
Ezili Danto Witness Project
Lisius Orel Testimony/List of Victims - April 22, 2005

(French & English)

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Stanley Lucas and IRI


Stanley Lucas July, 2006 Statement
Stanley Lucas' "Haiti’s “Hopeless” Youth Fertile Ground for Terrorists" August 2, 2006

HLLN's comments on Lucas "Hopeless" Haiti assertions
Disarm or Face Death

Orel's List - April 22
Testimony/List of Victims


"Aprè la mò labanyè, Latortue te voye kondoleyans pou fanmi l e li te di tou ke se gras ak Labanyè ki te gwoup 184 antre nan site soley, anpalan de Misye André Apaid ak Misye Charles Henry Baker. " From, "Orel's List," - April 15, 2005

Subject: On this Orel's List -
MINUSTHA and Haitian Police Victims, report dated April 22, 2005


Samedi 9 avril 2005 Ravix Remissainthe Commandant auto-proclamé des militaires démobilisés a été cerné
du côté de Delmas, Ruelle Nazon et exécuté par la
police Nationale Haitienne ainsi que deux de ces

Le lendemain Dimanche 10 Avril celui qui était devenu
son ami surnommé René Anthony (alias Grenn Sonnen)
tombait également dans la même zone et trois de ses
gardes du corps ont été criblés de balles.

Ravix a conduit la lutte armée contre le président
Jean-Bertrand Aristide, tandis que celui que tout
Port-au-Prince dénommé Grenn Sonnen également un
ex-militaire (Corps des Léopards) est donné pour avoir
été un Aristidien.

Le corps de Ravix a été transporté à la morgue de
l’Hôpital général. L’éventuel revendication de Mr.
Ravix était le retour de l’armée d ‘Haïti, mais le
gouvernement de transition refusait de leur donné
satisfaction en réinstaurant des forces armées.

Ravix a été reproché comme responsable de nombreux
actes criminels qui ont été commis ces derniers temps,
ainsi, l’assassinat des 4 policiers à Tabarre. Selon
Mme Coicou Porte parole de la Police Nationale,
vendredi soir avant la mort de Ravix, un commando
d’individus armée jusqu’aux dents a semé la terreur du
côté des Frères, de Pétion-Ville, de Delmas et sur un
autobus de mission onusiene.

Samedi matin Ravix et Sonnen ont été attaqués par la
police, secondée par la MINUSTAH, Sonnen réussit à
s’échapper mais, Ravix fut abattu sur le terrain de la
Factory Acra entre Delmas 30 et Delmas 32.

Le lendemain dimanche Sonnen fut encerclé à nouveau.
Il était allé se cacher dans un bidonville situé
derrière la Hatte Hotel and Apartments, tout près de
l’aéroport. Sonnen était tombé avec son arme à la main
(un fusil d’assaut automatique de fabrication
Isaraélienne) selon la déclaration de Mme Coicou porte
parole de la Police Nationale.

Jean René Anthony l’ex-soldat à la recherche de la
Police Nationale, est également accusé d’avoir
assassiné deux policiers et leur chauffeur à Delmas.
Deux heures plus tard les partisans de Jean René
Anthony sont revenus pour mettre le feu aux cadavres.
Après la mort de Sonnen beaucoup de peuple sont venus
par curiosité pour essayer de voir son corps qui
venait d’être transporté à la morgue de l’Hôpital

Selon plusieurs observateurs, Ravix était le partisan
du gouvernement de transition, mais il fut assassiné
par son propre gouvernement. C’est une chose tout à
fait ironique, puisqu’il est celui qui a dirigé le
grand coup réalisé par la branche armée de
l’opposition contre le gouvernement élu.

Particulièrement l’attaque contre l’Académie militaire
de Frères le 28 Juillet, au cours de laquelle
plusieurs policiers ont été blessés, et un commissaire
a été tué lâchement.

L’invasion du Palais National le 17 Décembre 2001 que
l’opposition politique et des éléments de la
communauté internationale qualifiera de fausse
tentative du coup d’état montée par Aristide lui-même
et ses « chimères. »

Après la trahison du gouvernement de transition contre
Ravix et ses partisans, il s’est déclaré que c’est lui
et son armée qui ont organisé cette tentative de coup.

Particulièrement pendant le mandat du gouvernement
Aristide, Ravix et ses partisans ont semé la terreur
dans le Plateau Central (Zone Pernale) et assassiné
des fonctionnaires gouvernementaux et plusieurs
partisans de Fanmi Lavalas. Tel est le cas de la
famille de Cléonor Souverain, 5 membres de sa famille
ont été tués, dont Nathalie Souverain une jeune de 16
reçoit une balle au vagin. Un sixième parent, Hussein
Bertrand, qui avait 4 ans a l’époque, a été atteint
d’une balle au colonne vertébrale maintenant il est
paralysé. La liste totale des victimes est inclue

Le cadavre d’un policier Swat tué par le groupe de
Ravix a passé plus de 3 jours, pendant que ses
assassins ont donné un défi pour ne pas enlever leur
cadavre pendant que son corps a été partiellement
dévoré par les chiens. Grâce à un propriétaire de
morgue (RoRo), les restes ont finalement été enlevés,
et déposés au morgue.

Un policier a été kidnappé à Carrefour Chada (Mon
Repos ) le 9 Août 2003 par des gens loyales a Ravix,
qui ont coupé ses deux pieds et ses deux mains, en
disant « ou kwè se ou t al tirè sou nou Pènal ». Il
est mort le 16 Août, et après ils ont mis le feu sur
son corps.

Ravix s’est toujours vanté d’avoir eu bien avant le 29
février des relations privilégiées avec les
responsables du gouvernement, même avant la
transition. Ils ont aussi participés aux
manifestations des Etudiants GNB à Port-au-Prince,
prêté la main forte au Front de Résistance de L’armée
du Nord et à la bande qui s’était emparée du
commissariat de police à Saint-Marc pendant le début
de février 2004.

Après le départ du gouvernement Aristide plusieurs
groupes armées sont rentrés triomphalement à la
capitale le 29 Février 2004. Les relations entre le
gouvernement (dit Transition) installé en mars 2004
avec Remissainthe, Guy Philippe, les autres militaires
démobilisés ainsi que les autres rebelles étaient
jugés cordiales.

Mr. Latortue a même élevés les militaires au rang des
«Combattants de la liberté » lors d’une visite aux
Gonaïves. Latortue a négocié ouvertement avec Ravix
qui a été reçu au Palais National. Les militaires
démobilisés ont occupé plusieurs commissariats à
travers le pays, ont été pendant longtemps acceptés
tacitement comme force de sécurité en faisant des
patrouilles conjointes, ils ont effectués aux cotés de
la police même à des arrestations.

Les relations entre Ravix et le gouvernement de
transition commençaient à se détériorer :

1) Quand la Gouvernement a reconnu qu’il n’avait pas
la légitimité nécessaires pour réaliser l’une des
promesses faites aux militaires lors du mouvement
Anti-Aristide : la reconstitution des forces armées
dissoutes par le Président Aristide en 1995

2) Ces relations devraient se compliquer après le
délogement des militaires de la résidence privée
d’Aristide à Tabarre.

3) L’assassinat des quatres ( 4 ) policiers à
Claircine, le dimanche 6 Février 2005 pendant la
période carnavalesque.

Les affrontements Mars dernier à Pétiti-Goâve et à
Terre Rouge au cours desquels 3 soldats Onusiens et
militaires démobilisés ont été tués, et plusieurs
autres militaires blessés transporté à l’hôpital
général enchaîné avec des cadenards en fer comme si
c’était l’époque de Napoléon du temps de l’esclavage.

Parmi ses blessés un journaliste dénommé Robenson
Laraque atteint par plusieurs balles à la station
Radio lors de l’intervention de la MINUSTAH contre les
militaires démobilisés au commissariat de Petit-Goâve,
samedi 9 avril 2005. La population de Petit-Goâve ont
gagné les rues dans la soirée pour demander justice
pour le jeune journaliste de la Radio Télé-Contact.
Malgré tout, il est mort dans un hôpital à Cuba suites
aux blessures par balles reçues.

4) Après la déclaration de Ravix en disant à tous les
militaires qu’ils se transforment en guerrilla pour
contrecarrer le gouvernement Latortue. Il est depuis
lors un ennemi farouche pour le gouvernement.

Plusieurs partisans de Ravix ont tenté de justifier
sa mort en dépit du fait que Ravix avait fait alliance
Avec Dread Wilmé partisan de Fanmi Lavalas et
réclament toujours le retour physique du président

Deux semaines avant la mort de Ravix et Sonnen, un
puissant chef de bande de Boston
(Cité Soleil) Robenson Thomas (alias Labanyè ) favori
du groupe 184 de Mr. André Apaid et Charles Henry
Baker représentant du nouveau contrat social, il a été
assassiné le 30 Mars 2005. Il était passé lui aussi
avec des armes contre le gouvernement Aristide Neptune
et depuis le renversement d’Aristide il faisait la
pluie et le beau temps, bénéficiant la protection de
la police et du gouvernement de transition.

Labanyè a été exécuté par son propre lieutenant Evens.

Vendredi 1e Avril après la déclaration de Mr. Latortue
en montrant sa colère contre les personnes qui ont
tués Labanyè, la force maintien de la paix (MINUSTAH)
a déployé ses forces contre le peuple de Cité Soleil
faisant 1 mort et 13 blessés, semblant destinée à
ramener le calme, et à poursuivre des membres de Fanmi
Lavalas et à atteindre Dread Wilmé.

Samedi 2 Avril Paul Emile un enfant de 7 ans atteint
d’une balle au front. Dimanche 3 avril la MINUSTAH
continue à mener cette opération faisant 3 morts 7
blessés par balles, une jeune dénommé Katrino.

15 Avril à cité Soleil

Kattie Jean une balle MINUSTAH
Jean Brenel une balle à la tête MINUSTAH
Brutus Geraldo 26 ans MINUSTAH
Jean Valkes 18 ans MINUSTAH
Mariane Fifi 19 ans ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ lors de la Manisfestation à cité soleil 14 fevrier 2005
Fenold Rayimithe - MINUSTAH - Arrêté par la Manustah

(Je suis toujours à recherche des autres noms)


La semaine dernière un dénommé Wilson Ferdinand un
ancien dirigeant de la lutte Anti-Aristide a été
atteint de deux balles aux Gonaïves, tandis que la
police ont lancé plusieurs mandats d’arrêts contre lui
pour plusieurs raisons tel est la cas de Francesca
Gabriel une fillette de 6 ans tuée par des coups de
pistolet contre la maison de la concubine de

Les personnes assassinés par des militaires et des
civils armés avant le départ d’Aristide

No Nom Prenom Lieu Fonction Date Prenoms Lieu Fonction
1- Jean Bouchette Commissariat de Belladere 30 Avril 02 au 1er Mai 02
2- Souverain Rosita Belladere - 23 au 24 juin 2002
3- Souverain Nathalie ‘’’’’’’’’’ - 23 au 24 juin 2002
4- Brizard Mimose ‚’’’’’’’’’’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ - 23 au 24 juin 2002
5- Brizard Dubuisson ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’‘’ ‘’ ‘’ - 23 au 24 juin 2002
6- Ramil Albert ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ - 23 au 24 juin 2002
7- Bertrand Hussein ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ - 23 au 24 juin 2002
8- Lauzama Christohe Lascaobas Juge de p. 28 Nov. 02
9- Joseph Sincere ‘ 10 Déc. 02
10- Dorsainvil Loidort 10 Dec. 02
11- Laverne Léonie Lascaobas 10 Dec. 02
12- Sigué Jn Harry Lascaobas 10 Dec. 02
13- Denot Wilfrid Canot 23 Juin 03
14 Pierre Marais Pernal Commerçant 23 Juin 03
15- Colot Pedel Lascaobas Etudiant 23 Juin 03
16- Pierre Dadou Lascaobas 23 Juin 03
17- Seraphin Gesner Bois Pin 26 Juin 03
18- Picot Wilner Car Roy Sec 26 Juin 03
19- Cheriel ( ainsi connu) ……………. Employé du Ministère de l’Int. 26 Juil. 03
20- Thomas Wilfrid ………….. ………… 26 Juil. 03
21- Despeigne Jn Mary ………….. ……………. …………
22- Celestin Adrien …………… ……………. ………….
23- Samedi Patrick Pernal Swat 24 Mai. 03
24- Denaud Sonia ……… ………..
25 Bernadeau Marjorie ……… ………..
26- Jean Fritner ……… 14 Juil 03
27- Larose Emmanuel ……… 23 Mars 03
28- Lema Amongue ……… Maire Adj. De Savanette 12 Dec. 03
29- Pierre Lean-Claude Bois Pin 23 Sept. 03
30- Jonas Maxime Hinche Dir. Départ. de la Police 15 Fev. 04
31- Perat Mombouyard Pernal
32- Louisius Etienne ……… Policier Swat Kidnappé 9 Aout 03
33- Chavré Arnold Pernal
34- Lucner Et son Frere P-au-P
35- Caleb Beleau Hinche 15 Fev. 04

Les principaux acteurs du Coud d’Etat

1-Louis Jodel Chambelain FRAPH

2- Charite Jean-Jacques Porte parole de l’armee

3- Ravix Remissainthe - Armee d’Haiti

4- Guy Philippe - Armee d’Haiti

5- Clautaire Jean Baptiste - Armee d’Haiti

6- Joseph Jean Baptiste - Armee d’Haiti

7- Voltaire Jean Baptiste ( alias Petit) - - Armee d’Haiti

8- Edouard Jean Baptiste ( alias Dry) --- Armee d’Haiti

9- Bol Panel - Civil armee

10- Edouard Casimir - Civil armee

11- Bardin Amonvil - Civil armee

12- Celestin Moise - Civil armee

13- Brun Toutoute - Civil armee

14-Victor Gaston - Civil armee

15- Wilkens Verno - Civil armee

16- Jean Moliere - Civil armee

17- Calixte Iderick - Civil armee

18- Jean Edner - Civil armee

19- Edouard Ferdinand - Civil armee

’Louis Chodel Chambelain au moment du retour à l’ordre
constitutionnel et démocratique en octobre en 94.Il
avait lui aussi pris la fuite, pour se mettre à l’abri
de toute poursuite contre son organisation ( FRAPH )
qui a dans son triste palmarès les plus de 5.000 du
premier coup d’etat en 1994.

Lae nom de Chambelain est revenu sur la scène à
l’occasion du procès du massacre de Raboteau aux
Gonaïves, il a été jugé par contumace et condamné aux
travaux forcés à perpétuité.

Après ce procès, on n’avait pas vraiment entendu
parler de lui. Brusquement, à la fin de 2003 et au
début de 2004, des journalistes dominicains l’ont
localisé en compagnie Guy Philippe dans son camp
secret d’entrainement établi par la CIA ( Service
Secret des Etats-Unis ) sur la frontière Haitiano-
Dominicaine avec la complicité des secteurs
réactionnaires dominicains, des anciens Miliatires, et
des anciens membres du FRAPH subissaient un
entrainement et se préparaient à renverser Jean
Bertrand Aristide. Ils dépensaient follement des
dollars americains pour leurs uniformes, le treillis
militaire étaient confectionnés aux Etats-Unis, leurs
armes étaient de fabrication Nord-Américaine.

Applaudi par laprès Haitienne celle régroupée au sein
de l’AMNH accueilli à bras ouverts par l’opposition
politique, des groupes 184, la convergence
démocratique bénéficiant de la complicité du silence
des droits de l’homme Louis Jodel Chambelain, Guy
Philippe, Ravix Remissainthe, fit une fracassante
entrée sur le territoire national de la frontiere de
la république dominicaine à tête d’un groupe de
mercenaires, criminels, trafiquants de toutes sortes,
ils pillaient, saccagaient, incendiaient les édifices
publics,et les maisons appartenants à des dirigeants
de Fanimi lavalas, ils assassinaient les partisans
avec le renfort des medias de l’AMNH.

Ces mercenaires, criminels, assassins de la
democratie, des hommes de sac et de corde, sans foi ni
loi seront plus tard qualifiés de ) COMBATTANTS DE LA
LIBERTE ) par Gerard Latortue ( Alias Gwo Jera ) qui
eût dit meiux pour faire ressortir le denominateur
commun entre les patrons d’un premier ministre tombé
tout droit d’un ciel étoilé et un groupe de malfrats
qui qui se fait appeler ( COMBATTANTS de la LIBERTE )
et c’est par ce Gwo Jera lui-même qui donne des ordres
d’assassanés ces COMBATTANTS DE LA LIBERTE ) .


Saturday April 9, 2005 Ravix Remissainthe Commander of
the self-proclaimed demobilized soldiers was encircled
in Delmas, at Ruelle Nazon and was executed, along
with two of his partisans, by the Haitian National

The following day, Sunday April 10, the man who had
become his friend, named Rene Anthony (alias Grenn
Sonnen) also fell in the same area, along with three
of his bodyguards, whose bodies were found riddled
with bullets.

Ravix had led the armed struggle against president
Jean-Bertrand Aristide, while he whom Port-with-Prince
referred to as Grenn Sonnen, also an ex-soldier
(Leopards Squad) was presumed to be pro-Aristide.

The body of Ravix was transported to the mortuary of
Port-au-Prince’s General Hospital. The final goal of
Mr. Ravix was the re-establishment of the Haitian
Army, which the government of transition refused to

Ravix was reproached to be responsible for many
criminal acts which were committed lately, such as the
assassination of the 4 police officers in Tabarre.

According to Mrs. Coicou the spokesperson of the
national police force, Friday evening before the death
of Ravix, a commando of individuals armed to the teeth
sowed terror in the Frères area, in Pétion-Ville, in
Delmas and on a bus of the United Nations Mission.

Saturday morning Ravix and Sonnen were attacked by the
police force, assisted by the MINUSTAH. Sonnen
succeeded in escaping but Ravix was killed on the
grounds of the Acra Factory between Delmas 30 and
Delmas 32.

The following day, Sunday, Sonnen was encircled again.
He had gone to hide in a shantytown located behind
Hatte Hotel and Apartments, very close to the airport.

Sonnen fell with his weapon in his hand (an automatic
assault rifle, manufactured by the Israelis),
according to the statement from spokesperson Mrs.
Coicou of the Haitian National Police.

Jean Rene Anthony, the ex-soldier sought by the
Haitian National Police, is also accused of
assassinating two police officers and their driver in
Delmas. Two hours later the partisans of Jean Rene
Anthony returned to put fire to the corpses. After
the death of Sonnen, many people came due to
curiosity, to try to see his body which had been just
transported to the mortuary of the General Hospital.

According to several observers, Ravix was a partisan
of the transitional government, yet he was
assassinated by his own government. It is completely
ironic, since it was he who directed the coup carried
out by the armed branch of the opposition against the
elected government.

Particularly the attack against the Military academy
of Frères on July 28, during which several police
officers were wounded, and a commissioner was killed
in cold blood.

The invasion of the National Palate on December 17
2001, that the political opposition and elements of
the international community described as a “false coup
attempt” staged by Aristide himself and his

After the treason of the government of transition
against Ravix and his partisans, it was stated that it
was him and his army which organized this coup

Particularly during the term of the Aristide
government, Ravix and his followers sowed terror in
the Plateau Central (Pernale region) and assassinated
governmental civil servants and several partisans of
Fanmi Lavalas. Such is the case of the family of
Cléonor Souverain. 5 members of his families were
killed, including Nathalie Souverain, a young girl of
16, who was shot in the vagina. A sixth family
member, Hussein Bertrand, 4 years old at the time, was
shot with a bullet to the spinal cord, and now is
paralyzed. The full list of victims is included

The body of a member of the SWAT force killed by
Ravix’s group rotted for more than 3 days, while his
killers gave a challenge to the police not to remove
his corpse, which was partially devoured by dogs.

Thanks to an owner of mortuary (RoRo), the remains
were finally removed and placed in the mortuary.

A police officer kidnapped at Carrefour Chada (Mon
Repos) on August 9, 2003 by elements loyal to Ravix,
who cut off his two feet and his two hands, saying
“was it you who fired on us in Pernales.” He died on
August 16, his body was burned.

Ravix always bragged of having, well before February
29, privileged relations with the people in charge of
the government, even before the transition. They had
taken part in the GNB student demonstrations in
Port-with-Prince, given assistance to the Resistance
Front of the Army of the North, and to the gang which
had seized the police station in Saint-Marc during the
beginning of February 2004.

After the departure of the Aristide government,
several groups armed returned triumphantly to the
capital, on February 29, 2004. Relations between the
transitional government installed in March 2004 with
Remissainthe, Guy Philippe, the other demobilized
soldiers as well as the others rebels were considered
to be cordial.

Mr. Latortue even raised the soldiers to the level of
"freedom-fighters" at the time of a visit to Gonaïves.

Latortue negotiated openly with Ravix, who was
received at the National Palace. The demobilized
soldiers occupied several police stations throughout
the country, were accepted for a long time tacitly as
security forces, engaged in joint patrols, and they
even carried out arrests in conjunction with the
police force.

The relations between Ravix and the transitional
government started to worsen:

1) When the Government recognized that it did not have
legitimacy necessary to carry out one of the promises
made to the soldiers at the time of the anti-Aristide
movement (the re-constitution of the armed forces
dissolved by President Aristide in 1995).

2) These relations became complicated after the
unseating of the soldiers (by UN) from the private residence of
Aristide at Tabarre.

3) The assassination of four (4) police officers in
Claircine, Sunday, February 6, 2005 during the Carnival period.

The confrontations last March in Pétit-Goâve and Terre
Rouge during which 3 UN troops and demobilized
soldiers were killed, and several other wounded
soldiers were transported to the General Hospital
bound with iron chains, reminiscent of the slave
period of Napoleon. Among its casualties was a
journalist named Robenson Laraque, shot with several
bullets at the radio station at the time of the
intervention of MINUSTAH against the demobilized
soldiers at the police station of Petit-Goâve,
Saturday April 9, 2005. The population of Petit-Goâve
took to the streets in the evening to ask for justice
for the young journalist of Radio Tele-Contact.
Despite everything, he died in a hospital in Cuba from
his gunshot wounds.

4) After the declaration of Ravix telling all the
soldiers to transform into a guerrilla force to oppose
the Latortue government. Since then, he had been a
savage enemy of the government.

Several partisans of Ravix tried to justify his death,
in spite of the fact that Ravix had entered into an
alliance with Dread Wilmé, a Lavalas supporter of
Fanmi Lavalas calling for the physical return of the
constitutional president.

Two weeks before the death of Ravix and Sonnen, a
powerful gang leader in Boston (Cité Soleil) Robenson
Thomas (alias Labanyè) a favorite of the 184 Group led
by Mr. André Apaid and Charles Henry Baker,
representing the “new social contract,” was
assassinated on March 30, 2005. He also took up arms
against the Aristide-Neptune government, and since the
overthrow of Aristide, he was the all-mighty leader,
enjoying protection from the police force and the
government of transition.

Labanyè was executed by his own lieutenant, Evens.
Friday April 1, after the declaration of Mr. Latortue
showing his anger against the people who killed
Labanyè, the MINUSTAH peace-keeping force deployed its
forces against the people of Cité Soleil, killing one
and wounding 13, seemingly intended to bring back
calm, to pursue members of Fanmi Lavalas and to take
Dread Wilmé.

Saturday April 2, Paul Emile a 7 year old child, shot
with a bullet to the face. Sunday April 3 MINUSTAH
continues to carry out this operation, shooting 3 to
death and wounding 7, including a young person called

Last week, a certain Wilson Ferdinand an ex-leader of
the Anti-Aristide uprising, was shot twice in
Gonaïves, while the police force launched several
arrest warrants against him for several reasons, such
as the case of Francesca Gabriel, a 6 year old young
girl killed by gun blows against the house of
Ferdinand’s concubine.

People assassinated by the ex-soldiers and armed civilians
before the departure of Aristide

No Name First Name Location Occupation Date
1- Jean Bouchette Belladère Station April 30-May 1,
2- Souverain Rosita Belladère June 23-24, 2002
3- Souverain Nathalie Belladère June 23-24, 2002
4- Brizard Mimose Belladère June 23-24, 2002
5- Brizard Dubuisson Belladère June 23-24, 2002
6- Ramil Albert ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ Belladère June 23-24, 2002‘’

7- Bertrand Hussein ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ Belladère June 23-24, 2002
8- Lauzama Christohe Lascaobas Justice of the Peace Nov. 28, 2002
9- Joseph Sincere ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ Déc. 10, 2002
10- Dorsainvil Loidort Déc. 10, 2002
11- Laverne Léonie Lascaobas Déc. 10, 2002
12- Sigué Jn Harry Lascaobas Déc. 10, 2002
13- Denot Wilfrid Canot June 23, 2003
14 Pierre Marais Pernal Merchand/Vendor June 23, 2003
15- Colot Pedel Lascaobas Student June 23, 2003
16- Pierre Dadou Lascaobas June 23, 2003
17- Seraphin Gesner Bois Pin June 26, 2003
18- Picot Wilner Car Roy Sec June 26, 2003
19- Cheriel (known as such) ……………. Interior Ministry employee June 26, 2003
20- Thomas Wilfrid ………….. ………… July 26, 2003
21- Despeigne Jn Mary ………….. ……………. …………
22- Celestin Adrien …………… ……………. ………….
23- Samedi Patrick Pernal SWAT Police May 24, 2003
24- Denaud Sonia ……… ………..
25 Bernadeau Marjorie ……… ………..
26- Jean Fritner ……… July 14, 2003
27- Larose Emmanuel ……… Mar. 23, 2003
28- Lema Amongue ……… Savanette Dep. Mayor Dec. 12, 2003
29- Pierre Lean-Claude Bois Pin Sept. 23, 2003
30- Jonas Maxime Hinche Dept. Dir. of Police Feb. 15, 2004
31- Perat Mombouyard Pernal
32- Louisius Etienne ……… Policier Swat Kidnapped Aug. 9, 2003
33- Chavré Arnold Pernal
34- Lucner And brother P-au-P
35- Caleb Beleau Hinche Feb. 15, 2004


Washington Democracy Project

Continued Kidnappings in Haiti:
The Necessity of a Meaningful Policy
to Crackdown on the Perpetrators of Violence

July 2006

Two American missionaries have been kidnapped and released in Haiti. Four individuals allegedly are responsible for this barbaric action:

1. Evens -- living in a marginal area of Port-au-Prince called Boston
2. Amarale -- living in Belecourt
3. Ti Blanc -- living in an area called Simon in Cité Soleil
4. Genral Toutou -- who allegedly killed Jacques Roche, also living in the area called Boston

Throughout Haitian history political and criminal violence has been state business. From Soulouque's Zenglen to Aristide's Chimères, political power has created, financed, and armed various groups to create an environment of fear and intimidation killing political opponents. While there are other armed groups involved, the current violence in Haiti is mostly to be blamed on Aristide's Haiti terror network. More importantly this group appears to be spreading it's wings and expanding its violent tactics into North America.

Since Préval's return to power, these groups have been emboldened enough to build more than 60 new cells. Meanwhile, the new president's policy toward these groups is not clear. Should they be treated like Hamas and Hezbollah or the Islamic warlords in Somalia and be allowed to integrate the political process – and thus legitimized? Or should they be prosecuted by the law and brought to justice?

In order to avoid the strengthening of these extremists groups, President Préval and Prime Minister Alexis must draw the line. The international community, MINUSTAH, has an ambivalent take on this issue giving the perception that the low intensity violence is acceptable. In order to restore security and confidence for investment the government – and the international community – must define a clear policy toward these groups. The most recent polls show that the vast majority of Haitian citizens supports an aggressive policy toward these terror groups. Haitians are ready for change. They are ready to build an economy and work to elevate their status from the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. Without a meaningful policy to address these groups, investment will not come and progress will again be eluded.

The Washington Democracy Project is currently conducting an in-depth analysis of the situation. We will release a comprehensive report in November detailing this phenomenon in Haiti, including its links to drug trafficking, the plot of the Haitian "homegrown terrorists" in Miami, its impact on the US anti-terrorism agenda, and democracy and stability in Haiti.

Stanley Lucas
Director for Latin America and the Caribbean
Washington Democracy Project
Tel: 202-256-6026


See, A truce and cease fire was reached between the Boston section of Site Soley and the entire other 33 sectors of Site Soley after the death of Labanyè. All 34 sectors are united and want peace (Why does Lucas want the US to declare war on the people of Site Soley and categorize a police problem, a social problem as a military and terrorist issue??? For Lucas' and the coup d'etat folks' political reasons no doubt.)

HLLN comments on Stanley Lucas' "Haiti’s “Hopeless” Youth Fertile Ground for Terrorists" , August 3, 2006

After reading Stanley Lucas' latest, entitled "Haiti’s “Hopeless” Youth Fertile Ground for Terrorists;" what comes to mind this August day of fear as the Middle East escalates towards another World War with the bombings in Lebanon, is this: the Israelis want to "kill all the terrorist," Bush wants to "kill all the terrorists" and copycat, Stanley Lucas wants to "kill all the terrorists" in Haiti!.

The fairytale being sold is that when all their political dissenters-called-"terrorists" are dead, the world will have no more problems.....The Lucas spin echoes the Bush/Blair spins and that is: anyone in the world who dissents, who criticizes the US, its aggressions; criticizes Israel, its aggressions; criticizes coup d'etat in Haiti and its UN/PNH aggressions are TERRORISTS, are extremist groups.

The use of the label "terrorists," "bandits" or "extremist groups" is the SILENCER. No one wants to defend a Bush-defined "terrorist" right? So, then, Lucas is simply tapping into this great fear-mongering machinery to set his political opponents in Haiti up for the kill.

To these minds, there is no room for legitimate dissenters in their universe. You are either with them and cow-tow to them, or, you are a terrorists, an extremist group! End of story.

In his July 2006 statement, Lucas was giving Preval advice, telling him the four men he needed to go after in Site Soley. Now, in this August 2, 2006 letter, Lucas drops the advice-giving mode and tells us Preval himself is harboring terrorist and should be sanctioned by the US. What's interesting is that Lucas didn't sign his new attack on Haiti and Haitians under the title of spokesperson for the "Washington Democracy Project." HMMMMMM.... But, the discredited Lucas is using the Bush and Blair administration's lexicon about "extremist" groups, "terrorists" in need of being annihilated.

In Haiti, these extremist groups, according to the Lucas Gospel, are the four men in Site Soley he previously identified and their grassroots Lavalas "allies" he implicates as folks who Preval is traveling with in his overseas delegation. The men previously identified (Ti Blan, Toutou, Amaral and Evens) say those amongst them who did, now no longer stand with Lucas' Apaid/Boulos macoutes and say they have a truce in Site Soley and that they are politically not align to Stanley Lucas' macoutes and bourgeoisie extermination of "bandits" campaign. As retaliation Lucas wants the State Department/Pentagon to categorize these folks, in Site Soley, ney, all Haitians it seems, who disagree with his macoutes as "extremist groups" as "terrorist."

As retaliation for Preval including grassroots leaders from the majority sector in his foreign-visit delegation, Lucas recommends that the Internationals reconsider foreign aid to the Preval government. Again what Lucas means, is for the Internationals to reconsider their diplomatic support of the Preval government, because as we all know, foreign aid to Haiti, stays mostly in the US.

This is how Lucas words his indictment of President Preval's government, he writes "he and his close political advisors are providing direct support to these terrorist groups. Members of these groups even have been included in official delegations traveling to Europe, the United States and the Caribbean. Notably, during Preval's May visit to Washington, two members of his delegation were denied entrance to the White House. ..."

Lucas further writes that"
"To turn the tides, policymakers need to closely monitor the Preval government and ensure they do not drift further away from democracy. They need to also find ways to support and engage Haiti's youth directly by providing education and opportunity."

So our comment on this is, if "policymakers...need to also find ways to support and engage Haiti's youth directly by providing education and opportunity;" if that is a genuine statement, why isn't Stanley Lucas and his Washington bosses at Haiti Democracy Project or IRI or the new "Washington Democracy Project" supporting the cease-fire in Site Soley and apportioning DDR, providing education and opportunity in Site Soley, in a non-partisan manner? (See, A truce and cease fire was reached between the Boston section of Site Soley and the entire other 33 sectors of Site Soley after the death of Labanyè. All 34 sectors are united and want peace) . Why does Lucas write about "providing opportunity to Haiti's youth" and then simultaneously criminalizes Haiti's youth as "terrorists" and "extremist groups" simply because they don't share Lucas' political agenda of arbitrary arrests, humiliating checkpoints in Site Soley reminiscent of Middle East Israeli checkpoints and summary executions?

Lucas wants the State Department "to designate extremist groups as terrorists, which systematically prevents them from receiving aid." This, just another way of saying don't give US aid, which really doesn't mean monies as HLLN always points out that US aid to Haiti stays mostly in US hands anyways. What Lucas is really saying, and this is CRITICAL for Haitians to UNDERSTAND, when advising the State Department to label the people of Site Soley as "extremist groups" and terrorists" which he now says Preval is fraternizing with!, what Lucas really means is not "don't give Haiti foreign aid", but "don't give diplomatic assistance and support to the Preval government." That, folks, is what all the sweeping generalizations, fear-mongering-innuendoes and the wholly unsubstantiated August 2, 2006 Lucas letter is about. Just another Haiti Democracy Project/IRI attempt at intimidating the people of Haiti, intimidating President Preval and destroying the Feb. 7th Haitian vote. (See Stanley Lucas' August 2, 2006 mailing below.)

Ezili Danto
August 3, 2006

Haiti's "Hopeless" Youth Fertile Ground for Terrorists

From: "G. Stanley Lucas" <centurionlucas@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 17:16:47 -0400
Subject: Haiti’s “Hopeless” Youth Fertile Ground for Terrorists
Haiti's "Hopeless" Youth Fertile Ground for Terrorists
By Stanley Lucas
August 02, 2006

Despite its close proximity, unstable government and general lawlessness, few would view Haiti as a national security priority for the United States or any kind of imminent threat. It is, for us, a poverty stricken nation that produces boatloads of hopeless people making a dangerous escape for a better life in the U.S. by any means possible. We see a country continuously exploited by corrupt despots and assume that their ultimate goal is more money. This is the myth of Haiti.

What we do not see is an entrenched leadership that is perpetuating and capitalizing on the "hopeless" situation to fulfill an ideological goal to destabilize the United States. What is worse, they are trying to join forces with the world's worst terrorists.

The U.S. has been consistently confounded by how to deal with the challenges of Haitian despots. The concept of nation-building has not resonated with U.S. policy makers and military interventions have left the job unfinished. The recent indictment of the "homegrown terrorists" in Miami, which included one Haitian national in the U.S. illegally and two here legally, sheds light on a growing dynamic in Haiti that requires added attention from policy makers and voters alike.

While the world views the Haitian government as being infested by corruption, drug dealers and money hungry leaders, there is actually a deep underlying ideological current running through the chaos. Money is not their primary motive, rather it is a deep desire to do damage to the U.S. There is a method to their madness. Haiti's hopeless youth are being exploited and exported by a group of ideologists focused on damaging the United States.

The "Molotov" Alliance

There is a generation of leaders in Haiti's government that is a product of the Cold War having received heavy indoctrination and training by Eastern European Communists in the 1970s. These leaders have a deep and often disguised hatred for the United States. After their return to Haiti in the mid-1980s, these leaders embraced liberation theology seeking to combat free markets and the democratic system, which was prevailing in Latin America supported by the U.S.

In the late 1990s, the same Haitian extremists joined forces with the Pakistani military and Muslims who were looking for a foothold in the country by building mosques throughout Haiti and providing scholarships to the madrassas in Pakistan. Further, Palestinian extremists, naturalized in Haiti, also aligned with this faction and offered access to an international network and financial resources to the growing movement.

After September 11 and the Iraq war, most of them have become al-Qaeda sympathizers in a shared view of the United States as an evil power. In fact, Haitian extremists, supported by Aristide in exile, unleashed "Operation Baghdad" throughout Haiti in 2004 beheading Haitian police officers, kidnapping and killing dozens of innocent Haitian citizens. This group is further supported by the major drug traffickers in Haiti with networks throughout the region.

The combination of these forces – the liberation theologists, al-Queda sympathizers and drug cartels -- has created a powerful "Haitian Molotov cocktail" focused on the goal of checking the power and influence of the United States. This "Molotov alliance", currently supported primarily by Aristide and his Lavalas movement, has been busy over the past 15 years taking advantage of the hopeless and disenfranchised youth by sowing the idea that the U.S. is to blame for their plight. Aristide has publicly denounced the United States as an evil power in his speeches on numerous occasions.

Exporting the Seeds of Terrorism

Haiti has 82% unemployment. Almost 70% of the population is illiterate. It is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and has been since the 1970s. Young people cannot find jobs even if they are fortunate enough to have an education. Poverty, however, has become one of the many means for Haitian government leaders to fulfill their goals. Without hope, these youth have been effectively converted into henchmen of oppression by Haitian despots from Papa Doc's Tonton Macoute to Aristide's Lavalas extremists.

Haitian government leaders are not only sponsoring oppression in their own country, but they are now exporting these seeds of terrorism to the United States by sending their henchmen to the U.S. Haiti accounts for a significant percentage of U.S. immigrants. In fact, it ranks number five on the list of countries benefiting from the green card program. Most are in fact extremely productive and successful members of U.S. society. In fact, the wealthiest minority business leader in Texas, is a Haitian immigrant. The creator of the popular Chrysler 300 is a Haitian immigrant. The list is long. Unfortunately, a small percentage of the immigrants are among these disenfranchised – and now somewhat hostile – youth are exported legally to the United States to fulfill their indoctrinated goals.

This terrorist group in Miami was ineffective and amateurish in the end, but their motives and dedication were unwavering. Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism expert who heads the Washington office of the Rand Corporation, said in a Washington Post interview on June 23 that the Miami plot appeared to be "embryonic at best" but that "amateur terrorists can kill as effectively as the professional kind."

What to do?

The short answer is: promote hope.

Disappointingly, Preval's return to power signals more of the same. He has a clear opportunity to steer Haiti in the right direction at this crossroads. However, it has become apparent that he and his close political advisors are providing direct support to these terrorist groups. Members of these groups even have been included in official delegations traveling to Europe, the United States and the Caribbean. Notably, during Preval's May visit to Washington, two members of his delegation were denied entrance to the White House. It is unimaginable that an official Lebanese delegation would include members of Hezbollah or that an official Colombian delegation would include members of the terrorist group FARC. What happened here?

To turn the tides, policymakers need to closely monitor the Preval government and ensure they do not drift further away from democracy. They need to also find ways to support and engage Haiti's youth directly by providing education and opportunity.

While promoting hope is a short answer, it is a long term proposition. Past experience has shown, Haitian leaders have squandered opportunities extended by the international community. The good will and aid of international institutions cannot be managed by naive optimism that the current government will try to do better. History do not support this. Last week international aid organizations approved a $750 million aid package to Haiti. To ensure that this money is spent strategically on projects that will contribute to the Haitian economy, these organizations must provide clear guidelines on how the money should be spent and hold leaders accountable if they fail to follow those guidelines.

The international bodies providing aid, including the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Union, the U.S. Agency of International Development, and friends of Haiti, should create an umbrella organization for donor coordination ensuring that international aid reaches the average Haitian citizen. This organization should provide, in addition, some means of policy discipline. Too many actors of the international community for too long have been working to implement their personal agendas. While in many cases, these goals are in Haiti's interest. There is a need for new blood in these organizations.

Congressman Charles Rangel, the Ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, plans to introduce legislation appropriately named HOPE, the Haiti Hemispheric Opportunity Partnership Encouragement. The bill, not yet introduced, is expected to provide duty-free treatment for certain specified quantities of apparel items. It is intended to spur Haiti's export market, and of course, job creation.

Institutionally, the international community can and should help strengthen a non partisan police force and an independent judiciary. When the situation deteriorates in Haiti to the point of military intervention, U.S. tax payers pick up the bill. The 2006 UN peacekeeping mission cost US$600 million. Elections, which were ultimately decided by the mob, cost an additional US$120 million. Prevention is a far more economical approach.

The U.S. has a process to designate extremist groups as terrorists which systematically prevents them from receiving aid. The previous Lavalas governments provided funding and arms to these extremist groups and facilitated their movements around the globe. The U.S. should reexamine these groups and include them on the overall terrorist watch list. Currently, no Haitian extremist groups are on that list.

Promoting hope in Haiti is a relatively inexpensive proposition, especially in the context of the overall war on terror. The majority of Haitians are hard working, religious, lawful citizens looking for a chance to have a better life. Among those, there is a group of young, future leaders eager to seize opportunity and make a difference. They deserve opportunity. The path to those opportunities and success, however, has been diverted. And that diversion has layered another dimension onto the global war against terror.

Forwarded by the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network

See, A truce and cease fire was reached between the Boston section of Site Soley and the entire other 33 sectors of Site Soley after the death of Labanyè. All 34 sectors are united and want peace. (Why does Lucas want the US to declare war on the people of Site Soley and categorize a police problem, a social problem as a military and terrorist issue??? For Lucas' and the coup d'etat folks' political reasons no doubt.)

See, Should Haiti Declare 'War Against Terrorism" Against the United States? by Steve Pitteli, 4Report.com | July, 2006

Haiti Terrorist Toto Constant
Arrested in Long Island by
Bill Weinberg, hopedance.org | July, 2006


Statement by Cop Watch on Miami


"Aspirational Rather than Operational" - 7 Arrested in Miami Terror Plot, Democracy Now! | Monday, June 26th, 2006

See, "Haiti tells gangs to disarm or face death" and HLLN comments on Stanley Lucas' "Haiti’s “Hopeless” Youth Fertile Ground for Terrorists."

See, The International Destabilization of the Preval government and destruction of the Feb. 7, 2006 Haitian people's vote continues, July 21, 2006 | Translation of excerpts of a recorded July 20, 2006 Radio Levekampe Broadcast (Masner Beauplan show) direct from Haiti, Ezili Danto Witness Project, July 21, 2006
| Click on: Destabilization Preval/Alexi- Listen to original Kreyol audio (Ale tande rapo 20 Jiye 2006 sa a an Kreyol)

Ti Blan - Videoclip interview, March 2,2006 (Video interview and English Transcript of Ti Blan Interview )


Ransom paid to free two missionaries
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) - July 20, 2006 - The F-B-I says two North Carolina missionaries who were kidnapped Sunday on their way to church in Haiti's capital are free after payment of a ransom.

The head of the United Nations' anti-kidnapping unit in Haiti says Tom Barron, a minister at The Mustard Seed church, and congregation member William Eugene Seastrum are believed to be unhurt.

The U-N official says the kidnappers were paid 100-thousand dollars to free the missionaries from High Point, North Carolina.

They're among at least 29 people who have been reported kidnapped in Haiti so far this month -- about a third of them U-S citizens.

Last month, Canadian missionary Ed Hughes, who runs an orphanage in Haiti, was kidnapped and held for a week until a ransom was paid.

(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

*************** Haiti tells gangs to disarm or face death

Ezili Danto's Note: In reference to the Alexi ultimatum reported in the
article below "Haiti tells gangs to disarm or face death," HLLN wishes to
emphasize that the failure of DDR in Haiti is due to partisan application by
the partisan UN occupation forces in collaboration with the coup d'etat
police and judiciary. The coup d'etat repressions, partisan DDR application
policies, like the continued incarceration of political dissidents remain
unchanged and unchallenged by the Preval/Alexi government.
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/expose.html | See also "Site
Solèy Youth Activist say 'We are not the ones who are the Kidnappers'
Interviewed direct from Haiti, translated by Frantz Jerome, Ezili Danto
Witness Project, May 22, 2006
| Original Kreyol Audio of interview

Haiti tells gangs to disarm or face death

By Joseph Guyler Delva

Thursday, August 10, 2006; 6:53 PM

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Reuters) - Haiti's government threw down the gauntlet
to the impoverished and violent Caribbean nation's armed gangs on Thursday,
telling them to lay down their weapons or be killed.

"It's clear. You surrender your weapons and enter the DDR program," said
Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis. "If you refuse, you'll be killed."

Alexis was referring to a Demobilization, Disarmament and Reinsertion program
run by U.N. peacekeepers aimed at stabilizing Haiti and curbing kidnappings
and endemic political bloodletting.

His comments, before a legislative assembly, marked the first ultimatum to
gang leaders from the newly installed government of President Rene Preval.

After Preval won election in February, the level of violence in Haiti dropped
sharply. But its resurgence has prompted U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan,
who visited Port-au-Prince last week, to advise the Security Council against
curtailing the U.N. peacekeeping force.

At least 100 people have been shot dead in the capital Port-au-Prince over
the last two months and about 400 others have been injured by gunshots,
according to hospital records cited on Thursday by Ronald Lareche, who heads
the Public Safety Committee of the lower house of parliament.

He said the death toll, from what were mostly believed to be gang-related
shootings, included 85 victims in July alone.

Government officials have said drug lords were now seeking to bankroll armed
gangs, to win de facto control over them and block any disarmament plans.

The violent status quo in Haiti provides good cover for trafficking in
narcotics, the officials say.

"They (drug kingpins) want to make sure the chaotic situation endures so that
they may continue to carry out their dirty work," Alexis said.

Gang leaders have made tentative offers to disarm in the past, including one
last week from the young toughs who control Haiti's largest slum, but none of
them have come to fruition so far.

Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme speaks:
Radio Lakou New York, April 4, 2005 interview with Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme
Crucifiction of
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme,
a historical
Urgent Action:
Demand a Stop
to the Killings
in Cite Soleil

Sample letters &
Contact info
Denounce Canada's role in Haiti: Canadian officials Contact Infomation

Urge the Caribbean Community to stand firm in not recognizing the illegal Latortue regime:

Selected CARICOM Contacts
zilibutton Slide Show at the July 27, 2004 Haiti Forum Press Conference during the DNC in Boston honoring those who stand firm for Haiti and democracy; those who tell the truth about Haiti; Presenting the Haiti Resolution, and; remembering Haiti's revolutionary legacy in 2004 and all those who have lost life or liberty fighting against the Feb. 29, 2004 Coup d'etat and its consequences
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