
Is UN proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti ,
Haitian Perspectives
, June 10, 2008


Drill, and then pump the oil of Haiti!

Forez, puis pompez le pétrole d'Haïti!
Oil in Haiti


Les recherches pétrolières bientôt relancées en Haïti

Cuba Plans Offshore Wells Banned in U.S. Waters, May 9, 2008


Comparing crime, poverty and violence in the rest of the Hemisphere to Haiti

Brazil is in on it too: U.S. Senator: Drilling Offshore Cuba Could 'Desecrate' Florida
January 24, 2008


Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti

US open new US Embassy compound in Haiti

Robbing Haiti blind: Pillage and plunder - Bronze cannons, gold and emerald pieces stolen at certain sites in Ile-à-Vaches



Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!


Haiti's Holocaust and Middle Passage Continues

Expose the Lies
Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind
Digging up Haiti: Matraco-Colorado Haiti Projects (marble, chalk, limestone/aggregate quarries and Haiti lignite/coal mine and power plant...)

(See also, Matraco-Colorado Haiti Projects)

Matraco-Colorado Haiti Venture -A Power-Point Presentation

Hidalgo Mining International
Copper Mining in Haiti /KWG Resources Inc. - Haiti: Copper Values from Drilling of the Douvray Porphyry Copper Deposit

Eurasian Minerals Acquires two Gold Projects in Haiti

Haiti 's Future Glitters with Gold- Eurasian Minerals

Eurasian Minerals Inc. Acquires Grand Bois Gold Deposit Property, Haiti, Jan. 26, 2009

Eurasian Minerals Inc. Acquires 27 Exploration Licenses in Haiti and the
Historic Meme Copper-Gold Mine, Dec 17, 2008

To subscribe, write to erzilidanto@yahoo.com
zilibuttonCarnegie Hall
Video Clip
No other national
group in the world
sends more money
than Haitians living
in the Diaspora
Red Sea- audio

The Red Sea

Ezili Dantò's master Haitian dance class (Video clip)

zilibuttonEzili's Dantò's
Haitian & West African Dance Troop
Clip one - Clip two

So Much Like Here- Jazzoetry CD audio clip

Ezili Danto's

to Self

Update on
Site Soley

RBM Video Reel

Angry with
Boat sinking
A group of Haitian migrants arrive in a bus after being repatriated from the nearby Turks and Caicos Islands, in Cap-Haitien, northern Haiti, Thursday, May 10, 2007. They were part of the survivors of a sailing vessel crowded with Haitian migrants that overturned Friday, May 4 in moonlit waters a half-mile from shore in shark-infested waters. Haitian migrants claim a Turks and Caicos naval vessel rammed their crowded sailboat twice before it capsized. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Dessalines' Law
and Ideals

Breaking Sea Chains

Little Girl
in the Yellow
Sunday Dress

Anba Dlo, Nan Ginen
Ezili Danto's Art-With-The-Ancestors Workshops - See, Red, Black & Moonlight series or Haitian-West African

Clip one -Clip two
ance performance
zilibutton In a series of articles written for the October 17, 2006 bicentennial commemoration of the life and works of Dessalines, I wrote for HLLN that: "Haiti's liberator and founding father, General Jean Jacques Dessalines, said, "I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided" and for that he was assassinated by the Mullato sons of France. That was the first coup d'etat, the Haitian holocaust - organized exclusion of the masses, misery, poverty and the impunity of the economic elite - continues (with Feb. 29, 2004 marking the 33rd coup d'etat). Haiti's peoples continue to resist the return of despots, tyrants and enslavers who wage war on the poor majority and Black, contain-them-in poverty through neocolonialism' debts, "free trade" and foreign "investments." These neocolonial tyrants refuse to allow an equitable division of wealth, excluding the majority in Haiti from sharing in the country's wealth and assets." (See also, Kanga Mundele: Our mission to live free or die trying, Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation; The Legacy of Impunity of One Sector-Who killed Dessalines?; The Legacy of Impunity:The Neoconlonialist inciting political instability is the problem. Haiti is underdeveloped in crime, corruption, violence, compared to other nations, all, by Marguerite 'Ezili Dantò' Laurent
No other national group in the world sends more money than Haitians living in the Diaspora


Haiti's Riches - expose the false stereotypes

Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth

"....expose how the wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind; expose the manufactured fear, racist myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality and violence that aims to control and maintain people's negative perceptions of Haiti and to contain-Haiti-in-poverty the better to rob it blind. (See also, Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti, and a June 13, 2008 Nouvelliste article alleging, in sum, that "...in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian State is CONSUMED in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters, instead of the impoverished and starving Haitians these food and gas subsidies were intended to benefit..."; Digging up Haiti; Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti; Haitian Riches; Expose the Lies;US open new (World's fifth largest) US Embassy compound in Haiti).

"... stop the imposed famine from fraudulent "free trade" policies that destroys Haitian food sovereignty; stop imposed coup d'etat and UN/US protectorate that destroys Haitian security and stability, increases violence and organized kidnappings, drug-dealings and arms trafficking ...(Go to: Genocide by vaccination in Haiti - Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?)


...So, people-to-people, we ask assistance to stop the genocide going on (the better to steal from and fleece) Haiti. A genocide, depopulation and terror taking place through: indefinite detention/incarceration; UN, NGO and humanitarian aid workers sexual rape, human trafficking and molestation of Haitian children; imposed famine from fraudulent "free trade" policies that destroys Haitian food sovereignty; imposed coup d'etat and UN/US protectorate that destroys Haitian security and stability, increases violence and organized kidnappings, drug-dealings and arms trafficking; and, perhaps genocide and forced sterilization by this wholesale foreign-imposed (UNICEF/WHO $10-million dollar) vaccination program in UN occupied Haiti." (Excerpted from "Ezili Danto's Note: Genocide by vaccination in Haiti and Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?" June 15, 2008)


"Three false Haiti stereotypes are that Haiti has no resources, is overcrowded and violent. In reality Haiti has formidable advantages - plentiful resources, the most purest in the world of natural resources, enviable strategic location, hard working population; it is centered in Caribbean Basin, has 38% more coastline than the Dominican Republic.
(See, Matraco-Colorado Haiti on Haiti resources and 3 false stereotypes about Haiti -A Power-Point Presentation.)

If there's substantial oil and gas reserves in Haiti, the US/Euro genocide has not yet begun.
Ayisyen leve zye nou anwo, kenbe red. Nou fèk komanse goumen. (Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation and John Maxwell's "Is there oil in Haiti".)

Digging up Haiti:
Matraco-Colorado Haiti Projects (marble, chalk, limestone/aggregate quarries and Haiti lignite/coal mine and power plant...)

"The New US Embassy in Haiti is massive, largest in world except for Iraq, Afghanistan, China and Germany and we know US strategic/economic interests in those count ries...What does Haiti own that even...McCain is now campaigning concern for "the fight for justice in Haiti?"
(Excerpted from, Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti )

Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti by Ezili Dantò, June 10, 2008 (Last updated June 22, 2008)

OK folks, these are just Ezili Dantò's random thoughts.... of the day. But they are usually my very best thinking. So...

It's June 10, 2008 and for over four years now, since the 2004 Bush regime change in Haiti began, I have pretty much been begging folks concerned with Haitian development to help HLLN discover what the US is really doing in Haiti, with Haiti's natural resources. Especially Haiti’s oil and gas reserves, which we've been given information to believe is located in La Gonave, Ile-à-Vache, Cayes, and that there are gas/oil reserves near Aquin, Haiti. (See, Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti;
Drill, and then pump the oil of Haiti!;Oil in Haiti; Digging up Haiti; Haitian Riches ; Haiti lignite/coal mine in Hinche at Matraco-Colorado Haiti Projects; Hidalgo Mining International; Eurasian Minerals Acquires two Gold Projects in Haiti; Copper Mining in Haiti /KWG Resources Inc. - Haiti: Copper Values from Drilling of the Douvray Porphyry Copper Deposit.) We have even been given information to suggest that the oil reserves located in Haiti are being tapped into from outside of Haiti, from Guantanamo Bay by the US. And given some indication that the head of the oil reserves that feed Venezuela comes, originates out of Haitian territory. Moreover, knowledgeable Haitians tell there are many sites in Haiti with black stones that when tested are oil deposits. These black stones are often found littering the beaches of La Gonave. These same Haitians tell of US boats drilling and sucking out Haiti's resources, such as the sulfur of TiTanyen. (Source: Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network members, June 17, 2008.)

According to the testimony of another Ezili HLLNetwork member, "One Haitian fisherman on the North area has been requested to bring back from Haiti's ocean floor some algaes that are used in medicine only found in Haiti. The people came back for more and depleted the area, he told me." The same Network member stated "I was told by Italian marble exporters that the best marble is from Haiti and when they get it there, no one really knows because it is sold by private elite organization ...Further it has been said that in remote areas of Haiti there are metal plaques engraved, 'Property of the US government.'"

The Island of Ayiti, not Hispaniola

Ayiti honors the Amerindians and Africans, the name "Hispaniola" recalls the Hispanic extermination of the Amerindians

These are the sorts of information we've collected. Information forwarded to Ezili's HLLN from folks in Haiti who own family inherited ancestral lands in the area where these resources are being pilfered by foreigners, folks who have been contacted to sell their lands for very little monies. Some of the information also comes from folks claiming to be involve or who have been involved in working with the UN/US or on the drillings. Others are just knowledgeable observers concerned about the poorest of the poor in Haiti, but who don't want to become targets or lose their officialdom jobs by exposing their names.

Haiti is, along with Cuba, the oldest land mass in the Americas and endowed with an abundance of natural resources still plentiful and of the oldest and purest form in the world. Fifty (50) million years ago when the continental USA was still underwater, the Island of Haiti was above ground, breathing air (See, National Geography, August 2007 map ). One can deduct the reason that the Island is still so rich in mineral resources and human knowledge. (See also, Microbe discovered in Haitian soil may develop super-antibiotic drug; and Black are the original peoples on planet earth, including the Americas and shared core cultural, social and religious values with the Blacks brought to the Americas as slaves.) Those who are even slightly knowledgeable about Haiti know very well its abundance of resources compared to other areas in the Caribbean, in the Americas, and state it clearly, for their own purposes, in their exploration prospectuses. Haiti's marble, granite, limestone, coal, aggregate are the purest there is in the world. But, the embedded media's hysteria about Haiti's violence, lack of resources, extreme poverty and overpopulation is all that the world is generally told about Haiti, nothing about its formidable advantages and peerless riches. (See, Matraco-Colorado Haiti on Haiti resources and 3 false stereotypes about Haiti -A Power-Point Presentation
; Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind and, Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth; and
US open new (World's fifth largest) US Embassy compound in Haiti).

Natural Resources

Haiti has a variety of mineral resources. Copper, manganese, gold and silver come from the Massif du Nord. The Central Plain has deposits of lignite, a kind of coal. Other minerals found in Haiti include iron, lead, zinc, nickel, sulfur, marble, and gypsum. Haiti once had large deposits of bauxite (used to make aluminum), but its bauxite mines had been emptied by the late 1900s.

Haiti's trees are another valuable resource. Loggers cut down pine, mahogany, cedar, and other trees from Haiti's forests. The timber is used to make furniture, houses, and other products. Many Haitians cut down trees for firewood. Haiti's rushing rivers are also a natural resource. By damming the rivers that run through the mountains, Haitians can produce valuable electricity.

About 28 percent of Haiti's land is arable, or suitable for farming. Farmers grow sugarcane, cotton, rice, fruits, nuts, coffee, and other crops. Many farmers grow cacao beans, which are made into chocolate. Others raise livestock, such as cattle, goats, and pigs. The fish that swim the waters around Haiti are another natural resource. Commercial fishers haul in millions of pounds of sea creatures each year. The catch is then processed and sold as food.


Environmental Issues

"Haiti once had a very lush landscape. But over the decades, Haitians have cut down most of the nation's forests for timber or to clear land for farms and houses...To protect its remaining wild lands and animals, Haiti has established four national parks: La Visite National Park, south of Port-au-Prince; Macaya national Park on the southern peninsula; Pine Forest national Park in the eastern Massif de la Selle; and Historic Citadel national Park in the Massif du Nord. These parks are off-limits to hunters, loggers, and land developers. But because of poor funding, park staff can't always enforce the rules. Still, visitors to the parks can enjoy areas of unspoiled rain forests, waterfalls, and meadows filled with wild plants and animals."

(From, Haiti in Pictures by Margaret J. Goldstein)

Some of the false Haiti stereotypes are that Haiti has no resources, is one of the tiniest island nations in the Caribbean, overcrowded, violent and simply "the hemisphere's eternal basket case - a dismal repository of poverty where there is no future." In reality Haiti has formidable advantages - plentiful and still inexhaustible resources, the oldest formed and thus purest natural resources in the world, enviable strategic location, a hard working population. It is centered in the Caribbean Basin and it has 38% more coastline than the Dominican Republic. Haiti is a big Island compared to the other island nationsin the Caribbean. It is, in fact the third largest nation in the Caribbean, owns 60% of the CARICOM population, with the largest diaspora and most millionaires in the Caribbean.

But behind the veil of media and US propagated lies - the manufactured fear, racist myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality and violence - denying Haiti's riches and reality, the wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing Haiti blind. (Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth). The world's media recently focused on the food riots in Haiti and how the charitable NGOs, USAID and others are making generous new commitments and sending rice and food to haiti. Yet, according to a Nouvelliste article, dated, June 13, 2008, 40% to 50% of US subsidized rice, dumped in Haiti, by the American rice companies and charitable NGOs, are consumed, not in Haiti, but sold (through Haiti's big mafia families and US-supported economic elites) to and consumed in the Dominican Republic. Also, subsidized Haitian gas/petroleum products is being pilfered by wealthy ships docking to gas up in Haiti. (Go to: Genocide by vaccination in Haiti - Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?)

It seems no one but Ezili's HLLN seems to think it EXTREMELY strange that the US and Canada have just built new, MASSIVE embassy in Haiti. The US Embassy in Haiti is so huge, it looks like a college campus, a close to a $100million dollar building (some say it will be a billion dollar building when done), with over 1,000 employees, in a country that's facing FAMINE, klorox hunger... Why do they need such a huge new investment in Haiti? To serve the needs of poor, hopeless Haitians? Those "failed" and always "fighting-each-other-Haitians," who've single-handedly rendered Haiti, as the corporate media never misses an opportunity to say, directly or indirectly, in a myriad of ways: "
the hemisphere's eternal basket case - a dismal repository of poverty where there is no future?"

The new US Embassy in Haiti is massive, the largest in the world except for Iraq, Afghanistan, China and Germany and we know U.S. strategic and economic interests in those countries. What does Haiti own that even Republican Presidential candidate John McCain is campaigning concern for "the fight for justice in Haiti?"

If there's substantial oil and gas reserves in Haiti, the US/Euro genocide has not yet begun. Ayisyen leve zye nou anwo, kenbe red. Nou fèk komanse goumen.
(Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation and John Maxwell's "Is there oil in Haiti".)

Just now someone who know this mission of Ezili's HLLN to tear down the veil of lies that allows for the wealthy corporate oligarchs' unimpeded robbing, pillaging and plundering of Haiti, called to ask us to watch C-SPAN. Apparently, four US Congressmen are being televised talking to each other about how there is 1-1/2 trillion barrels of oil/gas 45-miles off the shores of the US. Reportedly, they did not give the EXACT location of where this 1-1/2 trillion oil/gas reserves is.

So, could it also be in Haiti? Inquiring minds want to know and this is a CALL to all of you who read Ezili's HLLN work to pay ATTENTION. To recall the 2004 Bush regime change in Haiti and that the illegally ousted Haitian Aristide/Neptune government had put forward a map of mining resources in Haiti, showing numerous oil/gas sites in Haiti.

The Island of Ayiti, not Hispaniola

"...the untold counter-colonial narrative of Ayiti/AyiBohio is how viscerally Ancestral Black/Africa/Alkebulan is entwined, on many levels, in today's African Ayiti... to name the country "Ayiti" simultaneously honors the spirit, the memory of the indigenous Haitian Taino/Arawak who lived on the land immediately before the white settlers' arrived. The profound non-Eurocentric roots, history, humaneness, beauty, truth and values and cultural patrimony extended by the name "Ayiti" unnerves the Euro/US imperialists. Hence, in 1930, during the US occupation of Haiti, the United States Geographic Board (U.S.G.B.) unilaterally renamed the Island of Haiti back to the Spanish colonizer’s appellation of “Hispaniola” - Little Spain! Supposedly this was "to avoid confusion between the name of the Republic of Haiti and that of the entire island." (See, En Memoires Des Arawaks et Tainos D'Haiti and, "Rename the Island: Quisqueya, not Hispaniola 'Quisqueya' honors Taino culture whereas 'Hispaniola' recalls the Amerindian genocide" By Odette Roy Fombrun and The Haitian Arawak Movement). The US had no right whatsoever to abridge Haiti's revolution in this manner. Of course, Haitians in Haiti and Haiti's textbooks still refer to the island by its proper name -"the Island of Haiti." That, of course, doesn't stop the offense most knowledgeable Haitians feel every instance the mass media refers to the Island of Haiti as "Hispaniola" in their reportings and particularly on TV during the hurricane season. For us at HLLN, the Island will always be the Island of Haiti or Ayiti. But, to push back Dessalines' revolution is the reason for all the imperialist interventions in Haiti since Haiti's independence.

Once Ezili's HLLN learned how the Island was renamed "Hispaniola" by the US, once given the facts of the matter, there is no choice but to remember how Dessalines wisely taught us to say NO to all despots and tyrants. The name of the island cannot arbitrarily just be renounced by the US! Se pa kado blan yo te fè nou. Se san zansèt nou yo ki te koule. We call the Island by its name - Ayiti! (Go to: Dessalines ideal #2 - What's in a name? )

Please, these white settlers have, historically FLEECED the poor masses in Haiti, and there is NO REASON to assume this is not continuing. We don’t want to find out 50-years from now, exactly why Bush landed so much shock in awe on the starving masses of Black Haiti from 2004 until today. We know slavery was always about economic gains and the white settlers’ greed and exploitation of the resources of other countries. Bush didn’t invade Haiti to protect the Black Haitian masses' human rights!!!! That’s for sure. (Haiti 's Future Glitters with Gold- Eurasian Minerals; Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti.)

So, if you can get your hands on the transcript of this C-SPAN coverage of the Energy Commission that was aired today, June 10, 2008 please share it with HLLN.

The HLLN supporter that called to express suspicion indicated that these Congressmen normally have these meetings on the public record for a reason. But if the information is not intended for public viewing, they pick odd hours or, non-prime time hours to have their pow wows. Once its on the public record, they can call for a vote and sneak in their legislation. The gathering on the floor of Congress (right now at 8:30pm with only four of them there but) with C-SPAN camera angles you may think these Congressmen are addressing a full Congressional house - this C-SPAN show is to get the matter on the record and also perhaps to either play to their back-home constituency or the lobbyists their efforts are benefiting.

So, look for the transcript for the June 10, 2008 C-SPAN - where four members of Congress from the Energy Committee are talking on the floor of Congress about the fact that the US needs to drill for oil, so "why are we (US) drilling so far away from the United States, when Communist Cuba and Communist China are drilling for oil and gas reserve 45-miles off coast of US." This is a direct quote from the person who called to report this to HLLN. He indicated that "45-miles off the coast of the US" probably means there is drilling for oil by China just 45-miles "outside US international waters."

I found it highly implausible that the Pentagon would actually allow Communist Cuba to be drilling for oil. But our caller replied the "higher you go in the money game - the "isms" disappear. The commun-ism, neoliberal-ism, et al.

But then we found this New York Times, May 9, 2006 article indicating that “In 1977, the United States and Cuba signed a treaty that evenly divided the Florida Straits to preserve each country's economic rights. They included access to vast underwater oil and gas fields on both sides of the line. Now, with energy costs soaring, plans are under way to drill this year — but all on the Cuban side.

With only modest energy needs and no ability of its own to drill, Cuba has negotiated lease agreements with China and other energy-hungry countries to extract resources for themselves and for Cuba.

Cuba's drilling plans have been in place for several years, but now that China, India and others are involved and fuel prices are unusually high, a growing number of lawmakers and business leaders in the United States are starting to complain….

So, in 1977 did Baby Doc sell Haiti out? Why is Haiti not involved if Cuba borders Haiti and Cuba has this oil. Why is that Cuban oil only on ONE side of Cuba and not in the Windward Passage to the Northeast of Haiti? The countries that border Cuba should know if the geographical survey that talks of this oil did not also show this oil is within their sovereign waters? I think Caricom and Haiti needs to look at this 1977 United States Geological Survey survey? (See, Cuba Plans Offshore Wells Banned in U.S. Waters
by MICHAEL JANOFSKY , New York Times, Published: May 9, 2006 ).

Why have these folks been sitting on this US oil reserves in US waters, for so long, and the US is fighting in Iraq for oil real estate? The US public crippled by high gas prices? And, if the oil reserves in Cuba is not that big as this article wants to indicate: "The United States Geological Survey estimates that the energy field on Cuba's side alone may have 4.6 billion barrels of oil and 9.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. That much energy is equivalent to just a few months of the United States' total energy consumption. "

So, if that's true, then why is, at the end of the article, we find out that "Last week, American business executives visited lawmakers on Capitol Hill to lobby for any change in policy that would open up coastal waters, particularly those near Cuba."

Why have this off-hour hearing today, where four Republican congressmen are complaining, on the record, about China and Cuba drilling for oil, if the oil reserves in Cuba is only "equivalent to just a few months of the United States' total energy consumption?"

It doesn't add up. HLLN has more reason now than ever to believe that there is vast oil/gas reserves in Haiti, as Haitian attorney Osner Fèvry has indicated years ago, that will take the next "100 years" to fully exploit. Not much else, other than Haiti's gold, copper,
emerald, coal, marble, granite, iridium, underwater treasures and other mineral riches explains the massive US, UN military presence in a country whose homicide rate, per capital, is LESS than that of the Caribbean tourist destination countries and even that of the United States. (Comparing crime, poverty and violence in the rest of the Hemisphere to Haiti; Brazil is in on it too. Brazil heads the UN forces in Haiti. Brazil signs oil exploration contract with Cuba - U.S. Senator: Drilling Offshore Cuba Could 'Desecrate' Florida the love to Haiti).

So, Haitians, Black and Brown everywhere, it's time to stop GETTING PLAYED and wake up. All is not what is seems. That’s Ezili Dantò’s gut feeling. But we need proof. The Internationals could be drilling in Guantanamo Cuba or even Venezuela, BUT the oil/gas reserves they are TAPPING into is not only in Haiti's Windward passage waters but out of HAITI - in La Gonave, La Tortue, or in the area of Port-de-Paix, or Dame-Marie as well as in the areas of the Fanmi Lavalas Haiti map of resources showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti. (See, Expose the lies about Haiti, its people, culture, Vodun spirituality and unique resources.)

To recap, the US Congressmen speaking on the floor of Congress today, June 10, 2008, on the need to drill closer to the US, reportedly indicated there was 1-1/2 TRILLION in oil/gas reserves only 45 miles off the coast of the US. This was a C-SPAN coverage of US Congressmen, from the Energy Committee, speaking on the floor of Congress. The four US Congressmen speaking on the floor of Congress at the time this info was sent to HLLN were all Republicans and included: Congressman Phil Gingey; Georgia Congressman Paul Broun; Fred Upton, Republican from Michigan, and Republican from Oklahoma, Tom Kole. Also present was Congressman Tim Walberg, Republican from Michigan.

Remember folks, HLLN was the first to report and continually, the humanitarian aid workers and UN peacekeepers molesting and abusing Haitian people and children. Now, it's something even Save the Children is reporting. Finally, at least on that front, we don't look so RADICAL and off-base. But as one reporter told me recently, there was a time, when no one took us seriously on humanitarians abusing Haitians, because we are "Haitians" and, uhmm, "not capable of being "objective" about what white folks are doing to Haitians!!!! "

So, please look into this fleecing of Haiti. Save lives, validate our insights and humanity. HLLN doesn't have the resources to hire qualified private international investigators for this matter yet, So, share with HLLN any and all information you may have on where there is oil and gas reserves that is 45 minutes off the coast of the US and, any information you have come across that indicates, oil and gas reserves in Haiti being stolen behind this UN/US occupation of Haiti. (
Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind.)

Men anpil chay pa lou - many hands make light a heavy load.

Ezili Dantò
Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
June 10, 2008,
(Last updated June 22, 2008)

Haitian Riches
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/ pressclips

"...So, people-to-people, we ask assistance to stop the genocide going on (the better to steal from and fleece) Haiti. A genocide, depopulation and terror taking place through: indefinite detention/incarceration; UN, NGO and humanitarian aid workers sexual rape, human trafficking and molestation of Haitian children; imposed famine from fraudulent "free trade" policies that destroys Haitian food sovereignty; imposed coup d'etat and UN/US protectorate that destroys Haitian security and stability, increases violence and organized kidnappings, drug-dealings and arms trafficking; and, perhaps genocide and forced sterilization by this wholesale foreign-imposed (UNICEF/WHO $10-million dollar) vaccination program in UN occupied Haiti." (Excerpted from "Ezili Danto's Note: Genocide by vaccination in Haiti and Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?" June 15, 2008; See also: Haiti's Riches - expose the Lies and false stereotypes and Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth; Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti; Digging up Haiti; Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti )

"...René Préval confie en plus qu'entre 40 et 50 % du riz importé et
subventionné par l'Etat haïtien ces derniers mois, sont consommés en
République dominicaine. Il a même raconté que des bateaux en transit se
permettent de faire le plein en Haïti en raison du bas prix du pétrole
raffiné dans le pays." (Tentative pour désamorcer la bombe, Le Nouvelliste,
June 13, 2008)

English translation:
Rene Preval confide that in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the
imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian State is CONSUMED in the
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters..." (Tentative pour désamorcer la bombe,

Le Nouvelliste, June 13, 2008

Tentative pour désamorcer la bombeLa subvention clandestine de produits pétroliers ne tient plus, le chef de l'Etat entame des consultations avec les secteurs de la vie nationale. Dernières en date, la presse et les syndicats de transport. Entre les lignes, les prix vont augmenter.

Empêtrées depuis plus de trois mois dans une affaire de subvention clandestine de produits pétroliers dans un contexte d'escalade des prix sur le marché mondial, les autorités étatiques haïtiennes, tentent de désamorcer la bombe pétrolière et fournir des éléments de réponses en ce qui a trait à la relance de la production nationale agricole. Le président de la République René Préval et quelques uns des ministres démissionnaires se sont entretenus, vendredi 13 juin, au palais présidentiel, avec la presse et le secteur syndical du transport.

Le président de la république ainsi que les ministres démissionnaires des Affaires Sociales et du Travail, Gérald Germain et de l'Economie et des Finances, Daniel Dorsainvil, le secrétaire d'Etat à l'agriculture, Joanas Gué, ne savent pas par où commencer pour annoncer que la subvention des produits pétroliers est insupportable. Sans le dire, on a vite compris que les prix réels vont être appliqués dans les prochains jours. Le Nouvelliste s'interrogeait depuis plus d'une semaine sur les limites de cette subvention.

René Préval confie en plus qu'entre 40 et 50 % du riz importé et subventionné par l'Etat haïtien ces derniers mois, sont consommés en République dominicaine. Il a même raconté que des bateaux en transit se permettent de faire le plein en Haïti en raison du bas prix du pétrole raffiné dans le pays. Comme prévu, le gouvernement ne peut plus supporter les coûts de la subvention des produits pétroliers et crie au secours. Après les entrepreneurs, les étudiants, les religieux ..., ils ont consulté la presse et les syndicats du transport.

Les analystes sont quasiment unamimes à reconnaitre que les prix du pétrole ne vont pas baisser. La firme d'analyse Goldman Sachs a même prévu un baril de brut à 200 dollars dans une année. Ce vendredi, les prix du pétrole rebondissaient de quatre dollars après l'annonce d'une nouvelle chute des stocks de brut aux Etats-Unis et dans la foulée du tableau très haussier sur l'offre et la demande de pétrole brossé par un groupe pétrolier.

Les cours du baril de pétrole ont terminé la semaine en baisse ce vendredi à New York sur des spéculationsrelatives à une hausse de la production de l'Arabie saoudite et un redressement du dollar, monnaie dans laquelle est vendu le brut.

Sur le New York Merchantile Exhange (Nymex), le baril de "light sweet crude" pour livraison en juillet a fini la séance à 134,86 dollars, en baisse de 1,88 dollar par rapport à son cours de clôture de la veille, selon l'AFP

Après 26 jours de réflexions avec tous les secteurs de la vie nationale, le chef de l'Etat pense que le moment est venu pour délivrer le message. En conséquence, les prix à la pompe vont augmenter, les pressions sociales également.

Dieudonné Joachim
HAITI: Officials dedicate new US embassy compound
The Associated Press, June 24, 2008

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - U.S. officials are celebrating the official opening of a $75 million embassy compound in the Haitian capital.

Behind imposing walls and set back from the street on a former sugarcane field near the Port-au-Prince airport, the 10-acre compound features an atrium, space for more than 1,000 workers and a swimming pool.

U.S. Ambassador Janet Sanderson and other officials dedicated the facility Monday in a ceremony with ousted Haitian Prime Minister Jacques Eduoard Alexis and Cabinet members, who were fired by Parliament after food riots but have not yet been replaced.

Haiti has been without a prime minister or Cabinet since April 12.

Letter to AP Editors

Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:36:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: "zili danto" <erzilidanto@yahoo.com>
Subject: Letter to the Editor
To: Info@ap.org

Ezili Danto's Letter to AP Editors:

In referenced to your June 24, 2008 article on the "official" opening of the new
US Embassy compound in Haiti. So, AP, where are the pictures? Who attended and how was the ceremony? Where's the analysis as to why the US needs such a huge embassy in Haiti? Uhmmmm? Or, was it much more stereotypical for AP to ignore this new US Embassy started to be built in 2004, after the U.S. deported Haiti's democratically elected government and just point to the "Haiti still needs a new Minister"-under this US-occupation chorus? A very irrelevant point, AP, for the Haitian masses compared to questions about why the US needs such a huge embassy in a country facing famine, or compared to the US imposed chaos, imposed famine, imposed militarization of Haiti and robbing Haitians blind behind the mask of "bringing democracy and stability to Haiti" since February 29, 2004.

Ezili Danto
June 24, 2008
203 829 7210
************ *******

US officially opens new Embassy compound in Haiti, AP, June 24, 2008

See, excerpt from, Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti :

" It seems no one but Ezili's HLLN seems to think it EXTREMELY strange that the US and Canada have just built new, MASSIVE embassy in Haiti. The US Embassy in Haiti is so huge, it looks like a college campus, a close to a $100million dollar building (some say it will be a billion dollar building when done), with over 1,000 employees, in a country that's facing FAMINE, klorox hunger... Why do they need such a huge new investment in Haiti? To serve the needs of poor, hopeless Haitians? Those "failed" and always "fighting-each- other-Haitians, " who've single-handedly rendered Haiti, as the corporate media never misses an opportunity to say, directly or indirectly, in a myriad of ways: "the hemisphere's eternal basket case - a dismal repository of poverty where there is no future?"
The new US Embassy in Haiti is massive, the largest in the world except for Iraq, Afghanistan, China and Germany and we know U.S. strategic and economic interests in those countries. What does Haiti own that even Republican Presidential candidate John McCain is campaigning concern for "the fight for justice in Haiti?"

If there's substantial oil and gas reserves in Haiti, the US/Euro genocide has not yet begun. Ayisyen leve zye nou anwo, kenbe red. Nou fèk komanse goumen.
(Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation and John Maxwell's "Is there oil in Haiti".)




Cuba Plans Offshore Wells Banned in U.S. Waters By By MICHAEL JANOFSKY, New York Times, May 9, 2008

WASHINGTON, May 8 — In 1977, the United States and Cuba signed a treaty that evenly divided the Florida Straits to preserve each country's economic rights. They included access to vast underwater oil and gas fields on both sides of the line.

Now, with energy costs soaring, plans are under way to drill this year — but all on the Cuban side.

With only modest energy needs and no ability of its own to drill, Cuba has negotiated lease agreements with China and other energy-hungry countries to extract resources for themselves and for Cuba.

Cuba's drilling plans have been in place for several years, but now that China, India and others are involved and fuel prices are unusually high, a growing number of lawmakers and business leaders in the United States are starting to complain. They argue that the United States' decades-old ban against drilling in coastal waters is driving up domestic energy costs and, in this case, is giving two of America's chief economic competitors access to energy at the United States' expense.

"This is the irony of ironies," Charles T. Drevna, executive vice president of the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association, said of Cuba's collaboration with China and India. "We have chosen to lock up our resources and stand by to be spectators while these two come in and benefit from things right in our own backyard."

The United States Geological Survey estimates that the energy field on Cuba's side alone may have 4.6 billion barrels of oil and 9.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. That much energy is equivalent to just a few months of the United States' total energy consumption.

The survey does not specify how much of an energy reserve is on the United States' side of the Florida Straits, just north of Cuba. But almost all of the country's Outer Continental Shelf, waters within 200 miles of shorelines, has been off limits to drilling since the early 1980's because of Congressional bans and executive orders.

President Bush, who renewed the 1977 treaty last December for two years, has cited China's growing demand for oil and international efforts to obtain it as prime reasons for high gasoline prices. The latest version of the administration's national security strategy, issued in March, warned that China's leaders were "acting as if they can somehow 'lock up' energy supplies around the world."

To Mr. Drevna and others who are lobbying Congress to end the prohibition, energy exploration in coastal waters represents a strong step toward energy independence and lower prices.

The Interior Department estimates that the Outer Continental Shelf has more than 115 billion barrels of oil and 633 trillion cubic feet of natural gas available for extraction. At current levels of consumption, that would satisfy the nation's oil needs for about 16 years and its natural gas needs for about 25 years.

Opponents of drilling in United States waters are equally passionate in their arguments, saying that drilling for oil off the coast poses environmental risks and that drilling for finite supplies undermines long-term conservation solutions. They also say modest supplies of additional oil would not necessarily lower gasoline prices in the United States because oil is traded on a world market.

But drilling proponents say the time has come to end the bans, especially with plans by China and India to capture oil and gas so close to the United States shoreline.

"My fear is for the future of America," said Representative John E. Peterson, Republican of Pennsylvania, who has collected more than 160 co-sponsors for a bipartisan bill that would open coastal waters for development of natural gas. "We have a natural gas crisis, and it's the biggest threat we have to the American economy."

Senator Larry E. Craig, Republican of Idaho, took narrow aim at the activities planned for the Florida Straits and recently complained on the Senate floor, "Red China should not be left to drill for oil within spitting distance of our shores without competition from U.S. industries."

Cuba has divided its side of the Florida Straits into 59 lease areas. As of the end of February, foreign countries had secured the rights or were negotiating the rights to 16 of them, according to Cuban government documents provided by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington.

Kirby Jones, founder and president of the U.S. Cuba Trade Association, a group that promotes United States business interests in Cuba, said Cuba had signed agreements with companies from China, India, Spain and Canada.

At a recent trade conference in Mexico City arranged by Mr. Jones, Cuban officials invited American oil companies to bid for the other leases on the Cuban side of the Florida Straits even though drilling in Cuban waters would violate the United States' longstanding trade embargo against Cuba.

The purpose, Mr. Jones said, "was to let the American oil executives know what is happening in Cuba."

United States oil companies would have a right to bid for Cuban leases under legislation Mr. Craig is drafting. Dan Whiting, his spokesman, said the measure would seek an exemption like the one created several years ago for United States companies to sell food and medicine to Cuba. But an exemption for drilling seems uncertain, given the large number of lawmakers staunchly opposed to any economic relationship with Cuba as long as Fidel Castro is president.

Mr. Craig's measure would be one of several Senate bills aimed at drilling in coastal waters. Two pending measures would approve operations in a small tract of the Gulf of Mexico, one of the few coastal areas where drilling is allowed. And a measure introduced two weeks ago by Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida, who opposes drilling within 150 miles of Florida's coastline, would block renewal of the 1977 treaty and then deny foreign companies access to United States markets if they continued to drill in waters close to Cuba.

Mr. Peterson said his bill focused only on natural gas because of its importance to the American manufacturing industry, particularly chemical companies, which spend huge amounts on natural gas to make their products.

The average price of a gallon of gasoline has increased by 126 percent since early 2000, to a current average of $2.96 per gallon, according to the Energy Information Administration. Natural gas prices have jumped by 152 percent in the same period, to $6.56 per thousand cubic feet. It is a rate the National Association of Manufacturers says has contributed to the loss of more than 3.1 million jobs since 2000 through plant closings and relocations offshore.

Mr. Peterson's bill is one of several proposing to open coastal waters that House lawmakers are expected to consider before long. Brian Kennedy, a spokesman for Representative Richard W. Pombo, Republican of California and chairman of the House Resources Committee, said Mr. Pombo planned to introduce a bill that would give states control of the first 125 miles of waters beyond their shorelines.

Last week, American business executives visited lawmakers on Capitol Hill to lobby for any change in policy that would open up coastal waters, particularly those near Cuba.

"It's such an easy fix," said John Paro, president and chief executive of the CPH Holding Corporation, a chemical company in Chicago. "We have the supply, and it's close. I just wish the public would recognize how easy this problem is to deal with."


Brazil is in on it too: Brazil heads UN forces in Haiti, Brazil signs oil exploration contract with Cuba

U.S. Senator: Drilling Offshore Cuba Could 'Desecrate' Florida
| E&E Daily | RigZone.com, January 24, 2008

URL: http://www.rigzone.com/news/article.asp?a_id=55765

Florida Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson is pressing the White House to abandon a decades-old offshore boundary agreement with Cuba that he alleges will allow oil projects off Cuba's coast that could threaten his state's environment.

In a letter to President Bush yesterday, Nelson said that news reports of an exploration agreement signed this month between Cuba and Brazil's state-controlled oil company reveal dangers to Florida. The letter also cites other oil exploration plans by foreign companies in Cuban waters.

"Soon, there could be oil rigs within 50 miles of the Florida Keys and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary," the letter states. "And, as the Gulf Stream flows, an oil spill or other drilling accident would desecrate part of Florida's unique environment and devastate its $50 billion tourism-driven economy."

Nelson has in the past introduced legislation that would nullify the 1977 boundary agreement that evenly divides the 90 miles of sea between the Florida Keys and Cuba. Nelson believes that U.S. withdrawal from the agreement would stall exploration plans by foreign companies and envisions the agreement being renegotiated with a future democratic government of Cuba in a manner that keeps oil rigs far from Florida's waters, a spokesman for Nelson said.

The letter yesterday says the agreement is enforced by exchange of diplomatic notes every two years. "My staff informs me the State Department has sent the latest such notes, but that they have not been received yet by the Cuban government," the letter states. "So, I am writing to urge you to recall these notes. I am sure you agree that we cannot allow Cuba to put at risk Florida's major business and irreplaceable environment."

The White House could not be reached for comment.

According to the Associated Press and Reuters, Cuba reached a deal in mid-January with Brazilian state oil company Petrobras to conduct deepwater exploratory drilling in the Gulf of Mexico off Cuba's coast.

Companies from Spain, Canada, India and Malaysia already have exploration contracts with Cuba, according to AP.

The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated that the North Cuba Basin may contain 4.6 billion barrels of oil and 9.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.


Hidalgo Mining International (HMIT) Announces the Ratification of New Subsidiary in Haiti
Posted on: Thursday, 12 June 2008, 16:38 CDT | Source - redOrbit

Hidalgo Mining International (PINKSHEETS: HMIT), an innovative mining company headquartered in Port Washington, N.Y., announced the ratification of its new Haitian Subsidiary, Hidalgo Mining Haiti, S.A.

Mark Daniel Klok, President of HMIT, stated: "The Company has now received confirmation of the final ratification of our new Haitian subsidiary, Hidalgo Mining Haiti, S.A. Mr. O'Donnell Maximin, one of the board members of our new Haitian Subsidiary, recently met with the honorable President Rene Garcia Preval. During that meeting it was confirmed that Hidalgo Mining will move forward to complete the negotiations of the final convention on the targeted properties, which management feels will eventually become the first ever commercially producing mining operation in Haitian history. Over the past two years, I have visited Haiti numerous times and have taken a personal interest in setting out to accomplish an aggressive plan to assist Haiti in its goals for economic development and expansion in the mining exploration arena. The Company has now started the process of negotiations and will issue the final convention on the projects with the assistance of Mr. Daniel Dorsainvil, the Haitian Finance Minister, Mr. Frantz Verrela, T.P.T.C. Minister, and Mr. Dieuseul Anglade, General Director of the mining office. After meeting with these officials, it was made clear that the Company has an overwhelming level of support. I look forward to Hidalgo Mining leading the way towards economic growth and stability in this sector. I believe that our new projects targeted in Haiti will ultimately play a key role in enhancing Hidalgo's future bottom line and our expansion plans for 2009."

Klok went on to state: "We have received the green light to enter negotiations on the final convention and I plan to return to Haiti within the coming weeks.

This, combined with our existing projects in Guinea, would increase our portfolio of projects and Hidalgo's overall potential and further exemplifies our continuation of actively and aggressively pursuing other projects; all with near term production potential. I would like to continue to thank all of our shareholders for their continued support in our long-term efforts in building a world-class junior mining company."

Hidalgo Mining International (PINKSHEETS: HMIT), an innovative mining company headquartered in Port Washington, NY, strives to increase shareholder value, while implementing aggressive plans to continue targeting near term mining production projects on a global scale. HMIT's management, directors, and advisors hold an abundance of experience and knowledge to implement expansion in this rapidly growing industry.


The results described herein cannot be guaranteed. The development of any and all of the subject mining claims stated herein is contingent upon multiple high risk factors that must be successfully dealt with in order to achieve the intended results. This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements in this news release other than statements of historical fact are "forward-looking statements" that are based on current expectations and assumptions. These expectations and assumptions are subject to risks and uncertainty, which could affect Hidalgo Mining Internationals' future. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the statements, including, but not limited to, the following: the ability of Hidalgo Mining International to provide for its obligations, to provide working capital needs from operating revenues, to obtain additional financing needed for any future acquisitions, to meet competitive challenges and technological changes, and other risks. Hidalgo Mining International undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statement(s) and/or to conform the statement(s) to actual results or changes in Hidalgo Mining International's expectations.

Contact: Mark Daniel Klok, Hidalgo Mining International (305) 778-8360 http://www.hidalgominingint.com/

SOURCE: Hidalgo Mining International

***Ezili Danto's note on above Hidalgo announcement - the Haitian Office of Mining and Energy indicates no application for the requisite mining permits and contracts has been lodged with its agency, the only agency vested with the legal right, under Haitian law, to give such authority in the realm of oil and mining in Haiti. (see bulletin below). - June 24, 2008

Les précisions du Bureau des mines et de l'énergie

Suite à l'annonce publiée sur internet dans "THE EARTH TIMES" selon laquelle la société HIDALGO MINING INTERNATIONAL (HMIT) posséderait une filiale en Haïti et serait en train de négocier une convention minière avec l'Etat haïtien, la Direction Générale du BUREAU DES MINES ET DE L'ENERGIE tient à informer l'opinion publique nationale et internationale en général et le monde des affaires en particulier qu'à ce jour, aucun titre minier n'a été sollicité voire négocié avec ladite société.

Cette Direction Générale profite de l'occasion pour rappeler que le BUREAU DES MINES ET DE L'ENERGIE est la seule institution haïtienne légalement habilitée à négocier ou à signer tout contrat, accord ou convention dans les domaines minier et pétrolier (article 4, alinéa du décret-loi du 1er août 1986).

Dieuseul Anglade
Directeur Général

Ezili Danto's Note: Help "....expose how for all the unscrupulous and shady businessmen and governments of the world, Haiti has always been a fiscal paradise because the Neocolonialists' manufactures fear, racists myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality and violence that controls and maintains the world's negative perceptions of Haiti so that empire, their predatory "charitable" and "benevolent" NGOs and the world's corporate oligarchs may contain-Haiti-in-poverty the better to rob it blind. (See also, Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti and a June 13, 2008 Nouvelliste article alleging, in sum, that "...in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian State is CONSUMED in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC?.... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters, instead of the impoverished and starving Haitians these food and gas subsidies were intended to benefit...").

Recommended HLLN Links
(Energy and Mining in Haiti):

The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind

Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti
(A map of some of Haiti's mining resources)

-Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation

- Eurasian Minerals Inc. Acquires Grand Bois Gold Deposit Property, Haiti, Jan. 26, 2009

- Eurasian Minerals Inc. Acquires 27 Exploration Licenses in Haiti and the
Historic Meme Copper-Gold Mine, Dec 17, 2008

Digging up Haiti

Matraco-Colorado Haiti on Haiti resources and 3 false stereotypes about Haiti -A Power-Point Presentation

Matraco-Colorado Haïti Projects

Hidalgo Mining International

Haiti 's Future Glitters with Gold- Eurasian Minerals

Eurasian Minerals Acquires two Gold Projects in Haiti

St. Genevieve Resources and KWG Resources
- Haiti towards the exploitation of gold and copper in Trou du Nord

Ste-Genevieve-Haiti S.A. - Gold and Copper exploitation operations to resume in the North and North East Departments of Haiti

Copper Mining in Haiti /KWG Resources Inc. - Haiti: Copper Values from Drilling of the Douvray Porphyry Copper Deposit

Authorities in Florida are opening an investigation into the origin of emeralds stolen from an interim Haitian dignitary’s home

Plundering Haiti's Under Water Treasures

Robbing Haiti blind: Pillage and plunder - Bronze cannons, gold and emerald pieces stolen at certain sites in Ile-à-Vaches

Expose the lies about Haiti, its people, culture, Vodun spirituality and unique resources

Microbe discovered in Haitian soil may develop super-antibiotic drug

US Imposing Famine on Haiti - HLLN links to fraudulent "free trade" policies that destroys Haitian food sovereignty

Is there oil in Haiti by John Maxwell

Comparing crime, poverty and violence in the rest of the Hemisphere to Haiti

Genocide by vaccination in Haiti - Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?

Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti

Drill, and then pump the oil of Haiti!

Forez, puis pompez le pétrole d'Haïti!

Haiti's Riches


Copper mining in Haiti, Blythe.org

Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit
source:Joel Dreyfuss <jdreyfuss@ibm.net>


MONTREAL, Nov. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- KWG Resources Inc. (Nasdaq: KWDGF; Montreal and Toronto: KWG.) ("KWG")

("KWG'') is pleased to announce positive results from its 70% owned (St. Genevieve Resources Ltd. 30%) Douvray copper prospect located in North-Eastern Haiti. In the past the United Nations, as well as the German Geological Survey, after completing a total of 38 diamond drill holes had calculated a resource of 92 million tons grading 0.44% copper. KWG completed a 22 drill hole program designed to test and evaluate the higher grade portion of the Douvray deposit. The most significant results are listed in the table below:

Drilled under
hole KD-5




  142.5 195.0 52.5 0.58    

Drilled under
hole KD-11

These results suggest there is a higher grade core to the Douvray porphyry
copper style mineralization. Near the end of the drill program the company
completed an Induced Polarization survey which revealed three distinct
polarizable horizons, each being 500 m to 600 m long. These horizons
correspond with the higher grade copper values such as obtained in hole
KD-06 and remain only partially drill tested.

The Douvray deposits coincides with a strong soil geochemical anomaly and
is part of a linear continuous, 15 kilometer long, copper anomaly. North-east of Douvray, grab samples from trenches an the Blondin prospect returned values as high as 17.0% copper. The Blondin copper mineralization corresponds with a 1.1 kilometer long Induced Polarization anomaly which remains to be drill investigated. Sampling of the Nicole and Philipe showings, which are 2 underevaluated copper showings along the 15 kilometer long copper trend, gave high copper values of 7.94% for Nicole and 2.05% for Philipe.

KWG is a member of the St. Genevieve Group, actively exploring and developing diamond, precious and base metal projects in Canada, South America, the Caribbean and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

News releases are available on Internet at http://www.kwg.com


NY Transfer News Collective * A Service of Blythe Systems
Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012
http://www.blythe.org e-mail: nyt@blythe.org


Source from which HLLN found this article: http://www.blythe.org/nytransfer -subs/97env/Copper_mining_in_Haiti
(Full article also archived, at: Highbeam.com)


Matraco-Colorado Haiti Venture -A Power-Point Presentation
(Matraco-Colorado Inc. A northern Caribbean resource development and land management company| http://www.matraco.com/ | see also, Matraco-Colorado Haïti Projects)

A Power-Point Presentation
John Walker, Geologist and CEO

Big Picture
Destroy a few Haiti stereotypes
“Geography matters”
Resources & Opportunities
Important undeveloped resources
Caribbean & US markets
Realistic vision for Haiti within next 10 years
Matraco-Colorado role

Part 2: Matraco-Colorado joint venture structure, business case and partnership issues

Part 3: Initial project details

The Big Picture
Centered in the Caribbean Basin…

A mountain-island once called Ayiti

A beautiful island…‘Little Spain’ of Columbus… Pearl of the Antilles to Brando & Bardot
…her own people often see migration as their last hope

Haiti has formidable advantages:

Proximity to dynamic markets
Hard-working, tenacious people anxious for jobs
Special US legal and tax considerations under CBERA/CBI, new HERO act

Haiti: 38% more coastline than Dominican Republic
Haiti has 1,771 km of coastline vs. DR’s 1,288 *

Haiti relief

Haiti major roads

Haiti’s 2nd most important resource: Location
Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, DR, Cayman Islands, Lesser Antilles
Cuba in a few more years?
Most comparable US location: Chicago

Haiti’s Most Important Resource:
Her people

False Stereotype 1: ‘tiny island nation’
Reality: Haiti, with 27,560 sq km of land mass, is 3rd largest nation in the Caribbean

Haiti: Big Country for the Caribbean

La Selle massif rises 2700 meters above sea level Port-au-Prince
(almost 9000 feet)
Compares to 14,300 ft Mt. Evans above ‘mile-high’ Denver
(~ 9000 ft)

False Stereotype 2: ‘Haiti is so overcrowded’
Reality: Low population density compared to her crowded neighbors
Large rural areas are virtually unpopulated – ‘Haitian Outback’

Neither barren nor lifeless as hysterical news stories claim!

False Stereotype 3: ‘Haiti has no resources’
Truth: Important natural resources are largely undeveloped:

Facts: Haiti has better long-term prospects than much of the West Indies…
where over-dependence on tourism limits opportunity
Strong opportunities for diversified natural resource development…
…and modern, environmentally sound, industrialization
Local value-add, e.g. precast & prestress concrete
Agro-chemicals and industrial minerals manufacture

Needed: good Greenfield projects

Allows ‘Clean sheet of paper’ approach…
…let’s us focus on sustainable development
instead of mending past mistakes…
too often a big part of projects and acquisitions in more developed countries

Haiti is built of...
High-grade limestone, still rising from the Caribbean seafloor
Plus other important rock types
‘old African’ crustal rock, like Colorado Rockies
later volcanic rocks, basalts and granites
in great demand for US and Caribbean engineering projects

"Remarkably Pure"
Famous American geologist Wendell Woodring, USGS
surveyed Haiti in 1923-24 on foot and with donkeys
wrote most authoritative study to date on geology of Haiti
described certain Haitian limestone as "remarkably pure."
Sent lignite samples to US for testing

Basic industrial commodity
Construction aggregates
Cement production
Industrial and agricultural minerals
Virtually inelastic demand, even during recessions
Demand is function of population: ~9 tons/person/year in USA (according to USGS)
Steady increase due to new industrial, agricultural, medical uses
China growth – affecting all commodities markets; commodities prices rising
Important for infrastructure development in Haiti and elsewhere in Caribbean

Rock quarrying is an honest, straightforward business.

Success depends on:
Producing – and delivering!
Quality material
To proper specifications
On time
At a cost the customer will pay.
Matraco-Colorado is task-organized to do this.

Haitian quarries can...
Dominate this industry in northern Caribbean
Provide a springboard to Cuba when timing is right
Most promising quarry areas in Cuba…
…are on SE coast, adjacent to NW Haiti

Value-add opportunities in limestone aggregates:

Precast and prestress concrete
Basic architectural components
e.g. culvert pipe, roofing tiles, block, flagstones
High-quality custom engineered prestress
Strong demand by marina developers, especially for dock and slip structures
High-end concrete products
Maritime industry, island construction firms, aviation and engineering firms
Requires strategic partnership with industry leader
Hurricane-resistant structures?
Housing in Haiti?

Matraco-Colorado growth through Year 5:
Our vision for Haiti in 10 years…

Maybe not another St. Croix or Martinique…
…but with hard work and reasonable capital investment…
Haiti could be a future Chicago, Milano or Trieste to the Caribbean
Transportation hub
Regional backbone for industrial and agricultural production
Technical and professional services leader
Economic impact...

High-skill, high-wage jobs
support for extended families
secondary impacts to local communities and nation

Matraco-Colorado team:
Haitian businessmen & women, professional scientists and engineers
Strong, smart, non-political, serious about succeeding in Haiti
Intimate knowledge of Haitian geology, mineral resources
Completely familiar with permit process
US & New Zealand engineers, medics, geologist
Project management in lesser developed countries
Emergency medical care, public health skills
Registered Nurse w/ Francophone Africa experience
Special Forces medic w/ Central America, Afghan background
Colorado School of Mines engineer, CSM faculty
Solid industry experience, arguably best CV in USA for project
Experts in modern mechanical surface mining

Needed: Smart, optimistic business partners and investors

What are your questions about Haiti and her resources?



Drill, and then pump the oil of Haiti!
by Roberson Alphonse, Nouvelliste, June 18, 2008, Unofficial translation by Ezili Danto, June 25, 2008

(Unofficially and briefly translated in English by Ezili Danto, June 25, 2006 - Please refer to original Nouvelliste article in French by Roberson Alphonse for exact language at "Forez, puis pompez le pétrole d'Haïti !" Nouvelliste, June 18, 2008)

Drill, and then pump the oil of Haiti! by Roberson Alphonse, Nouvelliste, June 18, 2008

The signs, (indicators), justifying the explorations of oil (black gold) in Haiti are encouraging. In the middle of the oil shock, some 4 companies want official licenses from the Haitian State to drill for oil.

Oil prices rose to a record high $140 US dollars per barrel. In the middle of the oil shock, Haiti which imports hundreds of millions of dollars of Diesel each year, all to produce electricity, seems to have a card to play. Its small, formerly despised deposits, now seems to be generating much interest. "We've received four requests for oil exploration permits", confided the engineer Dieuseul Anglade, general director of the Office of Mining and Energy. The Haitian State wants to be sure these companies have the requisite expertise in the matter", he added. "We have had encouraging indicators to justify the pursuit of the exploration of black gold (oil), which had stopped in 1979", he estimated.

Some 11 wells, with a certain depth of 2944 meters were drilled at the Plaine du Cul-de-sac on the Plateau Central and at L'ile de La Gonâve. Surface (tentative) indicators for oil were found at the Southern peninsula and on the North coast, explained the engineer Anglade, who strongly believes in the immediate commercial viability of these explorations.

According to a memo dated back to August 16, 1979, written by master diller François Lamothe to Mr. Emmanuel Broth, five big wells were drilled at Porto Suel (Maissade) of a depth of 9000 feet, at Bebernal, 9000 feet, at Bois- Carradeux (Ouest), at Dumornay, on the road Route Frère and close to the Chemin de Fer of Saint-Marc. A sample, a "carrot" (oil reservoir) drilled up from the well of Saint-Marc in the Artibonite underwent a physical-chemical analysis in Munich, Germany, at the request of Mr. Broth. "The result of the analysis was returned on October 11, 1979 and revealed tracks of oil", confided the engineer, Willy Clémens, who had gone to Germany.

"It is necessary to drill then to pump the oil of Haiti, if we actually have it, declared a skeptical geologist, a bit annoyed by the declarations without scientific proof. If we have black gold (oil), our dear friends in the international community and Hugo Chavez must help us in order to realize exploration studies. Only this proof will provide peace of mind," he insisted.

Oil prices rose a record high $140 dollars per barrel last Monday. In spite of the promises of OPEP to increase the production of black gold to help calm fears in the marketplace, the oil consumers are frenzily speculating, making strategic stock purchases in anticipation of a winter windfall. Even if the rises in prices, flattens out under the bar of $135 per barrel, Analysts agree the rising trend in oil prices risk reaching $150, if not $200 per barrel before the end of the year.

In Haiti where the true oil potential remains fuzzy, some say: Drill, then pump the oil of Haiti! If there's oil...

See also,
Oil in Haiti

For French original, please go to: "Forez, puis pompez le pétrole d'Haïti!" by Roberson Alphonse, Nouvelliste, June 18, 2008

French Original:
Forez, puis pompez le pétrole d'Haïti!, Nouvelliste, June 18, 2008


Le couvercle scellé d'un puit de pétrole
(Photo: Courtoisie Emmanuel Bouillon)

Forez, puis pompez le pétrole d'Haïti !

Les indices justifiant des explorations de l'or noir en Haïti sont encourageants. En plein choc pétrolier, quelque 4 compagnies voudraient des concessions de l'Etat haïtien pour faire jaillir du pétrole.

Le pétrole a atteint le seuil des 140 dollars américain le baril. En plein choc pétrolier, Haïti qui importe chaque année des centaines de millions de dollars de diesel, rien que pour produire de l'électricité, semble avoir une carte à jouer. Ses petits gisements jadis méprisés suscitent maintenant de l'intérêt. « Nous avons reçu quatre demandes de permis d'exploration pétrolière, a confié l'ingénieur Dieuseul Anglade, directeur général du Bureau des Mines et de l'Energie. L'Etat haïtien veut s'assurer que ces compagnies disposent de l'expertise en la matière », a-t-il ajouté. « Nous avions eu des indices encourageants qui justifient la poursuite de l'exploration de l'or noir qui s'est arrêtée en 1979 », a-t-il estimé.

Quelque 11 puits dont certains d'une profondeur de 2944 mètres ont été forés à la Plaine du Cul- de- sac, au Plateau Central et à l'Ile de La Gonâve. Des indices en surface ont été trouvés dans la presqu'île du sud et sur la côte nord, a expliqué l'ingénieur Anglade qui croit dur comme fer que le contexte économique prête à ces explorations.

Selon un mémo daté du 16 août 1979 du maître foreur François Lamothe, remis à M. Emmanuel Bouillon, cinq grands puits ont été forés à Porto Suel (Maissade) d'une profondeur de 9000 pieds, à Bebernal, 9000 pieds, à Bois- Carradeux (Ouest), à Dumornay, sur la route de Frère et près du chemin de fer de Saint-Marc. Un échantillon, une « carotte » (réservoir de pétrole) remontée du puits de Saint-Marc, dans l'Artibonite, a subi une analyse physico-chimique, à Munich, en Allemagne, à l'initiative de M. Bouillon. « Le résultat de l'analyse obtenu le 11 octobre 1979, a révélé des traces de pétrole », a confié l'ingénieur Willy Clémens qui s'était rendu dans le pays des Germains.

« Il faut forer puis pomper le pétrole d'Haïti, si nous en avons réellement, a déclaré, sceptique, un géologue un peu agacé par les déclarations sans preuve scientifique. Si nous avons de l'or noir, nos chers amis de la communauté internationale et Hugo Chavez doivent nous aider afin de réaliser des études. Rien que pour avoir le coeur net », a-t-il insisté.

Le pétrole a atteint le seuil pris des 140 dollars le baril lundi dernier. En dépit des promesses de l'OPEP d'augmenter la production de l'or noir pour calmer les craintes du marché, les gros consommateurs s'empressent de constituer des stocks stratégiques en prévision de l'hiver. Même si les cours sont repassés sous la barre des 135 $, les analystes s'accordent sur des courbes ascendantes qui risquent de toucher les 150 voire les 200 $ d'ici à la fin de l'année.

En Haïti où plane le flou sur les véritables potentiels pétrolifères, certains disen: Forez, puis pompez le pétrole d'Haïti ! S'il y en a...

Roberson Alphonse
robersonalphonse@ yahoo.fr

Les recherches pétrolières bientôt relancées en Haïti

July 8, 2008, Radio Metropole

Le directeur du Bureau des Mines et de l’Energie (BME), Dieuseul Anglade, refuse d’utiliser le concept " gisement" en ce qui a trait aux forages réalisés dans plusieurs régions dont la plaine du cul-de-sac et le plateau central. " On a retrouvé des indices qui permettent de continuer les recherches ", dit-il soulignant que 11 forages avaient été réalisés par des compagnies telle la Atlantic Refining Company en 1950.

Toutefois il admet que les critères de rentabilité ont beaucoup évolués ces dernières années. " A l’époque le baril de pétrole coûtait 15 dollars et aujourd’hui il dépasse les 140 dollars ", explique t-il.

Actuellement la société Geo-explorer a déjà négocié un contrat avec le BME et le dossier a été soumis au ministère des Travaux Publics révèle M. Anglade précisant que trois autres compagnies ont également formulé des demandes. " Les compagnies doivent démontrer l’existence des réserves et ensuite exploiter ces gisements", explique M. Anglade faisant remarquer qu’il existe des risques dans l’exploitation.

Intervenant à la rubrique " Invité du jour " de radio Métropole Dieuseul Anglade a indiqué que le type de contrat retenu est celui du partage de la production. " La compagnie en question absorbe tous les frais de recherche et dès qu’il y a preuve de l’existence de gisement elle recouvre tous ces frais et les bénéfices sont partagées entre l’état et la compagnie", ajoute t-il.

Interrogé sur le délai pour le lancement des travaux de recherches, le directeur du bureau des mines soutient que le gouvernement et le parlement doivent édicter une loi de sanction à cet effet.

Répondant à une question sur les causes de la lenteur du processus, il indique que d’une part les dossiers nécessitent une analyse approfondie et d’autre part le gouvernement démissionnaire ne peut que liquider les affaires courantes.

En ce qui a trait aux obstacles à l’exploitation de ces réserves pétrolières, M. Anglade réfute l’argument qui veut que ceux-ci appartiennent aux réserves stratégiques d’une puissance étrangère. " Personne ne nous a empêché de continuer les recherches, il s’agit de déclaration politiques ", juge M. Anglade qui reste optimiste quand aux résultats des recherches.



Oil in Haiti

(Oil in Haiti - Source: Kiskeyan Connection, March 12, 2002, by Michael Dalexis, translating Dr. George Michel



Drlove writes: "This is an article from haitiimpact.com and I felt compelled to bring it to your MONITOR with brute force. If we are not informed, others will always view us as a bunch of late Negroes of information. I tried my best to translate it into English. The original document is in French, you may click on the link above to read it as such.

It is nothing new to the avid readers of the truth around the globe. It is not a secret. Most people are aware of the fact that HAITI has the BLACK diamond buried deep under its land and its surrounding waters. One has to wonder why it is still unexploited.

At the beginning of 20th century, the physical and political card of the Island of Haiti, drawn up in 1908 by Mr. Alexandre Poujol and Henry Thomasset, announced a significant oil reservoir in Haiti in the vicinity of source of Rio Todo El Mondo, (Perhaps that’s where the name THOMONDE came from) Affluent of right-hand side of the river Artibonite, more known today under the name of Rivière of Thomonde.

The layer of oil in question is located between the districts of Hinche and Mirebalais, in a mountainous zone, located at the foot of the chain of the Black Mountains, in western direction full with Thomonde.

The same card announces an oil reservoir in the Dominican plain of Azua, at a short distance in the north of the Dominican Republic of the town of Azua. According to information to my sources, this last layer in Dominican Republic had been put indeed in exploitation in first half of this century it had produced more than 60.000 oil barrels per day, then had been closed, having been judged at the time " insufficiently profitable It was said that in 1982 it had been discovered opposite this plain of Azua, an immense offshore oil rig oil reservoir near by Barahona, but that layer had been left unexploited also.

Those who have made the trip between Port-au-Prince and Santo-Domingo can testify that the plain of Azua and its littoral resemble the region of Vieux-Bourg d'Aquin and the corresponding littoral. There are reasonable chances that there are OIL RESERVOIRS in the plain of Cayes and l'Ile-à-Vache as well.

One person even suspected that there might be OIL deposits in Plaine de Léogane, Morne-à-Cabrit, and Département de la Grand-Anse

According to the study There are many places on our island (Haiti and Dominican Republic) which present all the criteria geologic of presence of THE BLACK DIAOMND In Haiti, let us say la plaine des Cayes, la plaine de Léogane, la plaine du Cul-de-Sac, la plaine des Gonaïves et la Savane désolée, la Plaine du Nord. The Island of Gonâve and literal correspondents for the layers offshore oil rig. In this list, one should not forget the large sedimentary basin of Plateau Central.

In the Fifties, the Knappen-Tippen- Abbet Company (called by the local populations (Company Ti-pain à beurre) had carried out drillings in Gonâve, in plain of plaine de Cul-de-Sac, Plateau-Central and in the area of Gonaïves. All these drillings had proven extremely promising and the results had been beyond the hopes. However, the large oil multinationals, of which some operated in Haiti, had made pressure so that the layers discovered were not exploited. Haiti was neither Saudi Arabia nor Kuwait. With one time when the crude oil barrel was sold a little more than one dollar, and that the Persian Gulf provided oil at a cheaper price. There was no reason for these Companies to put in exploitation layers much less profitable, whereas the ARAMCO made the rain and beautiful time in Arabia, at cheap price, plundering even the invaluable oil resources of this kingdom.

The Haitian OIL as well as other layers were to be kept as reserves for 21st when the means-Eastern gold mine would have been depleted. That is exactly what is happening. The wells of Knappen-Tippen- Abbet were numbered, carefully padlocked, or sealed with cement and one forgot them

These reports were not supposed to be made public to the Haitians. It shows that the superpowers do not want Haiti to become a powerful nation. The exploitation of these Oil Reservoirs could have easily removed Haiti in the poorest Nation’s list in the Western hemisphere.

Haitians did not have to wait half-century or a century to find out that information. However, the profitable countryside of Knappen-Tibben- Abbet gave the opportunity to several Haitians schools, preparing their certificate of Primary Studies and studying in the handbook of Haitian geography to learn that our ground had oil reservoirs, in Plateau Central, and la Gonâve.

Some of the industrialized nations already know there is oil reservoir in Haiti. They are not in hurry to exploit it. There will always be time to think of the island of Haiti

The great nations however did think of us at the time of the Gulf crisis, the Kuwaitis layers Saudis, and other layers were threatened by Saddam Hussein. If the Cubans had not made main efforts by themselves to put their oil in exploitation, nobody would have done it for them. The Cuban oil would have been placed in the entrails of the ground, like the Haitian oil. The ball is in our camp my brethrens.

If the big companies are not interested in our oil, we should ask our Cuban neighbors to come help us exploit it.

In their dramatic search for oil, the Cubans developed a technology and a know-how of which we could, in exchange of their services, yield to the Cubans part of the national oil production and give them a share of benefit. A mission of governmental persons in charge and Haitians businessmen should leave for Cuba in this direction

The international embargo has shown us that we must manage all alone, and we do not have to await the O.K. of the US when our vital interests are in peril. We are aware of the way they treated us and will treat us still in the future. Haiti only be saved by Haitians, and by Haitians only, it is the principal lesson of the embargo

If our oil had been available, we would not have been forced to capitulate shamefully following the oil blockade decided with the contempt of the international law with their infamous resolution 841, by the great powers bearing from now on the pompous and ridiculous name of " international community" .

Our government, our big businessmen, our ultra-liberal economists, our smugglers, our Chicago-Servant boys anti-nationals and others ruffians, would have preferred imported air, rather than to put in exploitation the resources of Haiti. With a zeal which it is difficult to include/understand, they obey the finger and the eye with the injunctions of the IMF and the World Bank, and are put with these two organizations to destroy the Haitian economy, and in particular our invaluable agriculture.

The two Republics should be committed by treaty providing oil mutually some, which are the decisions of a third party. The construction of a pipeline, Barahona-Port- au-Prince, could be an element of this oil integration between the two countries which shares the island.

While waiting to be able to consume our oil whose surpluses provided also invaluable currencies, which we need, it is necessary to increase the storage capacities of oil products on the territory of the Republic, and to constitute significant strategic reserves. The oil embargo of 1991 is in addition a substantial argument for the rebuilding of our railroads.

by Dr. George Michel
Translated by Michael Dalexis"

Posted on Tuesday, March 12, 2002 @ 12:06:35 EST


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