

Letter from Boyd Graves to Worobey: AIDS IS FROM THE USA AND NOWHERE ELSE
(See also: Vaccinate Haiti! and Defamed! -Page 1, - Page 2, Pg. 3, Pg. 4, Pg. 5 and, Pg. 6 )

An Interview with Worobey Reveals The Scientist is not as sure as the trumpeting mainstream headlines that a single Haitian immigrant who had lived in the Congo brought the AIDs virus from Haiti to the US. "It’s not necessarily a Haitian person that moved the virus from Haiti to the US," says Worobey
La Conspiration Du Silence
La Conspiration Du Silence - Genocide in Haiti by mass vaccination while Haiti is occupied by Dessalines' enemies and other such white savior missionaries/ mercenaries...

Wyclef Finally Weighs in on Controversial Reasearch study
Ezili Danto's Note: USAID's former mission director tries to give the US credit for the lowering of diseases in Haiti when President Aristide was in office

Fighting AIDs in Haiti, Abroad

Open letter to Michael Worobey
By Joseph Marcel-Saint-Louis DeMertine, M.D.


The nearly naked and almost dead by John Maxwell, Nov, 2007
Designated Scapegoats and Bogeyman by John Maxwell, Nov. 25, 2007


Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!


Genocide by vaccination in Haiti - Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?
HLLN Links on Failed or Contaminated Vaccines
U.S. Patterns in Haiti

Jean Jacques Dessalines


The White Saviors of Haiti vs. Haitian Self-determinatin and Actualization by Marguerite "Ezili Dantò" Laurent, Sept. 17, 2005
Sex scandal in Haiti hits U.N. mission: Bush's US/Canada/France intervention to "save" Haiti for obscene exploitation by the world's rich elites leaves small Haitian girls and boys more defenseless, more brutalized by the white savoirs' "rescue" : Girls as young as 13 forced to have sex with the UN "savoirs" for as little as $1

To subscribe, write to erzilidanto@yahoo.com
zilibuttonCarnegie Hall
Video Clip
No other national
group in the world
sends more money
than Haitians living
in the Diaspora
Red Sea- audio

The Red Sea

Ezili Dantò's master Haitian dance class (Video clip)

zilibuttonEzili's Dantò's
Haitian & West African Dance Troop
Clip one - Clip two

So Much Like Here- Jazzoetry CD audio clip

Ezili Danto's

to Self

Update on
Site Soley

RBM Video Reel

Angry with
Boat sinking
A group of Haitian migrants arrive in a bus after being repatriated from the nearby Turks and Caicos Islands, in Cap-Haitien, northern Haiti, Thursday, May 10, 2007. They were part of the survivors of a sailing vessel crowded with Haitian migrants that overturned Friday, May 4 in moonlit waters a half-mile from shore in shark-infested waters. Haitian migrants claim a Turks and Caicos naval vessel rammed their crowded sailboat twice before it capsized. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Dessalines' Law
and Ideals

Breaking Sea Chains

Little Girl
in the Yellow
Sunday Dress

Anba Dlo, Nan Ginen
Ezili Danto's Art-With-The-Ancestors Workshops - See, Red, Black & Moonlight series or Haitian-West African

Clip one -Clip two
ance performance
zilibutton In a series of articles written for the October 17, 2006 bicentennial commemoration of the life and works of Dessalines, I wrote for HLLN that: "Haiti's liberator and founding father, General Jean Jacques Dessalines, said, "I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided" and for that he was assassinated by the Mullato sons of France. That was the first coup d'etat, the Haitian holocaust - organized exclusion of the masses, misery, poverty and the impunity of the economic elite - continues (with Feb. 29, 2004 marking the 33rd coup d'etat). Haiti's peoples continue to resist the return of despots, tyrants and enslavers who wage war on the poor majority and Black, contain-them-in poverty through neocolonialism' debts, "free trade" and foreign "investments." These neocolonial tyrants refuse to allow an equitable division of wealth, excluding the majority in Haiti from sharing in the country's wealth and assets." (See also, Kanga Mundele: Our mission to live free or die trying, Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation; The Legacy of Impunity of One Sector-Who killed Dessalines?; The Legacy of Impunity:The Neoconlonialist inciting political instability is the problem. Haiti is underdeveloped in crime, corruption, violence, compared to other nations, all, by Marguerite 'Ezili Dantò' Laurent
No other national group in the world sends more money than Haitians living in the Diaspora


Haitians Didn't take this Bitter Pill in 1990, Won't take it in 2007: HIV/AIDS Origin n Haiti
En Memoires Des Arawaks et Tainos D'Haiti
and La Conspiration Du Silence
La Conspiration Du Silence - Genocide in Haiti by mass vaccination while Haiti is occupied by Dessalines' enemies and other such white savior missionaries/ mercenaries...


"I urge drug companies and the TB Alliance to stop lying to these people and to above all, stop using the African continent as one gigantic human laboratory. Africa isn't Auschwitz. ...." ( "Stop using S.Africa as a human laboratory" by Adriana Stuijt Reports


Letter from Boyd Graves to Worobey:
From the United States and nowhere else

November 26, 2007

The People’s Response to the False Haitian ORIGIN of AIDS

Dear Dr. Worobey:

I have studied the ORIGIN of AIDS for fifteen years and find that all roads lead to the U.S. Special Virus program (1962 – 1978). What is your prior familiarity with this federal program?

This federal program is guided by a 1971 flowchart which over four million people now have. www.boydgraves.com/flowchart/ .

In light of the extensive U.S. documentation in support of the need to develop a “candidate virus”, it is preposterous for an article in the 21st Century to seek to blame Haitians or anyone else.

The United States developed the esp-1 virus (HIV/AIDS) in 1971. The 1971 electron microscope of the esp-1 virus is identical to the 1985 electron microscope of HIV/AIDS. The 1971 photo is here, Nature New Biology, Vol. 232, pp. 140 - 2, 1971. The 1985 electron photo of HIV/AIDS is here, Science, Vol. 227, pp. 173 – 7, January 1985.

According to the National Academy of Sciences, sheep, not monkeys, are the etiological animal model for HIV/AIDS. See, PROC NAS Vol. 83, pp. 4007 – 11, June 1986, PROC NAS Vol. 92, 3283 – 87, April 11, 1995.

Dr. Worobey, when did visna cross species so as to become the etiological agent of HIV/AIDS? Specifically, and reading from the 1971 progress report (of the development of AIDS), page 39 says, ‘visna had not YET been associated with human disease’.

At the July 18, 1983 AIDS Task Force Dr. Matthew Gonda announced that HIV/AIDS had evolved from visna. SO this issue begs the question, when did visna cross species between 1971 and 1983?

If visna had not been associated with human disease as late as 1971, then why do I have in my blood, sequences of visna from a 1932 strain, ks-1514?

If we review and investigate the U.S. Special Virus program, we will solve and end this thing we call HIV/AIDS. Once you read U.S. House Resolution 15090, particularly page 129, you will find the true heart, intent and desire of our government to make HIV/AIDS. Also google, “Better” Than the Bomb. O.K., while you are at it, go to www.uspto.gov and enter 5676977 or 4647773.

I hope you engage this process to rid the world of this ‘synthetic biological agent’ we call HIV/AIDS. This World AIDS Day you can make a difference by correcting your errant article and base it on the truth, the U.S. Special Virus program. Looking forward to your response.


Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.


An Interview with Worobey Reveals the Scientist is Not so Sure

Time Warner Cable, MNN
The World and Democracy

By Smith Georges

Published in December 3, 2007, New York City

Asst. Prof Michael Worobey Dr. Luc Montagnier, the scientist,
And colleagues claim HIV path who was first credited wit
Out of Africa, Haiti , USA , the world discovering the AIDS virus,
rejects Worobey’s finding

Complete Script of Smith's Georges' Interview with Michael Worobey on Sat., Nov. 10, 2007.

Live interview on Time Warner Cable MNN: “The World and Democracy” | Producer/Host: Smith Georges

S.G. = Smith Georges, Haitian-American Producer/Host of “The World and Democracy” on Time Warner Cable, MNN

M.W. = Michael Worobey, Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona

S.G. – Yes, you are on the air, hello.

M.W. – Is this Smith? Michael Worobey here.

S.G. – Thank you so much for calling and Welcome to “The World and Democracy – where the viewers will have – really – an opportunity to hear directly from you and where you can shed some lights.

M.W. – Thank you very much for having me – nice to be on your show.

S.G. – OK – Definitely- What we are going to do discuss tonight is the fact that there was a press release in October 29 in which it states that the AIDS virus – HIV path came out of Africa, then to Haiti, then to the United States, then to the rest of the world.

M.W. – Yes, that’s correct.

S.G. – In it you said in 1966 it came from Africa to Haiti to the United States in 1969, and from there – you know- it spreads all over the world – so first of all Michael I want to give you a chance to introduce yourself. I know you are an Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona , is that right?

M.W. - Yes, that’s correct – and the origin of HIV and how it has gotten to human beings - to its spread across the world is something that I have been investigating for several years now. I’ve done quite a lot of field work in Central Africa and I made several trips to the Republic of the Congo where I collected samples from Chimpanzees and think that there are many different types HIV that had crossed into human on independent occasion from wild primate population and there is this one called HIV type 1M - the main group and that one accounts for most of the pandemic around the world so that’s the one I’ve been mostly interested in working out the history of - .

S.G. – Have you been to Haiti ?

M.W. – No, I’ve never to Haiti .

S.G. – Africa ?

M.W. – Yes, I’ve been to Africa in many occasions. I was just in Kinshasa this summer giving a talk in a conference and collaboration with some of my colleagues there.

S.G. – You were the lead scientist in that research? Right or wrong?

M.W. – Which research?

S.G. – The one that says that HIV path came from Africa, then Haiti, then to the United States, then to the rest of the world. There were other scientists there, not just you?

M.W. – Yes, I had a number of co-authors and I was the kind of lead author on the paper, yes.

S.G. – This is very important. Can you tell us the procedure by which you derive to such a conclusion?

M.W.Yes, before I do that, let me go back – you refer to those dates of 1966 and 1969. There are kind of intervals around those estimates so we’re looking within two or three years either side of those dates. That’s the kind of most possible time frame. It’s not necessary the case it happens in those exact years – but the procedure is basically – my line of research is called molecular phylogenetic which basically just means using gene sequences from DNA to make family tree of different organisms and organism that I work on is HIV. I also work on influenza and other viruses – but essentially as these viruses move through time – every time they’re replicated. The viruses are very ---in replicating their genetic material. Kind of like typing on a typewriter really quickly without going back to spell checking – They accumulate mutation at a pretty rapid rate and the pattern of accumulation of mutation kind of allows you to go back and create those family trees that can often give you insight into geographic pattern or question about timing. This has been very powerful in the field of HIV and has been central as to where the virus came from and it when first emerged into human, and that basically what we’re doing here.

S.G. – OK, alright, I am not a scientist – you know – I am trying to understand - to follow closely what you’re doing here – In your field and you know some very prominent names such as Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo and all those folks – and recently , which is confirmed by the way, Montagnier said that you research is kind of questionable because – as you know – he even sued Mr. Gallo because – you know- both were claiming that they discovered that HIV virus. Can you explain to us what is Evolutionary Biology? What is it?

M.W. – Sure, In a way, my field is a little bit different from the real pure virology that Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo do – and what I do is more evolutionary biology as you said. So Evolutionary Biology is a huge field. It basically studies how things organisms change over time, and one aspect of that is the field of using geo-sequences to make family trees. That’s something I have a background when I did my doctoral work in the University of Oxford in a group that was on the cutting edge of developing the kind of method …we’re in kind of two different spheres we both study HIV, but this work is quite separate from the kind of virology that those gentlemen use to discuss HIV which was major early on in the study of HIV/AIDS.

S.G. – Would you say that it’s more or less like your field of study goes beyond - which searches for the origin of the virus – that’s what it is? The origin – date or place such as .

M.W. – Yes, specifically using the evolutionary or family tree – and within that field there has been a lot of acceptance and very strong result. Beatrice Hann who is the researcher at the University of Alabama who has led the way n studying the virus n wild primate in Africa has had a very nice piece of work. Peddy Copper who runs the Los Alamos National Laboratory which is a kind of a central repository for gene sequence information about HIV, and she has led the way in term of timing when we think of how main group as HIV1 entered human – message is beautiful. The analysis is elegant, and Tony Faucci who is the director of the National Institute of allergy and infectious disease so this is the main funding body for infectious disease research – has noted that the work has not only historical implication, but implications – practical implication for vaccine design – so it’s been a quite – It’s not – particularly been criticized inside the field very much – and it’s encouraging that people like Anthony Faucci – the implication for vaccine. This is one of the benefit for doing this kind of work. It can tell you with a lot of confidence where the virus has been evolving longer than other places and those are the places that are going to be the most difficult to develop vaccine because the virus has had more time to generate mutation which then means defense against vaccination.

S.G – Ok, there is a link that you gave me and I am going to put it on the screen as` am speaking right now. What can this link do? What’s the purpose of it? What they’re going to find there?

M.W. - So is it the pnas report?

S.G. – That’s correct, that’s correct.

M.W. - So that’s a link. What I’ve done with this paper, because I am eager , not only for my scientific colleagues and anyone around in world with an internet connection or access to one who wants to read the paper, this journal, the proceeding of the National Academy of Scientists which is one of the top peer review journal. It gives an option if you pay a little more to process the paper, they will allow open access to the paper. So if people go to that link, they can actually download an electronic copy of the paper and although some of the details are a little bit technical. The main thread of he paper is – I am hoping that a lot of people would be able to follow and see what we’re actually saying in the paper itself as opposed to the message that gets filtered through the media which often not exactly the same. And the paper itself – I think is intelligible and gives strong evidence of what we’re talking about here.

S.G. – Is it free of charge?

M.W – It’s free of charge, you bet.

S.G. – Now, In your press release, it says a single, a single Haitian came from Haiti to the United Sates – and, this is one area that we are questioning here

M.W. – Absolutely

S.G. - A single Haitian came in 1969 to the United States and brought the virus to the United States . Can you explain? Can you elaborate more in his area?

M.W. – And first let me say the press release and the paper don’t say anything about the nationality of the person. What they say is we have strong genetic evidence that the virus - the variant of the virus emerged out of Africa and began circulating in Haiti and then after that at some point after that moved to the U.S. It’s not certain whether it moved in a Haitian or in an American who traveled to Haiti and was infected with this variant of the virus. It’s (...) even possible that it moved from the Haitian community into the no-Haitian community in the US from blood product, that’s another way. But on the family tree of the viruses, what you see as a very striking pattern where virtually all of the viruses that were sampled in the US and many other countries around the world. They fall into a single branch on the evolutionary tree into a sub cluster, and that’s consistent with - the simplest explanation for that pattern is that they all trace back into a single infection. Who that person was, we don’t know.

S.G. - Another question is – I mean – would agree that this virus can be contracted only via blood transfusion or by sexual contact. Is that true? or are there other ways people cam contract this virus?

M.W.- Well, yes, It’s basically a blood borne and sexually transmitted pathogen another major way, of course, that it can move from person is through – from mother to infant – and that can happen both during child birth and also potentially through breast feeding – yes, those are the basic ways that it moves.

S.G. – Michael, the reason why I am asking this question that single Haitian, the only way he or she can spread it to the U.S. population has to be via sexual contact or blood transfusion. Are those the two ways only that can be spread?

M.W. – Well Again, it’s a blood borne virus so it can also go through anything that moved blood from one person to the other so injecting drug users

S.G. – Yes, Drug users

M.W. – And again, let me just correct you there, you said this Haitian person. It’s not necessarily a Haitian person that moved the virus from Haiti to the US ,

S.G. – Who?

M.W. – Again, the gene sequences tell us with a high degree of certainty, that the virus, this sort of HIV had established itself in Haiti and spread there for some years before the majority of the US epidemic appeared and exactly how the virus got from Haiti to the non-Haitian US population is something that our method can’t actually tell.

S.G. – So, alright, now I understand. You say it’s from Haiti , but not necessarily from a Haitian.

– yes, that’s right. That’s correct. And that’s an important point because what we’re doing here is basically trying without any bias to step back, look at the gene sequences and trace the path that the virus took around the world just like people in my field did when SARS hit and in that case it was trace back to East Asia, China, just like we do when outbreaks of other viruses occur. And a really key point here is that all of these movements of the virus happened in the 1960’s, the 1970’s, long before 1981 which was the kind of turning point when we realized that there was a new disease. So all of these transmissions happened amongst people who have no idea they had the virus. There is no way you can place blame on any person, or ethnicity, or nationality, and anyone who does that is doing something that’s not scientifically supported.

S.G. – Alright, ok, now, this another – because I have to tell you – you know – I am a Haitian-American also, and I have heard in the community such as – this is what some Haitians are saying, they say that in the 60’s during that sexual revolution, sexual liberation in the United states, and Americans have better means to travel around the world, and why does the virus have to come from Haiti straight from Africa to the United States? Why you’re so sure the virus came from Haiti , then the United States , then to rest of the world? That’s the question

M.W – It didn’t have to happen that way and the emergence of pathogens often involve chain of events, and things that don’t necessary have any reason, but if you just look at the gene sequences and try to analogue the history that they tell just like people do when they study the evolution of human. If you look at human gene sequences, there is a very strong signal that we’re ultimately all African and that it’s only relatively recently and that humans emerge from the African homeland and populated the world. You see the same pattern in the gene sequences of these viruses and again they’re just more consistent with an epidemic that started in Haiti first and moved to the states later, and I think that everyone deserves to know that’s what the data say. I think the fact that virus had what we’re estimating, something like three more years to spread without anyone knowing about it in Haiti than it did in the states is probably part of the reason why the prevalence of the virus got so high in Haiti, and I think a lot of people, Haitian-Americans, Haitians and non-Haitians alike would be interested to know that, but even more importantly the virus seems to have been circulating there for longer, that means it might more difficult to develop vaccine against the Haitian population of this variant of HIV, and if people don’t think about that ahead of time, then some years down the road we might be slapping ourselves in the forehead saying oops! I wish we’ve been thinking about that because that’s related to the kind of virus that you might put in your vaccine.

S.G. – Michael, what would you say to the people who are saying that you have chosen the most vulnerable continent and the most vulnerable country to prey on, and instead of taking more time for your study. They say why have you left out the homosexual community, the gay community? You don’t even say a word about that community? Why is that? How would you respond to this people?

M.W. – Basically as a scientist, what we try to do is not determine the outcome of a study before we do it on the basis of what we wish would be the way it happened. What we try to do is just do a neutral analysis, let the chips fall where they may, and then interpret the outcome, and again they key thing here is that these events all happened anyone knew about the virus, and so we all have to work together to make sure that anyone who tries to lay blame at individuals or groups inflicted by HIV and AIDS is basically ostracized. It’s that kind of thinking we need to move beyond.

S.G. – Michael, another thing – like - let’s say – have you also – or are you, maybe, working on this to study why the AIDS epidemic is so rampant - rampant in the gay community, and in certain group – you know- that’s what we’re trying to figure out here. Why is that? Why is it spreading so much and why back then we were talking about “patient zero” that a person from Canada – that was the belief first – who came here in the 80’s, early 80’s and started spreading the virus, then FDA said that it was the Haitians and they shouldn’t be donating blood. They put a ban on the Haitian blood which was reversed, now are you working also on finding out why there is such high concentration of AIDS related disease in the gay community or in certain other groups beside Africa and Haiti?

M.W - Oh, absolutely, in fact there were more gene sequences in my study that were sampled from the gay population than were sampled from Haitians and we weren’t just looking at Haitians or Haitian-American samples here. We were drawing on twenty years of hard work by laboratories around the world who have been sequencing HIV genes and putting the whole things together into one large analysis, and you do that the sample from the gay population in the U.S. appeared to emerge from Haiti rather than the opposite, and that’s a very strong signal. Now what is also important in the study, it wasn’t a study about just one geographical area and a key thing that came out of our study was that how seldom it looks like the virus migrated successfully from Haiti to the US . Again, almost the whole US epidemic traces back to a single migration event, so it was once it got into the US and into the highest risk population in the gay community, the injecting drugs using community, that’s when the virus seems to have proliferated to many, many countries around the world. The US was actually a more important hub for the transmission of this particular HIV variant around the world than Haiti was. Haiti was a kind of stepping stone, but it was once it got into the US that it really exploded. So yes, we’re looking at those things as well. It’s a big picture.

S.G. – Michael, there is another thing – I mean – there isn’t a possibility where the AIDS virus can go from Africa to another country, but you say it passes through Haiti, then the United States, then from the US to the end of the world – I mean, do you understand what you’re saying here? I mean there is no possibility where the virus can go from Africa, let’s say to France , to Japan , to other countries. It passes through Haiti first, then to the US , then to the rest of the world – I mean is this a definite study? Are you 100% sure, or 90%, or 50% sure?

M.W. - The way we do it is we gather all the gene sequences and then we test all of those different hypothesis against the actual data and if you ask the gene sequences if they’re consistent with viruses going directly from Africa to the US and then to Haiti, the probability of that was less than .01%, and if you ask the data if they are most consistent, particular variance, which is this one of many variances of HIV.

S.G.- Michael I am sorry to disturb you right here. Could it be an American tourist who traveled to Haiti back then, and carried that disease, that virus there? No, there isn’t such possibility? An American tourist could have traveled to Haiti and brought the virus to Haiti , and then the virus spread in the United States as well. You think, you’re sure the path is more Africa- Haiti , Haiti -US, US-rest of the world?

M.W. – yes, the family tree that you infer from all the gene sequences when you put them together is one that says very strongly it emerged first in Haiti, and then afterward into the US, and the bulk of the US epidemic traces back to a virus that was typical of that early Haitian epidemic. That’s a very strong result. Those are what the data are and again no blame should put on anyone for any of this and we need to be giving these groups that were hit early both Haitian and the gay population our sympathy rather than trying to say let’s blame this group, or let’s blame that group.

S.G. – Ok Michael, again – would you say – let say – In Haiti actually, the rate of AIDS in Haiti comparing to the rest of the world. Where does Haiti ? Where are we placing now?

M.W.Well, the first thing to say there is that - the prevalence of HIV in Haiti over the last several years has dropped considerably and that in part due to the hard work of some of the people who have pushed through the idea that everyone including people developing countries deserve treatment for HIV. That’s been really wonderful. And Haiti, actually, has led the way in showing that even people in poor country who don’t have a lot of resources can either meet or beat in the western world in taking this complex regiment of medication, so Haiti prevalence is dropping. It’s still very high compared to other country in the Western Hemisphere . And again, my finding suggests part of the reason for that it had extra years to spread, and I Think that’s something that people deserve to know about.

S.G. – Ok, Michael, other question I have for you, ok now, you have heard of these things too. People say it’s a man-made disease. People say that when they were trying to make the polio vaccine, they were extracting some liquid from monkeys - chimpanzees’ kidneys and to make the polio (vaccine) and something went wrong in Africa and then they tried that vaccine on so many thousands Africans and that’s how the virus started in the 50’s, and some even said that it was a biological mistake that the US – that was being made at a US lab - you know. You hear all kind of stories. I mean - what would you say about these allegations?

M.W – Well, again, these are hypothesis you can go out and test. I have been involved in that, so I went to the Democratic Republic of the Congo during the Civil War, and collecting sample from chimpanzees that allowed for direct test of that hypothesis. And what you find is, first of all, this particular population of chimpanzees that were implicated in that theory don’t actually have a really close relative of the human one, so geographically it doesn’t make sense.

S.G. – Did you find the AIDS virus in any of the chimpanzees that you were testing?

M.W. - Yes, we did. We found an AIDS related virus that was a very distant cousin that it related, but not the one that gave rise to the human variance. That one appeared to have circulated in South East Cameroon and the timing suggests the cross into human around 1930. So using these family trees you can test these hypothesis, and you can say ok, let’s take the idea seriously and what the data say, and this case the data say, really strongly, that’s not how the virus crossed into human.

S.G. – So the fact that it’s a man-made disease you refute that?

M.W. – Yes,

S.G. – I mean - you are not too sure?

M.W. – yes, I would refute that. There’s so much evidence against that. The virus is circulating in wild population of dozen of species of monkeys and apes all over the African continent, and frankly I don’t think sinister man-made forces are kind of clever enough to do that kind of trail cover-up so, yes, I don’t think those kind of ideas have merits and that’s part of what I do. I try to find information that can help answer questions like that.

S.G. – Michael, you also refute the fact that the government wasn’t trying to destroy what they called undesirable groups and such as the gays, the Haitians or the black community. You don’t think that they were trying to experiment on them and that’s why the rate of the AIDS virus is so rampant in those groups. You don’t think that’s the case?

M.W. – No, No, I don’t think there is any serious person who looked at the evidence could say something like that.

S.G. – Michael, one question - you know – as I have a TV show and so many people are watching right now, there is a question they have in mind. You, Are you supported, you get grant from the government, or how do you do your research? Who is supporting your research?

M.W – Yes, I have a grant from the National Institute of Health and I have a grant from a private foundation as well.

S.G. – The government and private as well?

M.W. – Yes, although that the work I did in the Congo, some of that was funded from my own bank account because I didn’t have any funding at that time, but I really thought the question needed to be answered, and so from my bank account and I bought a ticket went down and did the work, yes.

– Two private questions that you don’t have to answer

M.W. – OK, and I am about a minute away from having to take off here.

S.G. Alright, Ok. You’re Christian, are you?

M.W. – Let’s not talk about-

S.G. –OK religion – you are not gay, are you?

M.W – Again. It’s not really relevant so I don’t think we should really talk about that.

S.G. – OK Michael I thank you so much for calling, and believe me I appreciate your calling here and I think you have shed a lot of lights and I am going to put the link on the screen again so people can see it and can download or upload the research paper.

M.W – Well, It’s certainly been a pleasure for me to be on your show. I’ve enjoy corresponding with you in the last several days. I think you’ve done a great job of getting people an opportunity to hear from someone who is doing this kind of research and that can only be a good thing to share information like that.

S.G. – Michael, the last thing I want to say. You put out a press release. Do you think - like - such like – groups are fighting against other group or accusing other groups, and - which – because in the Haitian community, and that can have impact on children going to school, discrimination on housing, discrimination at work. Your press release is very --impact - --full. Would you put out another press release to explain that was not your purpose to put one group against the other? Would you do that?

M.W. – It’s implicit in all the work and the press release that is not the purpose of it and so I won’t put out another press release because I am not releasing another paper, but I certainly on your show say let’s not let this virus make us fight each other. It’s got to be us against the virus, but not us against each other that the way forward is to have a clear map of what the virus has done and to work with that to beat the virus.

S.G. – Thank you, once again, thank you so much Michael

M.W. – Thank you Smith

S.G. – Thank you

M.W. - My pleasure

S.G – Thank you. Take care, bye.

Below are statements made by Michael Worobey during the live interview and via e-mail. Those statements show clearly that Worobey is not so sure of his finding.

Worobey Not so Sure (See his own statements below)

"…and first let me say the press release and the paper don’t say anything about the nationality of the person. What they say is we have strong genetic evidence that the virus - the variant of the virus emerged out of Africa and began circulating in Haiti and then after that at some point after that moved to the US "

"…it’s not certain whether it moved in a Haitian or in an American who traveled to Haiti and was infected with this variant of the virus..."

"…exactly how the virus got from Haiti to the non-Haitian US population is something that our method can’t actually tell..."

"… There is no way you can place blame on any person, or ethnicity, or nationality, and anyone who does that is doing something that’s not scientifically supported"

"– I am hoping that a lot of people would be able to follow and see what we’re actually saying in the paper itself as opposed to the message that gets filtered through the media which often not exactly the same."

"…It’s not necessarily a Haitian person that moved the virus from Haiti to the US ,"
Smith Georges can be reached at WhyGeorges@aol.com
Please visit www.RediscoverHaiti.com
and www.worldandDemocracy.blogspot.com


Wyclef Jean Finally Weighs In On Controversial AIDS Research

Hardbeatnews, NEW YORK, NY, Tues. Dec. 4, 2007: More than a month after a University of Arizona professor blamed a Haitian migrant for bringing the HIV/AIDS virus into the US, Haitian-born rapper Wyclef Jean is weighing in.

Jean yesterday slammed the study as prejudicial and unjust in a statement released by his foundation, Yele Haiti.

"World AIDS Day (December 1) is an opportunity to evoke the progress and challenges that Haiti must confront in order to fight this epidemic, but also the recent news that unjustly targeted our country and showed serious prejudice," stated Jean.

Michael Worobey, an assistant professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona in Tucson, released a report in October that called Haiti the "stepping stone" of AIDS, as it made its way from Africa to becoming a global scourge.

His finding was viewed as providing confirmation of longstanding suspicions among some scientists that the pathogen was imported from Haiti -- the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, with a long history of migration to the United States.

He added that Worobey’s claim only sets back the battle against AIDS.
"AIDS is a worldwide illness that does not discriminate. Making Haiti the scapegoat only gets in the way of world progress in AIDS research," added Jean. "Haiti needs the support of the international community to be able to respond effectively to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the country and bring its unique response to the global response to the problem.”

His comments come as several Haitian groups in New York claimed they were contemplating suing Worobey over the report. Head of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network, Marguerite Laurent, told HBN recently that the organization is “examining all our options and studying what the doctors have reported to determine whether there is legal basis for asking for retraction or damages.”

The research, conducted largely by Worobey, claims that HIV was brought from Africa to Haiti and then to the United States by Haitians. The AIDS virus entered the United States via Haiti in about 1969, the research, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, claims.

Worobey's team says they performed a genetic analysis of stored blood samples from the earliest AIDS patients, all of whom were recent immigrants from Haiti. The researchers also looked at genetic data from 117 more early AIDS patients from around the world.

Once all the genetic data was assembled, the researchers loaded it into a computer and used Bayesian statistics to analyze it. For the hypothesis that HIV went from Africa to the U.S. first, the probability turned out to be 0.003 per cent - virtually nil, they claimed. For the hypothesis that HIV went from Africa first to Haiti and then on to the U.S., the probability is 99.8 per cent, researchers stated.

The Worobey team also believes that HIV was brought to Haiti by an infected person from central Africa in about 1966, which matches earlier estimates. That unknown single infected Haitian immigrant then likely arrived in a large U.S. city like Miami or New York in 1969.

The Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad has criticized the study saying it shows clear bias and is seriously flawed. Although a more detailed critique of the Worobey study is to be conducted, the AHME noted that some aspects of the methodology is shrouded in secrecy and the findings “lack scientific validation.”

Questioning the motive of the study, the AHME concludes that the study does “not advance our knowledge of the HIV epidemic but it continues with a dangerous precedent of victimizing an ethnic group with flimsy data.” – Hardbeatnews.com


Ezili Danto's Note: USAID's former mission director tries to give the US credit for the lowering of diseases in Haiti when President Aristide was in office

December 9, 2007

Ezili Danto's Note: In the article, “Fighting AIDS in Haiti, abroad
By DAVID ADAMS, Sat, Dec. 08, 2007, Miami Herald
(http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/defamed6.html#pimp )
USAID's David Adams writes about how Haitian medical doctors in Haiti and abroad have been at the forefront of fighting the aids virus, but ruins the rare USAID truth trajectory on Haiti by rewriting history and taking CREDIT, on behalf of the US government, USAID and "foreign aid" to Haiti, for the lower rate of HIV/AIDS in Haiti when the facts are CLEAR that from 2001 to 2004 when David Adams was the USAID Mission Director to Haiti, the Internationals were MORE obstructive than helpful in the struggle to reduce diseases in Haiti, they were, in fact, obstructing and undermining the humanitarian and health works of Haiti's first lady, Mildred Trouillot Aristide, as chair of Haiti's National AIDS Commission.

The obstructing role of USAID, their financing of IRI coup d'etat folks, their blocking of IDB humanitarian loans, the OAS’ role in bringing Haiti to foreign occupation certainly didn't help ameliorate Haiti's health crisis. And, most DEFINITELY, if the rate of HIV/AIDS infection has decreased in Haiti, it certainly isn't because of the GREAT help of the US and USAID, which had an embargo against humanitarian aid to Haiti and actively BLOCKED Haiti from enjoying any successes that were a result of work attributed to President Aristide and first Lady Mildred Trouillot Aristide. Despite US/USAID malfeasances, despite the USAID/US/IRI/NED's war against the Aristides and Haiti at that time and their thorough destruction of Haiti and Haiti's government from 2001 to 2004 (and through the present) Haiti made progress (http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/lavalasachievements.html) - progress USAID actively obstructed. The lowering of the rate of diseases in Haiti, achieved by Haitians when Haiti was self-ruled, would have most likely been further along, but for USAID historic and present malfeasances.

See - OAS Resolutions 1841, 1831, 806, 822... et al

See - Eyewitness Account of the abduction of President Jean Bertrand Aristide and First Lady Mildred Aristide of Haiti and the ouster of Haiti’s democratically elected government by the United States

The Fire This Time In Haiti Was US Fueled by Jeffrey Sachs, March 1, 2004 :The Crucifixion of Haiti , June 2, 2005

See, Matters to Investigate

“…With USAID monies - a $2 million grant - in 1998, Stanley Lucas, working for the IRI "hosted some of Aristide's most virulent opponents in political training sessions....Between 2000 and 2002, the Democratic Convergence rejected over 20 internationally sanctioned power sharing agreements which heightened the tension and provoked more violence. …the Coup D'etat organizations where paid more than $100million dollars (by the US through USAID) to destroy the Constitutional government....
(See, Stanley Lucas and IRI
http://www.sourcewatch.org/wiki.phtml?title=Talk:Stanley_Lucas ).

See also: "ELIMINATING HUMANITARIAN AID AND OTHER LENDING PROGRAMS TO HAITI’S POOR MAJORITY: In sum, the Coup D'etat governments of U.S./France/Canada and the international lending agencies, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Inter-American Development Bank, refused to grant loans or aid to the elected governments in Haiti, particularly during Aristide's second term, because they didn't like its social policies. This was in total violation of these international lending agencies' charters, which commit them to provide financing for social and economic development irrespective of the political character of the requesting government. From 1994 to 1997 U.S. sent $3Billion in Haiti, mostly monies benefiting war profiteering companies such as Halliburton's Kellogg, Brown and Root, and Consultation companies such as Checci, the boards of which where made up of former U.S. Ambassadors, former U.N. officials and former USAID mission directors who profit from the aid "slush" fund that never went to alleviate the poverty and social conditions of the poor in Haiti. The current UN "protectorate" proposition now being implemented is to continue this centuries old tradition of these multinational corporations -these new multi-headed East Indian Companies - gorging on the billions in affirmative action for white companies otherwise called U.S./Euro "foreign aid" to better fleece Haiti's poor dry as usual..." (See, Matters to Investigate _ http://www.margueritelaurent.com/law/matterstoinvestigage.html)

- “Feeding Dependency, Starving Democracy: USAID Policies in Haiti “

- The 2004 removal of Jean-Bertrand Aristide

- "Desroches and Apaid get Euro Funding for anti-government civil society front" http://haitisupport.gn.apc.org/184%20EC.htm

- World History Archives' The working-class history of the Republic of Haiti

- USAID- Haiti: Program Data Sheet

- Stanley Lucas and the International Republican Institute (IRI)

“…The Convergence (and Group 184 are) a product of the USAID program, “Democracy Enhancement,” the purpose of which is to “fund those sectors of the Haitian political spectrum where opposition to the Aristide government could be encouraged.” Financial support for the Convergence comes from the International Republican Institute (IRI), which is associated with the US government-funded National Endowment for Democracy…”


Fighting AIDS in Haiti, abroad
By DAVID ADAMS (dadams@crossinternational.org),
Sat, Dec. 08, 2007, Miami Herald

Publicity surrounding the recent University of Arizona study linking the origins of AIDS in the United States to Haiti has resurrected fears and prejudices from the 1980s when the Centers for Disease Control designated Haitians as a people as a ''high risk'' group for infection with HIV. This specter has obfuscated the good news emanating from Haiti about dramatic improvements in the prevention and treatment of the disease that have greatly diminished the chances for transmission of AIDS, both in Haiti and abroad. The prevalence of AIDS in Haiti in the past was as high as 8 percent nationally and close to 14 percent in some areas of the country. Recent surveys in Haiti have shown that the infection rate nationally has plummeted to about 3 percent of the population.

How was this success achieved? Through the combined efforts of Haitian and foreign specialists and people of goodwill, backed by significant funding by the U.S. government and other foreign contributors. The role of world-renowned experts like Dr. Paul Farmer in achieving this success has been relatively well-publicized.

Heroic contributions
However, what is less well understood are the heroic contributions of Haitians and Haitian Americans in helping to lead the fight against AIDS in Florida's Caribbean neighbor.

While there are many Haitian medical experts who have stepped up to the plate, two physicians who have played an important role are Bill Pape and Marie-Marcelle Deschamps of the Port-au-Prince based-GHESKIO Center, the first AIDS research center in the world. GHESKIO's research and community outreach efforts have been critical in identifying infected populations and promoting prevention and treatment in crowded urban environments. Deschamps recently was chosen among her peers in Latin America and the Caribbean to participate in a White House-sponsored seminar for the Americas, where she sat at the right hand of President Bush in a panel discussion on promotion of civil society and related topics and later led a working group on healthcare with U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt.

Another unsung hero is Paul Auxila, a Haitian American from Florida who has spent the last 12 years in Haiti leading a very effective community health network funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented under the auspices of Massachusetts-based Management Sciences for Health (MSH). Auxila and MSH developed a results-based model linking together many local and international nongovernmental organizations -- which in recent years has partnered with the Haitian Government health system -- into a consortium that operates under common, high standards and rewards innovation and good performance. This public-private partnership has resulted in dramatic improvements in health indicators in Haiti, most prominently as regards the drop in the incidence of AIDS.

The USAID/MSH community-outreach model was deemed so effective that it was adapted for Afghanistan not long after the toppling of the Taliban. Two Haitian medical system specialists, Drs. Florence Guillaume and Uder Antoine, were key members of the original MSH design team that traveled to Afghanistan to help lay the foundation for restoration of healthcare services. Afghan President xxxx Karzai recently lauded USAID and other international agencies for their role in increasing access to health services for close to 80 percent of the Afghan population, up from 7 percent in the 1990s.

Helping Afghanistan
Whether one accepts or not the theory that the AIDS virus was brought to U.S. shores from Haiti, it can be stated with certainty that Haitians have taken responsibility for reducing the prevalence of the virus in their own country. (HLLN Note - "It’s not necessarily a Haitian person that moved the virus from Haiti to the US," now says Worobey .)

Haitians thus have not only done much to reduce the threat of AIDS being brought by travelers from Haiti to the United States, but Haitians also have assisted the United States in scoring a foreign policy success almost half way around the world by helping to improve the health services of one of our allies in the global war on terror.

David Adams is a vice president with Cross International, an aid agency based in Pompano Beach. From 2001 to 2004, he was director of the USAID Mission to Haiti.


* See, Ezili Danto's Note: USAID's former mission director tries to give the US
credit for the lowering of diseases in Haiti when President Aristide was in office

by Jean H. Philippe ( jhphilippe@yahoo.fr ), December 5, 2007

Les nazis ont été vaincus. Cependant leur idéologie si répréhensible et si malsaine fut-elle continue de nourrir certains esprits. L’Holocauste tant abhorré a eu lieu au vu au su de beaucoup de politiciens, de scientifiques et d’intellectuels qui ont préféré se taire ou par lâcheté, complaisance, opportunisme, aveuglement volontaire ou tout simplement parce que c’était l’autre.

L’horreur des camps de concentration et des expériences pratiquées sur les humains dépassent l’entendement. Ces pratiques que l’on croyait d’un autre âge se répètent de nos jours encore dans le secret des laboratoires où savants et docteurs tel Wouter Basson*, surnommé Mengele ou docteur Frankenstein, donnent libre cours à leur imagination morbide et débridée et à leurs hallucinations.

Où sont-ils ceux-là qui ont institué Nuremberg? Où sont-ils ceux-là chargés de protéger les faibles et les démunis?

Qu’on se souvienne de Tuskeege**! Une partie de la population noire de Tuskeege (Alabama), dans le sud des Etats-Unis, a servi de cobayes durant les années 30 pour permettre à des chercheurs de recueillir des données sur la syphilis. À ces pauvres noirs, on promettait de belles funérailles! On pouvait les guérir, la pénicilline existait, mais délibérément on a choisi de les laisser mourir dans une longue agonie.

Aujourd’hui encore, on ne sait combien de générations ont été contaminées, ont subi ou subissent encore les séquelles de cette expérimentation contribuant ainsi à entretenir le mythe des Noirs porteurs de syphilis.

Actuellement, c’est le sida! La population noire et plus particulièrement la population haïtienne est frappée d’ostracisme causé par la publicité négative à laquelle elle est associée puisqu’on la rend responsable de la transmission de la maladie en Amérique du Nord. Les Noirs constitueraient donc des vecteurs potentiellement dangereux! Des thèses ne reposant sur aucune donnée scientifique fiable (celle de Michael Worobey) alimentent le discours des détracteurs.

La maladie origine de quels pays? Toutes sortes d’hypothèses sont échafaudées à défaut de pouvoir trouver une réponse. S’agit-il tout simplement de mutations, de nouvelles souches de virus et de bactéries comme il y en a eu plusieurs au cours de l’évolution (grippe aviaire, SRAS, bactérie mangeuse de chair, nouvelles maladies nosocomiales) sans pouvoir les imputer à une espèce en particulier? Bien intelligent celui qui arrivera à résoudre l’énigme!

Sous couvert d’aide à Haïti et dans un élan de compassion sans précédent, alors qu’on relance le débat sur l’origine du sida, des organismes internationaux proposent une campagne de vaccination à grande échelle dans le Pays. Ces vaccins dont l’innocuité n’est pas prouvée comportent des risques quant à eux certains. Ils seront administrés à «5.7 millions de jeunes» ce qui représente plus de 60% de la population haïtienne. La suspicion est grande, il existe trop d’inconnues, car certains vaccins du genre sont en cause dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique qui y voient une relation dans la résurgence de certaines maladies.

Risques versus bienfaits, cette campagne de vaccination est-elle appropriée? Combien coûtera-t-elle? Qui en seront les vrais bénéficiaires? Les grands perdants? Le principe de précaution tant prôné par l’Occident cesse-t-il de s’appliquer dès qu’il s’agit d’États du tiers monde, des pays noirs particulièrement? Qui sont les vrais promoteurs du projet? Quelles sont les garanties offertes? Quelles seront les conséquences pour la population haïtienne dans une quinzaine d’années quand ces jeunes seront en état de procréer? Quel sera le tribut?

Sommes-nous en train d’assister à une véritable «délocalisation du risque» qui transformerait ainsi les pays du Sud en de véritables viviers et bassins d’expérimentation? Les médicaments et traitements offerts rencontrent-ils les normes pour fins d’expérimentation, d’essais cliniques ou de traitement? Les initiateurs en connaissent-ils les incidences à long terme (la bonne foi se présume)? Les leaders des pays concernés ont-ils élaboré des protocoles, ont-ils mis sur pied de vrais comités d’éthique? Et, pour finir, qu’en est-il de l’Éthique en la matière (Code de Nuremberg de 1947, Déclaration de Helsinki de l’Association médicale mondiale de 1964)? Autant de questions qui nous interpellent, nous font voir l’enjeu et tirer la sonnette d’alarme!

Des drames tels ceux rapportés au ***Douala, en Inde et au Vietnam, peuvent encore se répéter, drames qui ne sont pas dus à la fatalité mais à la cupidité, à la malice, à l’indifférence et à la haine.

L’Humanité a déjà connu plus que sa part de malheurs, nous pouvons lui éviter d’autres **** holocaustes! Ne devenons pas complices de telles pratiques par notre silence et notre inaction!

Jean H. Philippe
Email : jhphilippe@yahoo.fr

* Wouter Basson, médecin sud africain, farouche partisan de l’apartheid, dirigeait le fameux programme «Project Coast» dans les laboratoires militaires de l’Afrique du Sud avec une équipe de plus de 200 chercheurs. Le but : découvrir et expérimenter des armes bactériologiques de destruction massive de la population noire opposée à leur idéologie.

** Tuskeege des dizaines de noirs sont privés de soins pour permettre à des chercheurs financés par les services de santé publique de pouvoir décrire l’évolution de la syphilis.

*** Le scandale provoqué en 1970 par un médicament antipaludéen (la quinacrine) qui, distribué à des milliers de femmes, les a rendues définitivement stériles (Inde, Vietnam).

Scandale à Douala (Cameroun) en 2004 impliquant l’ONG Family Health International (FHI). Administration de ténofovir à 400 femmes prostituées afin de vérifier « son éventuelle efficacité dans la contamination par le VIH».

**** Esclavage des Noirs, environ 15 millions de morts – Extermination des Juifs, plus de 6 millions – Génocide des Amérindiens (Arrawaks et Taïnos) nombre incalculable - Génocide des Arméniens, près de 2 millions - Massacre des Hereros en Afrique, plusieurs milliers - Les massacres de Sabra et Chatila, plusieurs milliers – Le génocide du Rwanda, 800 mille – Darfour, plusieurs milliers - Le massacre de plusieurs milliers de travailleurs haïtiens par le dictateur Trujillo et ses suppôts (les vêpres dominicaines)…

(See also, En Memoires Des Arawaks et Tainos D'Haiti by Jean H. Philippe
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/defamed3.html#arawaks )


Haiti/Aids accusation : « Another hurricane »

Thursday 1 November 2007
Open letter to Michael Worobey, PhD
By Joseph Marcel-Saint-Louis DeMertine, M.D.

Submitted to AlterPresse on November 1, 2007
November 1, 2007

Michael Worobey, PhD
Assistant Professor of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology
The University of Arizona
310 Bio Sciences West
1041 East Lowell Street
Tucson, AZ 85721

Dear Professor Worobey :

I was rather shocked to hear about your conclusions regarding the origin and trajectory of the HIV/AIDS virus on NPR (National Public Radio). I felt it like a personal attack, another hurricane, although you probalby didn’t mean it to be so. I could assure you every Haitian and friends of Haitians and Africans on earth felt it as such. Implicating Africa, Haiti and its people (again) as the vectors of the AIDS virus with such certainty seems to overlook the intrinsic unstable—mutation prone nature of viruses, which make tracing them with certainty a virtually impossible task, not to note statistical norms. While I acknowledge and appreciate previous research, It could have originated from anywhere else besides Africa and take any trajectory besides Haiti thanks to globalization which is an ancient and not as new a phenomenon.

I am a General Practitioner and not a Virologist/Geneticist, however my short 3 months summer fellowship at the laboratory of the late Professor Robert Gorlin, a former world reknown leading Geneticist at the University of Minnesota Medical School my alma mater made me understand and appreciate the complexity of the field.

Our work as Scientist, however exciting or promising , has to ultimately offer an added value to the quality of life of human beings and not foster anguish. I will research your work to improve my understanding of how you might come up with such a conclusion. I would also be interested in receiving reprints of your papers which explain your findings.

I hope further investigations in your laboratory and elswhere will help to raise doubts as indicated, if not cancel this first impression outright. I wish you the best.

Thank you for your concern.


Joseph Marcel-Saint-Louis DeMertine, M.D.
Former Clinical Medicine Fellow, Harvard Medical School



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