
The Light and Beauty of Haiti

From Soil in Haiti, hopes for antibiotic

Haiti: Privatisation plan starts with mass firings

Ezili Danto Spoken Word Dance Theater
The Premier Performance, Poetry, West African and Haitian Dance Company

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Subsea Research pirating of Haiti's
underwater treasures, continues

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!





Haiti is 3rd largest Dominican export over US $147 million in 2006



Expose the Lies: Is Haiti truly the "poorest" in the Western Hemisphere? With Gold, Copper, Natural Gas, Iridium, Coltran, et al,; with its unparalled underwater treasures, an unmatched cultural heritage, its own authentic Kreyol language, Vodun spirituality and psychology, even the soil is more
valuable than elsewhere in the World.....(See,From Soil in Haiti, hopes for antibiotic)


The US/Euro economomic powers spread lies about Haiti with the complicity of a racists mainstream media, spread disinformation in order elevate white privilege, deny the Haitian warriors their historic victories over Euro/US enslavement and colonization, fleece Haitians of their country's resources and contained Haiti in debt, dependency and foreign domination. Spread the truth, expose the lies....

Legacy of Impunity

The Neoconlonialist inciting political instability in Haiti is Haiti's main problem. Haiti is underdeveloped in crime, corruption, violence, compared to other nations

Tyrants and despots (the Internationals -Neocolonialists) in Haiti dressed-up as peacemakers and police "cleansing" Haiti of crime by Ezili Dantò, Haitian Perspectives, January, 2006

From soil in Haiti, hopes for antibiotic
Local biotech firm gets $70m in venture funds as 'superbug' fears rise
By Stephen Heuser, Globe Staff, February 9, 2007

With doctors increasingly worried about "superbugs," deadly infections that can defeat most known drugs, a small Cambridge biotechnology firm has won $70 million in venture capital money to develop a powerful antibiotic from a microbe discovered in Haitian dirt.

Reflecting the renewed importance of antibiotics, once spurned as a low-profit sideline in the drug industry, the venture investment is the biggest in a New England biotech company in nearly a year, and one of the largest nationwide.

"We're in a very dire situation in the antibiotic business, where nobody really knows where the next good antibiotics are going to come from," said Eric Gordon, a venture capitalist and former antibiotic researcher who helped finance the Cambridge company, Targanta Therapeutics Inc.

Targanta's drug is still experimental, but it joins a series of new efforts to attack strains of bacteria that kill thousands of people each year.

The past several years have seen a handful of small biotechnology companies emerge to develop new intravenous antibiotics, including Cubist Pharmaceuticals Inc. of Lexington. Its drug, Cubicin, won approval in 2003, and the company sells about $200 million worth of the treatment annually. Two other drug firms have applied for approval to sell similar antibiotics.

Targanta Therapeutics hopes to be next in line. But the path to develop its drug, oritavancin, has been anything but a straight line from its roots in Haiti.

The drug was discovered not by Targanta in Cambridge, but by scientists at Eli Lilly & Co. in Indiana during the 1990s.

At the time, Lilly's department of antibiotic researchers was one of the most respected in the country. In analyzing bacteria-rich samples of tropical soil, the researchers noticed one type of bacteria in a sample from Haiti appeared to be extremely effective at fending off attacks from rival bacteria.

"You've got the Darwinian battle going on under the ground in Haiti," said Targanta chief executive Mark Leuchtenberger . "Somehow, this became the don't-mess-with-me microbe."

Following a standard path in antibiotic research, Lilly researchers isolated the microbe's bacteria-killing chemical and tweaked it repeatedly, finally creating a new drug more effective against bacteria and less toxic to patients.

Instead of developing the drug further, however, Eli Lilly exited the antibiotics business. Because antibiotics are prescribed for only a matter of days, they promise smaller long-term sales than many other pharmaceuticals.

Lilly's leaders decided to focus their research on mental-health drugs, such as its blockbuster, Prozac, and sold its prospective new antibiotics piecemeal to
smaller firms.

One of the substances, daptomycin , was licensed to Cubist in 1997 and eventually became Cubicin. Another drug, oritavancin, was licensed in 2001 to a California firm called InterMune Inc., which sank millions of dollars into human trials, but ultimately decided to sell the rights to oritavancin rather than invest the money needed to bring it to market. A year ago, the drug changed hands again, this time going to Targanta, a 10-year-old research company founded in Montreal .

"The smaller companies are doing what the bigger companies should have been doing, which is bringing these things to market," said Gordon.

Superbugs have become an especially dangerous and expensive problem for hospitals in the United States as more patients each year develop bacterial infections that resist not only penicillin and other common pills, but newer and stronger antibiotic treatments. One family of bacteria alone causes 90,000 serious infections annually, about 17,000 of them fatal.

"These are rather scary organisms, and as of the moment we're not even sure how they're spread," said Dr. Robert Moellering , an infectious-disease specialist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, who is a scientific advisor to Targanta.

The prevalence of new bacterial strains, especially within hospitals, means patients admitted for medical treatment can sometimes contract an unrelated infection that leaves them fighting for life. The most common superbug, a drug-resistant strain of staphylococcus , can cause a range of conditions from painful skin abscesses to deep infections of the bones or heart valves.

Treatment can take weeks, and even then may not be effective.

Hospitals spend about $800 million a year on drugs to treat such infections, usually with potent antibiotics delivered through an intravenous line. For years, doctors have reserved one antibiotic, vancomycin , as a "last line of defense," but researchers are reporting that some new bacteria can survive vancomycin treatment.

Targanta's drug has been tested on about 1,500 patients with serious skin infections, and has shown encouraging results. The company sought new investors to help fund its application for federal approval and to begin testing the drug against a broader range of diseases,

"There are a lot of so-so drugs that people have dragged out of the closet, but we recognize this one as something that was medically important and would
fill a need that's growing," said Gordon.

His firm, Skyline Ventures of California, joined with several other investors in the $70 million financing round.

To bring oritavancin to market, Targanta hired biotechnology veteran Leuchtenberger as chief executive in September and moved its headquarters to Cambridge. Only five employees work there, with the rest in Indiana and Montreal.

In a sign of how quickly fortunes turn in biotechnology, the Indiana office is staffed with a number of former Lilly scientists who worked together during the Midwestern company's days as an antibiotic powerhouse.

Meanwhile, Leuchtenberger didn't have far to look for office space in Cambridge. His previous company, Therion Biologics, suffered a clinical setback and filed for bankruptcy last year. The Therion office was still empty, so Leuchtenberger simply moved back into his old suite. Earlier this week he hired a former Therion colleague to be his finance chief.

"It's unusual to be sitting in the same office," Leuchtenberger said of his return, "but sitting with the same people? That's pretty common." Stephen Heuser can be reached at sheuser@globe.com


*Nou se roz, nou pliye nou pa kase: Strong winds may bend the bamboo tree all the way down to the ground, but it snaps right back up. It doesn’t break, no matter how strong the wind. So, Haitians have a saying – “Nou se rozo. Nou pliye, nou pa kase “ - like the bamboo tree, we bend but we don’t break; like the flexible bamboo tree we-Haitians use even the momentum of our falls to stand back up.

Haiti: Privatisation plan starts with mass firings
20 July 2007 |AHP


At least 500 Teleco workers received termination letters on July 6 as part of the government’s announced plan to privatise the company.

There were approximately 2800 workers remaining after the first wave of mass firings, as the government works to reduce the total number of employees to 800, according to several sources. These mass dismissals, which were expected in the wake of numerous statements by President Rene Preval and Teleco director general Michel Presume, came 10 days after the end of a three-week strike organised by the union of telephone workers, initially to demand a dialogue with Presume, and subsequently calling for his departure.

The workers ended their strike after the president of the Communications Commission of the Haitian senate, Jean Hector Anacacis, asserted that dialogue between the union and the Teleco director general was necessary.

As the first series of letters were sent out on July 6, several police units as well as MINUSTAH officers were called to the perimeter of the Teleco facility to neutralise any possible protesters.

Teleco workers found this decision insulting “after so many years of service to the company”. “We have never been against privatization; we are simply asking for what we deserve”, said one of those dismissed. He noted that workers who have been terminated have been invited to go to a teller at the National Credit Bank to receive their legal services and a severance bonus equivalent to 12 months’ wages. The workers were demanding compensation equivalent to seven years of wages.

The president of the union of the National Telecommunications Company, Jean Mabou, whose name appears on the list of sacked workers, termed the dismissals illegal and arbitrary. According to several employees, the selection of workers to be dismissed was based on a desire for revenge, and the choice of workers who are being kept in their positions was based on favouritism. “What is the common sense behind the dismissal of 14 out of the 17 trainers at the training centre, while bogus consultants who only go to the office to collect their salaries are kept on because of their friendship with the architects of this privatisation”, said an indignant cadre who had been sacked.

[Agence Haitienne de Presse]

Haiti is 3rd largest Dominican exports market, over US$147 million in 2006, August 6, 2007 , Dominican Today

SANTO DOMINGO.- Haiti was Dominican Republic’s third most important export market in 2006, with US$147.19 million in exports, an 18.80% growth compared with US$123.89 million in 2005.

A Dominican Republic Exports and Investments Center report says for the first time overall exports exceeded US$1.53 billion in 2006, compared with the previous year, with US$1.08 billion in exports.

Exports to Haiti with the highest values are steel rods and wheat flour, US$13.67 million and US$12.66 million, respectively. Also eggs, with US$8.65 million, gray cement with US$8.52 million and corrugated cardboard boxes with US$4.21 million.

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!

"When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped...........If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is a compromise." Robert Fritz

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with Marine
US occupiers
Lt. Col. Dave Lapan faces off with the Network
Solidarity Day Pictures & Articles
May 18, 2005
Pictures and Articles Witness Project
Drèd Wilme, A Hero for the 21st Century


Pèralte Speaks!

Yvon Neptune's
Letter From Jail
April 20, 2005

(Kreyol & English)
Click photo for larger image
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme - on "Wanted poster" of suspects wanted by the Haitian police.
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme speaks:
Radio Lakou New York, April 4, 2005 interview with Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme

Crucifiction of
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme,
a historical

Urgent Action:
Demand a Stop
to the Killings
in Cite Soleil

Sample letters &
Contact info
Denounce Canada's role in Haiti: Canadian officials Contact Infomation

Urge the Caribbean Community to stand firm in not recognizing the illegal Latortue regime:

Selected CARICOM Contacts
zilibutton Slide Show at the July 27, 2004 Haiti Forum Press Conference during the DNC in Boston honoring those who stand firm for Haiti and democracy; those who tell the truth about Haiti; Presenting the Haiti Resolution, and; remembering Haiti's revolutionary legacy in 2004 and all those who have lost life or liberty fighting against the Feb. 29, 2004 Coup d'etat and its consequences
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