se pa vre Timoun yo, se pa vre. Sa se blag Timoun yo, sa se jwet. Gen Bondye, geyen lè sen yo. Djab la di l ap manje nou, se pa vre.....")



What do we do on an independence day under occupation?

Join the FreeHaitiMovement by sending an e-mail to erzilidanto@yahoo.com or, on Facebook.

Haiti on Jan. 1 - What do we do on an independence day under occupation

So what do we DO, some still ask? On this day, at this moment on January 1, Haiti’s independence day, we shall meditate on Boukman’s Prayer, issue from source, live by insight, recognize victory and use what's in our hands making a way out of no way.
Some Ezili/HLLN suggestions:

After counting our blessings for life, family, a New Year, our Ancestral legacy, culture and for soup joumou, remember the Haitian revolution achievements Jan 1, 1804 to Jan 1, by:

1. Remembering "Se pa kado blan te fè nou, se san zanset nou yo ki te koule" (Haitian National Anthem) - "Haiti wasn't gifted to us by the white colonists, it's ours by the blood of our Ancestors"

2. Meditating on and circulating Boukman's Prayer and Diskou Diskou desalin premye janvye.

3. On January 1, sign, if you have not done so already, the Independence Debt petition and send letters demanding France pay Haiti back the Independence Debt. (See sample letter).

4. Consider, if you have not done so already, mailing a letter (see our sample letter) to ask for TPS and equal treatment for Haitian asylum seekers and immigrants.


5 . Show your solidarity with the Haiti struggle for universal freedom and for the people of Haiti by joining, if you have not done so already, the Free Haiti Movement ( email: erzilidanto@yahoo.com)

Donate to support Ezili's HLLN work


Background Information of the FreeHaitiMovement

To Join HLLN's FreeHaitiMovement
Email to erzilidanto@yahoo.com with the notation: FreeHaitiMovement
By sending in your email, name and if applicable your organization info to the FreeHaitiMovement you've endorsed Ezili's HLLN work.

Joining means you are endorsing the FreeHaitiMovement Demands, as outlined in our latest resolution and Ezili HLLN's work in general by standing in solidarity with Haitians during the four yearly events. The sponsoring of the four yearly events, the To-Tell-The-Truth-About-Haiti-Forums and teach-in workshop and letters to French Embassies are at your discretion, though we strongly recommend this solidarity.



To be a sponsor of the FreeHaitiMovement you are only required to:
ENDORSE the Haiti resolution, which this year is at HLLN's FreeHaitiMovement May 18 Demands, including advocating for the Haitians suffering in the Dominican Republic.

HLLN suggest you also, if interested


If you are a US citizen, we also ask that you support HLLN action and mobilizing for the legislative and international support for Haitian-American foreign policy concerns as enumerated in "Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team" and further detailed in "What Haitian-Americans Ask of the New US Congress and President" by distributing this policy statement to your local Congressional representatives and media. (See, Proposed solutions to create a new paradigm.)

SUPPORT : the Demand France Pay back the $22Billion Independence Debt by signing our on-line petition and sending a letter to the French Embassy in your area on January 1 and Nov. 18 of each year. See sample letter to France demanding payment of the Independence Debt.


2). Agree to stand in solidarity with the people of Haiti and sponsor four yearly events on the dates specified and that are important to Haitians.

FreeHaitiMovement - On October 17, May 18, July 6 and August 14 of each year, Ezili's HLLN sponsors events and E-forums celebrating Haitian culture and art as one of the richest culture in the Western Hemisphere and by promoting Haiti's revolutionary legacy. We ask those organization or individuals who have joined the FreeHaitiMovement to participate: on Oct. 17, May 18, July 6 and August 14. In addition to those dates, Ezili's HLLN pays special attention to November 18 (Vertieres) and January 1st (Independence Day) and ask our FreeHaitiMovement sponsors and endorsers to send letters to France at least on these two days of the year demanding France pay Haiti back the Independence Debt. (See sample letter and France, Vertieres and Ayisyen Ginen).

October 17, 2009: Haiti's Holocaust and Middle Passage Continues

"I don't know why it is...but since the beginning of time Haitians have
been suffering" --- Haitian migrant, 2009
500 lane depi w (blan kolon) vle efase n. Jodi a ou vle m kwè se
sèl ou ki ka sove n
--- Edike from Daniel 'Dadi' Beaubrun's Lataye (buy album)

[English - "For 500 years the whites (settlers/colonists) have tried to erase us. Today they want us to believe they're the only ones who can save us" --- Edike from Daniel 'Dadi' Beaubrun's Lataye (buy album)]

Join HLLN - Endorse the FreeHaitiMovement Demands.

HLLN Member - If you would like to become an official member of HLLN and not just a casual network participant, you will be invited to do so provided you meet the following requirements: the additional requirement is to financially support HLLN's work and at least pay for the yearly subscription, answer an orientation questionnaire based on info readily available on HLLN's website, commit to sponsor a project in your hometown or parent's hometown in Haiti and agree to donate the equivalent of two weeks of volunteer work on an HLLN campaign, research, fundraising or capacity-building project for Haiti and Haitians. You do not need to be a lawyer to formally join the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network. Just a leader dedicated to Haitian culture, the counter-colonial narrative and who can stand alone with a Kapwa Lamò courage. Members of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network help run one or more of HLLN's 7 Men Anpil Chay Pa Lou Campaigns each year. Some travel around the Caribbean to advocate for the Haitian refugees and to Latin America to mobilize support to end the Brazilian-led UN occupation; others help with translation and training for the Direct-From-the Streets-of Haiti Ezili Dantò Witness Project news gathering; or assist with delegation for relief work, among other special HLLN projects...

The Haitian Lawyers Leadership is a Haitian-led capacity building organization that brings together a network of lawyers, artists, students, Haitian activists, cultural experts, workers and human rights organizations, advocates, government officials and progressive radio, press and media outlets to support and work cooperatively with Haitian freedom fighters and grassroots organizations promoting the civil, human and cultural rights of Haitians living at home and abroad).In terms of the FreeHaitiMovement sponsors, along with the four yearly events, sponsors are encouraged to not spew out the colonial narrative on Haiti and to be conscious of its deadly consequences. To that end, we ask our supporters to join the Ezili's HLLNetwork listserve (send in email to erzilidanto@yahoo.com to subscribe or unsubscribe); then circulate our emails and participate in our letter writing campaigns and urgent action alert releases.


Also, to assist with the learning curve on Haiti from a non-colonial perspective, HLLN provides Free Haiti Movement sponsors with materials they can use to orient their own constituencies, friends, families, colleagues, countries and organizations by joining together to sponsor a "To-Tell-The-Truth-About-Haiti-Forums." (See, Haiti Forum 2009). Official sponsors of the Free Haiti Movement may download HLLN's authorized items recommended for Sponsors wanting to hold "To Tell The Truth About Haiti Forums, vigils and demonstrations.

Information for Sponsors
HLLN provides the necessary reading, hand-out and educational materials for holding these teach-in workshops, including: Access of Haiti Photos, slideshows, DVDs, Videos, Audio Interviews and also transcripts from the Ezili Dantò Witness Project, as well as organizational materials for holding these workshop including - PDF of HLLN welcome banners, guest book graphics, the Haiti Resolution, suggested graphics for flyers and posters announcing the event.

(Note: HLLN no longer keeps updated organizational materials on the website for the teach-in forums because folks, who were not HLLN members or listserve participants, were availing themselves without joining the FreeHaitiMovement. But the banners and flyers on the site now give sponsors an idea of what is available if they choose to join hold an HLLN To-Tell-The-Truth-About-Haiti-Forums)

Simply support the resolution and Ezili HLLN's work in general by standing in solidarity with Haitians during the four yearly events and you become a sponsor of the FreeHaitiMovement. The sponsoring of the four yearly events, the To-Tell-The-Truth-About-Haiti-Forums and teach-in workshop and letters to French Embassies are at your discretion, though we strongly recommend this solidarity.
Those of you on Facebook, may also join the FreeHaitiMovement group on Facebook which we just started.

Facebook joiners, please remember to also send an email to erzilidanto@yahoo.com for our records.


Listen to CKUT Interview (34:03) with Ezili Dantò on Mining of Haiti Resources and Riches by Chris Scott for CKUT (90.3 FM) in Montreal, April 29, 2009

Haiti Riches: Lakounewyork (Kreyòl) Interview with Ezili Dantò on environmental degradation concerns of gold/copper mining in Haiti, May 6, 2009

The Haitian struggle - the greatest Goliath vs. David battle being played out on this planet

1808-2008: Bicentennial of Ignace Nau, one of the founding fathers of Haitian literature, Letitiah Sept, Haitian Perspective, December 27, 2008

What Haitian-Americans Ask of the New US Congress and President

The Revolutionary Potential of Haiti, its creeds, values and struggle

Independence or Death:
Celebrating the 205th Anniversary of The Haitian Revolution

January 1, 2009 - Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation

January 1, 2008 - Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation

January 1, 2006 - Kanga Mundele: Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation

We shall fight from one generation to the next

1804 Independence Proclamation of Haiti's Founding father, General Jean Jacques Dessalines

The Crucifixion of Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme by U.N. Troops: A historical perspective, Èzili Dantò| Haitian perspective | April 21, 2005

The Ezili Dantò Witness Program documents human, political, civil, cultural and other advocacy rights issues in Haiti, in context and, from a non-colonial perspective, training and supplying ordinary Haitians-with-no-access with computers, cameras, video equipment, satellites for internet access and English translation, so their suppressed voices may be heard direct from Haiti. The programs’ intrepid young Haitian reporters and witnesses’ venture into dangerous areas, document stories that won’t make the mainstream headlines and films and records foreign meddling, waste, atrocities under the UN occupation/NGO shadow government currently in Haiti and take witness statements as they happen.
Donate to support Ezili's HLLN work

Thank you Father Dessalines

Forwarded by Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
www.ezilidanto.com - Men Anpil Chay Pa lou!



Standing on truth, living without fear – Supporting Barack Obama’s vision of what can be…

The Haitian struggle - the greatest David vs. Goliath battle being played out on this plane

What do we do on an independence day under occupation?


‘...Hayti (is) the glory of the blacks and terror of tyrants...I hope that
she may be united, keeping a strict look-out for tyrants, for if they get the
least chance to injure her, they will avail themselves of it...But one thing
which gives me joy is, that they (the Haitians) are men (and women) who would
be cut off to a man before they would yield to the combined forces of the whole
world-----in fact, if the whole world was combined against them it could not do
anything with them...’
---David Walker
from: David Walker’s Appeal, 1829


Diskou Desalin Premye Janvye, 1804
Tradiksyon Met Bell Angelot (posted January, 2009)
Liberty or Death: Diskou Desalin Janvye 1, 1804-Libète ou lanmò
(See an English translation of the Haitian Act of Independence)

Pèp Ayisyen
Sitwayen nan kat kwen peyi-a,

Sa pa ase lè nou rele chalbari dèyè ban-n sovaj sa yo ki souse san yon pep pandan plis ke desan zan, sa pa ase lè nou di twòp se twòp lè nou mete yon fwen a yon minorite zwit ki jenerasyon an jenerasyon, tap blofe’n ak pawòl libète malatchonn ke Lafrans tap fè nou filalang, ilfo pou letan e pou letènite tabli nan peyi sa kote lonbrit nou koupe ya, yon rejim ki chita sou libète pou tout moun alawonn badè, il fo ke nou efase nan lespri gouvènman san manman peyi Lafrans lan tout lide poufè nou tounen nan lesklavaj, se pou Ayiti viv lib e endepandan ou byen nou tout nou mouri.

Libète ou lanmò, endepandans ou Lanmò, sa se pawòl sakre kidwe sonnen nan zorèy chak ayisyen tankou se yon kout loray, tankou yon kout lanbi ki fè nou rasanble epi soude yonn ak lòt.

Sitwayen konpatriyòt mwen yo, mwen rasanble nou jounen jodi a, ki se fèt libète, tout militè sa yo ki gen kouraj, solda ki pa pote kanson yo pou bèl twal, ki aksepte bay san yo pou kòz libète ak jistis, pou antere lesklavaj, e pou retire nou anba jouk kolonizasyon blan Franse.

Tout sa kinan peyi-an, ki anba je nou, se move souvni blan franse yo, lalwa ak tout tribinal, fòm leta, vil yo, mès ak koutim elt, tout pote mak fabrik blan franse.. M’pa konn sam ta di ankò. A bon!, blan franse ap sikile nan zile ya epi nou kwè nou lib, nou kwè nou soti anba grif lafrans, yon peyi malveyan kap mache toupizi tout pep sou la te kap batay pou libète? Se vre, yo pa janm rive mete ajenou pèp ki leve kanpe pou libète; men fòk nou veyatif.

Kite kantik pran priyè, nou viktim anpil de bèl pawòl, bèl diskou sou libète ak egalite ke komisyonè Lafrans yo vin ban nou pou fè nou dòmi. A la nayif nou ta nayif si nou ta pran kaka poul pou ze. Se pou sa pandan katòz lane nou pran lezam pou nou lite, pou nou fè lagè jiskaske nou rive di lafrans me kwa manmanw. me kwa papaw. Depi ki lè koukou te byen ak frize pou la frans ta fè nou kado libète. Rezen pa konn donnen sou bayawonn, joumou pa konn donnen kalbas. Epi moun sa yo pa sanble ak nou, e nou pa sanble ak yo tou, gade koulè po yo, gade ki distans, konbe pas dlo, konbe branch lanmè ki separe nou ak yo.

Menm kan moun sa yo ap preche ke tout moun se moun, libète, egalite, fratènite, se pa vre, yo trò kriminèl, yo trò sadik, yo trò sovaj pou yo ta kwè nan koze konsa. Se menm yo menm lan wi ki ekri sou papye tenbre ke « Tout bwa se bwa, men mapou pa fouti kajou » E si yon jou pa malè moun sa yo ta fè ladesann lakay nou, yap tounen move zèspri, move nanm pou trouble lespri pitit nou.

Ayisyen natif natal, pitit fèy peyi dayiti, fanm kon gason, ti moun tankou gran moun, fon kout je nan tout zile ya pou nou wè, fanm san mari yo, kote mari nou, mouche san madanm yo, kote madanm nou, kote pitit nou yo, rejim awousa sousoupannan an manje tout. Ki sa yo devni? Ki sa yo fè ak yo? M’pap reponn, m’pè poum pa fremi, poum pa tranble anba endiyasyon.

Lè nou louvri je nou gade olye se viktim nou wè kap pote plent, se bouro yo, se kriminel yo nou wè kap mache anba je nou, yo tankou se tig kap chache san pou yo bwè. Pa reproche yo! Reproche tèt nou ki aksepte viv nan enpinite ak soutirans. Ki donk sa nap tann pou nou repoze lespri viktim yo? Pa bliye nou sèmante pou yo te antere nou nan menm tonb ak zansèt nou yo! Men se a yon sèl kondisyon pou sa fèt : « Lè nou rive rele chalbari dèyè tout tiran, tout kolon esklavajis. Si nou pafè sa pa gen simetyè kap aksepte kadav nou lè nou mouri.

E nou menm, gason vanyan yo, jeneral marechal san krenn danje yo, nou menm ki sakrifye enterè pèsonel nou ki bliye malè ak doulè pèsonel nou pou sove libète ak san nou pou tout yon nasyon; konnen byen si nou pa trase yon ekzanp korèk, si nou pa ba mechan san pitye sa yo yon leson nan bon liv jistis ak koreksyon, se konm si nou te lave men nou, nou siye li atè. Se pou nou kale je nou gran devan tout moun ki ta oze retire libète sa nan men nou. Se pou nou fyè, se pou nou jalou deske nou lib.

Yo gen pou tranble nan kanson yo, se pou yo baye la fimen soti nan bouch yo le jou yo ta azade pile tè dayiti, nan rezolisyon nap gen pou nou pran nap dekrete madichon ak lanmò pou nenpòt blan franse ki ta gen lide pile Ayiti ki se bèso libète, tonbo lesklavaj.

Nou oze vin lib, an nou lib tout bon, e nou lib, nou lib nèt. Libète se tankou yon ti moun piti kap aprann mache, se pazapa li grandi jouk li vin gran. Ki pèp kite ede nou goumen? Alòs ki pèp tou, ki ka jwi fwi travay nou. A la de betiz, pou yon yon pèp fin goumen poul libere tet li, epi poul ta kite yo remete li nan esklavaj ? Pa gen sa pyès. An nou mache nan chimen lot pèp yo ki prefere yo ta disparèt sou tè ya, olye pou yo ta efase non yo nan lis pèp vanyan yo, olye yo ta enskri non yo nan lis pèp lach yo.

Kanta mo esklav la, kite l pou blan franse yo, men nou menm nèg dayiti toma, pitit lafrik ginen, nou lib, e nou lib nèt.

Atansyon pou nou pa elimine bèl travay sa nan voye moute ak vanite, lapè ak trankilite pou tout lòt pèp yo, pou vwazen nou yo, se pou yo viv an pè anba banyè la lwa. Nou pap pran pòz, ni matadò sipèb, ni sovè pou lòt pèp yo. Ayi bobo pou nou, pèp Ayisyen paske nou pa gen entansyon mete lòt pèp nan esklavaj, ni anba dominasyon nou.

Lapè ak trankilite pou vwazen nou yo men madichon pou Lafrans, rayisman vitam etènam pou tout blan franse.

Ayisyen natif natal, mwen menm Desalin se santinel, se gadyen libète nou, mwen sakrifye tèt mwen pou sa. Pafwa mwen rete sèl, san madanm, san pitit, poum veye anwo kon anba lenmi nou yo. Se ak kè kontan mwen fè sakrifis sa yo, jodi-a se nou ki pou travay pou mechan yo pa toufe libète sa. Pèp ayisyen bonè pa nou, se bonè pam. An atandan ke nou mete tout bagay anba chapo lalwa nou mèt konte sou mwen ak jeneral yo ki akostem la a.

Tout jeneral, tout ofisye, tout solda ki reyini a kotem la, an nou travay ansanm pou bonè peyi-a kidwe rete lib e endepandan pou tout tan gen tan.
Si gen yonn nan nou la ki gen kè nan men, ki vle tranble, ke li rale kòl poul pa repete sèman sa a:

Nou sèmante 777 fwa devan le mond antye, pou pitit pitit nou, pou nou menm ak tout kòt fanmiy nou, ke nou renonse a jamè a peyi la frans, e nou prefere mouri tank pou nou tounen sou dominasyon lafrans, nou sèmante pou nou konbat pou lendepandans peyi-a jiskaske dimil pil tè tonbe sou lestomak nou.

E nou menm pèp souvren, malere kap soufri, ki soti tande sèman ke nou soti repete la a, pa bliye ke se sou kouraj nou mwen konte. Se gras a kouraj nou, gras a konviksyon nou ki fem te lanse nan batay pandan 14 lane pou nou konbat rejim lesklavaj.

Pa bliye ke mwen sakrifye tout enterè pèsonèl mwen poum batay pou libète ak lendepandans, mwen sakrifye byen, mwen sakrifye madanm ak pitit, mwen sakrifye plezi, pou peyi sa vin lib jodi-a. E si lenmi libète ak zanmi lesklavaj yo tande nonm selman, la tranblad ap pran yo. Men anverite 7 fwa mwen menm Desalin ki di sa, si yon jou nou ta trayi kòz libete ak lendepandans lan, nou ta pase anba pye lwa m’te pran pou pwòp bonè nou, map konsidere nou kòm yon pèp engra. Men m’pa kwè nap fè sa, pitom pa menm panse sa. O kontrè na gen pou nou lite, pito nou mouri nou pa tounen nan lesklavaj, madichon pou tout trèt, madichon pou tout engra!

Libète ou lanmò, libète ou lanmò

Plas militè Gonayiv premye Janvye 1804, lane I endepandans lan, Jan Jak Desalin jeneral an chef lame Dayiti.


Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!

"When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped...........If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is a compromise." Robert Fritz

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