
zilibuttonWhat Haitian Americans Ask of the New US Congress and President

Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team
Proposed solutions to create a new paradigm

What UN Special Envoy Bill Clinton May Do to Help Haiti

- Outline and Full Text

HLLN Campaign 6:
Join with other grassroots organizations to specifically mobilize the Haitian--American voters for the upcoming U.S. presidential elections. (See, Ezili's HLLN Endorses Barack Obama ; Obama-mania is Unnerving ; and HLLN Recommended Links on "critical" support for Obama.)

Immigration Blues by Mumia Abu-Jamal

Mexico in the Caribbean: Payday for Haiti Coup Co-conspirators By Kristin Bricker, Narcosphere, Sept. 29, 2008

Quelle protection pour les sinistrés ? Les Gonaïves, trois semaines plus tard, par Patrice-Manuel Lerebours, Nouvelliste, Sept. 24, 2008


Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth

NGOs in Haiti counterproductive

Thieves steal donated food in Haiti

Vodou shrub is alternative fuel

Green Alternative- Solar cooker

Videos on Jatropha as biofuel


U.N. confronts another sex scandal


"Asylum, Amnesty and Justice denied our kind" (See, "Breaking Sea Chains" )

- RBM Video Reel


Ezili Dantò performs the Yanvalou for
So Much Like Here (See text and RBM 2004 Video Reel)

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!





What Immigrants Must Learn from the Black Civil Rights Movement

HLLN Urgent Action Alert: Help the people of Gonaives, Haiti directly - Also, ask for TPS for Haitians nationals

HLLN SAMPLE LETTER Asking President Bush to Assist Haiti's Recovery Efforts by Granting Haitian Nationals TPS

Editorials urging the President to Grant TPS to Haitians

See our List of Requested Items for the Storm Victims

Black is the Color of Liberty

Ezili Dantò performs the banda dance as Gede for Breaking Sea Chain (See also Intro to Breaking Sea Chains and PhotoGallery)

Haitian Americans Ask of the New US President


Miami Herald Audio Slideshow - Haiti's human wreckage , Sept. 8, 2008

To subscribe, write to erzilidanto@yahoo.com
zilibuttonCarnegie Hall
Video Clip
No other national
group in the world
sends more money
than Haitians living
in the Diaspora
Red Sea- audio

The Red Sea

Ezili Dantò's master Haitian dance class (Video clip)

zilibuttonEzili's Dantò's
Haitian & West African Dance Troop
Clip one - Clip two

So Much Like Here- Jazzoetry CD audio clip

Ezili Danto's

to Self

Update on
Site Soley

RBM Video Reel

Angry with
Boat sinking
A group of Haitian migrants arrive in a bus after being repatriated from the nearby Turks and Caicos Islands, in Cap-Haitien, northern Haiti, Thursday, May 10, 2007. They were part of the survivors of a sailing vessel crowded with Haitian migrants that overturned Friday, May 4 in moonlit waters a half-mile from shore in shark-infested waters. Haitian migrants claim a Turks and Caicos naval vessel rammed their crowded sailboat twice before it capsized. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Dessalines' Law
and Ideals

Breaking Sea Chains

Little Girl
in the Yellow
Sunday Dress

Anba Dlo, Nan Ginen
Ezili Danto's Art-With-The-Ancestors Workshops - See, Red, Black & Moonlight series or Haitian-West African

Clip one -Clip two
ance performance
zilibutton In a series of articles written for the October 17, 2006 bicentennial commemoration of the life and works of Dessalines, I wrote for HLLN that: "Haiti's liberator and founding father, General Jean Jacques Dessalines, said, "I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided" and for that he was assassinated by the Mullato sons of France. That was the first coup d'etat, the Haitian holocaust - organized exclusion of the masses, misery, poverty and the impunity of the economic elite - continues (with Feb. 29, 2004 marking the 33rd coup d'etat). Haiti's peoples continue to resist the return of despots, tyrants and enslavers who wage war on the poor majority and Black, contain-them-in poverty through neocolonialism' debts, "free trade" and foreign "investments." These neocolonial tyrants refuse to allow an equitable division of wealth, excluding the majority in Haiti from sharing in the country's wealth and assets." (See also, Kanga Mundele: Our mission to live free or die trying, Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation; The Legacy of Impunity of One Sector-Who killed Dessalines?; The Legacy of Impunity:The Neoconlonialist inciting political instability is the problem. Haiti is underdeveloped in crime, corruption, violence, compared to other nations, all, by Marguerite 'Ezili Dantò' Laurent
No other national group in the world sends more money than Haitians living in the Diaspora


Oct 17 – Day of Heroes In Haiti- See
Dialogue between Two Haitians

What's in a name?
Some names horrify enslavers, tyrants and despots, everywhere...

Jean Jacques Dessalines

zilibuttonOctober 17, 2007
October 17, 2006,
October 17, 2005
From Slave to Emperor, His Majesty, Jean Jacques Dessalines, The greatest story marginalized and never told.....

Three ideals of Dessalines

I Want the Assets of the
Country to be Equitably Divide

Blan Mannan
(English translation)

Kouwòn pou Defile

Defile Manman "Chimè?"
Libète Ou La

Mesi Papa Dessalines -
Thank you Father Dessalines
Three ideals of Dessalines
What Ayiti Calls Forth

The Revolutionary Potential of Haiti, its creeds, values and struggle

F.M.I., travay Feliks Moriso Lewa
Lewa's Audio recording
of FMI

Haitian Children put in Chain by the whites (Listen to Kreyol audio recorded for - Ezili Dantò's Witness Project)



What Haitian-Americans Ask of the New US Congress and President (Outline at Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team)

-1. End the UN military occupation
Haiti needs tractors not tanks. Community policing, not war soldiers.

(See, Haiti's image for violence is a big myth. Why is the UN in Haiti?- Scientists say there's more oil in Haiti than in Venezuela ; Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation; "There is a multinational conspiracy to illegally take the mineral resources of the Haitian people: Espaillat Nanita revealed that in Haiti there are huge deposits of gold and iridium" and, Haiti's Riches: Interview with Ezili Dantò on Mining in Haiti.)

-2. Stop deportations. Grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Haitians already in the U.S. with a specification to stop all deportations and grant work permits (See, Singled Out).

Update: TPS was granted after the Jan 12, 2010 earthquake but deportation resumed under Obama in Jan. 2011. Stop deportations and expedite entry of the 55,000 Haitians already approved to join their familes in U.S. If allowed to work in the United States, the 55,000 beneficiaries would send remittances to Haiti supporting an estimated 550,000 to one million persons in Haiti. Such capital flow is by far the largest source of foreign aid to Haiti and more important to Haitians per capita, than to any other nation in the world.

-3. Cancel immediately and without conditions all Haiti debt to international financial institutions, including old Duvalier-dictatorship debts

-4. End indirect aid to Haiti. Respect Haitian sovereignty, not boost NGO profits and power in Haiti. Began direct aid to Haitian government, not the monopoly families and foreign NGOs. Build Haiti-capacity not NGO capacity. Stop failed policies and effectively trading through USAID, churches and predator NGOs. A great portion of food aid from such entities do not reach the intended beneficiaries in Haiti and, end up for sale in the marketplace. Start fair aid and trading with Haiti and supporting grassroots,

The US Hope Act is not Hope for Haiti's poor masses, it reproduces the inequities because it serves only the world's greedy super-rich CEOs and Haiti's monopoly families while exploiting and abusing destitute Haitian women and girls, in unsafe, toxic sweatshop work (SEZ) environments, not even paying them the lowest minimum wage of Haiti


Unequal trade costs Haiti more in lost revenue than Haiti ever gets in foreign aid. Profit should not be valued over people. Moreover, US unequal trade laws and so-called USAID "democracy enhancement" aid projects actively promote big business interests, the exclusion of the masses and thus promotes the sort of caricature democracy Haiti now has under President Rene Preval, with Haiti under occupation and where the vote of the people has been voided and where democracy becomes a cover for US/Canada/France/UN and their Haitian sycophants' injustice and plunder.

indigenous Haiti capacity building organizations. USAID denies Haitian sovereignty and progress by blocking, declining, subverting any direct assistance to empower the Haitian government while engineering so that the majority of Haiti's national budget (provided by the international community as a consequence the 2004 Bush/USAID regime change) is currently managed by its approved non-governmental organizations. In the agriculture department, for instance, some 800 NGOs control part of the budget, thoroughly undermining the state's ability to deal with the famine and food crisis. (See also: NGOs in Haiti counterproductive).

- 5. End fraudulent "free trade," began fair and reciprocal trade. Allow Haiti to protect its domestic economy. Void grossly unfair free trade deals and ineffective initiatives such as - the Caribbean Basin Initiate, "Investment Support" "OPIC"), or the Special Export Zones ("SEZ") under the sweatshop HOPE Acts which nearly bans trade unions to protect workers' rights, or other such sorts of agreements - pummeling, bullying and beating Haiti into the dust of misery, debt and poverty. And, instead, support Haitian food production and domestic manufacturing, job creation, public works projects, sustainable development and a good working culture that values human rights. After the storm (2008 Gonaives) emergency, calibrate food aid so to assist and not further destroy Haiti's food production.

-6. Support post storm rebuilding and reconstruction of environmentally degraded
areas (Invest in Haitian-led projects to built flood barriers and better drainage as in La Gonave; support food sovereignty, energy and reforestation such as planting of fruit trees for food, capital building and trade and use of indigenous Haiti plant, such as Jatropha which can be processed into biodiesel fuel and glycerin and the pulp used for: 1. fertilizer or 2. (depending on the Jatropha strain planted) animal/fish feed, increasing food resources by decreasing the cost of raising these animals and/or 3. the presscake may be used to make char, and then form the char into briquettes and burning it as fuel to produce stream to turn a steam turbine to produce electricity. It would be truly helpful to Haiti's fuel sovereignty, reforestation needs, and economic independence and manufacturing needs for and long-term sustainable development if emphasis could be put on a biodiesel program combined with a micro finance program for purchasing modified kerosene stoves fueled by biodiesel, providing Jatropha press to community groups, seeds and training in processing of soap and cosmetics from the pulp. This would assist with economic independence, replace charcoal for cooking, lower fuel costs and employ farmers in a profitable trade while reducing pressure on Haiti’s remaining forests.

Jatropha grows in marginal soils and is drought-resistant so will mostly not compete with lands needed for food crops and restores topsoil to the eroded land. Help Haitian agricultural production emphasizing assistance to local indigenous community groups by not only distributing needed seeds but with support for indigenous management of comprehensive systems of drainage canals to protect cropland from flooding; with fertilizers, with building or repair of rural roads for local Haitian to get their excess produce to market.

In the process of providing crisis assistance, the U.S. must promote Haitian self-reliance wherever possible instead of the cycle of dependency. For instance, instead of water purification tablets, add also, whenever possible, the more long term and permanent bio-sand filters' apparatus that will last forever and purify toxic water on a continual, not just to one time basis. Fund or encourage funding wind, water, solar (solar cookers, solar panels, wind turbines for electricity and such other simple) and good renewable energy alternatives, instead of constantly funding IRI/USAID/NED/NGO "training programs," conferences or more "poverty studies" in Haiti... et al.)

-7. Demand more oversight of USAID and its NGO earmarked funds for Haiti, greater fiscal accountability, transparency and quantifiable evidence of self-sustainable development achievements and, in particular these new Haiti foreign assistance guidelines should ensure, that food and other aid actually reach their intended beneficiaries and not end up for sale in the open market or stay in Washington or used in Haiti mostly on administrative salary, fees and expenses for USAID's political benefactors, shipping companies and nonprofits.

-8. Support the institutionalization of the rule of law.

-9. Encourage maximum leveraging of Diaspora remittances.


Priorities: Haitian-Americans shall ask the new U.S. president to:

1. Stop the United States' unequal immigration treatment of Haitian refugees,
grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and work permits to Haitian nationals in the US with a specification to stop all deportations until Haiti has recovered from the ravages of hurricanes, floods and instability. Haitians in the United States should receive equal treatment and protection under all the immigration laws. (See, Singled Out; Ezili Dantò on Help for the Storm Victims; HLLN Links for granting TPS, and Sample Letter to US President and DHS Secretary Napolitano).

Immigration advocates estimate that there are 20,000 Haitians living in the United States illegally who could benefit from TPS entitling them to temporary residency and work permits for up to 18 months. The remittances these workers provide to their families in Haiti are critical lifelines in these hard economic times of high food and fuel prices, hurricane devastations, flood damages and the destruction of Haiti's rice and other crops by the back-to-back 2008 storms and floods.

In addition, we ask Congress and the new President to use their funding and foreign aid powers to help denounce and stop the gross persecution, illegal deportations, denial of citizenship to children born of Haitian parentage and the general inequitable and unfair treatment of Haitian immigrants throughout the Western hemisphere, but most egregiously in the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas.

2. End the U.N. military occupation of Haiti, provide reparation and restitution for the victims of 2004 Bush regime change in Haiti. (
Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation and Haiti's Riches: Interview with Ezili Dantò on Mining in Haiti.)

In 2007, the U.N. troops in Haiti were paid $601.58 million per year and have been in Haiti for four years. That is $50.13 million per month, $1.64 million per day. (Update in 2011 UN troops make $860million per year) Yet, during the recent floods and hurricane season in Haiti, the Haitian President had to call for international help from the international community. Wasn't that help already in Haiti, to the tune of 9,000 U.N. - MINUSTAH- troops already cashing in $1.64 million per day? Why are they there, if incapable of providing emergency help? If they had not one amphibious unit, temporary bridge, caravan of trucks or equipment to reach Haitians in distress, what use are they to the people of Haiti? Are their war tanks, heavy artillery, guns and military presence in Haiti making Haitians more secure, more safe, more free, more prosperous, better nourished, educated and healthier than before they landed four years ago? No.

According to UN figures, Haiti's image for violence is a big myth. Haiti's violence rate is 5.6 homicides per 100,000. There's more violence in Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, even in the United States than there is in Haiti. Haiti's violence rate is 5.6 homicides per 100,000. The US violence rate is 5.7 average with some US cities @ 15/100,000. Dominican Republic violence rate has 23 homicides per 100,000. Brazil, which heads the UN mission in Haiti has has 52.2 homicides per 100,000. Why is Brazil/US/UN
bringing "stability and security" to Haiti, if their violence rates are higher than Haiti's average? The Caribbean region murder rate is 30 per 100,000 with Jamaica nearly nine times as many—49 homicides per 100,000. (See, Violent Haiti a myth; Haiti not as Violent as Peoria, Illinois and Caribbean's shocking secret. See also:

- Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth

-Video: U.N. Massacre on July 6, 2005 in Site Soley;

-Video: U.N. Massive Attack on Dec. 22, 2006 on Site Soley civilians;

-The Cite Soleil Massacre Declassification Project;

-Humanitarian aid workers and UN peacekeepers raping, abusing Haiti's children;

- UN indifference to the Disappearance of Haitian veteran human rights activist, Lovinsky Pierre Antoine; and,

- The Allege illegal confiscation of private property by DYNCORPS, USAID, MINUSTAH and US Embassy in Haiti.

3. Foreign Aid to Haiti not NGOs

Less than 1cent of every aid dollar goes to Haiti government. Direct that the U.S. re-orientate its resource allocation to Haiti to trade with the Haitian government, not, in effect, with the U.S. Agency of International Development ("USAID"), foreign NGO's, churches and charities in the name of Haitians. For this US foreign policy effectively forms a shadow government enchaining Haiti that undermines Haiti’s sovereignty, emboldens and empowers NGOs with no public responsibility or accountability to Haitians or Haiti’s long term well-being.

It is in the best interest of the United States to directly support Haitian democracy, good governance, development, self-reliance and self-sufficiency. This cannot be done if the Haitian government has to compete with foreign funded NGOs and charities who are not elected or accountable to the people of Haiti, but are predatory and promoting dependency and their own organizations' interests for self-perpetuation in Haiti. Supporting grassroots, indigenous Haiti capacity building organizations. (
Travesty in Haiti - Fraud, False food aid, False orphanages, False charity and False benevolence.)

USAID and the foreign, religious and other NGOs and non-for-profits purporting to act for the Haitian people are fighting for earmarked money, not for getting productive results in Haiti. They have historically and continue to deny the Haitian peoples' sovereign civil, cultural, religious and human rights. Their projects ultimately promote endless debt, dependency, famine, death and instability in Haiti. (See, US Congress must provide more oversight of USAID.)

4. Support Indigenous Haiti Manufacturing and Job Creation

Provide that the U.S. only reward or give incentives, (ie. USAID subcontracting bids, jobs, and/or grants through the Caribbean Basin Initiative ("CBI"), Investment "Support" through the Investment Incentive Agreement provided by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation ("OPIC"), Special Export Zones under the Hope Act I (adopted in 2007), Hope II (2008) or, other such sorts of agreements) to transnational U.S. corporations in Haiti that abide by Haitian labor, human rights, minimum wage and environmental laws; that are committed to integrating all levels of corporate responsibility - economic, social and environmental - in their entire range of operations; and, which U.S. corporations are also patronizing the informal sector of local service providers and generally not exporting all profits and capital but committing to paying equitable custom duties and investing a reasonable percentage of their Haiti profits back into Haiti. (See, Economic proposals that make sense for the reality of Haiti). Comprehensive long term solutions means fair trade with Haiti, trade that doesn't further degrade the environment, repress workers rights or contain Haiti in poverty.

Candidate Obama
promised to include enforceable human rights,
workers rights, labor rights and environmental protection provisions in US Free Trade Agreements

OBAMA: Now I just want to make one last point because Senator McCain mentioned NAFTA and the issue of trade and that actually bears on this issue. I believe in free trade. But I also believe that for far too long, certainly during the course of the Bush administration with the support of Senator McCain, the attitude has been that any trade agreement is a good trade agreement. And NAFTA doesn't have -- did not have enforceable labor agreements and environmental agreements. And what I said was we should include those and make them enforceable. (The Third Presidential Debate Between Obama and McCain - Full Video at 48:45, Oct. 15, 2008).

On Free trade with Columbia (McCain on the subject of free trade, wants NO RESTRICTIONS on 'free trade' (50.14). Obama wants 'free trade' with enforceable human rights, workers rights, right to organize without being subjected to violence, enforceable labor rights and environmental protection provisions.)

OBAMA: ...The history in Colombia right now is that labor leaders have been targeted for assassination on a fairly consistent basis and there have not been prosecutions.
And what I have said, because the free trade -- the trade agreement itself does have labor and environmental protections, but we have to stand for human rights and we have to make sure that violence isn't being perpetrated against workers who are just trying to organize for their rights, which is why, for example, I supported the Peruvian Free Trade Agreement which was a well-structured agreement.

But I think that the important point is we've got to have a president who understands the benefits of free trade but also is going to (not?) enforce unfair trade agreements and is going to stand up to other countries.
(The Third Presidential Debate Between Obama and McCain - Full Video and Obama's quote at 51:34).

Fair Trade not Free Trade or Sweatshops and begin reciprocal trade- End unfair treatment in trade and foreign aid.

The US must re-allocate resources away from low-wage assembly plant exports, SEZs and overseas insurance to US companies to promoting manufacturing in Haiti that create and produce necessary everyday products used by everyone that are all now being imported, help with promoting basic infrastructure, job creation, sustainable development, a positive working culture and healthy environment. Accordingly, it should re-direct current resources so that their net effect would be an investment in Haitian domestic and commercial production of food. The US must stop dumping food into Haiti. It eviscerates Haiti's food sovereignty. (See, HLLN Links to US "free trade" fraud promoting famine in Haiti, Dumping food- USAID to send $25 million more). The only sustainable solution is to calibrate emergency food aid focusing all efforts on supporting Haiti's national food production, consumption, local distribution and to increase domestic manufacturing.

The hunger/famine situation was dire before the four 2008 storms, but after the storms that destroyed bridges, roads, caused severe property damage, killed over a thousand people, left millions homeless and flooded the rice-producing region of Haiti, it will be unspeakable.

" Charity Christian Aid estimates that roughly one third of the country's 60,000-ton annual production of rice may have been ruined by floods. Farm tools, seeds to plant next year's crop, livestock that farmers live off and irrigation systems vital for rice production were also destroyed. The damage is all the more serious because it came at harvest time." (Haiti could face new food crisis after storms, Sept. 15, 2008, Reuters By Matthew Bigg).

U.S. agricultural aid to Haiti should support
local people-centered, self-sustaining projects to rebuild the flood-devastated former bread basket areas of Haiti in the Artibonite valley and Plaine du Sud. According to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (FAO), the rice bowl areas in Haiti alone, are capable of producing food to feed 10 million people. Haiti has a population of 8.5 people and thus, Haiti has the capacity to feed itself. The U.S. should eschew old failed USAID and State Department policies, including voiding the the CBI, OPIC, SEZ agreements et al...and support this capacity for food sovereignty. For, these unfair, unbalanced and over-reaching US agreements and policies with Haiti are extremely one-sided, take morally repugnant advantage of Haiti's weak governments, lack of strong allies and have only proven to promote famine, hunger, endless debt and political instability as evidenced by the April 2008 food riots that forced the resignation of the Alexis government in Haiti.

Haiti needs food sovereignty, domestic manufacturing, local entrepreneurship, fair wage jobs, affordable and clean energy.

5. Cancel old debts, support agriculture:
The US may provide authentic assistance by debt forgiveness - canceling old Duvalier dictatorship debts that bleed approximately $6 million a month out of famine and flood-stricken Haiti and paid to the wealthy USA and by supporting projects that donate modern farm equipments, tools, fertilizers, emergency seeds, et al...to help increase food production; projects that creates local agriculture, engineering and construction jobs and planting crops that can stabilize the soil and be sold or used for bio-fuels.

Support valid reforestation: It should simultaneously support the planting of fruit trees in Haiti that can feed Haitian families and be used as cash crops for domestic trade and investments. Without trees to anchor the soil, erosion will continue to reduce Haiti's scarce agricultural land, making Haiti more vulnerable to devastating floods each hurricane season.

The US Hope Act is not Hope for Haiti's poor masses, it serves the world's greedy super-rich CEOs and Haiti's monopoly families

Enriching the few at the expense of the many is not "hope." The Hope Act "fails to impose labor standards and imposes patronizing, and burdensome conditions on the Haitian people.... (the) legislation amends the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (formerly the Caribbean Basin Initiative) that already provides for Haitian apparel to enter the U.S. duty free but on a temporary renewable basis. The Haiti (HOPE) Act makes the current duty free agreement permanent and subjects it to NEW ONEROUS CONDITIONS. The HOPE legislation requires the U.S. president to certify to Congress that Haiti has established or is making progress in establishing a ‘free trade’, market-based economy that rules out subsidies, price controls and government ownership of economic assets; that eliminates barriers to U.S. trade and investment by creating an environment conducive to foreign investment protecting intellectual property rights and resolving bilateral trade disputes.

Efforts at reforestation must be tailored to planting to the needs of specific areas in Haiti, not to what USAID contractors want to do. For it has been proven beyond a doubt, the poor will not cut down fruit trees (to sell for charcoal) that feed their families and help them earn a living. Consider the judicious use of indigenous Haiti plant, such as the appropriate Jatropha variety for biofuel use - to build energy, fuel and electricity capacity in Haiti and replace reliance upon charcoal and on high priced standard fuel/gasoline. Haitian-led capacity building means creating and bringing into manifestation such green projects so that electrical power plants and diesel engines in Haiti are fueled by Jatropha or, the plant called "Gwo Medsiyen" by Haitians; and funding visionary thinking where Haiti's waste is converted into wealth with green projects that safely turn processed waste into burning briskets to replace charcoal use. Encourage solar cookers, modified kerosene stoves fueled by Jatropha biodiesel, and such other simple) and good renewable energy alternatives.)

be assisted to invest more in indigenous Haiti manufacturing and eco-friendly green jobs with an emphasis in helping meet the needs of women and children in Haiti.

For instance, the indigenous Haiti wild herb named Vetiver is used as a base for
perfume all over, especially in Europe. Haiti could work on getting more Vetiver planted and process the plant in Haiti to create more manufacturing jobs. Some say Haiti is the world's number one producer of Vetiver oil. A good marketing campaign could re-image Haiti as a producer of fine oils and perfumes, and of greatly needed chemically-free, organic food products, rather than a constantly crisis-ridden, needy basket case! (Organic rice, avocado, mangoes, potatoes, tomatoes, Pitimi, ble, pwa Kongo, nwa, yellow rice, white Haitian yam, plantains, St. Marc rice, St. Marc corn, millet, pigeon peas, Vetiver oil, cashew, leafy greens, bananas, cassava, peas, corn, cereals, papayas, bread fruit (lam veritab), et al... See, Healthcare reform also requires food system reform.)

Calibrate Haiti's unique reality and riches: Haiti is a country filled with "non-workers" by US standards. But this informal working sector (small local producers, distributors, retailers and market women) is the economic backbone of Ti Pèp La - the masses in Haiti. Haiti is a place with iridium, oil, gold, copper, lignite, coal and uranium mines, gas reserves, precious minerals, limestone, construction aggregate, marble, chalk, and stone quarries, gem stones, underwater sea treasures and where the poorest of the poor own property. USAID neo-liberal economic policies that doesn't calibrate these factors and the Haitian peoples' right to equitable distribution of their country's own assets, will always fail. (See, Does Western economic model & wealth calculation fit Haiti, fit Dessalines' idea of wealth distribution? No! ; Economic proposals that make sense reality of Haiti - Western economic model
doesn't fit an independent Black nation
, and Haitian Riches .) Haiti's informal working sector should be seen as the assets they are to Haiti, and the US should support this mass and not just the few monopoly families in Haiti with its policies and agreements. Moreover, considering Haiti gross poverty, considering Haiti's national and indigenous heritage and value to a free world, fairness demands special World Heritage protection and that Haiti's unique riches are the assets of the people of Haiti, not wealthy foreigners.

6. The US Congress must demand greater fiscal accountability, transparency and quantifiable evidence of sustainable development achievements from reform projects designed, supervised and financed through USAID and their subcontractors, corporate consultants and charity workers using federal funds in Haiti.

Any bill for aid to Haiti must include specificity in terms of what percentage of the money shall be used for salaries/overhead/shipping fees and then what shall actually go towards Haiti for crisis food aid and medicines. In the storm relief situation a guaranteed percentage for -

1. Crisis food aid and medicines, and then some allocation for long-term assistance, such as:

2. Constructing flood barriers in the coastal cities, particularly Gonaives. Rerouting of rivers around Gonaives and other coastal cities, dredging harbors, building sewers and drainage networks;

3. To rebuild and make the six major bridges (Mirebalais bridge, Montrouis bridge, Site Soley to Croix-des-Bouquets bridge at Route 9, Grand-Goave, Cayes-Jacmel temporary bridge, Miragoane Bridge at Berquin) broken due to the four 2008 storms, flood-resistant.

4. To repair and make flood-resistant all the major road arteries;

5. To assist Haiti in irrigation, fertilizer and necessary farming equipment to increase domestic food production in the Artibonite valley and Plaine du Sud farming areas;

6. For ethically and responsibly creating a uniquely Haitian organic food-for-trade market from Haiti's own traditional fruits and crop staples (Pitimi, ble, pwa Kongo, nwa, yellow rice, avocado, mangoes, white Haitian yam, plantains, St. Marc rice, St. Marc corn, millet, pigeon peas, Vetiver oil, cashew, potatoes, tomatoes, leafy greens, bananas, cassava, peas, corn, cereals, papayas, bread fruit (lam veritab), et al...).

7. For planting fruit trees to assist the small rural farmers towards self-sufficiency;

8. For creating indigenous Haiti manufacturing and eco-friendly green jobs with an emphasis in helping meet the needs of women and children in Haiti. (Proper Jatropha production is an excellent option.)

9. To support Haitian-led grassroots capacity building organizations;

10. For child health care, medicines, permanent clean water facilities (long lasting bio-sand water filter units instead of just water purification tablets, fund wind, water, solar (solar cookers, solar panels, wind turbines for electricity, a microfinance program for purchasing modified kerosene stoves fueled by (Jatropha) biodiesel and such other simple) and good renewable energy alternatives, instead of constantly funding IRI/USAID/NED/NGO "training programs," conferences and more "poverty studies" in Haiti... See: Haiti - Solar Cooking, et al.); and,

11. Educational initiatives that don't deny Haiti's unique indigenous culture.

12. Also, it is essential that Congress add in every such bill for aid to Haiti a requirement that every 6-months and until all the funds have been completely disbursed, a report is filed detailing the specific sustainable development goals that were met - that is, a full report indicating the flood barriers, roads, fruit planting, Gwo Medsiyen biofuel plants constructed, the crisis food aid and medicines that actually reached the intended poor beneficiaries not the open market, and the manufacturing jobs and capital building that were attained.

In particular, for the long term, the new US President should ask Congress to review and investigate which US corporations and political officials pocketed and benefited from the more than $4 billion U.S. dollars spent in Haiti by US through USAID and their sub-contractors from 1994 to 1998 and who profited and were made wealthier from the over $8 billion dollars and counting spent during the second Bush coup d'etat from Feb. 29, 2004 continuing on through today. What improvements have the use of these US taxpayer monies made, if any, in the lives of the Haitian majority. None. They are suffering now from famine, the foreign soldiers' rape, assault, molestation, indefinite/arbitrary detention and moreover...worst insecurity, injustice, impunity, standard of living and degraded environment than what they had before the US regime change and US/UN 2004 occupation. (See also, HLLN's FreeHaitiMovement Demands and, Rep. Barbara Lee's bill (HR 331) calling for investigation of U.S. role in 2004 Coup d'État.)

In particular, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services spokeswoman, Ana Santiago, "The U.S. has given nearly $400 million in assistance to Haiti since 2004, including $64 million for disaster relief after Jeanne and Hurricane Dennis in 2005. (See, Haitians seek temporary halt to deportations By JENNIFER KAY, AP, Sept. 12, 2008). In 2004 Hurricane Jeanne killed over 3,000 Haitians and flooded the City of Gonaives. Like then, in a replay of the same scenario, the media rushed in and published the lines of folks in flood waters, receiving aid, photographed the dead, told the tragic and dying stories. Like then USAID and the U.S. government also rushed in and committed millions of dollars to “help.” International help has been occupying Haiti for four years. Why was the City of Gonaives never rebuilt? Why did it remain filled with flood damage, weak and devastated, battered from hurricane Jeanne, Dennis, Noel and the subsequent hurricanes from 2004 up until to this season with Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike? Where did the $400 U.S. million, including $64 million in disaster relief, go?

Not one bridge was reinforced, not one dike, flood barrier, road or house in Gonaives was ever built or re-built. Yet, USAID subcontractors, US NGOs, humanitarian and charity workers raised millions of funds based on Haiti's misfortunes and were photographed distributing bags upon bags of rice and water immediately after each major hurricane and flood, and then... nothing. The flurry of activity subsided. The media cameras were gone; only to return again during Storm Noel last October 2007, and again for the food riots to show starving Haitians rebelling in April of 2008.

And the two-century-old, Euro/US and Christian vengeance against Haiti's freedom, Vodun religion, culture and independence continues. The story repeats itself.

After the April 2008 food riots in Haiti, the U.S. government and U.N. World Food Program committed to send a combined total of $117 million in food and agricultural aid. Yet three months later, just a small fraction of this pledge had actually been distributed to starving Haitians. None of it had reached the starving Haitians in the countryside. On July 20, 2008, speaking about the food riots, an Associated Press article quoted a U.S. Agency of International Development report and stated that: "of the outpouring of international pledges... that included more than 40,000 tons of beans, rice and other food intended to quell the emergency, as of early July, less than 2 percent of that had been distributed. Some 16,000 tons has reached Haiti. But more than 11,000 tons of that is still in port; nearly all the rest lies undistributed in World Vision International and Catholic Relief Services warehouses. Only 724 tons of food has reached distribution centers". (See, Haiti food aid lags, hunger deepens By JONATHAN M. KATZ Associated Press Writer , July 20, 2008)

But there's more.

In fact, two months after the April, 2008 food riots, on June 13, 2008, President Rene Preval is quoted in a Nouvelliste article as saying that "...in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian government is CONSUMED in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC.... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters, instead of the impoverished and starving Haitians these food and gas subsidies were intended to benefit...". (See the role of the Haitian oligarchs and rich families in Haiti; and, The slavery in Haiti the media won't expose.)

For all the above mentioned reasons, Haitian-Americans hereby request that the next President of the United States directs that the US Congress demand that aid allocated actually reach the intended recipients in Haiti and for greater fiscal accountability, transparency and quantifiable evidence of sustainable development achievements from reform projects designed, supervised and financed through USAID and their subcontractors, corporate consultants and charity workers using federal funds in Haiti.

7. The U.S. Congress and next U.S. president should support the institutionalization of Haitian laws, not USAID/IRI/NED
"democracy enhancement" projects that promote coup d'etat, instability and financial colonialism and containment-in-poverty in Haiti through neo-liberalism - "free trade" , "globalization" and other such "privatization" - schemes.

Every time the United States supports the destabilization of a duly elected government it visits enormous economic pressures and political turmoil upon Haiti. The turmoil and pressures undermine Haitian justice, participatory democracy, self sufficiency, sovereignty, self-determination and promotes insecurity, debt, dependency, foreign domination, injustice, a rise in fleeing refugees and a structural containment in poverty. This instability has widespread and deep and disturbing repercussions.

For instance, the Haitian Diaspora invests $2 billion dollars per year in Haiti. That investment is destroyed, diluted and undermined when it must be used to bury family members killed in political turmoil, kidnapped in the chaos of anarchy, instability that follows coup d'etats, or to move and help rebuilt the family of a relative or friend traumatized by the UN soldiers' rapes, molestation, arbitrary detention and indefinite incarcerations of their children relatives and friends in Haiti, instead of being used to buy books for their children and relatives to go to school, to buy supplies to carry out a viable family business, seeds to plant next year's harvest, or invest remittances in Haiti's tourism, schools, reforestation, agriculture, road construction, flood barriers, communication, energy, sanitation or health needs.

US-sponsored coup d'etats in Haiti destroy grassroots and community organizations as well. When this human community infrastructure is gone, Haitians cannot respond to the hurricane seasons, worldwide rising food and gas prices or any other sort of emergency; laws requiring that all children go to school cannot be implemented and the Haitians' capacity to help themselves is eviscerated.

Just one more example suffices: as Environmental Minister Jean-Marie Claude Germain indicated in an AP article titled Haiti's Efforts to Save Trees Falters, "reforestation projects and efforts to preserve trees in three protected zones were set back by the violent rebellion that ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004 and prompted the U.N. to send in thousands of peacekeepers to restore order. Even though there were agricultural laws, the laws were not respected," Germain said. (See also - HLLN on the causes of Haiti deforestation and poverty and HLLN on the counter-narrative on deforestation in Haiti.)

When there's food instability because of the U.S. dumping of subsidize Miami rice and food imported under low tariffs into Haiti; when there is no security because of US-orchestrated regime change rebellion in Haiti, then children don't go to school, parents don't go about trying to earn a living and the $2 billion remittances from Haitians living abroad cannot be maximized. The only folks who make out like fat rats are the U.S. middlemen - the sweatshop corporations who don't have a democratic government to account to in terms of abiding by Haitian labor and other laws, the NGOs and non-for-profits fighting over "aid" monies for Haiti and to be designated as subcontractors for USAID, U.N., State Department and other such agencies providing earmarked "recovery/reform" funds. Haitian blood and manufactured chaos and instability lines the pockets of certain of these U.S. corporations, defense contractors, security firms, so-called development experts and "charity organization." This pattern must stop. (-Youtube: The politics of rice - 04 Jul 08 - Part 1).

Unequal trade costs Haiti more in lost revenue than Haiti ever gets in foreign aid. Profit should not be valued over people. Moreover, US unequal trade laws and so-called USAID "democracy enhancement" aid projects actively promote big business interests, the exclusion of the masses and thus promotes the sort of caricature democracy Haiti now has under President Rene Preval, with Haiti under occupation and where the vote of the people has been voided and where democracy becomes a cover for US/Canada/France/UN and their Haitian sycophants' injustice and plunder.

Haitian Americans ask that the next U.S. President stop supporting endless IMF/WB/IRI death-projects in Haiti. Stop supporting debt, dependency and foreign domination. End the UN occupation, grant TPS and work permits with a specification to stop all deportations to help Haiti's recovery process. Stop the rampant discrimination in all areas of immigration, trade and foreign "aid" vis-à-vis Haiti and Haitian nationals. Stop, in effect, trading with USAID, Catholic Relief Services, World Vision International and other such NGO's and calling it "help," "aid" or "trading with Haiti." Invest not in "free trade" and low-wage assembly plant jobs that will only end up creating slums like Site Soley and destroying rural Haiti, but in sustainable development projects - grass-roots environmental rehabilitation, and increased food and energy production projects, designed by local Haitians with a bottoms-up grassroots approach that recognizes Haiti's economic backbone is its informal working sector. Stop the militarization of Haiti in order to quell and pacify dissent. Cancel old, Duvalier-dictatorship debts and support restitution for the coup d'etat victims and the promotion of Haitian sovereignty, laws, community organizing, community policing, transparency and participatory democracy.

Stop imposing failed USAID policies.

Encourage Maximum leveraging of Diaspora Remittances:

The constructive help the US can provide is to help Haitians help themselves and step out of the way of Haitianist grassroots, bottoms-up, community development. As illustrated above, the bulk of USAID aid and NGO emergency handouts never reach the poorest of the poor. So, the reality is that it's not US "aid" or NGO handouts that sustains the Haitian people, but the over $2 billion dollars sent each year to Haiti directly by Haitians living abroad to their families in Haiti. These Haitian remittances should be encouraged and protected, not destroyed by cruel deportations, coup d'etat, free trade deals that promotes hunger, famine or a US/UN occupation that traumatizes and militarizes Haiti instead of helping with reconstruction, viable reforestation, engineering projects, community-based policing and development, educational initiatives, building of flood barriers, dikes, roads, bridges, viable farms, schools, hospitals and health centers.

Ezili Dantò
President, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
September, 2008

For more, go to:

Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team

Proposed solutions to create a new paradigm

What UN Special Envoy Bill Clinton May Do to Help Haiti

- Outline and Full Text
Haiti Forum


Energy and Mining in Haiti: The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind

Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a Myth

End the UN Occupation of Haiti.

MINUSTHA's approved budget (1 July 2009 - 30 June 2010): is
$732.39 million
(See Haiti MINUSTAH -Approved $611.75 million for the Mission, for the period 1 July to 30 June 2010 increased by $120. 64 after earthquake.)

That's $61.03 million per month,

$2.01 million PER DAY


Question: What is the UN doing in Haiti?

Answer: Disenfranchising 10 million sovereign Black Haitian peoples in order to carry the global elites' corporate/IMF/WB looting and recolonization of Haiti.

The UN, as military proxy for the US and the global trans-national corporate elites, is securing, at gun point, the protection of right-wing armed groups (Guy Philippe, Lame Ti Manchet, old army) and the exploitation, hunger and repression of 10 million sovereign Black Haitian peoples under the mask of "humanitarian aid," "peacekeeping" and providing stability and security to Haitians.
(See Ezili Blog; Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind
; Haitian Riches ;Report of David Josue tour in Brazil Demanding withdrawal of UN/Brazilian Troops from Haiti; and HLLN Links to: US Free trade Fraud promoting famine in Haiti ).

No Security provided to Haitians:

In fact, the UN and US military intervention in Haiti, since Feb. 29, 2004, has brought kidnapping, assassinations, environmental/health degradation and child molestation, prostitution and trafficking to an unheard of level into Haiti. (Go to: HLLN links relating to Humanitarian aid workers and UN peacekeepers' abhorrent violation of the fundamental duty of care - raping and sexually abusing the Black poor and powerless in Haiti and Bush Bloodbath Brought to Haiti: Coup D'etat Massacres, Victims and Human Rights Abuses ; Video: U.N. Massacre on July 6, 2005 in Site Soley; and, U.N. Massive Attack on Dec. 22, 2006 on Site Soley ).

Is there a security reason why MINUSTHA is in Haiti?

No. The violence in Haiti is a myth and was launched and steadily exacerbated in Haiti, since 2004, with the landing of the UN/US troops, John McCain's International Republican Institutes'(IRI)-financed and supported Haitian thugs and repugnant economic elites.(See, A Hidden Agenda: John McCain and the IRI). Even so:

- According to the UN, the violence rate in Haiti is 5.6 homicide per 100,000;

- "...International comparisons are telling. In Brazil, there are 52.2 homicides per 100,000 youths, ... whereas in the USA the rate is 13.2 per 100,000..." (
See. Amnesty International on Brazil: "They come in Shooting" - Policing Socially Excluded Communities)

- According to the United Nations, the Caribbean region has a murder rate of 30
per 100,000 inhabitants.

"...The homicide rate in Peoria is about 15/100,000 per year.The homicide rate in Port-au-Prince is about 5/100,000 per year.
("Hellhole Haiti" not as Violent as Peoria, Illinois ).

-The UN says there were 487 homicides in Haiti last year (2007), or about 5.6 per 100,000 people.

A joint UN-World Bank study put the Caribbean region's average murder rate at 30 per 100,000 in 2007, with Jamaica registering nearly nine times as many murders - 49 homicides per 100,000 people - as those recorded by the UN in Haiti.

In 2006 the neighboring Dominican Republic had 23.6 homicides per 100,000, according to the Central American Observatory on Violence.

The United States had a murder rate of 5.7 per 100,000 in 2006, according to the US Department of Justice.

"There is not a large amount of violence [in Haiti]," said General Jose Elito Carvalho Siqueira, the former commander of the UN military force. "If you compare the levels of poverty with those of Sao Paulo or other cities, there is more violence there than here."

Why isn't the UN in Brazil, the US, helping them out with their crime rate? Or, Jamaica, Dominican Republic or Columbia, all have violence rates much greater than Haiti. Since the Bush Regime change in Haiti in 2004, Kidnapping, trafficking in child prostitution and murder and imprisonment and indefinite detention of Haitian civilians has increased a hundred fold. Down with MINUSTHA in Haiti, Down with Brazil in Haiti. Respect for Black self-rule, dignity and sovereignty. Support the 2008 HLLN FreeHaitiMovement Demands.

Haiti's violent image is an outdated myth, insist UN peacekeepers

Comparing crime, poverty and violence in the rest of the Hemisphere to Haiti
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/paradigm.html#comparing ;

Violence, murder and social breakdown are threatening many small states in the Caribbean ;

Paradise Lost: the Caribbean's shocking secret, August 3, 2008

"Hellhole Haiti" not as Violent as Peoria, Illinois

HLLN Links to US "free trade" fraud promoting famine in Haiti


Ezili Danto's counter-narrative to the Associated Press's current Neocolonial Narrative in "Haiti's tourism dreams deferred by riots"

Continuing the discussion of Media Lies:When Haiti Was Free - Video evidence of media lies

Media Lies: The two most common neocolonial storylines about Haiti - May 14, 2008 & August 27, 2007

Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind


Economic proposals that make sense for the reality of Haiti - The Western economic model doesn't fit an independent Black nation by Ezili Danto, May 23, 2008


"...So, people-to-people, we ask assistance to stop the corruption genocide going on (the better to steal from and fleece) Haiti. A genocide, depopulation and terror taking place through: indefinite detention/incarceration; UN, NGO and humanitarian aid workers sexual rape, human trafficking and molestation of Haitian children; imposed famine from fraudulent "free trade" policies that destroys Haitian food sovereignty; imposed coup d'etat and UN/US protectorate that destroys Haitian security and stability, increases violence and organized kidnappings, drug-dealings and arms trafficking; and, perhaps genocide and forced sterilization by this wholesale foreign-imposed (UNICEF/WHO $10-million dollar) vaccination program in UN occupied Haiti." (Excerpted from "Ezili Danto's Note: Genocide by vaccination in Haiti and Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?" June 15, 2008)

Bush Administration Accused of Withholding "Lifesaving" Aid to Haiti, June 25, 2008

The Cite Soleil Massacre Declassification Project, Keith Yearman, Assistant
Professor of Geography, College of DuPage, Jun 24th, 2007


"... Five young Haitian women who followed soldiers back to Sri Lanka were forced into brothels or polygamous households. They have been rescued and brought home to warn others of the dangers of foreign liaisons..."

When the abuses in the Haitian capital’s impoverished Martissant neighborhood were brought to the mission’s attention in August, a unit of the U.N. Office of Internal Oversight Services was deployed to investigate. Its report to the U.N. Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York remains confidential, but mission commanders repatriated 111 soldiers and three officers on disciplinary grounds in early November.... " (See UN. confronts another sex scandal by Carol J. Williams, Dec. 15, 2007, Los Angeles Times)


U.N. confronts another sex scandal
By Carol J. Williams
December 15, 2007 in print edition A-14, Los Angeles Times

Girls as young as 13 were having sex with U.N. peacekeepers for as little as $1.
Five young Haitian women who followed soldiers back to Sri Lanka were forced into brothels or polygamous households. They have been rescued and brought home to warn others of the dangers of foreign liaisons.

The young mother of a peacekeeper’s child had to send the toddler to live with relatives in the countryside after other children and parents taunted him with the nickname “Little Minustah,” the French acronym for the United Nations mission here.

In the latest sex scandal to tarnish the world organization, at least 114 Sri Lankan troops have been expelled from the U.N. Stabilization Mission in Haiti on suspicion of sexual exploitation of Haitian women and girls.

This poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere has endured occupation repeatedly over the centuries, each time suffering instances of statutory rape and economically coerced sexual relations.

But this time, the troops had been sent to protect the country’s people. The United Nations had taken measures to stop such abuse after revelations three years ago that its troops in Congo were having sex with girls in exchange for staples such as eggs and milk or token sums of money.

When the abuses in the Haitian capital’s impoverished Martissant neighborhood were brought to the mission’s attention in August, a unit of the U.N. Office of Internal Oversight Services was deployed to investigate. Its report to the U.N. Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York remains confidential, but mission commanders repatriated 111 soldiers and three officers on disciplinary grounds in early November.

MINUSTAH spokesman David Wimhurst said all violators of U.N. ethical policies are swiftly punished.

“The rules are very strict and very clear. There’s a zero-tolerance policy,” he said of the code of conduct to which all of the nearly 9,000 U.N. soldiers, police and civilians deployed in Haiti must adhere.

“You can’t have sex with anybody under 18 or with anybody in exchange for money, services, promises or food.”

The internal U.N. action has inspired Haiti’s fledgling feminist organizations to demand reparations from Sri Lanka and an investigation by Haitian authorities of suspected abuses among the 30-plus national contingents that make up MINUSTAH.

“The Sri Lankan case is the one we are hearing about now, but it’s not the only one,” said Olga Benoit of Haitian Women’s Solidarity, recalling two Pakistani peacekeepers who were expelled two years ago for raping a mentally ill woman in Gonaives and a French policeman disciplined for keeping a prostitute captive.

“These are men, soldiers in big vehicles, carrying weapons – that has a lot of power in a patriarchal society like ours.”

In a country where more than half of the 8.5 million people live on less than a dollar a day, the parents and friends of girls engaging in sex for food or other compensation “tend to close their eyes and pretend nothing is happening,” Benoit said.

Anecdotal reports on the Sri Lankan scandal indicate girls in their early teens were often involved, and that in the poorest areas of the capital the going rate for sex was a dollar.

Young girls have congregated outside peacekeeping posts since the first U.N. troops arrived in the summer of 2004, sometimes begging, other times flirting or practicing a few words of English, French or Spanish. After dark, scores of young girls in skimpy shorts or dresses can be seen loitering in the streets, waving to signal their availability to off-duty soldiers.

Magalie Marcelin of the Women’s Home organization, which is working to educate young Haitian women about their rights and the social risks around them, attributes the MINUSTAH scandal to a long history of Haitians regarding women’s bodies as commodities.

“That a soldier can do this to a girl he’s supposed to be protecting comes from the same mentality that allows a professor to do it to his student or a father to his daughter,” Marcelin said. “In this society, women’s bodies are regarded as meat.”

Despite a successful campaign against the spread of AIDS in Haiti, sex remains a taboo subject. There is no sex education in the schools, and parents remain reluctant to discuss the topic, Benoit said.

Haitians able to scrape together a living blame parental lapses for the incidents of prostitution involving the troops. But they too tend to attribute the sex-for-compensation to their country’s gnawing, unmet needs.

“I know these things happen, and it’s very difficult times for many people,” said Guerde Clerveau, a mother of nine who sculpts wooden artifacts and sells them outside the main base of MINUSTAH. “But I would never allow my daughters to act like that, to sell themselves, even if we were starving.”

As with most nations contributing troops to U.N. peacekeeping missions, the Sri Lankan government retains responsibility for disciplinary action against its soldiers here. Authorities in the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo, in consultation with the commander of the 950-member Sri Lankan contingent, ordered the repatriations and deployed a high-level investigative team, including a female officer, to determine the extent of the abuses. That inquiry has yet to be completed, said Wimhurst, the MINUSTAH spokesman.

A spokeswoman for the Sri Lankan mission at the United Nations in New York, Mahishini Colonne, said she didn’t know when her government’s investigation would wrap up or who, other than officials in Colombo, would receive the report. She said reparations to Haitian victims was probably “one aspect being considered.”

But a senior diplomat at the Sri Lankan Embassy in Washington disputed that any compensation was due alleged victims and said the Haitian government was “also to be blamed.”

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the diplomat said poverty and the Haitian government’s inability to create opportunities for its citizens led young girls to sell themselves to lonely and homesick soldiers. He also said that the scope of the misconduct had been exaggerated and that some troops who never left their bases were among those identified from photographs by Haitian women.

Marie-Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue, the Haitian minister of women’s affairs, said she believed the abuses might be more widespread than reported, not less.

The U.N. has not shared its findings with the Haitian government. Lassegue said such a move was a necessary first step for Haitians to gather evidence to pursue reparations and dissuade further misconduct.

She has appealed to Haitian girls and women who have been involved in prohibited relationships with U.N. soldiers to come forward to provide testimony in a legal case to be brought before Sri Lanka and any other offending nations.

“The ones we know about have been traumatized and will need time to heal before they can take part in any campaign to alert others to the dangers,” she said. “We don’t yet have any perspective on the size of the problem, and my worst fear is that there are many others out there we don’t even know about.”


Vodou shrub is alternative fuel
BY JACQUELINE CHARLES, Miami Herald, Sept. 28, 2008

For generations, Vodou practitioners in rural Haiti have sworn by the mystic qualities of Jatropha, an indigenous plant believed to purge evil spirits and release the trapped souls of the dead.

But the shrub may soon be in bigger demand among the living. Jatropha shows tremendous promise as a source of biofuel in Latin America and the Caribbean, and especially Haiti, which suffers from chronic shortages of diesel fuel, electricity -- just about everything except Jatropha.

In June, Miami hosted a Jatropha World 2008 Conference that trumpeted the plant's properties. And later this week, alternative fuel sources such as Jatropha will likely share the spotlight again at an energy panel during the annual Americas Conference in Miami.

It has been known for decades that the oil-producing seeds of the Jatropha curcas, once they are crushed and processed, can be a potent source of energy. But now the so-called ''miracle plant'' is sparking heightened interest as oil prices skyrocket and reports filter out of India and Nepal of power plants there being fueled by Jatropha.

The United States and Brazil -- the world's leading producer of ethanol -- signed an agreement last year to help Haiti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and St. Kitts and Nevis explore the potential of Jatropha and other biofuel-producing plants. Scientists from both nations have toured Haiti to scout the potential for the plant's commercial cultivation.

''Jatropha offers a great opportunity for Haiti,'' said Mark Lambrides, chief of the energy and climate change division at the Organization of American States.

Jatropha, or Gwo Medsiyen, is everywhere in Haiti. For centuries, it has been part of the medicinal arsenal of Vodou priests and priestesses. They use it in burial ceremonies to banish evil spirits, in ritual baths, as a remedy for constipation, and as an acne cure.

It can also be used, Vodou practitioners believe, to physically harm one's enemies, through incantations. The toxic seed is dropped into a kerosene lamp, and the longer the lamp burns, the longer the harm is supposed to endure.

Haitian farmers also use Jatropha as a ''living fence'' to ward off crop-devouring goats. The plant's bitter taste is a goat repellent. And because the plant is highly toxic, there is no conflict -- as with corn and sugar cane -- over whether to use Jatropha to feed the hungry or fuel a diesel engine.


Nowhere in the region is the need to find a renewable source of energy more glaring than in Haiti, where electricity is unreliable and often unavailable. Decades of cutting trees for charcoal to cook with have transformed Haiti's once lush landscape into an environmental disaster.

Last year, Haiti imported about $200 million in diesel fuel, with half going for transportation and the rest to run generators. Burning nearly 3.5 million gallons a month of diesel fuel and 219,976 gallons a month of other fuel oil, Haiti's electrical company eked out enough electricity to run the power grid for eight hours a day in Port-au-Prince, according to a study prepared for the U.S. government.

As a result, wealthier Haitians rely heavily on generators.
The situation is far worse outside the capital. A little more than one in 10 of the country's nearly nine million citizens have access to the limited government supply of electricity, according to state-owned Electricité d'Haiti.

But Jatropha, which grows up to 13 feet high, could do more than fulfill a portion of the nation's energy needs. It could also help reforest a country that has been denuded by rampant clear-cutting.

Where most crops don't grow, Jatropha will.


''There are about [1.5 million acres] of dry and arid land, which is suitable for Jatropha plantations and would create thousands of rural jobs,'' said Reginald Noel, a biofuel pioneer in Haiti, whose car runs on biodiesel. ``We can satisfy our energy needs in this country and divert money to our farmers.''

Johanna Mendelson-Forman agrees. She has been a leading advocate of Jatropha's potential as a fuel source, testifying before the U.S. Congress on its benefits here and in Central America, where the shrub is known as Piñon Blanco. Jatropha, she believes, can literally light up the island of Hispaniola, which is shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

''Even if you were to harvest just what's being used as hedging, you could still get enough of the crop to produce oil for villages,'' she said.

Videos on Jatropha as biofuel


jatropha HUGE potential income base on research


Mercedes Burning Jatropha Oil


EEJ jatropha project in Haiti # 3

Jatropha damaged by hurricanes in Haiti Sep. 08

Jatropha Plant Processing

Oil Pressing Jatropha

Videos on Solar Cookers

Haiti - Solar Cooking

Green Alternative- Solar energy

Solar Cooker Project

Simple Solar Cooker Demonstraton

Solar Cookers
How to Make Solar Panels - Make Your Own Solar Panel at Home

Not everyone is happy about Jatropha's rising caché.

Vodou priestess Immacula Jean grows the shrub next to her mud shack off a rural dirt road in Douret. For $50 to $75, she offers ritual baths using Jatropha to purge evil spirts or provide good luck.

Her services, she said, are in high demand at funerals in which family members believe that the death was the result of a curse. Before the body is laid to rest, a piece of the shrub is cut and placed under the head. As the coffin is lowered into the grave, it is beaten with the shrub to expel the zombie, or evil spirit, and free the loved one's soul.

Of the prospect of Jatropha becoming a major source of biodiesel fuel, Jean said: ``I don't like the competition.''

At least three dozen Jatropha projects have sprouted in Haiti in the past year, including nurseries in Terrier Rouge and Lhomond. In Lhomond, 10,000 seedlings have been distributed to local farmers by Entreprise Exploitation Jatropha, a Haitian-based biofuel venture. But getting investors to bet on Haiti, with its tangled bureaucracy and political paralysis, won't be easy.

''We need the right technology, the right variety,'' said Gael Pressoir, who holds a doctorate in plant breeding and genetics.


In Haiti, just as elsewhere in Latin America, India and Africa, Jatropha comes in a dizzying number of varieties.

Pressoir, who was educated in France and worked in Mexico and at Cornell University in New York state before returning to his native Haiti, is raising funds to build a nonprofit institute that would help determine which varieties grow best in Haiti's climate, which has two rainy seasons a year.

At the same time, he is working alongside Noel to breed a nontoxic Jatropha that would yield between 150 and 200 gallons of biodiesel per acre and -- as an added benefit for farmers -- produce animal feed.

''With 500,000 acres, we could substitute all of Haiti's imported diesel fuel,'' he said.

But getting there means finding the right strain of Jatropha and making it economical to cultivate. And then, regions like Douret, where flicking on a light switch remains a luxury, could enjoy a better quality of life.

''There is a huge potential for that crop,'' Pressoir said. ``Now we need to transform that potential into something real.''© 2008 Miami Herald Media Company. All Rights Reserved.



Plant could help meet Haiti's energy needs
Published: Sept. 28, 2008, UPI

MIAMI, Sept. 28 (UPI) -- A plant long believed by Vodou practitioners in Haiti to have mystic qualities could be a boon for Latin America's biofuel industry.

An indigenous plant believed by some to purge evil spirits and release the trapped souls of the dead, Jatropha could emerge as a new source of biofuel in Latin America and the Caribbean, especially in Haiti, which has shortages of diesel fuel and electricity, The Miami Herald reported Sunday.

The plant's potential will be discussed at the annual Americas Conference in Miami, the newspaper reported.

The United States and Brazil last year signed an agreement to help Haiti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and St. Kitts and Nevis explore the biofuel potential of Jatropha and other plants.

''Jatropha offers a great opportunity for Haiti,'' said Mark Lambrides, chief of the energy and climate change division at the Organization of American States.

Jatropha, which grows up to 13 feet high, also could help reforest a country that has been plagued by clear-cutting.

"There are about (1.5 million acres) of dry and arid land, which is suitable for Jatropha plantations and would create thousands of rural jobs,'' said Reginald Noel, a biofuel pioneer in Haiti.


Black is the Color of Liberty
An Interview with Haitian Attorney Marguerite Laurent

Zili Dantò performs performs the Nago for Breaking Sea Chain (See also Intro to Breaking Sea Chains)





Standing on truth, living without fear – Supporting Barack Obama’s vision of what can be…


Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!

"When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped...........If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is a compromise." Robert Fritz

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