
Campaign 5:
Action Plan:

Boycott: Develop corporate strategies for Haiti to expose the Haitian subcontractors/Black overseers/middlemen and boycott their U.S. employers, that is, the US and transnational companies paying Haitian workers below the already low Haitian minimum wage, pillaging and plundering Haiti's riches, natural resources, who cause environmental degradation and who support the US/EU's "Free Trade" Fraud, lawlessness, dictatorship, occupation and neocolonialism in Haiti. (The Slavery in Haiti the Media Won't Expose; What UN Special Envoy Bill Clinton May do to Help Haiti - outline and full text.)

1. Push for the US president and Congress to... void unfair trade laws, start fair and reciprocal trade, restrict free trade so not to dump food and other imports into Haiti that eviscerate Haiti's domestic growth and by also calibrating Haiti's domestic needs for agricultural expansion, public works, job creation, health care, schools, sanitation, infrastructure; Add enforceable human rights, labor, environmental rights provisions in US trade laws.. (For complete details, go to: What Haitian Americans Ask of the New US Congress and President)

2. Denounce and stop buying from the companies, authorities and organizations supporting rule by force (coup detat/dictatorship), sham elections, financial colonialsm, exclusion of the masses, impunity, no accountability and the foreign occupation in Haiti - Boycott transnational companies in Haiti supporting injustice, poverty, structural violence, no food sovereignty in Haiti and death.

3 .
Economic proposals that make sense for the reality of Haiti  and Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team

4 . Activists in India [including Arundhati Roy] and elsewhere are spearheading a call for an international boycott of corporate America, starting with the ten biggest donors to the George Bush Jr campaign. Visit Bush Boycott Website.


5. The Mercenary Families - also at, Haiti's Oligarchy

6. Category Zero: The Subcontracted Haitians

7. La Bourgeoisie Haitienne: Une Bourgeoisie Mediocre

8. Une bourgeoisie déracinée!

Men Anpil Chay Pa Lou!!

FreeHaitiMovement sponsors are encouraged to help build our Campaign Five action plans by sending to HLLN names and list of companies - their addresses, products, directors, how involved with Haiti, their Haitian subcontractors/black overseers, et al , - supporting, maintaining the UN occupation, perpetual chaos and Coup d'etat (rule of the 1 to 3% percenters in garnering Haitian votes and their appointees.) - and generally collaborate with Ezili's HLLN to
"....expose how, for all the unscrupulous and shady businessmen and governments of the world, Haiti has always been a fiscal paradise because the Neocolonialists' manufactures fear, racists myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality, inherent poverty, lack of natural resources, incompetence (the common neocolonial storyline/media lies), inherent violence, decontextualizes Haiti's legacy of impunity/corruption and lies about Haiti not having a viable indigenous culture. These myths, stereotypes, racists lies and self-serving fears control, promote and maintain the world's negative perceptions of Haiti so that empire, their predatory "charitable" and "benevolent" NGOs and the world's corporate oligarchs may contain-Haiti-in-poverty the better to rob it blind. (See also, Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti; Expose the lies - Haiti's Riches: Interview with Ezili Dantò on Mining in Haiti; HLLN on the causes of Haiti deforestation and poverty; Haiti Riches Links; Digging up Haiti; Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti; Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth; Legacy of Inpunity; Comparing crime, poverty and violence in the rest of the Hemisphere to Haiti;The Two Most Common Neocolonial Storylines about Haiti, HLLN Counter Colonial Narrative Links, The Independence Debt, The causes of Haiti's poverty and deforestation; Ezili's counter-colonial narrative on Vodun; Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team, Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind, and a June 13, 2008 Nouvelliste article alleging, in sum, that "...in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian State is CONSUMED in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC?.... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters, instead of the impoverished and starving Haitians these food and gas subsidies were intended to benefit...")

Haitian-Americans ask the US Congress and President to...end the UN occupation; stop unequal immigration treatment of Haitian refugees and asylum seekers; cancel, without condition, Haiti's debt to international financial institutions; void unfair trade laws, start fair and reciprocal trade, restrict free trade so not to dump food and other imports into Haiti that eviscerate Haiti's domestic growth and by also calibrating Haiti's domestic needs for agricultural expansion, public works, job creation, health care, schools, sanitation, infrastructure, and by adding enforceable human rights, labor, environmental rights provisions in US trade laws; permanently stop all deportations to Haiti, grant TPS; release of the political prisoners; stop trading for Haiti with USAID - foreign aid should go directly to the Haitian government; demand new foreign aid guidelines and oversight of USAID in Haiti; respect Haitian sovereignty and the Haitian vote; return President Aristide; investigate the role of US in the 2004 coup d'etat where US Special forces forcibly exiled President Jean Bertrand Aristide via an unmarked plane used for renditions.

- U.S. good governance and democratic enhancement policies administered by USAID should result in maximizing, not depleting or obliterating the Haitian Diaspora's $2Billion annual remittances and investments in Haiti; the next US Congress and President should implement new US foreign assistance regulations, guidelines and oversight to ensure foreign aid administered by USAID actually reaches the people in need, doesn't stay in Washington and is not primarily used for USAID's political benefactors, NGOs and non-profit's administrative, salary or shipping/transportation fees. (For complete details, go to: What Haitians and Haitian-Americans Ask of the New US Congress and President and Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team).


Haitian Riches
Expose The Lies

Expose the lies about Haiti, its people, culture, Vodun spirituality and unique resources http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/expose.html

1. Stealing Haiti's Gold, Copper and Uranium under cover of regime change - The Exploitation of Gold and Copper in Trou Du Nord

-Gold and Copper Exploitation Resumes in the North and Northeast Departments of Haiti

- Eurasian Minerals Acquires Two Gold Projects in Haiti

- Haiti 's Future Glitters with Gold

2. Plundering Haiti's Under Water Treasures

Preval Government in Haiti denounces Heritage Looting

Authorities in Florida are opening an investigation into the origins of emeralds stolen from an interim Haitian dignitary's home

Robbing Haiti blind: pillage and plunder - Iles-à-Vaches: Bronze Cannons, gold and emerald pieces stolen

French Original: Canons en bronze et pièces en or et émeraude volés dans des sites sous-mains de l'Ile-à-Vaches:Un responsable de la compagnie Sub Sea Research affirme que ces vols n'auraient jamais pu être commis sans la complicité de membres du regime intérimaire, Port-au-Prince, 27 avril 2006- (AHP)

3. The General Director of the Bureau of Mines and Energy struck by the announcement of the plunder at the sea-beds of Ile-à-Vaches, 27 April 2006 (AHP)

French Original: Le directeur général du Bureau des Mines et de l'Energie sidéré par l'annonce de pillages dans les fonds marins de l'Ile-à-Viache |Port-au-Prince, 27 avril 2006- (AHP)

4. Audit of State Institutions continues: Valuable objects stolen from the National Palace

5. Fleecing Haiti 1) Latortue continues to fleece Haiti at $15,000 per month?

* 2) Multinational corporation wants $2million in damages from Haiti's new government for stolen canons and heritage looting under the Latortue IMPOSED government

6 . Audit of State Institutions continues: Valuable objects stolen from the National Palace

7 . Microbe discovered in Haitian soil may develop super-antibiotic drug

8. Genocide and the UN's deliberate depopulation of Site Soley, a prime oceanfront property of the poor, under pretext of controlling crime ang gangs in Haiti

9. Haiti Remittances top US $1.6b , March 2007

10. No other national group anywhere in the world sends more money home than Haitians living abroad http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/laborvalue.html#noother


"...In the annals of human history, no country, no settlers in the Americas, killed more people, shed more BLOOD than the English, French, Spanish - than the European tribes and their white settlers. Period, no comma. So, how does Haiti get to be the one "doomed?" Why? Because the blood shed and people eradicated out of Haiti where said whites, who had annihilated the Amerindians all over the Americas and then kidnapped and enslaved Africans to come work the land of the Tainos so that the European's coffee at home would be sweet? Right? The kidnapping of Blacks, spreading of lies about black inferiority and savagery continue as we see with this article and the abduction out of Haiti of President Aristide. If only I had the time, on behalf of the African ancestors and those courageous Haitians dying right now fighting off, yet again, another U.S.-sponsored Coup D'etat in Haiti, to fully and individually address the racist propaganda of the Adam Hochschild's of this world? (From Hochschild's Neocolonial Journalism: Response to Adam Hochschild article in SF Chronicle by Marguerite Laurent, May 30, 2004 )

Men Anpil Chay Pa Lou!!
"....expose how for all the unscrupulous and shady businessmen and governments of the world, Haiti has always been a fiscal paradise because the Neocolonialists' manufactures fear, racists myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality, inherent poverty, incompetence, violence and lack of natural resources that controls and maintains the world's negative perceptions of Haiti so that empire, their predatory "charitable" and "benevolent" NGOs and the world's corporate oligarchs may contain-Haiti-in-poverty the better to rob it blind. (See also, Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti; Haiti's Riches:Interview with Ezili Dantò on Mining in Haiti; HLLN on the causes of Haiti deforestation and poverty; Haiti Riches; Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind, and a June 13, 2008 Nouvelliste article alleging, in sum, that "...in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian State is CONSUMED in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC?.... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters, instead of the impoverished and starving Haitians these food and gas subsidies were intended to benefit...")

“Be true to the highest within your soul and then allow yourself to be governed by no customs or conventionalities or arbitrary man-made rules that are not founded on principle.”
Ralph Waldo Trine



Demand a Stop to UN/US-led Slaughter of the people of Haiti

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Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!


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