
November 18, 2007
HLLN ap jete dlo pou (honors) November 18, 1803 on November 18, 2007 by highlighting the works of Jafrikayiti (Lamifen CDs), Lakou New York and Edwidge Danticat's 'Brother, I'm Dying' and 'Farming of Bones.'

Konbit Pou Liberasyon Definitif
(Audio), November 14, 2007
En Memoires Des Arawaks et Tainos D'Haiti

Interview with Edwidge Danticat on 'Brother, I'm Dying' and 'Farming of Bones' by veteran Haitian Activist and popular Radio Host, Dahoud Andre of Lakou New York , November 16, 2007

Jafrikayiti on November 18, 1803 from the LAFIMEN CDs

Vaccinate Haiti!

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!


The Two Most Common Storylines about Haiti and Haitians ********************
Media Lies and Real Haiti News
U.S. Patterns in Haiti

Jean Jacques Dessalines


To subscribe, write to erzilidanto@yahoo.com
zilibuttonCarnegie Hall
Video Clip
No other national
group in the world
sends more money
than Haitians living
in the Diaspora
Red Sea- audio

The Red Sea

Ezili Dantò's master Haitian dance class (Video clip)

zilibuttonEzili's Dantò's
Haitian & West African Dance Troop
Clip one - Clip two

So Much Like Here- Jazzoetry CD audio clip

Ezili Danto's

to Self

Update on
Site Soley

RBM Video Reel

Angry with
Boat sinking
A group of Haitian migrants arrive in a bus after being repatriated from the nearby Turks and Caicos Islands, in Cap-Haitien, northern Haiti, Thursday, May 10, 2007. They were part of the survivors of a sailing vessel crowded with Haitian migrants that overturned Friday, May 4 in moonlit waters a half-mile from shore in shark-infested waters. Haitian migrants claim a Turks and Caicos naval vessel rammed their crowded sailboat twice before it capsized. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Dessalines' Law
and Ideals

Breaking Sea Chains

Little Girl
in the Yellow
Sunday Dress

Anba Dlo, Nan Ginen
Ezili Danto's Art-With-The-Ancestors Workshops - See, Red, Black & Moonlight series or Haitian-West African

Clip one -Clip two
ance performance
zilibutton In a series of articles written for the October 17, 2006 bicentennial commemoration of the life and works of Dessalines, I wrote for HLLN that: "Haiti's liberator and founding father, General Jean Jacques Dessalines, said, "I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided" and for that he was assassinated by the Mullato sons of France. That was the first coup d'etat, the Haitian holocaust - organized exclusion of the masses, misery, poverty and the impunity of the economic elite - continues (with Feb. 29, 2004 marking the 33rd coup d'etat). Haiti's peoples continue to resist the return of despots, tyrants and enslavers who wage war on the poor majority and Black, contain-them-in poverty through neocolonialism' debts, "free trade" and foreign "investments." These neocolonial tyrants refuse to allow an equitable division of wealth, excluding the majority in Haiti from sharing in the country's wealth and assets." (See also, Kanga Mundele: Our mission to live free or die trying, Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation; The Legacy of Impunity of One Sector-Who killed Dessalines?; The Legacy of Impunity:The Neoconlonialist inciting political instability is the problem. Haiti is underdeveloped in crime, corruption, violence, compared to other nations, all, by Marguerite 'Ezili Dantò' Laurent
No other national group in the world sends more money than Haitians living in the Diaspora



Coincidence or Intentional? - Is there an International plan to depopulate
and exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population?
by Ezili Dantò, November 4, 2006
(See also - Vaccinate Haiti
! and Defamed! -Page 1, - Page 2, Pg. 3
and Pg. 4 )
Editorial - Occupied Haiti To be Vaccinated! Franklin Ellis, Nov. 11, 2007, Fanmi Lavalas Emission (Mp3 - 12:41| in French)
In memory of the Arawaks and Tainos of Haiti, the Island's name is Haiti, not Hispaniola as the newscasters insist, Columbus's sailors brought syphilis to the Island and decimated the Amerindians population, not the converse...

"...In the sixteenth century, Europeans insisted that syphilis originated n Haiti, and was brought back by Columbus' sailors. (the converse now appears to have been the case.)"Excerpted from: The Uses of Haiti (1994, updated 2005) --by Paul Farmer

Interview with Edwidge Danticat on 'Brother, I'm Dying' and 'Farming of Bones'
by veteran Haitian Activist and popular Radio Host, Dahoud Andre of Lakou New York ,
November 16, 2007

Edwidge Danticat - Photo by Nancy Crampton

On November 18, 2007, HLLN honors the African Warriors' noble feat and glorious defeat of Napoleon's armies in Haiti of November 18, 1803 by highlighting, for the HLLNetwork, the works of Jafrikayiti (Lamifen CDs), Lakou New York and Edwidge Danticat's 'Brother, I'm Dying' and 'Farming of Bones.'

HLLN hopes you enjoy these two audio presentation, posted here and all the work you've been presented this year by Ezili's HLLN.

Remember, in this season of thanks giving, if you've found our work of importance, please give thanks by financially supporting the work of Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network. To donate to HLLN, go to: http://www.marguerite

Jete dlo, jete dlo, jete dlo pou Zanset e Timoun Yo, pou neg and fanm zantray Ayisyen, (Pour libation to the Ancestors)

on November 18, 2007.

Ezili Danto
November 17, 2007

1. Interview with Edwidge Danticat on 'Brother, I'm Dying' and 'Farming of Bones' by veteran Haitian Activist and popular Radio Host, Dahoud Andre of Lakou New York , November 16, 2007

2. Jaf on November 18, 1803. Excerpt (for November 18, 1803 - Nov. 18, 2007) from Jafrikayiti's LAFIMEN: Listwa Pèp Ayisyen Depi nan Ginen!
(www.jafrikayiti.com and
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/lafimen.html )

Buy the Lafimen CDs
Lafimen: Listwa Pèp Ayisyen Depi Nan Ginen | For more info, go to:
kobrecords.net, (613) 216-0529 info@kobrecords.net /
Jafrikayiti@hotmail.com or (613) 482-2549

"Anmezi y ap eseye toufe l, anmezi l ap fofile fè pasaj pou li monte: LAFIMEN, se listwa pèp Ayisyen depi nan Ginen !

See also: Konbit Pou Liberatyon Definitif

Pou Lèspri premye Zansèt yo, Taynòs yo k ap tann jistis sou tè sa a jouk jounen jodi a, Okap Ayisyen, Ayiti, jou 14 novanm 2007 (mp3- Audio 9.26 minutes)
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/Nov18_2007.html#nov18 and

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "LEON FUCIEN Dartiguenave" <dlfda@hotmail.com> and
From: Vital Sonde Jak <mouvdeslibnas@yahoo.com>
To: erzilidanto@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:29:44 AM and
Fri, 16 Nov 2007 23:35:59 +0000
Subject: konbit pou liberasyon definitif

Konpatriyòt Ayisyen,

Se mèt kò k veye kò. Li ijan anpil pou chak ayisyen kote l ye a reyaji pou 18 novanm sa a pa pase nan silans ak pale anpil. Distribiye dokiman sa a, fè l pase nan tout radyo ki vle solidarite ak koz pèp la tout bon vre. Lè a sonnen pou nou fòme vre chenn solidarite a.

Se devwa m, se devwa w, se devwa nou chak pou n fè tout sa n kapab pou ede pèp la rekipere tè Desalin nan, anpeche yo kontinye ekstèmine l, mete agresè etranje yo deyò definitivman!




Viv Pèp Ayisyen, rasin libète !

1. Relmouvmandesalinyen.mp3 (9.26 minutes)

2. Pou Lèspri premye Zansèt yo, Taynòs yo k ap tann jistis sou tè sa a jouk jounen jodi a

Pou Lèspri premye Zansèt yo, Taynòs yo k ap tann jistis sou tè sa a jouk jounen jodi a
Okap Ayisyen, Ayiti, jou 14 novanm 2007
( Relmouvmandesalinyen.mp3 (9.26 minutes)

Pou Lèspri premye Zansèt yo, Taynòs yo k ap tann jistis sou tè sa a jouk jounen jodi a,

Pou Lèspri Zansèt yo, pitit peyi Lafrik k ap reklame jistis toulejou san rete,

Pou Lèspri tout moun ki tonbe Lome, nan Koloni Sendomeng, ak sou tè Dayiti a,

Ayisyen toupatou alawonnbadè,

Tout klas, tout ideyoloji, tout kwayans,

Nou, manm ak senpatizan mouvman desalinyen pou liberasyon nasyonal peyi a, pran libète pwofite okazyon 18 novanm 2007 k ap rive sou nou la a, dat ka p make 204 tryèm ane gwo batay VÈTYÈ a, pou n envite tout moun k ap reziste tout bon vre, tout moun k ap soufri paske peyi nou an ap disparèt pou n rantre nan konbit pou rekipere endepandans ak souverènte peyi nou an, pou rèspè lavi ak libète pou tout moun.

Konbit sa a ijan paske :

1. Zòt ki rele tèt yo zanmi peyi nou an ap klèwonnen twonpèt viktwa èd ak solidarite yo pote ban nou ; alòske sitirasyon n ap vin pi mal chak jou ;

2. Pawòl sekirite ak stabilite kontinye ap kònnen nan zòrèy nou depi pase twa lane, poutan sitwayen, militan politik, ti moun kon gran moun pa sispann disparèt ;

3. Nou kontinye ap palmante sou mò k te tiye lanperè, okazyon k lakòz peyi n kontinye ap trennen anba bòt letranje k ap vole vyole piye dechèpiye san rete ;

tandiske chak semèn peyi nou an sibi yon agresyon anplis, jouk tan sòlda srilankè twouve pèmèt yo di, se pou tèt manje yo pa ban nou ki fè nou rele anmwe pou pitit nou yo vyole.

4. Ayisyen tounen bwa dan tou pa tou. Lè se pa Dominiken nou te ede ka p trennen n tankou chyen, se Ameriken ka p lonje dwèt sou nou kòm moun ki pote maladi.

Ki kalite demonstrasyon nou vle yo ba nou ankò pou n konprann rasis yo kont nou pa gen limit? Kòman nou ka oze pale de vètyè lè toupatou, se menm asasen, vyolè, piyè, dechèpiyè zansèt yo te konbat yo ki pouse tankou djondjon nan plas rasin libète yo te plante yo ? Nou pa wè yo pa kontante yo remete n anba bòt yo sèlman, yo deside chanje menm non zile a sou kat jeografi mondyal la!
Yè, se te ase. Jodi a se tròp. Louvri zòrèy nou pou n tande lespri zansèt nou yo ak fanmi nou, pitit nou ki tonbe ki pa sispann kriye pou mande vanjans ak reparasyon. Gade koulè je yo byen pou n wè ak abitid yo trennen lakay nou.

Eske n kwè gen chans pou n fè zansèt nou yo jistis tout tan nou kontinye ap rèspire menm lè ak yo?

Se pou Zansèt nou yo ka repoze anpè, mouvman desalinyen an kleronnen yon rasanbleman bay tout aysyien toupatou. Nan jou sa a, tankou zansèt yo te fè l nan akayè, nou lanse yon rèl solanèl bay tout rezistan, tout òganizasyon rezistans, tout òganizasyon popilè, tout èspèktatè ki pa wè klè, tout Ayisyen ki deside defann dwa grandèt peyi a san kondisyon, tout franmason, mizilman, oungan, pastè, pè, vodouizan pou yo:

1. Drese yon lòt strateji rezistans pou fini ak tout fòm divizyon, tout fòm perèz ki pèmèt okipan yo ak tout rèstavèk yo kontinye rete sèl kòk chante sou tè Desalin nan.

2. Drese komite desalinyen toupatou kote n pase nan tout peyi a san n pa rejte pèsonn. Chak katye, chak kalfou, chak fanmi dwe tounen yon selil desalinyen. Se mèt kò k veye kò. Nan chita rete tann, n ap tounen pwatann;

3. Mete plan vijilans nan chak komite desalinyen pou demaske trèt nan mitan n. Moun ki rete ak mantalite kolonize pi danjere pase lènmi. Li ijan anpil pou n devlope metòd pou demaske ak elimine konze. Ak selil desalinyen, fòk katye ak seksyon nou yo tounen fò kote kolon ak rèstavèk pa ka mete pye pou vi n piye vyole.

4. Pran bwa bale oubyen tout lòt mwayen nou jwenn fè pikèt ak katon ekri « MINISTA – FMI – LONI ». Plante pikèt sa yo nan pil fatra nan ma labou. Ayisyen k ap viv nan peyi etranje, Fè yon pikèt ak menm mo sa yo a, ajoute kite tè Ayiti a, mete nan poubèl nan lari bò lakay nou.

5. Fòme yon kokennchenn chèn vibrasyon kote tout Ayisyen, vè 6è nan maten, vè midi oubyen vè 6è nan aswè, kèlkanswa kote yo ye rete an silans pandan 2 minit ak je yo leve an direksyon peyi Dayiti. Pandan na p pran desizyon pou yon lòt 18 novanm pa jwenn nou ni ak MINISTHA, ni anba bòt pèsonn, ni nan chire pit Peyi nou sou wout disparèt. Moman an rive pou nou depase tout chire pit ki nan mitan nou , pou nou fè yon sel pou ekzije etranje yo kite peyi Desalin nan.





Viv Pèp Ayisyen, rasin libète !

Okap Ayisyen, Ayiti, jou 14 novanm 2007

Sinyatè :

Komite Desalinyen Vètyè

Komite Desalinyen laplenndinò

Komite Desalinyen MònWouj

Komite Desalinyen SenMaten Pòtoprens

Komite Desalinyen Kòmye

Komite Desalinyen Boston

Komite Desalinyen Miami

Komite Desalinyen Kebèk

Komite Desalinyen Kanada

Wonn Desalin nan Pari

Komite Rezistans Ayisyen An Frans


Breaking Sea Chains (c) 1997 by Marguerite Laurent

(Excerpt) ".......i went back so they would not have to DIE like that again,
but the American general, with eyes in his head like stones, said: When are
you goin' back to Connecticut?

And the Atlantic waves rattle on for more, obsessed with the taste of
Africa's blood. it closes in, waiting for everlasting Babysister's little

Leap. Go on. Leap. LEAP! i'm Lil' One in a jeep and a hundred million other
ones gone. i haven't taken care of anyone. i don't know what to do. i'm dying
too on this faraway shore's heaping stew.....where the Long Island debris is
Sisterwoman's algae.

And the Atlantic rattles for more, obsessed with the taste of Mocha blood
ever since Africa's Middle Passage's mud. it closes in, blasting our ruby
flood to pieces, or to bougie blue.

And i do nothing. Do nothing 'cept...go back where i met the leering imperial
eye, beached there, whistling back Dixie, himself suffused in Sisterwoman's
algae, but saying: When are you goin' back to Connecticut?"

Recommended HLLN Links:
F.M.I., travay Feliks Moriso Lewa (mp3, in Kreyol)(Haitians reject financial colonialism)| http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/FMI.MP3

November 18, 2006 marks the 203 anniversary of the Battle of Vertieres, the greatest battle ever fought on this planet. It ended slavery in Haiti | Forward, Forward, Forward, urged Kapwa Lamò | Haiti the Rebel by Michel Sanon

Coincidence or Intentional? - Is there an International plan to depopulate
and exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population?

by Ezili Dantò, November 4, 2006
(See also - Vaccinate Haiti
! and Defamed! -Page 1, - Page 2, Pg. 3
and Pg. 4 )

Warning (Please listen): A Genocide by Vaccination?
Editorial - Occupied Haiti To be Vaccinated ! Franklin Ellis, Nov. 11, 2007
Fanmi Lavalas Emission (Mp3 - 12:41| in French)

The Maroons Salute The Battle of Vertieres, November 18, 2005

Breaking Sea Chains (c) 1997 by Marguerite Laurent

Why the Hostility Towards Me, We've Not Met Before? (c) 1998 by Marguerite Laurent | http://www.margueritelaurent.com/writings/hostility.html


En Memoire Des Arawaks et Tainos D'Haiti,
- Dessalines three Ideals
- "...In the sixteenth century, Europeans insisted that syphylis originated in Haiti, and was brought back by Columbus' sailors. (the converse now appears to have been the case.)" Excerpted from: The Uses of Haiti (1994, updated 2005) --by Paul Farmer
http://www.2bnb4.com/did-columbus-bring-syphylis-to-europe.htm http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/defamed.html#farmer

See also: ‘Over 101 Sri Lankan peacekeepers in Haiti charged with sexually abusing Haitian population, including minor children', November 3, 2007


Solèy di : Minista ban m peyi m | On Nov. 18, 2006 hundreds of thousands in Haiti demand departure of UN Troops | The UN Fails Haiti, Again | An Unsavory effort to discredit Haiti report| Police Chief, Michael Lucius, accused of corruption, kidnappings and other crimes, resigns - November 24, 2006

PRESSKIT - RBM: Between Falling and Hitting The Ground

-- Breaking Sea Chains by Marguerite Laurent Go to:

-RBM Video Reel


"Associations between Haitians and infectious disease are currently particularly strong in the U.S. popular press. This, too, is nothing new. Writing in 1920, National Geographic journalists noted that "it is estimated that 87 percent of the entire population were infected with contagious diseases." AIDS is merely the most recent in a long series of plagues attributed to Haiti. In the sixteenth century, Europeans insisted that syphilis originated n Haiti, and was brought back by Columbus' sailors. (the converse now appears to have been the case.)"Excerpted from: The Uses of Haiti (1994, updated 2005) --by Paul Farmer






Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!

"When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped...........If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is a compromise." Robert Fritz

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