Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme - on "Wanted poster" of suspects wanted by the Haitian police.  
Click photo for larger image

Emmanuel Dread Wilme Reported killled by UN troops July 6, 2005

See Democracy Now!: Eyewitness report)
Demand a Stop to the killings in Cite Soleil
Please send appeals immediately
See Urgent Action Alert

Drèd Wilme was reported assassinated by the UN occupation forces in Haiti on Wednesday, July 6, 2005. But he's been falsely reported
dead before. Haitians with faith still know that long after the hired triggermen who are shooting the people of Cite Soleil and even at Wilme, are dust in the wind, Drèd Wilme's deeds, the people of Haiti's resistance to tyranny, will live on, in all Haitians, for all peoples on this globe, who resist Euro/US-led greed, racism and tyranny against the poor and African on this planet.

The Haitian resistance against the Western bicentennial re-colonization of Haiti lives on. Below, we bring again the voice of Drèd Wilme, speaking a few days after the Apaid-hired-gun, Labanye, was killed and the UN occupation troops themselves had entered Site Soleil to continue the Haitian extermination campaign begun when the U.S. Marines kidnapped President Aristide and exiled him from his country. Drèd Wilme was announced dead on July 6, 2005, the same day that US CIA asset and the real killer and Haitian bandit, Guy Phillipe, announced his candidacy for President of Haiti. Guy Phillipe is a terrorists to the majority of Haitians thus, naturally he's a "freedom fighter" for Roger Noreiga, James Foley, Haiti Democracy Project, NED, IRI and their Group 184 lackeys.

Drèd Wilme represent(ed) Haiti's manhood, its courage and commitment to liberty. He stood, as a lone fighter, a father to the Haitians in Site Soleil without defenders against the most powerfully armed nations on earth. Wilme lasted without resources for more than 16months evading the biggest manhunt in the Western Hemisphere led against Haitian self-determination by the alien and foreign occupying forces. But because Dred Wilme could not, like Guy Phillipe be bought off by a U.S. dollar, he was a terrorist for the aims of U.S. Ambassador Foley and right wing Cuban-American hater of indigenous self-rule, Roger Noreiga. Haitians throughout Haiti and the Diaspora embrace Wilme as they do Kapwa Lamò and Charlemagne Peralte. None of those calling Drèd Wilme "bandit" have ever shown he traveled outside his community to attack either the foreigner who came to kill him in his own home, nor the morally repugnant Haitian bourgeoisie who paid assassins to destroy his community, his nation. In contrast to the bi-centennial Coup D'etat traitors, Drèd Wilme is known to the people in his community as a defender of the defenseless and poor. Again, we say, as we did last April, Wilme covered himself in glory because he added value in his own community, and if, in fact, he lives no more, he joins the line going back to that first Neg and Negès Ginen who can only - depi lan Guinen - live free or die. That unborn spirit, that Haitian soul, cannot die. It's rising.

Èzili Dantò
Li led li la
July 8, 2005

by Èzili Dantò)

Cite Soleil Community Turns Out En Masse For Funeral of Dread Wilme

Credible Estimates of Civilian Casualties during July 6th UN Military Operation in Cite Soleil Continue to Mount

US Labor and Human Rights Delegation
July 9th, Port-au-Prince

For further information, contact Delegation Member Seth Donnelly: 650-814-8495
Hundreds of people of all ages turned out for the funeral of Dread Wilme, a leader of the Cite Soleil community in Port-au-Prince. Wilme was reportedly killed in a UN military operation in Cite Soleil during the early morning hours of Wednesday, July 6th. The funeral ceremony was held in the street and involved speeches by community activists, music, dancing, and carrying a coffin to the people. White banners were draped up and down one of the main streets in the community. Media, mostly Haitian, were present.

Speakers expressed respect for Wilme as someone who embodied the hopes of the community, someone who attempted to stand up for and protect his community. They vowed to continue the struggle for the rights of the poor in Haiti to healthcare, education, and democracy. In this spirit, they also vowed to fight for the return of President Aristide. One young female speaker stirred the crowd with her words affirming the dignity of the people of Cite Soleil and their rights to be treated as human beings.

Another speaker addressed the issue of kidnappings in Haiti, claiming that they were being used by the coup regime to scapegoat poor communities like Cite Soleil. Armed young men seemed to provide security for the ceremony.

At least twice during the service, people began to urgently run away, turning into a collective stampede, when rumors circulated that MINUSTAH forces were coming. MINUSTAH APCs (tanks) were stationed at several checkpoints in the neighborhood. People appeared to be terrified of MINUSTAH forces.

One older, Haitian-American woman who recently moved to Cite Soleil one month ago to practice her ministry gave an interview to a US human rights delegation and Haitian journalists, stating that the youth of Cite Soleil are not animals or "chimeres", but intelligent human beings who are struggling to deal with the most harsh oppression.

She described Dread Wilme as someone who worked on behalf of these youth, providing them with education and food when the larger society was willing to throw them away.

Credible Estimates of Casualties During the July 6th UN Military Operation in Cite Soleil

Continue to Mount

In contrast to the claim made by the UN high military command in Haiti that they were unaware of any civilian casualties from Cite Soleil during the July 6th operation, the staff at the Medecines Sans Frontieres Hospital in Port-au-Prince reported that they received a wave of wounded civilians from Cite Soleil on July 6th. This is one of the few, if not the only hospitals in Port-au-Prince where people can from Cite Soleil can go because it provides free health care.

Ali Besnaci, "Chef de Mission" of the Medecins Sans Frontieres program and hospital staff member Olivia Gayraud met with a US and Haitian human rights team on July 9th, sharing the hospital registry records with the team. The records indicate that on July 6th, starting at approximately 11 AM, the hospital received a total of 26 wounded people from Cite Soleil who were transported to the facility by Red Cross "tap taps" (local trucks). Of these 26, 20 were women and children and 6 were men. Half of the total number were seriously wounded by abdominal gun shot wounds and were routed into major surgery. One pregnant woman lost her baby. Other victims seem to be in recovery, according to the hospital staff. All reported that they had been wounded by UN military forces during the operation and some spoke of their homes being destroyed.

This number of 26 stands in contrast to the hospital's records of Cite Soleil residents admitted on other days when the figures are much lower, such as 2 people on July 7th and none on July 8th. One Haitian human rights worker present during the meeting with the hospital staff speculated that the number of men from Cite Soleil who were admitted to the hospital was low because many men would fear being arrested by the authorities while in the hospital.

Meanwhile, one Haitian journalist who was an eyewitness to the damages in Cite Soleil on the morning of July 26th claims that he personally saw 20 bodies, and that 5 additional victims were buried by their families, and that 5 families were searching for loved ones who have been missing since the morning of July 6th. Additionally, a Reuters reporter covering Dread Wilme's funeral told a human rights team that he had personally seen and taken pictures of 7 bodies when he entered Cite Soleil at some point after the operation. Moreover, he took video footage of gun shots through roofs in the community, indicating that perhaps there had been helicopter fire from UN forces, as many community members allege. The US human rights team also saw what appeared to be many gun shot holes through the roof of a community school and an adjacent building.

Another estimate on the death toll from one community member who spoke during the funeral ceremony ranges as high as 80 community members killed.

********** DREAD WILME SPEAKS**********************
"Lakou New York" April 4th, 2005 interview with Dread Wilme

"Lakou New York" April 4th, 2005 interview with Dread Wilme

L-NY: We have on the line with us Drèd Wilmè, a
Lavalas militant and activist in Site Solèy where
today there is a massive repression against the
population being carried out by United Nations
MINUSTHA forces along with the Haitian National
Police. Drèd Wilmè, can you tell the New York area
Haitian community through "Lakou New York" at Radio
Lakay how is the situation today in Site Solèy?

D. Wilmè: Well, the situation is very serious not just
in Site Solèy but all over Haiti, in Site Solèy, in
Bèlè, in Lasalin, as well as Solino, Granravin and
elsewhere in all the 9 departments of the country. The
way things are in the country today, journalists are
being killed, school children are being killed,
business people are being killed. Many people who
would have been useful to the country are being
killed. As Lavalas militants throughout all the parts
of the country, all 9 departments and even in the 10th
department we are standing up to defend our rights, to
demand that President Aristide return to the country
and for us to live in peace because without President
Aristide there can be no peace. The government that is
here right now is doing only one thing: killing people
all over the country. The Haitian National Police has
forgotten that it was the people who called for the
army to be done with so we could have this Police. The
people and the Police are brothers and sisters. The
Police should not listen to the bourgeoisie and take
Andy Apaid and Charles Henri Baker's money to kill
people in Site Solèy. Many people have already been
killed, children, school kids and even people praying
inside churches have been shot. This is the climate we
are living under today in Site Solèy.

L-NY: Compatriot, we have learned that since
Thursday, after the news came out that Labanyè was
killed many many people are in tears because they no
longer have Labanyè to keep the people of Site Solèy
in check for them. Many people are saying that this is
the real reason why MINUSTHA is killing the people of
Site Solèy, to avenge Labanyè's death. What is your
view on this?

D. Wilmè: The way we see it, it is these big shots who
used to pay Labanyè to shoot demonstrators in Site
Solèy where whenever we held demonstrations Labanyè
himself came out to shoot at the demonstrators. He was
doing the work of Andy Apaid and Charles Henri Baker.

You see, these big shots if they really had a vision,
a plan to help Site Solèy this is not the way they
would behave. Today, Site Solèy is living in filth.

Today the people of Site Solèy are living in dirt. The
people cannot eat. They are hungry. Children cannot go
to school. These people who were saying that they had
the support of Labanyè, they should know that Labanyè
did not represent the masses of the people. Labanyè
was nothing inside of Site Solèy. All alone, Labanyè
could not have taken all of Site Solèy hostage because
by himself he was weak. We have to be honest and admit
that by himself Labanyè could not have held the masses
of Site Solèy hostage. They have to admit that Labanyè
did not represent Site Solèy. Labanyè was just in one
of the neighborhoods of Site Solèy which is the
largest ghetto in Haiti. They have to face this fact.

Today we are facing severe repression by the National
Police and the MINUSTHA where they are saying that
this is because of Labanyè but our demonstrations have
only just begun. We are demanding the physical return
of President Aristide immediately. Today, Site Solèy
is whole. There is no longer 33 neighborhoods on one
side and 1 on another. All 34 neighborhoods are united
and we are demonstrating peacefully to demand the
physical return of President Aristide to Haiti. If the
bourgeoisie wanted to do something for the people of
Site Solèy, this is not the way they woud go about
doing it because they have never done anything to
benefit the people of Site Solèy. They want the people
to be their slaves. They want the people to go and
vote but to continue living in the same conditions we
are living in today. We have been living for 1 year
now under this defacto government which is destroying
the country. 95% of the people from the masses who
were working government jobs have been fired. Children
cannot go to school. Students cannot advance in their
studies. We are wondering just how far this crisis
will be allowed to go. All of this is why we are in
the streets, demonstrating and demanding the physical
return of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Haiti
immediately. This is the only issue the people are
interested in today. Aristide is the one who can save
Haiti from all its woes.

L-NY: Drèd Wilmè, tell us what's been happening this
past weekend in Site Solèy. We understand that there
were major attacks which have taken place and we heard
that you were on the phone with a radio station in
Port-au-Prince where you said that the MINUSTHA was
shooting tear gas at the people. Tell us what's
happening inside Site Solèy today.

D. Wilmè: MINUSTAH has been shooting tear gas on the
people. There are children who have died from the gas
and some people inside churches have been shot. The
Red Cross was with us. The Red Cross was just here and
might have just gone on to pick up more children and
adults who have gotten shot. The Red Cross is the only
one helping us. The MINUSTAH soldiers remain hidden in
their tanks and just aim their guns and shoot the
people. They shoot people selling in the streets. They
shoot people just walking in the streets. They shoot
people sitting and selling in the marketplace.
MINUSTHA must understand that the people in the
streets are the masses of the people. They say that
these people are "chimè" but they are not "chimè".

They are the masses of the people fighting for their
rights and demanding the return of President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Haiti. Inside Site Solèy
today we are facing a very serious climate of terror
where many people have been killed and many children
have been shot. We are asking for support because
President Aristide must come back for peace to reign
in Haiti.

L-NY: We know that there is a huge protest planned
for April 7th. This will be the first large protest
since Labanyè has been gone, will there be a large
turnout from Site Solèy to join with Bèlè and Kafou?
What we are hearing is that this demonstration will be
more like a tsunami rather than a lavalas.

D. Wilme: Well there is no doubt about that because
when the Lavalas is flowing there is nothing that can
hold us back. They know what Lavalas is all about.

Lavalas remains very powerful. All 34 neighborhoods of
Site Solèy will be mobilizing. It will be a huge
demonstration because everyone is planning to march on
the city. Site Solèy will move to join with Bèlè,
Granravin, Solino, Lasalin, etc., all the popular
neighborhoods so that all together the people will
take the streets on the 7th of April to demand with
one voice the immediate return of President Aristide
to Haiti.

L-NY: Drèd Wilmè, many people are not clear about
the exact relationship which exists between you, the
militants of Lavalas in Site Solèy, Lavalas in general
and Grenn Sonnen. Can you tell us the nature of this
relationship? Are both of you fighting for the same

D. Wilmè: This is a very important question. The
relationship between us and Grenn Sonnen is a question
we will answer today. For our part, we are engaged in
a people's struggle where we are fighting for the
return of President Aristide in Haiti. Grenn Sonnen
used to work for the Lavalas Government. Right now he
claims to be fighting as a former FADH soldier to
defend the rights of the former soldiers. That is the
difference between us. We do not have any form of
contact with Grenn Sonnen. The former soldiers who are
involved with him in his fight believed that the
defacto government would be doing good things for the
country. Later, they realized that this is a criminal
government which is killing people left and right.

This government lied to them and is killing their
brother soldiers. Those former soldiers have now taken
up arms against this government and they are asking
for it to be removed from power. As Lavalas militants,
we are also demanding the departure of the defacto
government. We demand the physical return of President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide. We do not know whether they
are also for the President's return but us, the
Haitian people, the people of Site Solèy, Bèlè,
Granravin etc., all of the 10th department and all 9
departments of the country we are fighting for the
physical return of President Aristide to Haiti. I
cannot tell you anything about their ideology whether
they are for the return or not but for us our purpose
is clear.

L-NY: Do you have any last words for the Haitian
community listening to you over the internet and all
over the world over the internet?

D. Wilmè:
My last words to the Haitian community of
New York and all over the 10th department is that they
must remain mobilized. We are asking all Haitians,
those who become U.S. citizens, those who were born
overseas, those who have been over there 13, 14, 15
years, we are asking all of them to remain mobilized,
to demonstrate peacefully wherever they are in the
10th department to demand the immediate physical
return of President Aristide. They must speak to
President Bush and as people of the United States
demand the return of President Aristide to Haiti. We
are sending our respects to all of you in the 10th
department who are standing firm in the struggle for
the immediate return of President Jean-Bertrand
Aristide to Haiti.

L-NY: Thank you very much compatriot.

D. Wilmè: Thank you very much compatriot.

Lakou New York is a grassroots initiative to bring
alternative news, interviews, and news analysis to the
New York area Haitian community and beyond. We work to
give voice and to amplify the voices of those who have
always been marginalized. "Lakou New York" does not
claim to be an objective source of information. We
stand squarely on the side of the masses of the
Haitian people and the poor and marginalized all over
the world who as much as they are being oppressed
fight every day to create another world. We challenge
our community to assume their responsibility, which is
the challenge of the Haitian Revolution.
To check out our work, go to www.lakounewyork.com

Kreyol original of Lakou New York Interview with Drèd

Entèvyou "Lakou New York" ak Drèd Wilmè 4 Avril 2005

L-NY: Nou genyen nan liy nan ak nou Drèd Wilmè,
militant, aktivis ki nan Site Solèy k ap fè fas la
jodi a ak yon kokenn represyon bò kote MINUSTHA ak
Lapolis. Dread Wilme, èske ou ka pale ak kominote
Ayisyen nan New York atravè emisyon "Lakou New York"
ki nan Radio Lakay, di nou kouman sitiyasyon an ye
jodi a?

D. Wilmè: Bon, sitiyasyon an pou jan l reprezante
kounye a anndan peyi d Ayiti, se pa sèlman nan Site
Solèy, li reprezante yon gwo klima pou peyi d Ayiti.

Site Solèy, Bèlè, Lasalin kankou Solino, Granravin,
elatriye ak tout 9 depatman an. Jan peyi a ye jounen
jodi a, jounalis ap tonbe. Elèv lekòl ap tonbe. Moun
ki gen biznis ap tonbe. Lè nou gade nou wè anpil moun
serye ki ka itil peyi a jodi a, se moun sa yo k ap
tonbe. Nou menm militan Lavalas anndan peyi d Ayiti,
nan 4 kwen peyi a, tout 9 depatman jiska dizyèm
depatman, nou wè jan peyi a tonbe la se peyi pa nou l
ye antan Ayisyen, nou revandike dwa nou kote n ap di
pou Prezidan Aristide retounen e pou kapab gen lapè
paske san Prezidan Aristide pa ka gen lapè paske
kounye a la gouvènman sa k la se moun l ap detwi
anndan peyi a. Polis Nasyonal la bliye si se Pèp la ki
te rele kraze lame a bay polis la. Noumenm ansanm ak
Polis la se frè ak sè. Fòk Polis la pa koute
laboujwazi pou l ap pran kòb nan men Andy Apaid ak
Charles Henri Baker pou vin detwi Pèp Site Solèy. Se
nan kontèks sa nou gen latriye moun ki gen tan mouri
deja, timoun ki gen tan mouri, elèv lekòl epi gen menm
moun ki anndan legliz ki pran bal nan Site Solèy.

Jounen jodi se konsa n ap sibi yon gwo klima anndan
Site Solèy.

L-NY: Konpatriyòt, nou aprann depi Jedi, apre nouvèl
la te soti ke Labanyè te tonbe genyen anpil anpil moun
k ap plenyen nan peyi a kòmkwa yo pa ta genyen Labanyè
pou asire Site a anfavè yo jodi a. Anpil moun di se
pou sa MNUSTHA ap fè represyon an, kidonk se yon
revanj k ap tire. Kijan noumenm nou wè koze a?

D. Wilmè Jan nou wè koze a, si genyen gwo bwa sa yo
ki te konn ap bay Labanyè kòb pou te tire sou
manifestasyon k ap fèt jounen jodi a tout sa k ap pase
atravè Site Solèy kote lè nou met manifestasyon deyò
se Labanyè ki parèt an pèsòn k al tire sou
manifestasyon yo. Li mache avèk Andy Apaid ak Charles
Henri Baker. Enben gran nèg sa yo si yo te gen yon
vizyon pou Site Solèy se pa konsa yo ta fè bagay la.

Site Solèy ap viv sou fatra jounen jodi a. Pèp Site
Solèy ap viv sou pousyè jounen jodi. Pèp la pa ka
manje. Pèp la grangou. Timoun pa ka al lekòl. Jounen
jodi anndan Site Solèy, nèg sa yo ki di yo te gen apui
Labanyè, enben Labanyè pa yon mas Pèp. Labanyè pa t
anyen anndan Site Solèy. Labanyè pa t ka rete pou l t
ap fè tout pil pou l te ka mete Pèp la an otaj paske
Labanyè pou kont li mezanmi li fèb. An nou pran
konsyans pou wè si sèl ti Labanyè te ka mete yon mas
Pèp konsa an otaj. Jounen jodi Pèp la revandike dwa l.

Se pou sa yo di ke MINUSTHA ansanm ak Polis Nasyonal
la ap tire revanj pou Labanyè. Fò yo rekonèt byen
Labanyè pa t reprezante Site Solèy. Labanyè se te nan
yonn nan katye nan Site Solèy yo l te ye paske Site
Solèy se pi gwo bidonvil ki gen nan peyi d Ayiti. Fòk
yo rekonèt sa byen. Jounen jodi nou wè n ap sibi gwo
represyon anba men Polis Nasyonal la avèk MINUSTHA
kote yo di se pou Labanyè, enben noumenm nou fenk kare
manifeste. N ap mande retou fizik Prezidan
Jean-Bertrand Aristide prese prese. Site Solèy la fè
yon sèl. Pa genyen 33 katye ankò paske nou tou l 34
katye yo nou tout fè yon sèl kote n ap manifeste
pasifikman n ap mande retou fizik Prezidan
Jean-Bertrand Aristide an Ayiti. Si laboujwazi te vle
fè yon bagay pou Pèp la se pa konsa yo ta fè l paske
yo pa p janm regle anyen pou Pèp Site Solèy. Yo ta
renmen bourike Pèp la, fè Pèp la al vote epi Pèp la ap
toujou viv nan menm konjonkti jounen jodi. Nou panse
genyen 1 an nou la ak yon gouvènman defakto k ap
debalize yon peyi. Kounye a 95% Pèp la revoke nan bwat
leta. Timoun pa ka al lekòl. Sa k te rive nan twazyèm
pa ka kontinye. Sa k te rive nan segonn nan reto pa ka
kontinye. N ap mande ki bò kriz sa prale. Se sa ki fè
Pèp la leve kanpe ap mande retou fizik Prezidan
Jean-Bertrand Aristide prese prese an Ayiti. Se sèl sa
ki enterese Pèp le se Aristide pou sove Ayiti nan tout
mizè l ye jounen jodi a.

L-NY: Drèd Wilmè, di nou sa k ap pase nan wikenn nan
la, paske yo fè konnen te genyen gwo atak ki fèt, yo
di ou te fè yon kout fil nan yon radyo nan Pòtoprens
la kote ou di MINUSTHA t ap bay gaz. Di nou sa k ap
pase anndan Site Solèy jounen jodi a.

D. Wilmè: Jodi a anndan Site Solèy MINUSTHA t ap bay
gaz. Nou gen timoun ki mouri nan gaz epi nou gen divès
moun ki te anndan legliz ki pran katouch. Nou te fenk
gen Lakwa Wouj ki te ansanm ak nou la. Yo te fenk la a
yo gen lè fè yon vire ap ranmase timoun ki pran bal
ansanm ak granmoun ki pran bal. Se Lakwa Wouj k ap
pote nou sekou. MINUSTHA limenm kote l kache nan
chadegè a li pa bezwen konnen anyen paske se bourik
zam li ki nan lari. Li jwenn moun k ap vann li fizye
l. Li jwenn moun k ap pwonmennen li fizye l. Li jwenn
ti machann ki chita nan mache li fizye l. Jounen jodi
a fòk MINUSTHA rekonèt tout moun li wè nan lari se mas
Pèp la. Jan yo di gen chimè a pa gen chimè vre. Se Pèp
la k ap revandike dwa li k ap mande retou Prezidan
Aristide an Ayiti. Anndan Site Solèy kounye a la nou
gen yon gwo klima perèz kote nou gen anpil mou ki
mouri ak timoun ki pran bal. N ap mande pou yo kapab
pote nou sekou paske fòk Prezidan Aristide tounen pou
kapab gen lapè an Ayiti.

L-NY: Nou konnen gen yon kokenn manifestasyon ki
anonse pou 7 Avril. Fwa sa a, se premye fwa Labanyè pa
la, èske Site a ap soti an mas pou rejwenn ak Bèlè, ak
Kafou pou se yon kokenn leve kanpe paske nou tande fwa
sa a se pa lavalas men se yon sounami k pral desann la

D. Wilmè:
Ebyen ou konnen se kanmenm paske lavalas la
lè l desann an mas pa gen sa ki ka sipòte l paske yo
konn ki ès ki lavalas la. Lavalas la toujou rete
puisan. 34 katye Site Solèy yo pral mobilize la a. Se
yon gwo kokenn chenn manifestasyon k pral genyen 7
Avril la paske tout moun la pou pran vil la. Site
Solèy pral pran vil la pou l rankontre ak Bèlè,
Granravin, Solino, Lasalin elatriye, tout zòn popilè
yo kote 7 la tout Pèp la deside l pou l pran lari pou
n mande retou fizik Prezidan Jean-Bertrand Aristide an
Ayiti prese prese.

L-NY: Drèd Wilmè, genyen anpil moun ki pa klè sou
relasyon ekzakt ki ta genyen jounen jodi a ant oumenm
nan Site Solèy la, Lavalas, ak Grenn Sonnen. Eske ou
kapab di nou ki sa relasyon sa a ye jodi a? Eske n ap
batay pou menm bagay?

D. Wilmè: Kesyon sa a se yon kesyon ki trè enpòtan. Se
yon kesyon m ap reponn jounen jodi. Kesyon Grenn
Sonnen an avèk noumenm anndan Site Solèy. Noumenm n ap
fè yon lit Pèp kote n ap mande retou fizik Prezidan
Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Grenn Sonnen t ap travay nan
Gouvènman Lavalas. Aktyèlman li reklame tèt li etan ke
militè. L ap revandike dwa militè yo. Ka sa a
diferansye. Noumenm nou pa gen kontak ak Grenn Sonnen.
Militè ki ansanm avèk li yo se militè ki te panse
gouvènman defakto sa a t ap fè yon bon bagay nan peyi
a. Lè yo vin wè gouvènman defakto sa a se moun l ap
touye agoch adwat. Gouvènman sa a ba yo manti.

Gouvènman sa a ap detwi pwòp san frè yo. Enbyen yo
menm ansyen militè yo, yo leve kont rejim defakto sa a
kote y ap mande depa rejim defakto sa a. Noumenm
militan Lavalas, Pèp Ayisyen noumenm kote n ap mande
depa rejim defakto sa a. N ap mande retou fizik
Prezidan Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Nou pa konn pa yo a
si se retou Prezidan an men noumenm pa nou an, Pèp
Ayisyen, Pèp Site Solèy, Pèp Bèlè, Granravin,
elatriye, tout dizyèm depatman an, tout 9 depatman an
noumenm se pou retou fizik Prezidan Aristide n ap
travay. Ideyoloji pa yo a m pa ka ba ou yon ide de sa
si se pou retou oswa pa pou retou men noumenm se pou
retou n ap travay.

L-NY: Eske ou genyen yon dènye mo pou kominote
Ayisyèn nan k ap koute ou la nan New York epi k ap
koute nan entènèt tout kote?

D. Wilmè: Dènye mo m gen pou kominote Ayisyèn nan k ap
koute m tout kote nan New York, nan dizyèm depatman an
n ap di yo mobilize. Ni Ayisyen ki natiralize pou
Ameriken, tout sa ki sitizenn, ni sa ki fèt laba a, ni
sa ki gen 13 an, 14 an, 15 an laba a, n ap mande yo
pou yo rete mobilize, pou yo fè manifestasyon
pasifikman nan dizyèm nan. Pou yo pale ak Prezidan
Bush, pou yo mande l nou se pitit Ameriken etan ke
Amerik, n ap mande retou fizik Prezidan Jean-Bertrand
Aristide an Ayiti. Noumenm an Ayiti tou nou voye yon
gwo respè pou yo dizyèm nan ki kenbe mouvman an solid
solid pou retou fizik Prezidan Jean-Bertrand Aristide
an Ayiti prese prese.

L-NY: Mèsi anpil konpatriyòt.

D. Wilmè: Mèsi anpil konpatriyòt mwen.

"Lakou New York" se yon inisyativ Ayisyen k ap viv nan
lakou New York nan peyi blan Meriken pou n mache
chache, fouye, ranmase epi pote yon lòt kalite
enfòmasyon pou pèp Ayisyen an. Nou pote enfòmasyon sou
sa k ap pase atravè lemonn antye, koze lakou a epi
koze peyi D Ayiti ak analiz ki pa sanble ak sa y ap
jwenn lòt kote. Nou demele nou pou n mete mikro nan
bouch moun lòt medya mal pou bay lapawòl. "Lakou New
York" pa jennen di kareman n ap fè yon travay patizan.
Nou kanpe bò kote mas pèp Ayisyen ak tout malere
atravè lemonn antye pi gwo ap kraze men ki ap mennen
yon batay pwennfèpa mò rèd pou yon lòt jou ka jou. N
ap travay pou n mennen pèp Ayisyen nan kalfou kote l
ap rive ranmase epi pote kòmsadwa eritaj zansèt nou yo
mouri kite pou nou an.

Pou suiv travay "Lakou New York" fè yon ti kout pye
nan www.lakounewyork.com

HLLN Recommended Links to honor Dred Wilmè on July 6, 2007, Haitian Perspectives, June 6, 2007 (July 6, 2007 sponsored by HLLN's FreeHaitiMovement - Dessaline is Rising Worldwide)




Charlemagne Peralte - The old Bandit King of Haiti
* In 1919 the US murdered him and put the body on public display
Urgent Action
Alert- Demand a Stop to Killings
in Cite Soleil:

Background Info,
Sample letters and Contact information provided, April 21, 2005

Crucifixion of
Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme,
a historical

Urge the Caribbean Community to stand firm in not recognizing the illegal Latortue regime:

Selected CARICOM Contacts
zilibutton Slide Show at the July 27, 2004 Haiti Forum Press Conference during the DNC in Boston honoring those who stand firm for Haiti and democracy; those who tell the truth about Haiti; Presenting the Haiti Resolution, and; remembering Haiti's revolutionary legacy in 2004 and all those who have lost life or liberty fighting against the Feb. 29, 2004 Coup d'etat and its consequences
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