
Dr. Nancy Turner Banks on Vaccines

Vaccinate Haiti? No - Stop using Haiti as a Human Laboratory


AIDS, Opium, Diamonds & Empire:The Deadly Virus of International Greed (Video 1 of 3) by Dr. Nancy Turner Banks
Out of the oil and chemical industries came the pharmaceutical industry. The titans of industry, eugenicists like-Rockerfellers and Carnegies, families descended from slave traders and drug runners, decided to take over the educational system to sell their products. These elites funded the educational system including the medical institutions and respected universities to churn out "doctors" in white coats to sell their pharmaceuticals: Listen at -
Radio314: Interview with Dr. Nancy Turner Banks
Genocide by vaccination in Haiti - Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?
(See also: Defamed! --Page 1, - Page 2, Pg. 3, Pg. 4, Pg. 5 and, Pg. 6 )


Pye Kout Pran Devan: Is there a contaminated vaccination program being launched on 5,700,000 Haitians, right now?
UN Responsibility for importing Cholera to Haiti

UNICEF Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Sterilizing Agents

HLLN Links on Failed or Contaminated Vaccines
HIV/AIDS report unleashes ‘deadly lies and destractions’ about Haiti By FinalCall.com News, November 15, 2007
Haitians Didn't take this Bitter Pill in 1990, Won't take it in 2007: HIV/AIDS Origin n Haiti


Racism Masquerades as Science by Jafrikayiti, Nov. 1, 2007

(Defamed Pg. 1)

Expose the lies

Digging up Haiti
(See also, Matraco-Colorado Haiti Projects)

Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti

Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!

The Geography of blame' - Haiti, AIDS and Racism in the Mainstream in the Media
35% of Puerto Rican Women
(Undated probablly, late 1970's), CWLU Herstory Website Archive
Puerto Rico - The covert campaign to sterilize women

Conspiracy or Not?
Coincidence or Intentional?
Is there an International plan to depopulate and exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population?

The Ottawa Initiative on Haiti
IRI's former head man, Stanley Lucas, inspired by Rwanda
Edwidge Lalanne says 5% of the population (450,000) of Site Soley should be physically eliminated (in French)
Johanna Mendelson, UN/USAID/USIP consultant says Haiti is a menace to its neighbors, Oct. 25, 2006 Alterpress (in French)
HLLN's comments on the Edwidge Lalanne Declaration to exterminate 5% of Site Soley


To subscribe, write to erzilidanto@yahoo.com
zilibuttonCarnegie Hall
Video Clip
No other national
group in the world
sends more money
than Haitians living
in the Diaspora
Red Sea- audio

The Red Sea

Ezili Dantò's master Haitian dance class (Video clip)

zilibuttonEzili's Dantò's
Haitian & West African Dance Troop
Clip one - Clip two

So Much Like Here- Jazzoetry CD audio clip

Ezili Danto's

to Self

Update on
Site Soley

RBM Video Reel

Angry with
Boat sinking
A group of Haitian migrants arrive in a bus after being repatriated from the nearby Turks and Caicos Islands, in Cap-Haitien, northern Haiti, Thursday, May 10, 2007. They were part of the survivors of a sailing vessel crowded with Haitian migrants that overturned Friday, May 4 in moonlit waters a half-mile from shore in shark-infested waters. Haitian migrants claim a Turks and Caicos naval vessel rammed their crowded sailboat twice before it capsized. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Dessalines' Law
and Ideals

Breaking Sea Chains

Little Girl
in the Yellow
Sunday Dress

Anba Dlo, Nan Ginen
Ezili Danto's Art-With-The-Ancestors Workshops - See, Red, Black & Moonlight series or Haitian-West African

Clip one -Clip two
ance performance
zilibutton In a series of articles written for the October 17, 2006 bicentennial commemoration of the life and works of Dessalines, I wrote for HLLN that: "Haiti's liberator and founding father, General Jean Jacques Dessalines, said, "I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided" and for that he was assassinated by the Mullato sons of France. That was the first coup d'etat, the Haitian holocaust - organized exclusion of the masses, misery, poverty and the impunity of the economic elite - continues (with Feb. 29, 2004 marking the 33rd coup d'etat). Haiti's peoples continue to resist the return of despots, tyrants and enslavers who wage war on the poor majority and Black, contain-them-in poverty through neocolonialism' debts, "free trade" and foreign "investments." These neocolonial tyrants refuse to allow an equitable division of wealth, excluding the majority in Haiti from sharing in the country's wealth and assets." (See also, Kanga Mundele: Our mission to live free or die trying, Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation; The Legacy of Impunity of One Sector-Who killed Dessalines?; The Legacy of Impunity:The Neoconlonialist inciting political instability is the problem. Haiti is underdeveloped in crime, corruption, violence, compared to other nations, all, by Marguerite 'Ezili Dantò' Laurent
No other national group in the world sends more money than Haitians living in the Diaspora


"....expose how the wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind; expose the manufactured fear, racist myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality and violence that aims to control and maintain people's negative perceptions of Haiti and to contain-Haiti-in-poverty the better to rob it blind. (See also, Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti;
Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind , and a June 13, 2008 Nouvelliste article alleging, in sum, that "...in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian State is CONSUMED in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters, instead of the impoverished and starving Haitians these food and gas subsidies were intended to benefit..."Digging up Haiti; Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti ; Expose the Lies.)

"... stop the imposed famine from fraudulent "free trade" policies that destroys Haitian food sovereignty; stop imposed coup d'etat and UN/US protectorate that destroys Haitian security and stability, increases violence and organized kidnappings, drug-dealings and arms trafficking ...(Go to: Genocide by vaccination in Haiti - Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?)

UN Responsibility for importing Cholera to Haiti

Ezili Danto's Note:
Genocide by vaccination in Haiti and Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?

It's been a few weeks since we've touched on the topic of the current massive vaccination of Haitians that is on-going under UN occupied Haiti. The Internationals are paying themselves massive amount of money ($10million) to VACCINATE an estimated 5.8 million Haitians.

We have already read HLLN's posts on how the UN, acting as military proxies for a manifest-destiny-US, have been killing Haitians to save Haitians since 2004. So, Ezili's HLLN brings, this vaccination topic again and again to everyone's attention. Please, let your family members in Haiti know, to not take these vaccinations, certainly not until they have been verified to not contain toxic and harmful substances. The current vaccination program has a goal of vaccinate ALL Haitian women of child bearing age. Pye Kout Pran Devan.

This would not be the first time the neocolonial powers have sterilized Black and Brown women.

Recall the UNICEF campaign to vaccinate Nigeria's youth against polio was exposed as a front for sterilizing the Nigerian nation. ( UNICEF Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Sterilizing Agents.)

Recall that covertly 1/3rd or more of Puerto Rican women were sterilized starting from 1937 on... (35% of Puerto Rican Women Sterilized ; Puerto Rico - The covert campaign to sterilize women ; Sterilization of Puerto Rican Women; Dr. Nancy Turner Banks on Vaccines and Interview with Dr. Nancy Turner Banks.)

So, imagine what these Internationals, vaccinating Haitians to "save"
Haitians are doing, right now to Haitian women in Haiti? ( See,
Vaccinate Haiti? No- Stop using Haiti as a human laboratory;
; Editorial - Occupied Haiti To be Vaccinated! Franklin Ellis, Nov. 11,
2007 Fanmi Lavalas Emission
(Mp3 - 12:41| in French)).

Recall the Ottawa Initiative, the 2003 foreign gathering where foreign ministers of the Western powers met in Canada and indicated they saw Haiti as a "threat" to North American countries because Haiti might have, by some estimates, a population of 20 million by 2019;

Recall that Canadian foreign Minister, Dennis Paradis is reported to have said at this white gathering that the prospect of 20 million Haitians by 2019, is a "time bomb, which must be defused immediately;

Recall that IRI's former head man, Stanley Lucas, says he's inspired by Rwanda (See, Le Rwanda et Haiti 12 ans Apres by Stanley Lucas, Nov. 2, 2006.) In 1994, Rwanda saw one million murdered and a 5 million depopulation - refugees forced to relocate to other countries. (See, Coincidence or Intentional? Is there an International plan to depopulate and exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population?);

Recall the psychological warfare defaming Haiti as the originator of the AID?HIV virus that invaded the US. (See also: Defamed! - Page 1, - Page 2, Pg. 3, Pg. 4, Pg. 5 and, Pg. 6 ; and Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad Respond to Worobey's Theory.);

Recall the psychological warfare that widely and consistently circulates the falsehood that Haiti is more violent and bloody than all other nations in the Western Hemisphere.. ..This when the homicide rate in Haiti, 5.6 per 100,000 is less than that of the United States (13.2 per 100,000), Dominican Republic, Jamaica (15 per 100,000), Brazil (52,2 per 100,000), Mexico, and others. (See, Comparing crime, poverty and violence in the rest of the Hemisphere to Haiti; and, Amnesty International - Brazil/"They come in shooting": Policing socially excluded communities.);

Recall that the white settlers' biological warfare exterminated the Amerindians;

Recall the AID/HIV epidemic brought to Africa and Haiti, and the contaminated polio and other vaccine experiments on Black and Brown people worldwide.....(HLLN Recommended Links on the Origins of Aids/HIV
; UNICEF Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Sterilizing AgentsDr. Nancy Turner Banks on Vaccines; Interview with Dr. Nancy Turner Banks and, AIDS, Opium, Diamonds & Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed).

Recall the use of Haitian women as guinea pigs for Norplant contraceptive implants, a whole host of untested birth control pills and the greater incidences of cervical and other ovarian cancers now being suffered by Haitian women as never before... (US Aid Go Home! by John canham-Clyne & Worth Cooley-Prost, In These Times, Jan. 8, 1996)

Where are the Haitian doctors? It is time these professionals looked to protect the Haitian population. It was one doctor, in Nigeria, Dr. Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, who decided to take samples of the UNICEF-vaccine to labs in India for analysis. His actions saved untold millions in Nigeria from being secretly contaminated. Dr. Kaita, upon analysis, discovered the
vaccines were harmful, toxic and would have direct and adverse effects on the human reproductive system.

So Ezili's HLLN calls again and again on Haitian doctors, scientists, and scholars. Who will be the "Dr. Kaita" of Haiti? For, there is no use calling on the puppet Haitian government and its "1%-coalition" coup d'etat legislators and foreign ministry that functions under the thumb of the Internationals to protect Haiti. No use.

So, people-to-people, we ask assistance, to expose the neocolonial and psychological warfare that widely and consistently circulates the falsehood that Haiti is more violent and bloody than all other nations in the Western Hemisphere.

So, people-to-people, we ask assistance, to expose how the wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind; to expose how for all the unscrupulous and shady businessmen and governments of the world, Haiti has always been a fiscal paradise to rob blind; to expose the manufactured fear, racist myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality and violence that controls and maintains the world's negative perceptions of Haiti and Haitians to contain-Haiti-in-poverty the better to rob it blind. (See also, Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti;
Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind, and a June 13, 2008 Nouvelliste article alleging, in sum, that "...in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian State is CONSUMED in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters, instead of the impoverished and starving Haitians these food and gas subsidies were intended to benefit..."Digging up Haiti; Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti; Expose the Lie.)

So, people-to-people, we ask assistance to stop the genocide going on (the better to steal from and fleece) Haiti. A genocide, depopulation and terror taking place through: indefinite detention/incarceration; UN, NGO and humanitarian aid workers sexual rape, human trafficking and molestation of Haitian children; imposed famine from fraudulent "free trade" policies that destroys Haitian food sovereignty; imposed coup d'etat and UN/US protectorate that destroys Haitian security and stability, increases violence and organized kidnappings, drug-dealings and arms trafficking; and, perhaps genocide and forced sterilization by this wholesale foreign-imposed (UNICEF/WHO $10-million dollar) vaccination program in UN occupied Haiti.

Ezili Dantò
June 15, 2008

Update - May 2011 :
UN Responsibility for importing Cholera to Haiti

Expose the Lies ; Dr. Nancy Turner Banks on Vaccines; Interview with Dr. Nancy Turner Banks and AIDS, Opium, Diamonds & Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed


Vaccinate Haiti? No - Stop using Haiti as a human laboratory

Ezili Danto's questions on live virus in vaccines? and the current campaign in Haiti by WHO to vaccinate 5.7 million Haitians. (See,
Haiti Begins National Vaccine Campaign By Z. Perry CLOUT INDEX

Trust is not scientific. We must know the facts and that means we must ask questions and have trusted doctors test these vaccines before they are administered. (Dr. Nancy Turner Banks on Vaccines; Interview with Dr. Nancy Turner Banks and AIDS, Opium, Diamonds & Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed.)

Here's two examples of doctors talking about vaccines using live viruses. Apparently, these may only be used in "developing countries" not US....

What sort of vaccines are going to used in Haiti by WHO. Live vaccines? There seems to be a difference.

"Officials say vaccine caused Nigeria polio 05 Oct 2007 A polio outbreak in Nigeria was caused by the vaccine designed to stop [spread] it, international health officials say, leaving at least 69 children paralyzed... The outbreak was caused by the live polio virus that is used in vaccines given orally the preferred method in developing countries because it is cheaper and doesn't require medical training to dispense...The CDC and the World Health Organization announced the cause of the polio outbreak last week, even though they knew about it last year.... Outbreaks caused by the oral vaccine's live virus have happened before. The continuing Nigerian outbreak follows a nearly yearlong boycott of the vaccine in Africa's most populous country because of 'unfounded' fears the vaccine was a Western plot to sterilize Muslims...In 2001, officials reported that 22 children were paralyzed from polio in the Dominican Republic and Haiti in this way. Subsequent vaccine-caused polio outbreaks have occurred in the Philippines, Madagascar, China and Indonesia. In the West, the polio vaccine is given as a shot and uses an inactivated virus, but that method is more expensive and requires training..."(See, "Officials Say Drug Caused Nigeria Polio" By MARIA CHENG, AP, Oct. 5, 2007; Dr. Nancy Turner Banks on Vaccines.)

The fears don't seem that unfounded, do they? Not if officials are now saying the vaccine designed to stop the spread of polio actually caused Nigeria's polio outbreak. (See also, UNICEF Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Sterilizing Agents; HLLN Links on Failed or Contaminated Vaccines and use of Haitian women as guinea pigs for Norplant contraceptive implants - US Aid Go Home!.)

This paragraph in Jaf's new piece reminded us of the role of WHO in contaminated vaccines in Africa, and in particular in terms of the spread of the HIV/AIDS virus in Africa:

"....despite all evidence which confirms:

....4) that a World Health Organization (WHO) official declared, "Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of African AIDS" while Dr. Robert Gallo, dubbed the discoverer of HIV, told The Times that "The link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis. I cannot say that it actually happened but, I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV (The AIDS virus)
" http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction
HLLN Links on the Origins of Aids/HIV

Recommended Links on Failed or Contaminated Vaccines:


Vaccinate Haiti? No- Stop using Haiti as a human laboratory

UNICEF Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Sterilizing Agents

AIDS, Opium, Diamonds & Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed (Video 1 of 3) by Dr. Nancy Turner Banks

Out of the oil and chemical industries came the pharmaceutical industry. The titans of industry, eugenicists like- Rockerfellers and Carnegies, families descended from slave traders and drug runners, decided to take over the educational system to sell their products and ideology of the few controlling the many as a good system called "capitalism." These elites funded the educational system including the medical institutions and respected universities to churn out "doctors" in white coats to sell their pharmaceuticals: Listen at -
Radio314: Interview with Dr. Nancy Turner Banks

Dr. Nancy Turner Banks on Vaccines

35% of Puerto Rican Women Sterilized - http://www.cwluherstory.com/CWLUArchive/puertorico.html

Sterilization of Puerto Rican Women -

Puerto Rico - The covert campaign to sterilize women


HLLN Recommended Links on the Origins of Aids/HIV

Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad Respond to Worobey's Theory

Genocide by vaccination in Haiti - Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?

AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed (Video 1 of 3)

Questioning the AIDS Virus - The AIDS, HIV, and AZT Controversy

See also, Haitian women as guinea pigs for Norplant contraceptive implants and a whole host of other untested birthcontrol pills -
US Aid Go Home! by John canham-Clyne & Worth Cooley-Prost, In These Times, Jan. 8, 1996

UN Responsibility for importing Cholera to Haiti

SCARY MEDICINE: Exposing the dark side of vaccines'
Merck's Gardasil vaccine tied to 3 deaths- Company lobbied states for shots to be required

"..Merck & Co., the huge drug company, hit the jackpot. Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed an executive order Feb. 2, requiring all girls entering 6th grade in Texas be vaccinated against some of the viruses that cause cervical cancer. The vaccine in question is new, approved by the FDA on June 8, 2006 and added to the regular childhood immunization schedule on June 29. Talk about fast track! It's Gardasil, made only by Merck, which says three shots over six months are necessary. Cost? $360 or more, depending on the physician. '...Girls in the 6th grade are 11- and 12-years-old but Merck says that all females, aged 9 to 26, should have the shots. That adds up to a nice pile of bucks for Merck and right now, we're only talking Texas. They're aiming for the whole country "and after that, the world, probably subsidized by U.S. tax dollars in Third World countries....." (Forced vaccination without representation By Barbara Simpsonhttp://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=54095;
Dr. Nancy Turner Banks on Vaccines.)

"..The experiment, called STEP, began in December 2004 and had enrolled 3,000 volunteers in Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Puerto Rico and the United States..." ( AIDS vaccine test halted after shots fail - Promising serum didn't prevent infection in volunteers during key trial AP, Sept 21, 2007 | http://www.rense.com/general78/deun.htm ).

"I urge drug companies and the TB Alliance to stop lying to these people and to above all, stop using the African continent as one gigantic human laboratory. Africa isn't Auschwitz. ...." ( "Stop using S.Africa as a human laboratory" by Adriana Stuijt Reports

oincidence or Intentional? - Is there an International plan to depopulate
and exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population?
by Ezili Dantò, November 4, 2006 (See also - Vaccinate Haiti
! and Defamed! -
Page 1, - Page 2, Pg. 3, Pg. 4, Pg. 5 and, Pg. 6 )
Editorial - Occupied Haiti To be Vaccinated! Franklin Ellis, Nov. 11, 2007, Fanmi Lavalas Emission (Mp3 - 12:41| in French)
In memory of the Arawaks and Tainos of Haiti, the Island's name is Haiti, not Hispaniola as the newscasters insist, Columbus's sailors brought syphilis to the Island and decimated the Amerindians population, not the converse...

"Associations between Haitians and infectious disease are currently particularly strong in the U.S. popular press. This, too, is nothing new. Writing in 1920, National Geographic journalists noted that "it is estimated that 87 percent of the entire population were infected with contagious diseases." AIDS is merely the most recent in a long series of plagues attributed to Haiti. In the sixteenth century, Europeans insisted that syphilis originated n Haiti, and was brought back by Columbus' sailors. (the converse now appears to have been the case.)"Excerpted from: The Uses of Haiti (1994, updated 2005) --by Paul Farmer (See also - UN Responsibility for importing Cholera to Haiti and Expose the lies.)

Possible Media Bias on coverage of Gilbert/Worobey report

History of the US's Thanksgiving Day...:
"....Another common practice among European explorers was to give "smallpox
blankets" to the Indians. Since smallpox was unknown on this continent prior
to the arrival of the Europeans, Native Americans did not have any natural
immunity to the disease so smallpox would effectively wipe out entire villages
with very little effort required by the Europeans... Most of the Wampanoag had died from the smallpox epidemic so when the Pilgrims arrived they found well-cleared fields which they claimed for their own. A Puritan colonist, quoted by Harvard University's Perry Miller, praised the plague that had wiped out the Indians for it was "the wonderful preparation of the Lord Jesus Christ, by his providence for his people's abode in the Western world." Historians have since speculated endlessly on why the woods in the region resembled a park to the disembarking Pilgrims in 1620. The reason should have been obvious: hundreds, if not thousands, of people had lived there just five years before. In less than three generations the settlers would turn all of New England into a charnel house for Native Americans, and fire the economic engines of slavery throughout English-speaking America. Plymouth Rock is the place where the nightmare truly began. (The Black Commentator, The History of Thanksgiving)


- 1.2 Million Merck Vaccines Recalled 12 Dec 2007: More than a million doses of a common Merck & Co. vaccine given to babies as young as 2 months were being recalled Wednesday because of contamination risks, but the top U.S. health official said it was not a health threat. [?] The recall covers roughly 1.2 million doses of the vaccine against Hib, which causes meningitis, pneumonia and other serious infections, and a combination vaccine for Hib and hepatitis B...http://www.sacbee.com/840/story/562997.html

- Must see video on how white scientists brought man-made Aids virus to Africa: According to Merck hepatitis B vaccine maker Maurice Hillerman PhD --- he ADMITS on this video: "I brought African green monkeys in (from Africa) --- I didn't know we were IMPORTING AIDS VIRUS AT THE TIME"
(i.e. between 1970-1974)...and LAUGHING heard on the sound track!!!

- Watch: It shows Dr. Maurice HIllerman a Merck Immunologist.. actually saying
that he's responsible for bringing Aids to America..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tM8gk8C69M&feature (Please forward these clips (link) to everyone you know who thinks vaccines are "safe and effective.")

Original article is at: http://southafrica.indymedia.org/news/2003/07/4270.php

La Conspiration Du Silence - Genocide in Haiti by mass vaccination while Haiti
is occupied by Dessalines' enemies and other such white savior missionaries/
mercenaries... http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/defamed6.html#silence

HLLN Links relating to white (the foreigners') abhorrent violation of the fundamental duty of care - sexual abuse of the Black poor and powerless in Haiti

Rewriting History: USAID's former mission director tries to give the US credit for the lowering of diseases in Haiti when Aristide was in office


Conspiracy or Not?
Coincidence or Intentional?
Is there an International plan to depopulate and exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population?


The Ottawa Initiative on Haiti

Dr. Nancy Turner Banks on Vaccines

IRI's former head man, Stanley Lucas, inspired by Rwanda

Le Rwanda et Haiti 12 ans Apres by Stanley Lucas, Nov. 2, 2006

Edwidge Lalanne says 5% of the population (450,000) of Site Soley should be physically eliminated (in French)

Johanna Mendelson, UN/USAID/USIP consultant says Haiti is a menace to its neighbors, Oct. 25, 2006 Alterpress (in French)

HLLN's comments on the Edwidge Lalanne Declaration to exterminate 5% of Site Soley

US Aid Go Home! by John canham-Clyne & Worth Cooley-Prost,
In These Times, Jan. 8, 1996

Expose the lies

Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind


Puerto Rico: the covert campaign to sterilize women

POPLINE Document Number: 098462

Author(s): Bauza V

Source citation:
MS., 1994 Sep-Oct;5(2) :14. Abstract:

Contraception was legalized in Puerto Rico in 1937, the same year the Puerto Rican government passed Law 116 allowing sterilization to be conducted under
the direction of a eugenics board. Shortly thereafter, a program to sterilize women, supported and endorsed by the US government and Clarence Gamble, heir of Procter and Gamble, was launched through door-to-door visits in rural regions by workers from Puerto Rico's health department heralding the operation to the island poorest women. Post-partum sterilizations were conducted almost routinely by 1946 in a number of hospitals. A 1947 Princeton University survey, however, found that more than 25% of women who had been sterilized regretted their decision. Puerto Rican nationalists and Catholics argued against the program in the early 1950s and Law 116 was ultimately repealed in 1960, but not before 35% of women of childbearing age had been sterilized in Puerto Rico....

Source: http://www.popline.org/docs/1049/098462.html


35% of Puerto Rican Women Sterilized
(undated probably, late 1970's) | CWLUArchive

(Editors Note: CWLU members were very active in in the movement to end
sterilization abuse and formed alliances with Latina groups also
working on the issue.)

A hitherto "secret" report from an economic policy group empowered by the Governor of Puerto Rico has recently surfaced in the United States. One can see immediately why the report, dated November, 1973, has been kept from the public: it talks openly and directly about alternatives available for reducing the ranks of the Puerto Rican working class.

As the report, entitled "Opportunities for Employment, Education and Training" would have it, Puerto Rico's key problem is, and has always been, unemployment.

The latest official figure given in the report is an unemployment rate of 12.3% in 1972 (although unofficial sources, such as the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce, hold it as high as 30%); what concerns this particular subcommittee of colonial administrators is that, at the rate things are going, unemployment could reach 18.5% by 1985.

" The Governor of Puerto Rico recently selected the figure of 5% unemployment by 1985", the report underlines. There is clearly a major discrepancy between the two figures, which presents a tough problem to the subcommittee. How to solve it?

The members of the subcommittee -Teodoro Moscoso, Administrator of Fornento, Secretary of Labor Silva Recio, Secretary of Education Ramon Cruz, and the then President of the University of Puerto Rico Amador Cobas, have come up with two solutions. One way is to foster new jobs --the same solution which has been advocated throughout Puerto Rico's twenty-five years of industrial development, and which has yet to reduce the high unemployment rate. The other, which they go on to discuss immediately, is to "reduce the growth of the working sector" of the population.

Their line of attack is two-pronged, involving the massive sterilization of Puerto Rican working-class women, and a forced migration of Puerto Rican workers to the United States. It is the former aspect of this plan which concerns us here.

The Sterilization Plan Under the heading of "organization and focuses of family planning", the November report estimates the female population of child-bearing age outside of San Juan to be 485,948. Agreeing with other studies on the astounding figure of 33% for the number of Puerto Rican women of child-bearing age that have already been sterilized, the report goes on to say "in other words, of the 485,948 women of reproductive age living in Puerto Rico, excepting the area of San Juan, 160,363 are sterilized. This leaves a potential clientele of 325,585 women . . ."

The women of San Juan are to be handled through a "model project" controlled by the School of Public Health of the University of Puerto Rico.

The plan then, involves the entire population of Puerto Rican women of child-bearing age in its scope, and the primary method of birth control? What it has always been in Puerto Rico -sterilization.

One-Third of Puerto Rican Women Sterilized
Figures from different studies give a general picture of the rate of sterilization of Puerto Rican women over the past four decades.

In 1947-48, Paul K. Hatt, in a study of 5,257 ever-married women 15 years
old or over, found that 6.6 per cent had been sterilized. A figure more or less equal (6.9 per cent) was put forward in 1948 by Emilio Cofresi from studies of women who were clients of various programs of the Department of Health in Puerto Rico.

In an island-wide survey carried out by Hill, Stycos and Back in 1953-54, the prevalence of female sterilization of ever-married women 20 years old or over was
estimated at 16.5 per cent.

In 1965 the Puerto Rican Department of Health carried out an island-wide study on the relationship between cancer of the uterus and female sterilization. Although the Department of Health says no link between cancer and sterilization was substantiated, it did discover that 34% of Puerto Rican women between
the ages of 20-49 years were sterilized.

The number of women sterilized in the same age group rose to 35.3% in 1968 according to a study by the Puerto Rican demographer Dr. lose Vasquez Calzada.

The incidence of sterilization in Puerto Rico is the highest in the world. India and Pakistan, for example, which have public sterilization programs, have an estimated sterilization of 5% and 3% respectively.

The Colonial Context
What is the context in which this massive sterilization was taking place? Since its invasion of Puerto Rico in 1898, the United States has maintained virtually complete control over the island's development.

Until 1952, the Governor of Puerto Rico was appointed by the President of the United States, and had veto power over a local House of Representatives. Civil services, armed forces, police; mail, citizenship, trade agreements, schools, media, and economic programs were under U.S. supervision.

The establishment of the Commonwealth Government in 1952 in no way changed the fact of US control, since Congress still maintained ultimate veto power over any law passed by the Puerto Rican Government, and any law passed by Congress automatically applied to Puerto Rico. What the Commonwealth Government did do was supervise the influx of U.S. corporations in a rapid industrialization program during the fifties, which transformed Puerto Rico from a sugar economy to one of the most highly industrialized countries in the world.

Population Control -A U.S. Theory
In 1901 Governor of Puerto Rico William Hunt wrote in his report to the President of the United States: "Not only could it [the island] comfortably keep the one million inhabitants we have now, but five times that number."

By the thirties, however, J.M. Stycos reports in "Female Sterilization in Puerto Rico" that a good many doctors were already aware of the "problems of population". He cites the efforts of Dr. Jose Belavel, head of the Pre-Maternal Health program to interest many physicians in the "pressing need for
sterilization and birth control".

During the thirties in the United States population control research was being carried on by the Rockefeller Foundation. Theories were circulating expressing the general idea that economic problems in underdeveloped countries were really problems of too many people; if only the population growth could be controlled, the standard of living would rise.

The population theories, as the newsletter of the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) entitled "Population Control in the Third World" indicates, had, and still have, strongly racist roots, based on the concept of the safeguarding the superior white civilization from the crude and inferior "underdeveloped" world which threatens to overwhelm the globe with its "population explosions."

For the United States, there was the particular problem of keeping the colonial population of Puerto Rico under control. By 1933 U.S. sugar companies had monopolized 314,000 acres. Thousands of impoverished farmers, forced from their lands, migrated to the cities or became agricultural laborers on sugar plantations where wages averaged 37 cents per day. This had its political consequence: caneworkers began to organize militant unions, and nationalism was growing.

What better way to obscure the real problem of U.S. control of the island than by blaming it on population growth? A quote from a Puerto Rican legislator during the time, (taken from Back, Hill and Stycos: "Population Control in Puerto Rico"), expresses this confusion:

" . . . those of us who have discussed maldistribution of Puerto Rican lands and its growing absentee ownership must realize that these problems are growing
more and more serious through our existing surplus population and its constant growth, particularly in recent years. The inevitable consequence is increasing unemployment, growing poverty and mounting misery."

The Sterilization Campaign

According to Harriet Presser in "The Role of Sterilization in Controlling Puerto Rican Fertility", sterilization was introduced into Puerto Rico in the 1930's, along with contraception methods. In 1934, 67 birth control clinics were opened with federal funds channeled through the Puerto Rican Emergency Relief Fund. The funds lasted only two years; then in 1936 the private Maternal and Childcare Health Association opened 23 clinics.

The Family Planning Association of Puerto Rico, another private organization, was established in 1954, two years after the Population, Council was formed in the United States by John D. Rockefeller. During the next ten years, according to Presser, it subsidized sterilization in private facilities for 8,000 women. Between 1956 and 1966 it also subsidized sterilization of 3000 men.

This organization still functions today, and has an important role to play in the future, according to the November, 1973 report. Presently it receives $750,000.00 of its $900,000.00 budget from the federal Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Thousands of sterilizations also took place in public hospitals. In 1949 the Commissioner of Health in Puerto Rico was quoted in El Mundo as saying he would favor the use of district hospitals once or twice a week to perform fifty sterilizations a day.

Many doctors were pro-sterilization rather than other forms of birth control.

"Many physicians thought, and still think," says J.M. Stycos, that contraception methods are too difficult for lower class Puerto Ricans and regarded post-partum sterilization as the most feasible solution to the [population] problems".

An experience of one pre-medical student in Puerto Rico in the 1950's, told to us by an informed source, indicates that this preference for sterilization was not only an obviously racist attitude, but a policy.

As part of her training, the student was told that any pregnant woman who came into the hospital for a delivery who had already had two or more children must have her tubes tied after giving birth. This was standard procedure, checked afterwards by another doctor to make sure that it was carried out.

Generally, it seems that most sterilizations were carried out post partum. In 1949, using J.M. Stycos' work again, 17.8 per cent of all hospital deliveries were followed by sterilization. Stycos notes that these figures may underestimate the
actual incidence of sterilization because it did not count the women who had home deliveries and then hospital sterilization; also, not all sterilizations may be recorded as such in the hospital records, he adds.

Private hospitals also had an exceptionally high incidence of sterilization in
proportion to deliveries, says Presser. She cites one hospital that had
to reduce its sterilizations to 25% of all deliveries because of outside pressure.

Presser indicates that most sterilizations have been post-partum, and that "enabling an increasing incidence has been the continued rise in hospital deliveries", which went from 10 per cent in 1940 to 37.7 per cent in 1950, 77.5 per cent in 1960 and 90 per cent in 1965, according to the Puerto Rican Department of Health.

Hospitals in Puerto Rico are substantially financed by the United States government. The entire medical apparatus in Puerto Rico was developed by the United States; training was carried on by U.S. doctors. Many of the doctors working in Puerto Rico and performing sterilizations have been and are today from the United States.

The United States carries on population control programs throughout the third world, most of which, according to NACLA, are financed by the Agency for
International Development. Some AID programs, such as the "Family Planning Insurance" in Costa Rica actually offer money in return for sterilization. Puerto Rico's colonial status gives the United States the ability to carry on effective population control programs in the world.

The increased sterilization of Puerto Ricans becomes more and more necessary as the U.S. industrial plans for the island -plans which profit U.S. corporations, and do not build a future for the inhabitants of Puerto Rico -develop. This becomes clearer as we continue to explore the ramifications of the report "Opportunities for Employment, Education & Training."

Committee for Puerto Rican Decolonization, Box 1240 Peter Stuyvesant Station, Now York, N.Y. 10009, (212) 260-290 / all labor donated


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