
Ezili Danto Witness Project
Translated from Kreyol broadcast by Frantz Jerome, July 13, 14 & 15, 2006

Minustha Actions

(Listen to Kreyol Audio)


Gonaive Turmoil

Kreyol Audio

Another Illegal Arms Shipment

Civil Servants Protest Lay Offs
by AHP July 10, 2006


Gran Ravine Massacre by Lame Timanchet on July 7, 2006

AHP New- July 12, 2006
Hundred to thousands demonstrate on July 15, 2006 Demanding Pres. Aristide's return to Haiti
What's Destabalizing Haiti?: The massacre and imprisonment of Haiti's Innocents

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!


Expose the Lies
July 6 - International Day Against the Extermination of Black Youths

Ezili Danto Spoken Word Dance Theater The Premier Performance, Poetry, West African and Haitian Dance Company

Turning Haiti into a Penal colony
MOBILISATION DU 15 JUILLET 2006, Des organisations de base de Fanmi Lavalas











DE LA PART du peuple Ayisyen, L'Union Mondiale du peuple Noir, de Vwa Zanset, du Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network...et al

Bòn Fèt President Aristide - Saturday, July 15, 2006





MINUSTHA's random firing in order to take control of heavily
populated areas causing the slaughter of countless civilians

UN (MINUSTHA) show of force actions, causing inumerable
civilian deaths, July 14, 2006

Translation of excerpts of a July 14, 2006 Radio Levekampe Broadcast
(Masner Beauplan show)
Report direct from Haiti on the tensions in the streets
and MINUSTHA actions. Translated
from Kreyol original into English by Frantz Jerome,
Ezili Danto Witness Project,
July 14, 2006

(UN Actions - Listen to original Kreyol audio)


Interviewer: How is the situation this morning?

Haiti Correspondent: Since very early this morning some areas are very hot.
Areas like [a long list inaudible] and Kosovo. This morning (July 14, 2006) has been the scene of heavy artillery fire. And, we just noticed three MINUSTHA tanks rolling by
Rue Monseigneur Guilloux. The soldiers seem ready to fire at people.
They have modified their equipment and use bag like shields for extra
security. They stand at the ready, aiming at passersby.

How is the situation in the Simon area?

Haiti Correspondent: Since early yesterday morning one can hear nonstop gunfire music in the area of Simon and Pele, a reaction from MINUSTHA soldiers, according to
a statement by Mrs. [inaudible] the MINUSTHA spokesperson. She
explained that three Brazilian soldiers had been wounded and are being cared
for. According to Mrs. Sophie (Boutaud de la Combe) it was during an
attack on bandits that the soldiers were wounded. However, the inhabitants
of Simon and Pele are peaceful and say that they have not attacked the
United Nations soldiers.

Subsequent to the United Nations soldiers announcing that they are
looking for [inaudible] and firing randomly, many people deserted, not
sticking around. [inaudible] fired along with the UN soldiers. In the areas
of Simon, Pele, Site Militaire, [inaudible] circulation is very sparse. The
bus stations for Cap, the one for Gonaives, they are practically
deserted at this moment.

Things were tense throughout last night in the area of HASCO at the
entrance of Boston, near the water cittern. What exactly was happening?
The UN soldiers were not in control of the area. They decided to get in
and secure a school to be used as base. The minute they started their
move, they started to fire their heavy artillery at random.

The people of Boston said that they have nothing to do with the
shootings [interruption...] The people of Boston said that they have no problem
with the UN and would only want to know why the soldiers are shooting.
Preliminary results: four people died in the area of Site Soley, the
area of Boston.

General Toutou aka [inaudible], said that he fails to understand the
intentions of the UN soldiers. They were coming to use the area's
National school as a base, yet started sustained gunfire, while moving in,
causing people to scatter in a panic. Four people died and many were
wounded, among them a pregnant woman, according to General Toutou.

He pointed out that ever since the Feb. 7th vote, Site Soley has been
peaceful and that they, from Site Soley made a deliberate choice. They
had chosen Rene Garcia Preval because they wanted peace. But General

Toutou says that he does not understand the UN soldiersï¿1⁄2 motivation, for
they have launched an attack against Site Soley and Boston since last

The tension is red hot. The UN soldiers [inaudible?] really the
situation is very complicated. Why are the UN soldiers initiating such
actions? According to a UN spokesperson explained that the UN soldiers are
controlling forty areas in the metropolitan area. They are using a map of
Port-au-Prince and say that their presence will be noted in these
different areas.

General Toutou explained that it is an attempt to intimidate the people
of Site Soley ready to mobilize. A call to mobilization has been placed
by Amaral, calling on all 34 sections of Site Soley to come out
tomorrow (Saturday July 15) and join the huge demonstration expected to
celebrate Jean Bertran Aristide's birthday, 54th birthday. General Toutou
says that no mater what, in spite of the pressure, everybody in Site Soley
is ready to take to the streets tomorrow.

He also pointed out that he has never stopped counting bodies nor
dressing wounds for inocent people. He hopes that President Preval along
with Prime Minister Alexis will sit down with the UN mission, Mr. Edmond
Mulet and provide specific directives to the UN soldiers. Can the
government order the UN soldiers? We don't know. However, Rosny Desroches had
announced that he sat down with high-ranking members of the UN mission
and according to Rosny Desroches, they had explained to him that they
were awaiting clear orders to take action.

We will point out that the private sector [Group 184] had ordered
General Heleno to shoot at the inhabitants of the popular neighborhoods.
[when they did not comply] The private sector did not agree with the
attitude of the UN soldiers. It was clear to them that MINUSTHA's mission
was to destroy and eliminate many popular neighborhoods like Site Soley,
Bele, Lasalin, Solino. Well Rosny Desroches says that he is sure that
the UN soldiers will rectify their attitude and do their work the way
they should this time around.

In the mean time, how far will this go? Is it a way for MINUSTHA to
justify the importance of their presence in Haiti? Is that the reason
for the chaos, the panic?

We will say that there are areas where the soldiers, to guarantee their
security, prior to crossing any crossroad, they start shooting at
random. We know that military strategy is set for the crossing of crossroads
and that it may call for them to fire at random for their own security
and keeping their enemy at bay. Still, since last night and this
morning, as we are talking to you, the tension is rising in Simon, in Pele
and climbing to unprecedented levels.

End of Excerpt, translated by the Ezili Danto Witness Project, July
15, 2006

(For original, listen to Kreyol audio
(UN Actions - Listen to original Kreyol audio)


Ezili Danto Witness Project reports direct from Haiti: 1. On the Gran Ravine Massacre, 2) New Wave of violence in Gonaive said to be led by Coup D'etat's Guy Phillip soldiers 3) New wave of Port au Prince violence led by the Coup d'etat's Lame Timanchet and 4) The UN takes these coup d'etat led violence as opportunity to slaughter Haitian civilians| Solda Nasyonzini yo ap tire sou moun yo lan Port au Prince | Sitiyasyon an sho lan Gonaives tou



Haiti News:
15 JULY 2006
Fondasyon 30 Septanm will organize a peaceful mobilization on Saturday, 15 July
2006, in Port-au-Prince. The march will have three themes: a) the immediate liberation
of all political prisoners; b) the immediate return of President Aristide to Haiti;
and c) the reintegration of public employees illegally revoked following the
February 29, 2004 coup d'etat.


Haitian Civil Servants Protest Lay Offs

by AHP July 10, 2006

Haitian Civil servants unjustly fired take to streets of Port-au-prince to call for their reintegration and for the liberation of all political prisoners. Preval begins commission of inquiry into the massive lay offs that took place under the Latortue government.


Port-au-Prince, July 10, 2006 - (AHP) Employees who were unjustly dismissed from the public administration over the last two years organized a non-violent march in the streets of Port-au-Prince to urge the new authorities to reintegrate them and to liberate all political prisoners.

The march, organized by the Plateforme rèsistence populaire du Bel-Air (Bel- Air Popular Resistance) along with the "greater Lavalas movement" and the "coordination of progressive organizations", set out fromn the populist district of Saint-Martin and finished up at Constitution Square near the National Palace. Participants called on President Renè Prèval to understand the necessity to urgently reverse the injustices and severe wrongs inflicted on hundreds of people and their families for political reasons.

These citizens were fired solely because they were deemed partisan to the Aristide government following his forced departure on February 29, 2004, the demonstrators said.

Several of those dismissed from their positions with the national telephone service (Tèlèco), the national old-age insurance officer (ONA), the national port authority (APN), were subsequently arrested when they asked for damages. "We are not against the outreach policy of the president, but this policy cannot be accompanied by a strategy to close off all those who were sacrificed and who were used as cannon fodder to promote a new future," cried the demonstrators at the Constitution Square. Others called on the new government to "resist the opportunistic schemers who want to marginalize their voices as was done so skillfully under the Aristide government." A spokesperson for Fanmi Lavalas, Renè Monplaisir, gave his support for the rights of those employees unfairly laid off by the former Latortue regime who wish to assert their rights. They nevertheless applauded the new authorities for creating commissions to study the employee' files in an effort to come to a solution.

Renè Monplaisir announced an important meeting with various representatives of the popular sectors to help advance this struggle, he said. "We will continue to mobilize to ensure the rights of all citizens, said Lavalas activists. Activists at the July 10, 2006 demonstration also called for the release of hundreds of citizens, including former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune, who has been in detention for almost the entire two years of the interim regime led by Gerard Latortue because of their political views.

AHP July 10, 2006, 12:30 PM

To read more on the layoffs and failed solidarity of foreign labor institutions to stand up for layed off civil servants read: http://labornotes.org/archives/2006/06/articles/f.shtml


See also:  

Failed Solidarity by Jeb Sprague
Reverse Solidarity: The Reactionary role of US Labor in haiti and Venezuela by Jeb Sprague and Kim Scipes


HLLN's call for investigation of the CEP and electoral fraud in the 2006 presidential and legislative elections.
Remembering July 6, 2005
(also in Kreyol)

Haitian Children Put in Chains by the Whites: Remebering How the UN dropped bombs on Haitian civilians in Site Soley last July , 2005 then put the wounded in chainsDanto Spoken Word Dance Theater

Blan Kolon mete jèn Ayisyen Lan Kod

AUMOHD's Preliminary Report on July 7, 2006 Gran Ravine Massacre

Undeclared War on Haiti's Poor by Ken Rosenthal, July 11, 2006

Tension and Grief in the Caribbean by Ken Rosenthal, March 1, 2006

One Island, Two Nations by Ken rosenthal, July 1, 2006

Expose the Lies

Lame Timanchèt: The DDR Fiasco,
Ezili Danto Witness Project, July 19, 2006 (Matisan Video Clips - Clip 1 begging forgiveness, Clip2 - March 19, 2006 interview with Sason; Clip3 - Peace between Gran Ravine activists and the police would turn false as police-created Lame Timanchèt would 3-months later attack the Gran Ravine community, again














Expose how under the cover of "Aristide-is-corrupt-refrain," with this
weapon of mass distraction and Bush's regime change to bring Haiti justice and
democracy," the powerful countries of France, Canada and US, with UN
soldiers as their corporate army, have turned Haiti into a penal colony for
the Haitians masses and are tying Haiti to endless IMF/World Bank debts
while looting and plundering Haitian lands, assets and resources. Demand the
International coup d'etat supporting countries and enforcers, not Rene
Preval, set the political prisoners free, end the UN occupation, return
stolen Haitian assets.

Sitiasyon an sho lan Gonaive tou: Ale tande rapò sa an Kreyol
Ezili Danto's Note (July 15, 2006):
Gonave Turmoil - Ezili Danto/HLLN understands that much of this
may not make sense to our non-Haitian friends. But time is of the essence
and this information is important to Haitians working on stopping the bloodshed

Check HLLN website for analysis and final report on the turmoil in Gonaives, the actors
involved, the rumors of President Preval "not doing well" and the UN show
of force and military operations in Port au Prince that is taking the lives
of dozens of Haitian civilians per week.


Here is the Kreyol original of Goinaves


Report of Turmoil in Gonaives, Haiti, July 14, 2006
(Levekampe Broadcast, the Masner Beauplan show, Haiti correspondent
direct from the streets of Haiti. Excerpt translated by Frantz Jerome, Ezili
Danto Witness Project)


Turmoil in Gonaives led, some say by Guy Philippe's soldiers

Interviewer: We learned that the situation is also tense in Gonaives?

Haiti Correspondent: Well in Gonaives the situation is tense since the beginning
of the world cup.... Commander Hypolithe, he had explained that there were
strong rumors that the assailants had promised that they would take
action after the world cup. According to statement that the commanding
officer of the area made to journalists, these guys [the assailants –
Guy Philippe’s soldiers] confronted the police for two hours, shooting it out with them. The
assailants are heavily armed and were shooting high calibers at the police precinct.

The commander criticized the Pakistani soldiers’ attitude, for their
failure to help them when they were under attack. He said that it was
thanks to the vigilance of the police officers and their determined
response to the assailants’ attempt to take the Gonaives police precinct,
that they were stopped. Still, he remarked that the band of criminals,
thugs and assailants ransacked the businesses of the area, robbing,
pillaging and destroying two cell phone companies and a variety of other

The inhabitants of Gonaives had sent an alert to the national police
and the government, asking that they put an end to the actions of the
assailants. Yesterday, they resumed their activities, wreaking havoc in
the areas of Jubile, Dekao and in Gonaives proper. Sustained gunfire was
heard throughout the night, last night, in Gonaives.

Interviewer: What will the end result be?

Haiti Correspondent: That remains the question! Later we learned that a contingent of
Peruvian soldiers are scheduled to arrive in Haiti. Many questions are being
asked. What richest is being distributed in Haiti? What exactly is it
that they are after? Is it because of the emeralds and gold sharing that
any and all foreign soldier wants to come to Haiti? Without a doubt,
the Peruvians as well are lining up to get their share of the richest
being looted in Haiti.

We know that Gonaives is a high-risk area, to raise the stakes, Ti Wil
(Front Rezistans - close to the assailants) made a statement to the
effect that he is gathering reinforcements with all the people he knows are
armed; the members of the Front Rezistans who are armed. Ti Wil
announced that he made a count of 300 Rezistans members who have arms and that
he will easily recuperate these arms. But our information is that there
are approximately 7,000 members of the Front Rezistans that are heavily
armed, in the Artibonite department, the North and Plato Santral
departments. They are very heavily armed! Even though [inaudible] Ferdinand
had hinted that he was ready to collaborate with the government on the
mater of disarmament, what is happening in Gonaives is self-evident.

End Of
Report. Translated by the Ezili Danto Witness Project.
Kreyol original


Ezili Danto's Note on this AHP July 12 report (copied below) on the donor conference. The report makes a statement, unrelated to the donor conference, which HLLN found important. So we highlight it for our Network.

AHP NEWS - 12 July 2006

Haitian donor conference: Highest authorities, including President
Preval, are committed to conferences success, says the coordinator of the technical secretariat

Port-au-Prince, 12 July 2006 (AHP) Anthony Dessources, the
coordinator of the technical secretariat for the next donors'
conference on Haiti, stated on Wednesday that preparations were going
as planned for this event scheduled for July 25 in Port-au-Prince.

This conference, which is simply an extension of the Interim Cooperation Framework (CCI)
scheduled to end in 2007, will be a high-level activity with the participation of Foreign Affairs ministers, Presidents of large international financial institutions like the World Bank, the IDB and other regional organizations,? stated Mr. Dessources who was
speaking during a program of the privately owned station, Radio Solidarity

This conference will be the occasion for the new government to "convince donors of the necessity to support efforts aimed at the economic and social development of the country," he said.

Anthony Dessources indicated that the government is taking this event seriously and is already adopting measures in order to ensure its success.

"The President of the Republic Rene Preval, Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis and other personalities and friends of the international community are directly getting involved in preparation for this conference," underlined the coordinator of the conferences' technical secretariat, taking advantage of the opportunity to also minimize rumors claiming that President Preval wasn't doing well. (Ezili Danto's note and emphasis. For a week now in Haiti, there has been persistent rumors that President Preval has been poisoned, has passed away or is sick by foul means. RUMORS. This is the first HLLN has seen it somewhat in writting. HLLN notes it only to contextualize the tensions running through the poor population in Haiti at the moment that may not be readily observable by those not in-the-know about this fear that someone, some-coup-d'etat somenone, who doesn't want President Preval to move into the National Palace, will hurt President Preval and blame it on the masses - scapegoating them and "lavalas" as has been done. We are informed that President Preval has not yet moved into the National Palace as the coup d'etat regime stole everything and left it in shambles. We are informed that even the toilet seats were taken.)

I worked on Tuesday and Wednesday with the head-of-state on the
entirety of the dossiers concerning this conference. He didn't seem to
me like someone who wasn't feeling well, Mr. Dessources stated while
questioning who profits from spreading such rumors.

In terms of the conference, Anthony Dessources stated that the government will
keep track of who was programmed into the conference within the
framework of the CCI, what was spent, what savings remain and to see
how such savings could be better used and redirected towards the
priorities of the government.

It will also be the occasion, he said, to see what kinds of funding can be mobilized within this framework to complete the programs and projects envisioned for President Preval's five-year term.

Invited to specify the amount already released by donors within the

CCI's framework, Anthony Dessources was careful not to comment since he wasn't sure of the numbers.

He stated however that there is a problem in following up when it
comes to this dossier.

Of the 1.2-billion dollars promised, 964-million were handed over
to the interim authorities over the past two years.

Stating that the authorities are conscious of serious socio-economic
problems that the majority of the population is exposed to, Mr. Dessources invited people to have confidence in the government, even if it must continue to demand changes peacefully.

He also expressed the desire that the competent authorities will manage to stop all acts of banditry that have been registered in the last few weeks throughout the country.

AHP 12 July 2006 11:30 AM


Chamber of Deputies Justice Commission meets with Justice Minister to discuss political prisoners and security

Port-au-Prince, 12 July 2006 (AHP) Members of the Chamber of Deputies Justice and Public Security Commission met on Wednesday with Justice Minister Rene Magloire and the Commissioner of the Port-au-Prince government to discuss the insecurity that prevails in the country and the question of prolonged preventive detention.

Several cases of violence were registered over the past weeks throughout the country, while hundreds of citizens are languishing unjustifiably behind bars for more than two years for largely political reasons.

The President of the Justice Commission, Patrick Domond (Lespwa), stated that the functioning of the Haitian judicial system was at the center of discussions.

"The Minister of Justice guaranteed that urgent measures are envisaged to resolve certain crucial problems confronting Haiti in the realm of justice," he said.

For his part, the vice-president of the commission, deputy Emmanuel Fritz Gerald Bourjoli (Fusion), indicated that around warrants have been issued against individuals accused of participating in the violence recorded last week in the Martissant quarter.

At least 20 people, including children were murdered by members of the Ti Machet [Little Machete] army, a group of bandits formed under the
interim regime that already carried out a
massacre of more than 10
persons in the same quarter of Grand Ravine in August 2005.

Emmanuel Fritz Gerald Bourjoli also asked for the liberation of all
political prisoners.

AHP 12 July 2006 2:35 PM


Murder and burglary in Gonaives: population demands the adoption of measures designed to put an end to the terror

Gonaives, 12 July 2006 (AHP) Over night Wednesday, unidentified
armed individuals shot dead a woman answering to the name Marie Claude

A son of the victim, Eval Bernard stated that his mother was killed
as a result of the climate of insecurity that reigns in the City of

On the same night, other armed individuals took money and other
valuable objects during a raid of a commercial enterprise in the city.

Residents in the city are calling for the adoption of measures to
end this situation of terror.

The executive-director for the National Commission on Justice and
Peace, Father Jean Hansens, argued that all sectors of national life must
pool their efforts to find a way of reigning in the phenomenon of
insecurity throughout the country.

Father Hansens, who was heading to Jacmel in the south-east of the
country, deplored the fact that certain segments of the population
were taking advantage of the poor conditions of life facing the
impoverished youth living in popular neighborhoods in order to feed the violence.

He took advantage of the occasion to plead in favor of profound
changes within the judicial apparatus and for the adoption of measures
aiming to professionalize the national police.

At the same time, dozens of weapons and munitions were discovered on
Tuesday at the EMT3 customs terminal of Port-au-Prince at Boulevard La

These weapons and munitions were handed over to the national police
following the decision of justice-of-the-peace Rochelle Augustin.

Customs director Erick Charles was careful not to make public the
names of those carrying the weapons or their owners in order not to block the
judicial inquiry.

AHP 12 July 2006 12:10 PM


Thousands seek Aristide's return to Haiti By STEVENSON JACOBS


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti -- Thousands of demonstrators demanding the return of ousted president Jean-Bertrand Aristide marched to Haiti's National Palace on Saturday, pushing past riot police in a dramatic show of support for the exiled former leader.

Chants of "Aristide or death!" and "Aristide's blood is our blood!" rang out
as a crush of demonstrators pressed against a line of national police, who eventually allowed some 3,000 protesters to fill the street outside the palace.

The march coincided with Aristide's 53rd birthday and marked the largest display of support in months for the deposed leader, who fled Haiti in February 2004 amid a violent uprising and has been living in South Africa.

Helmeted police wielding batons and riot shields formed a human chain to keep protesters from approaching the whitewashed National Palace, President Rene Preval's official residence, which was guarded by dozens of U.N. peacekeepers in armored cars.

Police pushed back several protesters but the confrontation did not escalate to violence. Still, the show of force prompted many to turn back, fearful of a clash.

"If there's blood it will be on your hands!" a man yelled at police before they yielded.
"We voted for Preval on the condition that he bring back Aristide. That's the will of the people," said Bruce Pierre Richard, 21.

Preval, a champion of Haiti's poor who took power in May, has said Haiti's constitution allows Aristide to return but has not said whether he would welcome him home. Preval was prime minister under Aristide but the two grew apart and Preval has said little since his election about his former political mentor, frustrating Aristide supporters.

AP Photo:Pro-Aristide supporters kiss an Aristide portrait during a demonstration demanding for the return of ousted president Jean Bertrand Aristide in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Saturday, July 15, 2006. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)


The United States has warned Aristide's return could destabilize the Caribbean country.

"The international community doesn't want Aristide to come back, so they're pressuring Preval to keep him out," said demonstrator Harold Lafaliese, 40.

The protest came amid a surge of bloodshed that U.N. officials say is aimed at undermining Preval's new government.

Most of the violence is blamed on warring street gangs, including last week's massacre of 22 civilians in Port-au-Prince's Martissant slum.

Militants in recent days have also spread rumors that Preval had died, cut telephone lines at Port-au-Prince's international airport and staged other disturbances to stir unrest, U.N. officials say.

U.N. officials have doubled patrols in the capital in a bid to crack down on the gangs, which operate with virtual impunity in Port-au-Prince's densely populated, maze-like slums.

Thousands march for exiled Aristide in Haiti
Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:40 AM BST
By Joseph Guyler Delva

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Reuters) - Thousands of supporters of exiled former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide took to the capital's streets on Saturday to call for his return and demand political prisoners be freed.

The protest in Port-au-Prince, which witnesses said included about 30,000 people, was largely peaceful apart from a brief stand-off with U.N. peacekeepers and riot police.
It was held on the 53rd birthday of Aristide, who is living in South Africa. Protesters danced to drums, chanted "Aristide is king" and sang happy birthday to the exiled leader.

"We want Aristide back because he is Haitian, not South African," said Jean Woody Pierre-Paul, a spokesman for the marchers.

The demonstrators called on newly elected President Rene Preval, a one-time ally of Aristide's, to free all political prisoners jailed under the previous interim administration of Prime Minister Gerard Latortue.

Latortue's unelected, U.S.-backed administration took over after Aristide fled an armed revolt in 2004. Preval in February became the impoverished and unstable Caribbean country's first elected leader since Aristide.

The crowd, mainly from the slums where Aristide and Preval drew most of their support, also called for public employees fired en masse by the Latortue government to be given back their jobs.

The United States, which exerts enormous influence in Haiti, has warned Preval that Aristide's return would destabilise Haiti.

A champion of the country's poor masses, the former Roman Catholic priest is deeply mistrusted by its wealthy elite and by conservatives in Washington.

The protesters almost clashed with police and U.N. peacekeepers when they were barred from approaching the presidential palace.

Most scattered when Haitian security forces pulled their guns and threatened to shoot. But several thousand protesters managed to force their way through.

"I can't believe that under Preval the population can be barred from demonstrating in front of the presidential palace," said Josias Mathurin, a protester. "We spent two years fighting the interim government to regain this right," he said.

Associated Press

Photo: AP. Pro-Aristide supporters confront Haitian police in front of the Presidential Palace on Saturday. (July 15, 2006)

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Thousands of demonstrators demanding the return of ousted president Jean-Bertrand Aristide marched to Haiti’s National Palace on Saturday, pushing past riot police in a dramatic show of support for the exiled former leader.

Chants of “Aristide or death!” and “Aristide’s blood is our blood!” rang out as a crush of demonstrators pressed against a line of national police, who eventually allowed 3,000 protesters to fill the street outside the palace.

The march coincided with Aristide’s 53rd birthday and marked the largest display of support in months for the deposed leader who fled Haiti in February 2004 amid a violent uprising and has been living in South Africa.

Helmeted police wielding batons and riot shields formed a human chain to keep protesters from approaching the National Palace, President Rene Preval’s official residence, which was guarded by dozens of U.N. peacekeepers in armored cars.

The United States has warned Aristide’s return could destabilize the Caribbean country.
“The international community doesn’t want Aristide to come back, so they’re pressuring Preval to keep him out,” said demonstrator Harold Lafaliese, 40.

The protest came amid a surge of bloodshed that U.N. officials say is aimed at undermining Preval’s government.

Most of the violence is blamed on warring street gangs, including last week’s massacre of 22 civilians in Port-au-Prince’s Martissant slum. Militants in recent days have also spread rumors that Preval had died, cut telephone lines at Port-au-Prince’s international airport and staged other disturbances to stir unrest, U.N. officials say.


Mobilisation du 15 Juillet 2006
Des organisations de base de Fanmi Lavalas

A l’occasion de l’anniversairede de naissance du Président Jean Bertrand Aristide
Défiant les menées intimidatrices des Forces de l’ordre, très tôt ce matin, une grande foule de personnes commença à se rassembler devant la résidence du Président Aristide à Tabarre. Les gens arrivaient de Pétion Ville et de ses environs, de tous les coins de Tabarre, de La Croix des Bouquets, de La Croix des Missions, de Butte Boyer, de la région de l’Aéroport …etc

Au même moment, la même situation se produisait devant le Théatre National, devant l’église Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours au Bel-Air, et au Carrefour de l’Aviation. Le 5e lieu de rassemblement initial, Cité Soleil, divisé en 3 grands zônes attendait l’arrivée de la foule compacte qui venait, selon les consignes, de Tabarre avec en tête Gwo Lobo en personne qui conduisait un mini mobile, sur lequel se trouvait tout le matériel de sonorisation, ainsi que des membres de la Cellule Nationale des Organisations Populaires: Base Fanmi Lavalas, dont: Jean Marie Samedi, le Coordonnateur National, Sony Orélien, René Civil.

On pouvait remarquer dans la foule d’autres membres de la Cellule comme Lesly Gustave, Danielle Jean Philippe, Deshommes Présengloire, Fritz Mercius, Jude Laporte, Mathurin Floriant, Franky Chevalier, Getro…; d’autres cadres comme Jean Marie Plantin, Phélito Doran, Dufort Milord, Lamour, Marc Forest Casséus…etc; des membres d’organisations des droits de l’homme comme Wilson Mésilien, Gilbert Elméus, Vaudrey Abellard ( Fondation Trente Septembre), Ronald Saint Jean CDPH/GDP (Comité de Défense des Droits du Peuple Haitien/ Groupe de Défense des Droits des Prisonniers Politiques. Beaucoup d’épouses des prisonniers politiques étaient présentes (GDP), ainsi que les candidats de Fanmi Lavalas pour les prochaines élections municipales et locales de la zône métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince comme Roger Millien, Claudy Sidney, Gabriel Excellent, Dupiton Joseph, pour ne citer que ceux-là. Aucun parlementaire élu de Fanmi Lavalas pour la 48e législature, n’était présent.

Plusieurs bandes à pied animaient le “Manman Pinmba”, c’est à dire, une plus grande foule encore, constituée de gens habitant Cité Soleil, renforcée par plusieurs milliers de gens qui sont arrivés de Tabarre. Lorsque Lavalas quittait la cité, pour regagner la rue, en direction du Bel-Air, c’était comme une interminable chenille qui se détirait tout le long de la Nationale #1, depuis le Réservoir d’eau Principal de Cité Soleil, construite par le Président Jean Bertrand Aristide, à la grande stupéfaction des soldats de la MINUSTHA, qui se positionnaient pour photographier, en même temps qu’ils étaient, eux aussi, photographiés, par des éléments de la foule soit avec des caméras photo, soit avec des caméras vidéo. On avait l’impression qu’il ne restait plus personne à Cité Soleil et que toute la Cité était dans la rue pour dire “Bonne Fete” au President Titid, leur Idole, leur Leader, leur Roi, disaient-ils.

La Cellule Nationale de Réflexion des Organisations Populaires : Base Fanmi Lavalas, avec l’encadrement d’une petite équipe constituée de cadres de Fanmi Lavalas, qui vivaient en exil, avait lancé, et planifié cette grande mobilisation. La Cellule avait rempli toutes les formalités légales 5 jours à l’avance. La veille de la Manif, dans l’après midi, une correspondance signée du Directeur Général de la Police Nationale, remise au local de la Fondation Aristide, siège provisoire de Fanmi Lavalas, et distribuée à la presse, apprenait que les autorités policières exigeaient que:

1- La manif prenne fin à 1:00 h au lieu de 3:00 h.

2- La police a apporté des modifications au parcours de la Manif.

3- La Manif doit prendre fin devant l’église Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours au Bel-Air et non devant le Palais National tel que prévu, discuté et accepté précédemment.

Trois jours avant la manif et sans répit, les soldats de la MINUSTHA ont créé un climat de tension dans les quartiers de Cité Soleil, de Pelé, de Simon…etc en tirant avec des fusils d’assaut partout et blessant plusieurs personnes. Il y eut un mort à Cité Soleil et plusieurs blessés graves parmis les soldats de la MINUSTHA, contingent brésilien basé à Cité Soleil, qui ont remplacé les Jordaniens. Les Brésiliens blessés ont été transportés d’urgence en République Dominicaine pour être soigné.

Selon le nouveau Ministre de l’Intérieur, le Professeur Paul Antoine Bien-Aimé, des rumeurs faisaient croire que des individus s’apprétaient à commettre des actes de violence au centre ville de Port-au-Prince, pendant la fin de semaine. En conséquence le Ministre informe qu’il a passé des instructions aux forces de l’ordre pour une intervention rapide en vue de maitriser et d’arrêter tous les fauteurs de trouble. A la question d’un journaliste, au sujet de la manif des organizations de base de Fanmi Lavalas, il ajouta avec précaution : ”Cependant, il ne faut pas confondre les groupes qui ont des revendications justes, avec des fauteurs de troubles qui ne jurent que par la violence.”

Nous avons également appris que de l’argent a été distribué pour porter les bandes à pied de la capitale à se rendre à Saut d’Eau au lieu de rester à Port-au-Prince pour la fin de semaine. Sur la route de carrefour, par exemple, plusieurs groupes de camarades qui se rendaient à pied au Centre-Ville pour rejoindre le point de rassemblement devant le Théatre National, ont été contraint par la police de rebrouser chemin, malgré qu’ils fussent en possession d’une copie de la lettre (avec avis de réception) notifiant aux autorités la tenue de la manifestation.

En tout, selon les autorités plus de 2500 soldats de la MINUSTHA et de policiers Haitiens ont été mobilisés pour la circonstance. Nous pensons que c’etait beaucoup plus pour intimider les manifestants que pour les protéger.

A plusieurs reprises tout au long du parcours, des chars blindés et des camions de transport de troupes de la MINUSTHA, avec des soldats visiblement en position de tir, firent irruption dans la foule. Il y eut un mouvemnet de panique qui affecta un peu une partie de la foule dans le quartier du Bel-Air. Des individus isolés ont tiré blessant un manifestant et les soldats de la MINUSTHA ont envoyé des grenades lacrimogènes.

Cela n’a pas ébranlé la foule qui fit fi des injonctions de la Police, passa devant Perpétuel et continua sa route, imperturbable, en direction du Palais National. Avant l’angle des rues Montalais et Pavée, où se trouvait un barrage, constitué de 2 autobus de la Police et des policiers de la Compagnie d’Intervention et de Maintien de l’Ordre (CIMO), la foule bifurqua vers la rue des Miracles pour éviter ce barrage. Elle s’est retrouvée face à un autre barrage de policiers (une quinzaine) montés à bord de 2 Toyota Land Cruiser, à la rue Geffrard, angle de la rue Pavée, qu’elle n’eut aucun mal à forcer. Un dernier et pas des moindres, a été le barrage qui se trouvait devant l’ancien Grand Quartier Général qui bloquait tout accès pour arriver devant le Palais National. Au moins 1500 soldats de la Force d’occupation de l’ONU et policiers Haitiens étaient déployés dans l’aire du Palais National. Encore une fois, avec sagesse, avec intelligence, la foule, sans violence et sans le moindre incident réussit à tromper la vigilance des forces de l’ordre, à passer et à arriver jusque devant les grilles du Palais National. Là, un message de circonstance a été délivré par le Porte-Parole de la Cellule Roody Pierre-Paul.

“Mision accomplie”, disaient certains.

“Victoire”, criaient d’autres.

“ Men Lavalas-la, Men Lavalas-la. Sa-a se twokèt-la, Chay la dèyè,” répétaient d’autres, en chantant et à gorge déployée.

Cette première manche pour la relance de la mobilisation stoppée depuis le mois de Mai 2005 a été une véritable réussite avec plus de 700.000 à 800.000 personnes dans les rues.
Les revendications étaient les suivantes:

1- Retour immédiat du Président Aristide,

2- Libération immédiate et sans condition des prisonniers politiques,

3- Cessation de la répression (reprise par les blancs et des groupes paramilitaires liés au régime de facto), dans les quartiers populaires,

4- Levée des mandats d’arrestation illégaux et revanchards émis par le gouvernement de persécution nationale Boniface/Latortue, à l’encontre de militants politiques de Fanmi Lavalas,

5- Réintégration au niveau de la fonction publique, des employés illégalement révoqués,

6- Arrestation et jugement de ceux qui sont impliqués dans différents massacres contre la population, assassinats de policiers, mise à sac et incendie de batiments publics et de commissariats de Police, avant et après le 29 Février 2004.

Pour ce Grand Jour les manifestants voulaient également souhaiter BONNE FETE au Président Titid. Beaucoup de pancartes et de banderoles avec des slogans: BONNE FETE Titid, BON RETOUR Titid étaient visibles sur tout le long du parcours.

La Presse Nationale et la Presse Internationale ont donné une très large couverture à cette activité. Plusieurs Station de Radio de la Capitale ont retransmis en direct toutes les phases de la Manifestation. Les journalistes Haitiens se trouvant à Miami, à New-York, à Montréal…etc n’ont pas cessé d’appeler au téléphone certains camarades, pour avoir des reportages.

Tous les membres de la Cellule Nationale de Réflexion des Organisations Populaires: Base Fanmi Lavalas et presque toute la petite équipe travaillant au renforcement de Fanmi Lavalas, constituée de la Porte-Parole du President Aristide, Dr Maryse Narcisse et de plusieurs autres cadres de Fanmi Lavalas (Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, Duclot Bénissoit, Euvonie G. Auguste, Paulette Joseph, Jean Yvon Kernizan, Gladice Delouis Simon) ont fait le parcours avec les manifestants. Il était 2:45 h p.m. lorsque, au nom de la Cellule, Roody Pierre-Paul mit fin à la Manif.

Une réunion d’évaluation de cette grande activité est prévue pour ce Lundi 17 Juillet 2006, et une Conférence de Presse Bilan sera donnée le Mardi 18 Juillet 2006, au local de la Fondation Aristide pour la Démocratie à Tabarre.

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine

The organizers of a peaceful march are pleased that more than 30,000 people demonstrated to demand the return of the political exiles and better living conditions in Haiti, July 17, 2006 (AHP)

Massacre of Haiti innocents

The shaky peace that has held since February's election was shattered two days ago by a shanty town bloodbath of men, women and children, reports Reed Lindsay in Port-au-Prince

Sunday July 16, 2006
The Observer


The killings began before dawn. Men armed with automatic rifles walked through the hillside slum of Grand Ravine, warning of a fire and yelling for residents to come out of their cinder-block and sheet-metal shacks. Those who obeyed were gunned down.

Several hours later, Haitian morgue workers and UN peacekeepers from Sri Lanka piled bodies in one of the slum's main thoroughfares, a rocky stream bed at the bottom of the ravine after which the neighbourhood is named. The body count totalled 21, including three women and four children. Most of the victims were killed with a bullet to the head.

Yves Jean-Philippe, a 56-year-old street vendor, was found in a dirt courtyard, his eye socket ripped apart by a bullet. Alnosia Desir, wife of a Christian pastor, was shot in the mouth and throat in her bedroom. The body of Jean Willerme Sanon, 12, lay face down on a twisting pathway, his head split in half.

July 6, 2005 UN Massacre of Haitian civilians in Sitey Soley, including the murder of Dred Wilme, 1year old Nelson, his mother, Sonia Romelus, and 4-year brother.


'What is shocking is that all victims appear to have been innocents. We're talking about women and little children - these were no bandits,' said Jean Gabriel Ambrose, the Port-au-Prince JP whose job is to verify the names and ages of victims of violent crimes, along with the cause of death, before the bodies are taken to the morgue.

The massacre was as unexpected as it was gruesome. For several weeks, rival gangs had exchanged fire in a turf war over control of the slum. But the massacre that took place last Friday was so arbitrary - family members, neighbours, human rights observers and police all agree the victims were not gang members - that UN and Haitian officials believe it may have been in part an attempt to destabilise the newly elected government of President Rene Preval.

'I don't believe it was a spontaneous attack,' said Desmond Molloy, who heads the UN's disarmament, demobilisation and re-integration programme in Haiti. 'This massacre creates an atmosphere of fear and, when people are afraid, it's very hard to establish any degree of stability.'

The killings in Grand Ravine have shattered five months of relative peace that had followed Preval's landslide victory on 7 February. The election marked the first sign of improvement after two years of severe crisis and violence that followed US Marines whisking former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide into exile in February 2004.

Preval came to power supported by many members of Haiti's tiny but powerful elite. The daily firefights between UN peacekeepers and armed groups loyal to Aristide in the sprawling slum of Cite Soleil stopped, and a surge in kidnappings that had panicked foreigners and Haiti's small number of middle and upper classes abated.

In Grand Ravine and the neighbouring slum of Martissant, opposing gangs made peace during a 19 March football match sponsored by the UN. But the truce did not last long. 'In recent weeks, we'd been aware of a heightening of tensions among the gangs along political and territorial lines,' said Molloy.

On one side was a gang based in Grand Ravine associated with Aristide's Lavalas party. On the other were two allied gangs in neighbouring slums, one based in an area called Ti Bwa, while the second was opposed to Aristide and called the Little Machete Army. The latter earned its name at another football match in Martissant in August 2005 that ended in bloodshed when police officers began shooting in the stadium and the machete-wielding gang hacked to death the fleeing spectators.

Both residents of Grand Ravine and Haitian government officials blame the Little Machete Army and the Ti Bwa gang for the massacre last Friday. What remains a mystery is what provoked these gangs to murder more than 20 innocent people.

Haitian police chief Mario Andresol suspects the attack is related to the killings at last year's football match, which appeared to be a joint effort by the Little Machete Army, backed by rogue police officers, to eliminate the Grand Ravine gang. Andresol arrested 15 police officers for their alleged participation in the stadium killings, but the judge handling the case has since released most of them, including two senior officers, Renan Etienne and Carlo Lochard.

Some residents of Grand Ravine accuse Lochard of reuniting with the Machete Army since his release. 'The same police officers who made the alliance with the Machete Army are the ones who helped commit the massacre,' said Joseph Albert, an unemployed resident of Grand Ravine. 'Lochard has given them guns and money.'

Andresol was confirmed by the senate to continue his term as police chief the day before the massacre occurred, leading some observers to speculate that the killings represented a warning to him.

Since the massacre, Sri Lankan peacekeepers have so far managed to ward off more violence. But dozens, perhaps hundreds, of the area's poor residents have fled anyway.
The UN and Haitian police have launched an investigation into the massacre, but hopes of identifying those who pulled the trigger, not to mention those who provided the guns, remain dim.

'This is my 13th conflict, and it's been the toughest one to find out what's really going on,' said Molloy, a former Irish army officer who headed the UN's disarmament programme in Sierra Leone before coming to Haiti in 2004. 'It's very difficult to nail down the motives behind actions in Haiti and there's often a mix of political, economic and territorial motives at play.'



Haitian Children Put in Chains by the Whites (Listen to Kreyol Audio)


Gang killings may be political
Published July 14, 2006

AUMOHD's Preliminary Report on July 7, 2006 Gran Ravine Massacre

“Daddy, its goats or pigs that I have seen cut up before. How come they are cutting
up people now?" (Horrified exclamation of a traumatized young Haitian boy watching
the Grand Ravine Massacre on Sunday, August 21, 2005) Ezili Danto report on Aug.
Grand Ravine slaughter at USAID-sponsored soccer match Ezili Danto
Project | August 25, 2005




4, Delmas 47 et Rue BOUKMAN
Phone : (509) 2133089 / 424 33 34
Email : aumohddwamoun@yahoo.fr

AUMOHD's Preliminary Report on July 7, 2006 Gran Ravine Massacre

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!

"When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped...........If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is a compromise." Robert Fritz

HLLN's controvesy
with Marine
US occupiers
Lt. Col. Dave Lapan faces off with the Network
Solidarity Day Pictures & Articles
May 18, 2005
Pictures and Articles Witness Project
Drèd Wilme, A Hero for the 21st Century


Pèralte Speaks!

Yvon Neptune's
Letter From Jail
April 20, 2005

(Kreyol & English)
Click photo for larger image
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme - on "Wanted poster" of suspects wanted by the Haitian police.
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme speaks:
Radio Lakou New York, April 4, 2005 interview with Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme

Crucifiction of
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme,
a historical

Urgent Action:
Demand a Stop
to the Killings
in Cite Soleil

Sample letters &
Contact info
Denounce Canada's role in Haiti: Canadian officials Contact Infomation

Urge the Caribbean Community to stand firm in not recognizing the illegal Latortue regime:

Selected CARICOM Contacts
zilibutton Slide Show at the July 27, 2004 Haiti Forum Press Conference during the DNC in Boston honoring those who stand firm for Haiti and democracy; those who tell the truth about Haiti; Presenting the Haiti Resolution, and; remembering Haiti's revolutionary legacy in 2004 and all those who have lost life or liberty fighting against the Feb. 29, 2004 Coup d'etat and its consequences
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