Expose the Lies of the International Community about Haiti, its
people and resources
Demand the International
coup d'etat supporing countries and enforcers, not Rene Preval,
set the political prisoners free, end the UN occupation, return
Haitian assets to the people of Haiti by Ezili Dantò,
June 26, 2006, Haitian
The newly minted coup d'etat coalition government, now simply
figure-headed by Rene Preval, has yet to reverse the acts of the
US-imposed Miami government, who handed three years tax breaks
to the most wealthy, 10-years back pay to the murderous Haitian
army and put over 4,200 people into indefinite detention while
cutting Haiti’s minimum wage by 50%, from about $3.60 for
a 12 hour day, down to $1.60.
The UN occupation continues, the prisoners unreleased and those
who never where voted in by any Haitian populace are being divvied
jobs in the "new government" because they participated,
though were not elected, but because they "participated"
in the coup d'etat elections on the heel of the blood and death
of thousands of Haitian citizens who protested the coup d'etat,
ouster of the Constitutional government and UN occupation.
On July 6, 2006, HLLN along with other Haiti-led groups from Haiti
and the US will stand together to demand an end to the occupation,
justice for the victims of last year's UN Massacre in Site Soley
on July 6, 2005, release of the political prisoners, reversal
of the fleecing of Haiti by Canadian companies such as St. Genevieve
Resources and KWG Resources, stop to the plunder and pirating
of Haitian gas, gold, copper, uranium, iridium and other natural
resources and reserves, particularly a stop to the genocidal plans
of the Ottawa Initiative foreign governments under this de facto
UN Protectorate.
Join HLLN'S campaign to expose the corrupt role of the UN, US,
Canada, OAS, France; their false "humanitarian aid;"
to expose this international Community’s (the "International
Community") culpable role in keeping Haiti underdeveloped
and contained-in-poverty while their multinational companies,
reps and agents plunder and fleece Haitian resources and labor;
to expose this international community's criminal role in bringing
to power and keeping in office, over the OBJECTIONS of the majority
of Haiti's peoples, at home and abroad, for more than TWO years,
and training and paying a puppet Boca Raton government with no
popular mandate and massive human rights abuses and political
repression. Stop UN, US, OAS, Canada, France's hypocrisy and their
continued coup d'etat criminal activities in Haiti.
Although, on Feb. 7, 2006, the people of Haiti elected a new President,
none of the people's interests have been placed at the forefront.
Why? Because the Coup D'etat authorities are the ones STILL holding
the political prisoners in Haiti, still preventing the return
to his homeland of President Aristide and his family. They are
the ones still being paid government salaries. The International
Community, led by US reps, ambassador, IRI, NED, USAID, Haiti
Democracy Project are still taking care of the interests of the
wealthy few and Haiti's poor are dying of starvation, curable
diseases and at indefinite
detention while Canadian companies such as St. Genieve export
Haiti's gold to wealthy Canada.
For instance, what these International want with Haiti is Haiti's
discovered oil reserves in La Gonave, gas reserves near Aquin
and Haiti's gold mines in the Northeast.
Remember that HLLN was the first and only one to report to our
International audience the words of Haitian lawyer, Osner Fèvry.
Osner Fèvry stated that the Internationals are fleecing
"…the country’s riches. For example, you have
an American citizen elected to the House of Deputies for La Gonave.
Well, that is where they just discovered an important oil reserve
that could be exploited for the next 100 years. There are citizens
of other countries in Ile-à-Vache, Cayes, Aquin, they also
just discovered important gas reserves starting near Aquin and
ending all the way to areas nearing Columbia and Venezuela. In
the Northeast, you have an American senator. In the Northeast
you have important Gold mines that they already started to exploit,
St. Geneviève. So, all the areas where you have
natural resources, you find candidates with dual citizenship.
You’ll also
notice that many of the candidates for magistrate have came from
Miami, New York, sent by the Agency to become Communal Magistrate.
Once the communes fall in foreign hands, you will hear of resolutions
being drafted and ratified by the senate and House of deputies,
annexing us like Guadeloupe or Puerto Rico. ... since we still,
as part of our inheritance, have a constitution and the laws of
this country. Whereas they are yet to get rid of the laws; whereas
they are yet to send armored vehicles against the constitution;
whereas the constitution is still active; therefore we say, in
the name of the constitution of 1987, in the name of the laws
of the republic, we cannot accept nor tolerate that foreigner,
with no shame, not being remotely embarrassed, declare their candidacy
and the CEP makes believe that they don’t understand, because
in this very CEP you find many Canadian and American citizens
as well."
Thus, nothing has changed with the Feb. 7, 2006 election, especially
as the coup d'etat folks have placed their folks in key positions,
where the riches of our country reside. France, Canada, the US
with UN soldiers as their mercenaries, these international pirates
are protecting their folks who are plundering our underwater treasures,
stealing them and the oil at La Gonave, a sacred placed, never
colonized by the old Euro slavers, now being exploited as the
Haitian people starve, continue to be vilified, humiliated, falsely
criminalized for purposes of the US/Euros' further exploitation
and simply die, die, die.
The Coup D'etat countries (France, US and Canada) want one and
all to believe Haiti is the poorest in the Western Hemisphere
and in need of their economic aid. When, in fact, Haitian lands
and resources could satisfactorily feed its people and provide
them with jobs and wealth if these Western powers would just stop
promoting terrorists and putschists in Haiti, LET OUR PEOPLE ALONE
or, at least act civilized and negotiate fairly instead of with
denigrating, racist lies about Haitians and when that doesn't
work by the barrel of their many superpowerful deadly economic,
diplomatic and military guns.
The fact is, it's not US/Euro foreign "aid" that has
kept the Haitian people alive, but the almost $1 billion dollars
sent to Haiti (figures before the coup d'etat) by the Haitian
Diaspora. US/Euro monies bring only debt, dependency and foreign
domination and line the pockets of only the Black overseers like
the terrorists, Guy Phillip, Louis Jodel Chamblain, their middlemen
- Boulos, Apaid, Latortue, Boniface, Gousse, Andresol and their
Haiti Democracy Project and IRI/US-Embassy created so-called,
Group 184 "civil society" racket.
This International community (along with Haiti's morally repugnant
tragic elite and so-called "intellectuals") are the
coup d'etat folks with the UN as their proxy, militarizing Haiti
so it will end up looking like the Dominican Republic and fleecing
it dry with their IMF/World Bank debts and foreign "free
trade" multinationals exploiting Haiti's access to the Windward
Passage (Mole St Nicholas); oil (in La Gonave); uranium, iridium
and Haiti's goldmines in the Northeast, Trou Du Nord and Terrier
Rouge - gold caches reportedly to the levels of Canada's cache
and Canada is known as the fourth largest gold producer. See the
Haiti Press Network, June 14, 2006 article below entitled, "Haiti
towards the exploitation of gold and copper in Trou du Nord,"
where, "(A)ccording to details provided by the president
of the (Ste-Geneviève) Haitiano-Canadian company, Mr. Severin
Lachapelle, "the layer of Faille-B is twice as important
as that of Canada, a country considered however as a large world
gold producer with an average from 5 to 6 grams per ton."
(Emphasis Added.)
Now, why would the Haitian people NEED Canada's charity and international
benevolent "aid" if it has its own resources....The
United States', France...et al???
On behalf of the Ancestors' "live free or die" Legacy,
we at the Haitian
Lawyers Leadership Network, in collaboration with the grassroots
movement in Haiti representing the poor majority throughout Haiti,
demand a stop to these international's sleazy "aid"
to Haiti which only brings coup d'etat, debt, dependency and foreign
domination. We demand a stop to the stealing and looting of Haitian
assets, to the fleecing by these Internationals of gas reserves
Near Aquin and our State companies, ports; to their stealing of
Haiti's MASSIVE underwater treasures and inhumane exploitation
of our already
too cheap but internationally-exploited labor forces.
These wealthy countries (France, Canada, US) are the RESPONDIAT
SUPERIORS, not the remaining dregs of the puppet Latortue government
or its corrupt and paid-off judges. Write to your countries representative,
write to the local and national media urging them not to let this
International Community pass the blame to their very employees
- the Latortue death regime, its corrupt justice system, the outgunned
and outnumbered, President Preval or the poor majority in Site
Soley, Bel Air, Milot, Gonaives, et al.
Demand that the mainstream media stop being false witnesses and
turning a blind eye to the truth in Haiti: to the WHO sponsors
terrorism in Haiti, WHO holds the keys locking the political prisoners
behind bars and destroying justice, decency, development and democracy
in Haiti. It's this INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY with UN soldiers as
henchmen, with its USAID, World Bank, IMF and IRI/NDI Economic
Hit MEN, wielding its defacto protectorate in Haiti, using the
remaining drones of the Latortue regime, its foreign-trained Haitian
technocrats, prison guards, police as its proxy and "black
faces" in Haiti.
Demand that these coup d'etat implementers, not President Rene
Preval, STOP putting obstacles up and let Haitians FREE the Haitians
illegally held by this International Community and their black-faced
employees in Haiti. Demand that all contracts entered into under
the illegal U.S. regime's reign must go to a national referendum,
placed before the people of Haiti and no backdoor structural adjustment
economic plan be foisted on the people of Haiti, either through
the outgoing coup d'etat regime's drones, their amoral supporters,
the contracts it illegally signed or through US/Euro false benevolence
such as "debt forgiveness" or "international aid!"
(See, The corrupt US/UN-backed Boca Raton regime robbing Haiti
blind: pillage and plunder -gold, bronze cannons, emeralds stolen
(article in French & English) https://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/ezilidanto/2006-04/msg00017.html
) (Even Haiti's soil is valuable,
see Microbe
discovered in Haitian soil may develop super-antibiotic drug)
let our people go. How much have these coup d'etat countries taken
out of Haiti during these last years of occupation so far, since
2004, under the guise of bringing Haiti "democracy"
"justice" and "development?" (See, 1. Site
Soley is prime waterfront real estate, under pretext of killing
bandits and apprehending kidnappers, the coup d'etat UN forces
are depopulating
Site Soley in order to steal the land for the elite sectors
without compensating the impoverished occupants; Coincidence
or Intentional? Is there an International plan to depopulate and
exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population?: 2.
campaign against kidnappers must be prepared to go wherever the
kidnappers are, not just to the most deprived neighborhoods,"
(Excerpts from AHP News, Dec. 15 to 20, 2006
3. Declaration
of Haitian Democratic Committee in Argentina)
On the continent of Africa, it is estimated that for every $10
U.S. dollars taken out of Africa today by the US/Euros only $1
of international aid remains. But, in Haiti, how are these richest
of the rich masturbating on our Black pain and suffering? How
much, in terms of dollars and Haitian life have the Internationals
taken, and taken and taken, for our re-enslavement and to feed
white privilege and their mythical savior complex?
Too much.
Why is Haiti still being labeled "the poorest in the Western
Hemisphere" when we know the massive US/Euro force of 2004
was not because these moral poseurs cared about Haitian human
rights that were allegedly being abused by the Constitutional
President, but because they wanted to own what's ours. (See, Bronze
cannons, gold and emerald pieces stolen at certain sites in Ile-à-Vaches:
A representative of Sub Sea Research company confirms that these
thefts would have never occurred without the complicity of the
interim regime, Port au Prince, 27 April 2006
(AHP)) https://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/ezilidanto/2006-04/msg00017.html
For instance, without even including the oil found on La Gonave,
which, according to Haitian lawyer, Osner Fèvy, is such
a large reserve it will take 100 years of exploitation, (See HLLN's
"What they want is Haiti's newly discovered oil reserves
in La Gonave, gas reserves near Aquin and Haiti's gold mines in
the Northeast"
) let's try and decipher the June 4, 2006 article below on the
St. Genieve Company's gold
mining in Haiti.
In reading this June 14, 2006 Haiti Press Network article on St-Genieve's
gold mining in Haiti, one cannot help but wonder why is it so
difficult to decipher? What's wrong with plain terms? Well, I
believe it's because the Internationals never want the Haitian
majority to know how rich they are. And, with the morons we have
as "intellectuals," of course that's been easy to accomplish.
So, if in fact there are 552,000 tons time 14 grammes per ton
- how much does that yield in real dollars?
OK, I'll stop before I put out a figure that's wrong because math
in grammes and tons isn't my strong point. But people, you tell
me.....how many BILLIONS, or, is it trillions of dollars is that?
So, never mind Haitian prestige as a producer of gold and eviscerating
this humiliating label of "the poorest in the Western Hemisphere,"
that these international gleefully repeat ad nausea to justify
their greedy presence in Haiti. But, with this gold, copper, with
Haiti's underwater treasures, the iridium, our uranium, the oil
and gas reserves, and our people's historical legacy, unique language,
religion and culture - how rich aren't we?
Is it not time we stop our "schooled" and always-getting-played-Haitian-intellectuals
from their continued crawling to the international monetary institutions
begging to be given, over a period of
5 years, a fraction of money we already have... in our soil, in
our brains, in investing in our own culture, our own Ancestors'
Legacy and our own Haitian majority's unbounded creativity...
Ezili Dantò
Li led li la
June 26, 2006
Nou se rozo, nou pliye nou pa kase
*Nou se rozo, nou pliye nou
pa kase: Strong winds may bend the bamboo tree all the
way down to the ground, but it snaps right back up. It doesn’t
break, no matter how strong the wind. So, Haitians have a saying
– “Nou se rozo. Nou pliye, nou pa kase “ - like
the bamboo tree, we bend but we don’t break; like the flexible
bamboo tree we-Haitians use even the momentum of our falls to
stand back up.