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Yvon Neptune Letters from Prison, March 8 and 13, 2006

Haiti's Sins: Fighting to live and be free from European and American Chains
by Marguerite Laurent, 2004

Join the FreeHaitiMovement

Yvon Neptune Letters, Jan 20 and
Feb. 21, 2006

ANSWER THE CALL, Protect the Feb 7th
/HLLN's 2006 Haiti Resolution

Join HLLN's Media Campaign to FREE political prisoners in Haiti, protect the Feb. 7th vote and to stop media bearing false and racists witness to the plight of the people of Haiti

HLLN's Media Campaign
Investigate the electoral fraud: COUNT ALL THE VOTES!!!! HLLN'S "Protect the Feb. 7th vote and the "NO-protectorate-for-Haiti" campaign

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!

Donate to support this work zilibutton


Letters from political prisoner and (former) Prime Minister, Yvon Neptune, sent specially for distribution by the HLLN, translated from French into English for the Ezili Danto Witness Project by Frantz Jerome:

1. Letter dated March 8, 2006 From Yvon Neptune to President-elect, Rene Preval (English and French)

2. Letter from Yvon Neptune to Mr. Julion Simon, President of the Supèrieur Court Overseeing State Administrative Finance and Disputes, Mach 13, 2006 (English and French)

Ezili Danto Witness Project Report, English Translation of French letters by Frantz Jerome of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network


March 8, 2006 Letter from political prisoner and former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune to President-Elect, Rene Preval. Transcribed by HLLN for the Ezili Danto Witness Projectand translated into English for HLLN by Frantz Jerome


His Excellency Mr. René Garcia Préval
President Elect of the Republic
In his Offices


I have the honor of informing you that I took note of your recent press statement regarding the Head of State’s constitutional prerogative to grant amnesty in political maters.

I take this opportunity to express my wonderment as per a possible connection
between the above mentioned statement and the one you made earlier, again to the press, in reference to the position of the UN expert, Mr. Louis Joinet, concerning this affair of “La Scierie” in St Marc; statement in which I believe I heard you mention a judicial decision relating to the eventual liberation of political prisoners.

In my letter dated February 21, 2006, I made an affirmation to you, that the accusations, the mandate of arrest, the incarceration, and the multiple maltreatments of which I am the victim were in no way motivated by judicial maters. All these political and criminal machinations are the “master piece” of the infernal machine of the February 29, 2004 coup d’etat and the demagogic, buffoon and grotesquely Machiavellian de facto regime it engendered. As a consequence, my liberation could not be the fruit of any lawyer’s intervention on my behalf, or of any amnesty granted by anyone.

It is incumbent therefore on the powers that conceptualized and implemented the coup and on the de facto regime, as the instigators of my incarceration, to give me back my freedom.

I am attaching to the present some of the documents that, I hope, will help you understand better the cost of these two years of still continuing struggle I have been enduring, for the triumph of the Truth.

I wish that the predators of presidential mandates cease, at once, to gobble up your mandated term, which you have yet to begin.

I pray that you accept, Excellency, the expression of my highest esteem.

Yvon Néptune

Ex-Prime Minister
Member of Fanmi Lavalas
Political Prisoner
Civil Jail Annex, Pacot
Port-au-Prince, March 8, 2006



Excellence Monsieur René Gracia Préval
Président-Elu de la République

En ses Bureaux


J’ai l’honneur de vous faire savoir que j’ai pris note de votre récente
déclaration à la presse relative à la prérogative constitutionnelle du
Chef de L’état d’exercer le droit d’ammistier en matière politique.

Je saisis aussi l’occasion pour vous exprimer mon interrogation sur un
quelconque rapport possible entre la déclaration sus-mentionnée et
celle que vous avez faite antérieurement, encore à la presse, en référence
à la position de l’expert des Nations Unis, Monsieur Louis Joinet,
concernant cette affaire de la Scierie à St. Marc; déclaration dans
laquelle j’ai cru vous avoir entendu faire mention de décision de justice en
ce qui a trait à la libération éventuelle de prisoniers politiques.

Dans ma lettre du 21 Février 2006, je vous ai affirmé que les
accusations, le mandat d’arrestation, la détention et les multiples autres
sévices dont je suis victime n’ont été nullement motivés par une question de
justice. Toutes ces menées politiciennes et criminelles sont l’oeuvre
de la machine infernale du coup d’état du 29 Fevrier 2004 et du pouvoir
de facto démagogique, bouffon et grotesquement machiavélique qu’elle a

En conséquence, ma libération ne saurait être le fruit d’aucune
intervention d’avocat à mon service, ou de mesure d’amnistie de qui que ce

Il incombe donc aux puissances conceptrices et exécutrices du coup
d’état, et au pouvoir de facto, qui ont fomenté mon incarcération de me
rendre ma liberté.

Je vous envoie ci-joint quelques uns des documents qui, j’éspère, vous
aideront à mieux appréhender le coût des deux années de lutte que je
poursuis encore, pour le triomphe de la Verité.

Tout en souhaitant que les prédateurs de mandats présidentiels cessent
au plus vite de rogner le votre que vous n’avez mème pas encore débuté.
Je vous prie de croire, Excellence, en l’expression de ma très haute

Yvon Néptune

Ex-Premier Ministre
Membre De Fanmi Lavalas
Prisonnier Politique
Prison Civile, Annexe Pacot
Port-au-Prince, 8 Mars 2006


Letter from Yvon Neptune to Mr. Julion Simon, President of the Supérieur Court Overseeing State Administrative Finance and Disputes, March 13, 2006


Mr. Julion Simon
Président de la Cour Supériéure
des Comptes du Contentiéux Administratif
(President of the Supérieur Court
Overseeing State Administrative Finance and Disputes
In his Offices

Mister President,

I take this opportunity to attract your attention to the fact that I did not
receive a response to the matter of my (Official State) discharge request
submitted to the Court since the month of March 2004.

You must be aware of the fact that since June 27 2004, I have been in prison
subsequent to the arbitrary, illegal and politically motivated decisions of
the de facto regime imposed by the coup d’état of February 29 2004.
In addition, you must be aware of the fact that:

1) The de facto UCREF published a “report” in which it attempts to slander me
in relation to the Aristide Foundation for Democracy matters.

2) The de facto commission of (supposedly) administrative investigation also
did put out a “catch all report” where they attempt to defame my character,
this time, relying on the discretionary account I disposed of, in the
framework of the prerogative of all Prime Ministers.

I did not see these “reports” emitted by both de facto UCREF and CEA; but
based on what I have heard on the radio, I have publicly refuted the gross,
repugnant and lowly political allegations, of which I am the object (indeed
see attached documents)

I also seize this opportunity to point out that, as per my instructions, the
administration of the Prime Minister’s office prepared periodic expenditures
reports that, as far as I know, were regularly submitted to the Court.

Based on the Court’s very long delay in replying to my request for a
discharge, I would be grateful to you if I could at once receive the possible
reasons for such delay, given the eagerness manifested by the de facto regime
to destroy me at any costs and by any means necessary.

If for any reason the Court is not in possession of my request of the month
of March 2004, I trust that the present correspondence will be viewed as a
replacement and also as a reminder.

Please accept, Mister President, my salutations,

Yvon Néptune, Former Prime Minister
Political Prisoner
Pacot’s Civil Prison Annex,
Monday, May 13, 2006
Attachments: Letter to Mr. Paul Denis, June 15 2005
Press Statement, July 14 2005 (French and Kreòl)
Press Statement, July 26 2005



Monsieur Julion Simon
Président de la Cour Supérieure
des Comptes du Contentieux Administratif
En ses Bureaux

Monsieur le Président,

J’ai l’avantage d’attirer votre attention sur le fait que je n’ai reçu aucune réponse à ma demande de décharge soumise à la Cour depuis le mois de Mars 2004.

Vous n’êtes pas sans savoir que depuis le 27 Juin 2004, je suis en prison suite aux décisions arbitraires, illégales et politiquement motivées du pouvoir de facto issu du coup d’état du 29 Février 2004.

Vous n’ignorez pas en outre que:

1) L’UCREF de facto a publié un “rapport” dans lequel elle tente de me
diffamer en relation avec la Fondation Aristide pour la Démocratie

2) La commission de facto de soi-disant enquête administrative a aussi
fait sortir un fourre-tout òu la tentative de me diffamer s’est cette
fois rabattue sur le compte discrétionnaire dont j’ai disposé à l’instar
de tout Premier Ministre dans le cadre de cette prérogative.

Je n’ai pas vu ces “rapports” de L’UCREF et de la CEA, toutes deux de facto; mais sur la base de ce qui a èté transmis par la radio, j’ai, dans des notes publiques, réfuté les allégations grossières, répugnantes et bassement politiciennes dont je suis l’objet (voire copies des notes ci-jointes).

Je saisis aussi l’occasion pour vous signaler que, sur mes
instructions, l’Administration de la Primature préparait des rapports
périodiques de dépenses qui, que je sache, étaient régulièrement soumis à la Cour.

Vu le très long retard mis par la Cour à répondre à ma demande de
décharge, je lui saurais gré de m’en donner au plus vite les raisons, étant
donné l’acharnement manisfeste du pouvoir de facto à vouloir coûte que
coûte me détruire, d’une façon ou d’une autre.

Si pour une raison ou d’autres la Cour n’a pas en sa possession ma
demande du moi de Mars 2004, je voudrais croire que la présente
correspondante y supplée et tient lieu aussi de rappel.

Veuillez recevoir, Monsieur le Président, mes très distinguées

Yvon Néptune
Ansyen Premye Minis
Prizonye Politik
Prizon Sivil, Anèks Pacot
Pòtoprens, lendi 13 Mas 2006
pj: Mème à M. Paul Denis, 15 Juin 2005
Note pour la presse, 14 Juillet 2005 (français et créole)
Note pour la presse, 26 Juillet 2005


Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it:
See, the first US occupation and administration of Haiti and how, then too, President Wilson of the US called the US. marines exploits on behalf of New York bankers and multinationals, an exercize in "civilizing" and "developing" the "corrupt,," "failed" and "inept" blacks of Haiti....
Charlemagne Pèralte Speaks!

- Inquiry into Occupation and Administration of Haiti," The U.S. Senate Investigates the Haitian Occupation interview Haitians about marine conduct in the guerrilla war against Haitian resistance.

- ******************
See Also:

Conclusions and Recommendations by the Commitee of Six Disinterested Americans

The People Were Very Peaceable": The U.S. Senate Investigates the Haitian Occupation

The Truth about Haiti: An NAACP Investigation


HLLN'S MEDIA Campaign to FREE the political prisoners in Haiti


Join HLLN'S MEDIA Campaign to expose the corrupt role of the UN, US, Canada,
OAS, France, their false "humanitarian aid", to expose this international community's (the "International Community") culpable role in keeping in office, over the OBJECTIONS of the majority of Haiti's peoples, at home and abroad, for more than TWO years now, and training and paying a puppet Haitian government with no popular mandate and massive human rights abuses and political repression. Stop UN, US, OAS, Canada, France's hypocrisy. Their authorities are the ones holding the political prisoners in Haiti. They are coup d'etat countries with the UN as their proxy militarizing Haiti and fleecing it dry with their IMF/World Bank debts and foreign "free trade" multinationals exploiting Haiti's access to the Windward Passage (Mole St
Nicholas); oil (in La Gonave); uranium, iridium and Haiti's goldmines in the Northeast, gas reserves Near Aquin and our State companies, ports and plentiful and cheap labor force. They are the RESPONDIAT SUPERIORS, not the puppet Latortue government or its corrupt and paid-off judges. Write to media urging them not to let the International Community pass the blame to their very employees - the Latortue death regime and its corrupt justice system.

Demand that the mainstream media stop being false witnesses and turning a blind eye to the truth in Haiti: to the WHO holds the keys locking the political prisoners behind bars and destroying justice, decency and democracy in Haiti. It's this INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY with UN soldiers as henchmen, with its USAID, World Bank, IMF and IRI/NDI Economic Hit MEN, wielding its defacto protectorate in Haiti, using the Latortue regime, its foreign-trained Haitian technocrats as its proxy and "black face"
in Haiti

Demand that these coup d'etat implementers, FREE the people before giving back the reigns of government illegally held by the international community's employees in Haiti.

Demand that all contracts entered into under the illegal US regime's reign must go to a national referendum placed before the people of Haiti and no backdoor structural adjustment economic plan be foisted on the people of Haiti, either through the outgoing coup d'etat regime, the contracts its illegally signed or through US/Euro false benevolence such as "debt forgiveness."

- 3 Sample Letters for HLLN's media campaign to protct the Feb. 7th mandate, release the political prisoners, release Haiti's children from prison immediately

- Urgent Action Request to the UN/US/France/Canada - RELEASE THE POLITICAL PRISONERS before ceding Haiti back to a duly elected Haitian President and government. https://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/ezilidanto/2006-04/msg00001.html

- Turning Haiti into a Penal Colony: The Systematic Criminalization of Young Black Males in Haiti by Haiti's U.S.-imposed Miami government parallels US habit of criminalizing Blacks in the US | Haitian Perspectives by Marguerite Laurent, November 3, 2005

Haiti's Sins: Fighting to live and be free from European and American Chains by Marguerite Laurent, 2004





See, Urgent Media Alert:
Media Disinformation Campaign Against Haiti by New York Times, LA Times, Miami Herald, Associated Press, - the mainstream media - EMBOLDENS the Washington Chimères and Haiti Democracy Project's coup d'etat plans against Haiti even before Presitent-elect Renè Preval takes office!


HLLN's Media Letter Writing Campaign: Stop Mainstream Media libelously railroading President Preval and the people of Haiti - Keep writing, denouncing these false accusations.

Letter to the New York Times from Hazel Ross-Robinson office

Why we cannot forget the past by Harry Comeau, A letter to Washington, Ottowa, Paris and the international media from a Haitian man

Letter's to the Media - It's the INTERNATIONAL EFFORT that has brought Haiti where it stands today. Stop these international LIES about Haiti, stop stealing and calling it "helping Haiti!" | Pouki sa lapres lang long fin dechennen kont pep Ayisyen an? | Plans to make Haiti a penal colony and officially placed under UN Protectorate proceeds..

Haitian Message to James Dobbins: Haiti is not a US Colony, we are tired of benefactors and do-gooders

A Basket to carry water by John Maxwell


Haiti's Sins: Fighting to live and be free from European and American Chains by Marguerite Laurent, 2004


Investigate the electoral fraud: COUNT ALL THE VOTES!!!!
HLLN's "Protect the Feb. 7th vote and the "NO-protectorate-for-Haiti-Campaign"


HLLN's position on foreign-sponsored elections under coup d'etat, dictatorship and occupation | Haitian Perspectives by Marguerite Laurent , October 31, 2005 http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/withoutfear.html

Sham Elections followed by What, Politique De Doublure? by Marguerite Laurent for Haitian Perspectives, Feb. 7, 2006

Haiti's election crisis was made in Washington but transformed by the people
of Haiti: HLLN questions MINUSTHA's credibility, OAS’s credibility, Washington’s credibility and their allies' credibility, willingness and ability to legitimately support and safeguard the people's landslide mandate to President Rene Preval


HLLN's predicts the 3 scenarios for these elections, dated Feb. 7, 2006


Fraud anticipated to compel a second round, Feb. 7, 2006


HLLN Report on Haitian Election Laws, Feb. 14, 2006 - the CEP is no authority
to COUNT or EXAMINE ballots, this is left to the polling stations.


Jacques Bernard, the Frenchmen accused of ballot stuffing and electoral fraud in Haiti is Welcome to the US by Haiti Democracy Project and Scheduled to
Address HDP Seminar | J.Bernard, another Zealot, like Manus and Paquiot, HDP will use to destabilize Haiti's elected President


The Smoking Gun - Photos of STOLEN ballots found in garbage dump in Haiti |
Brazil backs Preval as victor in elections | Smashed ballot boxes found in
Haiti, et al


Count the missing ballots received Wed. Feb. 15, 2006 by Ezili Danto Why did
the CEP choose to COUNT the blank ballots on a pro-rata basis but to not
count the missing ballots from Sainte Trinitè School, Carrefour-Feuilles,
Abricots and other places that had gone missing but recovered and clearly
available to be ADDED into the overall tally of votes on Wed. Feb. 15, 2006?

Jacques Bernard, the Electoral Council's director accused of stuffing ballots
with blank votes, flees Haiti - Haiti Election Chief Flees Country

Listen to C-Span's Haiti coverage; Note how Haiti Democracy Project and
Washington's first use of Jacques Bernard the way they used zealots, Leon
Manus and Pierre Paquiot, to undermine Haiti's elected government:


- Pozisyon Prensip Sou Respe Vot 7 Fervriye 2006 | Principled position on respect for the February 7th 2006 ballot (Kreyol and English)

- Fraud and Scandal in Haiti's Presidential Election: Preval's Victory and the
UN's Disgrace by
Michael Keefer

Science of Fiction - Haiti would be a "Perfect LABORATORY for U.N. Peacebuilding? | Security Council Debate on Haiti for March 27, 2006 - A False Premise | Protectorate - a new way to colonize Haiti, progresses...

Feb. 22, 2006 UN-Latortue Accord | Can the Devil bind Gods and Goddesses?: No UN protectorate for Haiti



- HLLN's position of the sham elections
Standing on Truth, Living without Fear: HLLN's position on foreign-sponsored elections under coup d'etat, dictatorship and occupation | Haitian Perspectives by Marguerite Laurent, October 31, 2005

- HLLN's responds regarding position taken on sham elections,Windowsonhaiti
There are no free rides

- “We’re Not Participating In Selections!” Says Haitians in Haiti
(May 27, 2005) Ezili Danto Witness Project

- NY Fanmi Lavalas denounces Marc Bazin and his renegade Fanmi Lavalas acolytes

- Condemn Sham (S)elections in Haiti

“Be true to the highest within your soul and then allow yourself to be governed by no customs or conventionalities or arbitrary man-made rules that are not founded on principle.”
Ralph Waldo Trine

The 2006 Haiti Resolution
ANSWER THE CALL: Help protect the Feb. 7, 2006 Haitian vote

Join the FreeHaitiMovement


Donate to support this work zilibutton



Boycott Disney and the ABC Network
(Support HLLN's Campaign 5)

(in 1990)"...Haitians, through the ballot box, rebelled against their neocolonial status. They rebelled against a racist world economy that locked them into the role of producers instead of consumers. Under Aristide, they wanted to complete what they began in 1803 – joining the world community as equals. If Haiti, as the hemisphere’s poorest nation, was successful in escaping from their international debt and seizing control of their own destiny, it could prove to be as devastating to the global sweatshop economy as Haiti’s first revolution was to the slave trade.......

"...the new (US-imposed Miami) government also, as one of its first acts in office, cut Haiti’s minimum wage by 50%, from about $3.60 for a 12 hour day, down to $1.60. This is a big perk for Haitian-American Andre Apaid, owner of numerous Haitian garment manufacturing plants making cheap wares for American companies such as Disney, owner of the ABC network. ABC joined the US corporate media in selling this American citizen as a legitimate leader of Haiti’s “civil resistance” to the popular Aristide Government. "Our nasty little racist war in Haiti by Michael I. Niman, June 7, 2004 | Source: http://coldtype.net/Grip.04.html
(Scroll down to 7 June 2004)

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!

"When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped...........If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is a compromise." Robert Fritz


Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!




HLLN's controvesy
with Marine
US occupiers
Lt. Col. Dave Lapan faces off with the Network
Solidarity Day Pictures & Articles
May 18, 2005
Pictures and Articles Witness Project
Drèd Wilme, A Hero for the 21st Century


Pèralte Speaks!

Yvon Neptune's
Letter From Jail
April 20, 2005

(Kreyol & English)
Click photo for larger image
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme - on "Wanted poster" of suspects wanted by the Haitian police.
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme speaks:
Radio Lakou New York, April 4, 2005 interview with Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme

Crucifiction of
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme,
a historical

Urgent Action:
Demand a Stop
to the Killings
in Cite Soleil

Sample letters &
Contact info

Denounce Canada's role in Haiti: Canadian officials Contact Infomation

Urge the Caribbean Community to stand firm in not recognizing the illegal Latortue regime:

Selected CARICOM Contacts
zilibutton Slide Show at the July 27, 2004 Haiti Forum Press Conference during the DNC in Boston honoring those who stand firm for Haiti and democracy; those who tell the truth about Haiti; Presenting the Haiti Resolution, and; remembering Haiti's revolutionary legacy in 2004 and all those who have lost life or liberty fighting against the Feb. 29, 2004 Coup d'etat and its consequences
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© 2003 Marguerite Laurent