
Lage Lovinsky - Free Lovinsky
(On-line Petition)

HLLN PressRelease/Urgent Action Requested: Tell whoever has taken Lovinsky Pierre Antoine that an international audience deeply concerned about the fate of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine is witnessing their actions. Help raise the international concern and visibility of this human rights violation case. Help save the life of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, stop his torture, prevent his execution. | HLLN's Urgent Action Requested, August 18, 2007

Ezili Dantò's Note: Bwa Kayiman 2007 and the case of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine Pierre by Ezili Dantò, For Haitian Perspective, and The FreeHaitiMovement, August 23, 2007

HLLN Alert: Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine is missing in Haiti, August 13, 2007

Où est Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine?
By From Edwige Romulus, August 13, 2007

AUMOHD Alert: Di yo nou vle jwen Lovinsky VIVAN! (In French), Me. Evel Fanfan, AUMOHD, August 14, 2007

We are urging for the safe return of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, Eugenia Charles and Jacob Francois, Human Rights Delegation, August 14, 2007

by Jafrikayiti (Jean St. Vil)| http://www.jafrikayiti.com

What are the authorities doing to find Lovinsky Pierre
, Ezili Dantò's Note, August 15, 2007

The July 28, 2007 declaration of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine's Fondasyon Trant Septanm (in Kreyol, by Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, Haitian Perspective, July 29, 2007

Lovinsky Pierre Antoine on the Visit of Ban Ki Moun to Haiti (in French), by Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, Haitian Perspective, July 31, 2007

Haitian Activist Planning Senate Run Reported Missing, AP, August, 15, 2007

Rights Advocate Missing In Haiti: Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, Hardbeatnews.com, August 15, 2007


Le dirigeant Lavalas Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine porté disparu, selon ses proches
, Radio Kiskeya, August 15, 2007

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!


It's Neither Hope nor Progress When the International Community is Running Haiti by Marguerite "Ezili Dantò" Laurent, Haitian Perspective, August 11, 2007

Haitian Prisoner of Conscience returns home : Beloved "Mon Pere" Jean Juste Come Home,
By Bill Quigley, August 23, 2007
Media Lies and Real Haiti News, Aug. 12, 2007

Moving On, Aug. 7, 2007

Who is the man in dark glasses?

Ezili Dantò's Note: Who benefits from silencing and eliminating Lovinsky Pierre Antoine? - HLLN continues its coverage and analysis of the abduction of Lovinksy Pierre Antoine in Haiti
, August 23, 2007

Darren Ell's interviews with Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, entitled "Sovereignty and Justice in Haiti," Part 1, dated Feb. 18, 2007 and Part 2, March 4, 2007


Examples of Neocolonial Journalism

“...…S'il s'agissait d’une disparution politique…La mort de Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine serait une declaration de guerre contre tous ceux qui luttent pour la democracie participative…......Le 29 Fevrier 2004, a ouvert la voix au kidnapping en Ayiti, comme en 1441 le Portugal avait ouvert - pour la premiere fois - le commerce de la traite des noires.” Commentaire de Franklin Ulysse, editorialiste : Ou est passe Lovinsky Pierre Antoine et qui est le serpent aux lunettes noires? |(mp3/ 6:29 - Emission Fanmi Lavalas, New York, Sept. 23, 2007)

Ezili Dantò's Note- Allegedly there's a person who claims he saw Lovinsky after Lovinsky was taken( mp3/7:08, Emission Fanmi Lavalas, NY, Sept. 23, 2007)

To subscribe, write to erzilidanto@yahoo.com
zilibuttonCarnegie Hall
Video Clip
No other national
group in the world
sends more money
than Haitians living
in the Diaspora
Red Sea- audio

The Red Sea

Ezili Dantò's master Haitian dance class (Video clip)

zilibuttonEzili's Dantò's
Haitian & West African Dance Troop
Clip one - Clip two

So Much Like Here- Jazzoetry CD audio clip

Ezili Danto's

to Self

Update on
Site Soley

RBM Video Reel

Angry with
Boat sinking
A group of Haitian migrants arrive in a bus after being repatriated from the nearby Turks and Caicos Islands, in Cap-Haitien, northern Haiti, Thursday, May 10, 2007. They were part of the survivors of a sailing vessel crowded with Haitian migrants that overturned Friday, May 4 in moonlit waters a half-mile from shore in shark-infested waters. Haitian migrants claim a Turks and Caicos naval vessel rammed their crowded sailboat twice before it capsized. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Dessalines' Law
and Ideals

Breaking Sea Chains

Little Girl
in the Yellow
Sunday Dress

Anba Dlo, Nan Ginen
Ezili Danto's Art-With-The-Ancestors Workshops - See, Red, Black & Moonlight series or Haitian-West African

Clip one -Clip two
ance performance
zilibutton In a series of articles written for the October 17, 2006 bicentennial commemoration of the life and works of Dessalines, I wrote for HLLN that: "Haiti's liberator and founding father, General Jean Jacques Dessalines, said, "I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided" and for that he was assassinated by the Mullato sons of France. That was the first coup d'etat, the Haitian holocaust - organized exclusion of the masses, misery, poverty and the impunity of the economic elite - continues (with Feb. 29, 2004 marking the 33rd coup d'etat). Haiti's peoples continue to resist the return of despots, tyrants and enslavers who wage war on the poor majority and Black, contain-them-in poverty through neocolonialism' debts, "free trade" and foreign "investments." These neocolonial tyrants refuse to allow an equitable division of wealth, excluding the majority in Haiti from sharing in the country's wealth and assets." (See also, Kanga Mundele: Our mission to live free or die trying, Another Haitian Independence Day under occupation; The Legacy of Impunity of One Sector-Who killed Dessalines?; The Legacy of Impunity:The Neoconlonialist inciting political instability is the problem. Haiti is underdeveloped in crime, corruption, violence, compared to other nations, all, by Marguerite 'Ezili Dantò' Laurent
No other national group in the world sends more money than Haitians living in the Diaspora


(On-line Petition)
HLLN Alert:Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine is missing in Haiti

According to numerous reports from Haiti, received by HLLN today, Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine is missing in Haiti. He has not been seen since Sunday, August 12, 2007 at 10pm after meeting with a human rights delegation from the United States that is currently in Haiti. His car was found on Delma 10 in Port au Prince, "with his shirt and cds on the cushion."

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine is the head of Fondation Trente Septembre, a Haitian human rights organization that has been advocating for the victims of the 1991 coup d'etat and the 2004 coup d'etat. His life has been threatened by the foreign intervention/coup d'etat forces many times. Anyone with any updated information, please copy erzilidanto@yahoo.com so we may share it with the Network.

Ezili Dantò
August 13, 2007
HLLN Press Release: Help save the life of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, stop his torture, prevent his execution.
Commentaire de Franklin Ulysse, editorialiste :
Ou est passe Lovinsky Pierre Antoine et qui est le serpent aux lunettes noires? |(mp3 6:29 - Emission Fanmi Lavalas, New York, Sept. 23, 2007)

--(On-line Petition) Cette petition emane du bureau de communication du Black United World ( l'Union Mondiale du Peuple Noir) en collaboration avec l'Association Afro-Haitienne Vwa Zanset ( la Voix des Ancetres) et le Haitian Lawyers Leadership, avec la participation de Baz Fanmi Lavalas nan Monreyal

Lage Lovinsky - Set Lovinsky Free
Press Release: HLLN Urgent Action requested to stop the humanrights abuse of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine in Haiti ,
August 18, 2007

HLLN Press Release: Tell whoever has taken Lovinsky Pierre Antoine that an international audience deeply concerned about the fate of Lovinsky Pierre
Antoine is witnessing their actions. Help raise the international concern and
visibility of this human rights violation case.

Contact: Marguerite Laurent, Esq. Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network at
erzilidanto@yahoo.com or 203 829 7210


HLLN requests that all reputable international human rights organization issue an urgent action alert for Lovinsky Pierre Antoine.

HLLN has reason to fear for the safety of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, a Haitian
human rights activist and the head of Fondasyon Trant Septanm, missing since August 12, 2007 after meeting with a U.S. human rights delegation that was visiting Haiti. Pierre Antoine is in imminent danger of human rights abuse.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, The International Committee of the Red Cross, Reporters Without Borders and other such international human rights organizations should issue urgent action alerts to their networks, asking them to send letters, e-mails, faxes and telegrams to the UN and Haitian officials - whether it’s to the UN Secretary General, or to Hédi Annabi, or to the UN Military Commander in Haiti, U.S. Congressional members, the U.S. Embassy in Haiti, the Haitian President or the Haitian police chiefs - who have the power and networks to stop the abuse.

According to an August 15, 2007 Associated Press report, police and supporters say Lovinsky Pierre Antoine may have been kidnapped.

Lovinsky Pierre Antoine has received many death threats from the coup d’etat/foreign intervention death squads, paramilitaries and their civil arm factions in Haiti throughout the years from 1991 to the present.

Lovinsky Pierre Antoine’s human rights work in Haiti is a threat to the coup d’etat orchestrators and supporters and to the UN occupying forces that
uphold the reign of the coup d’etat forces and their documentedly corrupt
police force. His organization, Fondasyon Trant Septanm keeps visible the
grievances of the tens of thousands of Haitian victims of the 1991 and 2004
coup d’etat/foreign interventions, their demands for Haitian sovereignty, for
justice and restitution and for the release of the political prisoners. Since
the first coup d'etat in 1991, Fondasyon Trant Septanm has held regular
pickets in Haiti every Wednesday at the Place des Martyrs au Champ de Mars in front of the National Palace.

We ask that Amnesty International and all reputable human rights organization
issue an urgent action alert on the missing Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, urging
the authorities to take all necessary action to find Lovinsky Pierre Antoine and
rescue him if he has been kidnapped. HLLN fears this is a political assassination to silence this human rights voice that is being COVERED UP under the mask of a kidnapping. (See below, the July 28, 2007 declaration of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine's Fondasyon Trant Septanm and Lovinsky Pierre Antoine on the visit of Ban Ki-Moun to Haiti asking for an end to the UN occupation of Haiti, return of President Aristide, release of the political prisoners, and justice for the victims of the 1991 and 2004 coup d'etats in Haiti.)

We ask that everyone concerned with human rights, civility, justice and
democracy and progress in Haiti, make their voices heard, add their networks, powers and strengths to helping raise the visibility of this case. Help save
the life of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, stop his torture, prevent his execution and protect this peerless Haitian human rights defender.

To prevent Haiti from losing one more Haitian human rights activist to senseless political violence and repression, we also urge all in our HLL Network to write individual letters to UN authorities and the Haitian police, et al…, with a copy to the major international media outlets, demanding they take all necessary actions and send the powerful signal to the kidnappers acting-out this political repression, that their actions are being witnessed by an international audience deeply concerned about the fate of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine.

Contact information is on our website, www.ezilidanto.com, under the law section, scroll down to “contact information sheet,” (some of this info may need updating) or see, key contact info provided below.

Marguerite Laurent, Esq.
Chair, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
August 18, 2007


1. Call Amnesty International at 212-807-8400, Human Rights Watch at
212-290-4700, The International Committee of the Red Cross (www.icrc.org) at 202 293 9430 and Reporters Without Borders (www.rsf.org) at 917-239-0653

Ask them to write and call the office of:

Thomas Shannon
Bureau of the Western Hemisphere
US Department of State

Congressional Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

3. Call the authorities in Haiti, at (011):

Haitian Ministry of Justice - 509-245-0474

Direction Departementale De L'Ouest ("D.D.O") - (509) 555-53-06,

Commissaire Frantz Thermilus, Direction Centrale de la Police Judiciaire - ("DCPJ") - (509) 478-75-97

Commissaire du BAC : (509) 714- 9806

Police's Departmental Unit for the Maintenance of Order - ("UDMO") - (509) 404-8026,

PNH DELMAS (509) 246-90-91, (509) 228-2262,

Minustha Spokesperson in Haiti: (509) 478-6299.

4 . Call and write the United Nations: 212-963-4879, presidentga58@un.org

UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)
PHONE: 011.509.244.9650.9660
FAX: 011.509.244.9366/67
Or, Fax, Office of General Secretary (New York) - 212.963.4879

Hon. Bann Ki-moun, Secretary-General
United Nations
United Nations Headquarters
First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, NY 10017
inquiries@un.org; press office: (509) 510-2563 ext. : 6343

United States Embassy
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Telephones: 011-509-223-4711, or 222-0200 or 0354
Fax: 011-509-223-1641 or 9038

5. Send a copies of letters to your local and national media. (cc: erzilidanto@yahoo.com )

HLLN Background information on the Lovinsky
kidnapping-to-cover-political-repression are at these links:

Haitian Activist Planning Senate Run Reported Missing
| AP, August, 15, 2007

Rights Advocate Missing In Haiti: Lovinsky Pierre Antoine

Di yo nou vle jwen Lovinsky VIVAN!

We are urging for the safe return of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine,


To Better understand who would best benefit from the silencing and elimination of Lovinsky's activism, read:

1. The July 28, 2007 declaration of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine's Fondasyon Trant Septanm (in Kreyol, by Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, Haitian Perspective, July 31, 2007

2. Lovinsky Pierre Antoine on the Visit of Ban Ki Moun to Haiti (in French), by Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, Haitian Perspective, August 7, 2007

3. Sovereignty and Justice in Haiti - An exclusive Haiti Information, interview with Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine by Darren Ell | This is the first of a two-part interview, February 18, 2007

4. Sovereignty and Justice in Haiti by Darren Ell, Part two of a two-part interview| Haiti Information Project, March 4, 2007



In French:
Où est Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine? (Where is Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine?) Source: e-mail, Edwige Romulus" <qcsrom@yahoo.com> | Mon, 13 Aug 2007 21:25:38-0700 (PDT)

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine est porté disparu depuis dimanche soir à
Port-au-Prince aux environs de 10:00 PM.

Mr. Pierre-Antoine, coordonateur de la Fondation Trente Septembre et critique
farouche de l'occupation du territoire d'Haïti par les forces onusiennes et le
retour sans condition du Président Jean-Bertrand Aristide n'est pas rentré
chez lui depuis dimanche 12 août 2007, selon les membres de sa famille. Sa
voiture sera plus tard découverte à Delmas 10 avec son maillot et des cd sur
le coussin.

A part "l'armée ti manchèt", il y aurait, d'après certains, d'autres escadrons de la mort qui seraient très actifs dans le pays et surtout à Port-au-Prince. A noter qu'il y a en circulation à travers le pays plus de 300.000 armes illégales. Les militaires démobilisés sous le haut patronage du sénateur de l'Artibonite Youri Latortue continuent à demander la reconstitution de l'ancienne armée d'Haïti. Autant de choses qui portent beaucoup de gens à être perplexes. On craint le pire pour Lovinsky qui n'a donné aucun signe plus de 24 heures après sa disparition. Les membres de l'organisation de droits humains qu'il accompagnait et qui devraient encore le rejoindre hier matin vers 8:00 AM sont extrêmement

Où est Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine?



AUMOHD Alert: Di yo nou vle jwen Lovinsky VIVAN !

Lovinky Pierre ANTOINE, Coordonnateur de la Fondation 30 Septembre est porté
disparu depuis dimanche 12 dans l’après midi.

Je viens de parler avec des proches et amis comme Me. Mario Joseph,
responsable de BAI, Paul Namphy, dit Ti Pol, Patrick ELI et Loulou CHERI qui
tous sont très inquiet de cette disparition. Quant a sa famille, il n’y a
aucune information sur lui.

Je viens de parler au téléphone au Commissaire Frantz Thermilus, de la DCPJ,
Direction Centrale de la Police Centrale et le Commandant du Bureau des
Affaires Criminels, BAC, qui m’a confirme qu’une équipe de la DPST et des
enquêteurs sont sur place a la recherche des informations.

S’il vous plait si vous avez des informations
Passez les aux :

AUMOHD : 509- 7548022 et 4297129

Commissaire Frantz Thermilus , DCPJ 509-4787597

Commissaire du BAC : 7149806

Di yo nou vle jwen Lovinsky VIVAN !



We are urging for the safe return of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, Fondasyon Mapou/HaitiPriorities - Human Rights Delegation, August 14, 2007

August 14, 2007
For Immediate Release:

We are urging for the safe return of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine.Port au Prince, Haiti

Contacts: Eugenia Charles and Jacob François
Phone 011-509-698-8134, 011-509-448-3672

Our international human rights delegation seeks the safe return of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine. A long-time defender of human rights and advocate of the poor, Lovinsky Pierre Antoine has not been seen since 10:00 pm Sunday, August 12, 2007. Our delegation has made numerous attempts to contact him but thus far has been unsuccessful.

Lovinsky Pierre Antoine is the national coordinator of September 30th
Foundation and has frequently been targeted for his advocacy work. Lovinsky has been touring the country with our delegation which includes American, Canadian, and Haitian nationals. The delegation has been meeting with Haitian grassroots organizations, government officials and individuals to gather information about the human rights situation in Haiti. The delegation has negotiated the release of two illegally imprisoned Haitians earlier this month; two more prisoners from the same tribunal are awaiting release.

The vehicle Lovinsky was driving was found in the neighborhood of Delmas 10 in Port au Prince. Subsequent searches have not revealed his location. We urge everyone who is a friend of Haiti and supporter of the struggle of the Haitian people to appeal to those who may have seen him or have any information about his whereabouts. If you have information regarding Lovinsky, please contact us at the above numbers.

We are deeply concerned because it has been over 48 hours since Lovinsky has been seen or heard from. We are encouraging the government, MINUSTAH, and international organizations and institutions to collaborate for his safe




Le dirigeant Lavalas Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine porté disparu, selon ses proches

Coordonnateur de la Fondation 30 septembre et candidat potentiel de Fanmi
Lavalas au Sénat, il aurait été victime d'un enlèvement en regagnant sa
résidence dimanche soir.

Le coordonnateur de la Fondation 30 septembre et membre actif de Fanmi
Lavalas, Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, est porté disparu depuis dimanche soir à
Port-au-Prince, ont annoncé mardi des représentants de la fondation et de la
formation politique de Jean-Bertrand Aristide interrogés par Radio Kiskeya.

M. Piere-Antoine avait eu une dernière conversation téléphonique avec une de
ses proches dimanche soir vers 11 heures (23 heures locales). Depuis, tous les
appels destinés à ses trois téléphones cellulaires sont restés sans réponse.

A peine rentré des Côtes-de-Fer (sud-est), il aurait été intercepté par
des ravisseurs pendant qu'il regagnait son domicile à Delmas 31 (nord de la
capitale) après avoir raccompagné des gens dans le quartier voisin de Delmas

Néanmoins, aucune demande de rançon n'était formulée jusqu'à mardi matin.
24 heures auparavant, la police avait retrouvé à Delmas 10 le véhicule que
pilotait Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine.

Selon Gilbert Elméus de la Fondation 30 septembre, le coordonnateur de
l'organisation a été désigné parmi les candidats de Fanmi Lavalas aux
prochaines sénatoriales partielles prévues à la fin de l'année.

Farouche adversaire de l'ancien gouvernement de transition (2004-2006),
Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine est totalement acquis à la cause d'Aristide et s'est
résolument aligné sur son parti longtemps opposé au démantèlement des gangs qui sévissaient dans les quartiers populaires. De nombreux chefs de bandes de Cité Soleil et d'autres secteurs de la capitale, dont certains partisans déclarés de l'ex-Président, ont été arrêtés pour leur implication présumée dans des meurtres, kidnappings et viols en série.

Malgré une nette régression du phénomène sous la pression conjuguée de la
Police Nationale et de la Mission de stabilisation de l'ONU (MINUSTAH), plusieurs cas d'enlèvement ont été enregistrés ces derniers jours à Port-au-Prince.

Source: Radio Kiskeya

Rights Advocate Missing In Haiti: Lovinsky Pierre Antoine

Hardbeatnews, NEW YORK, NY, Weds. Aug. 15, 2007: The national coordinator of the September 30th Foundation, Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, has reportedly gone
missing in Haiti.

Reports reaching HBN indicate that the long-time human rights advocate has not
been seen since 10 p.m. Sunday, August 12, 2007. “Our delegation has made
numerous attempts to contact him but thus far has been unsuccessful,” a
statement by Eugenia Charles and Jacob François said last night. “We are
encouraging the government, MINUSTAH, and international organizations and
institutions to collaborate for his safe return.”

The vehicle Antoine was driving was found in the neighborhood of Delmas 10 in
Port au Prince. But he remains missing. Antoine had been touring the country
and meeting with Haitian grassroots organizations, government officials and
individuals to gather information about the human rights situation in Haiti.

Anyone with information regarding Antoine is urged to call 011-509-698-8134 or
011-509-448-3672. – Hardbeatnews.com


What are the authorities doing to find Lovinsky Pierre Antoine?

Ezili Dantò's note:
What are the authorities doing to find Lovinsky Pierre Antoine?

HLLN hereby adds its signature to this call for action written (in Kreyol) by Jafrikayiti.

Lovinsky Pierre Antoine is amongst the few national treasures of Haiti. He has used his life and professional skills to give voice and a space of validation to the victims, especially to Haitian women, of both the first and second coup d’etats/foreign interventions against Haiti these last sixteen years.

Lovinsky Pierre Antoine disappeared, last Sunday, August 12, 2007, almost a
week ago and has not been seen since. The Associated Press reported that
police and supporters indicated last Wednesday, August 15, 2007 that Lovinsky Pierre Antoine may have been kidnapped. (See “Haitian activist planning senate run reported missing” AP, August, 15, 2007,

Our questions is, since his disappearance, since the police have said, as
reported by the Associated Press, that Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, may have been
kidnapped. What are they doing to find him and get his release? Nothing has
come out on the major papers on this since Wednesday, August 15, 2007.
Tomorrow will make it one week since Lovinsky Pierre Antoine disappeared.

Below, our colleague, Jafrikayiti, suggest that the police send a clear and unequivocal message to the kidnappers that it would work better for them, if Lovinsky Pierre Antoine were released unharmed; give the kidnappers an immediate deadline to released Lovinsky unharmed where the police would guarantee no force of arms would be used against them. But, if Lovinsky is not released within this immediate time period, as requested, then the police would use all necessary force and resources at their disposal to unearth the kidnappers where they are hiding, rescue Lovinsky in a rescue operation. HLLN would also add that the authorities make a public demand for assistance in apprehending the kidnappers after this time period, by offering the public-at-large a reward for any information that leads to the rescue and release of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, alive and unharmed.

Ezili Dantò
August 18, 2007

HLLN hereby adds its signature to this call for action to the authorities
("Sove Lavi Lovinsky") written by Jafrikayiti:

Sove Lovinsky
by Jafrikayiti (Jean St. Vil)| http://www.jafrikayiti.com

Konpatriyòt onè,

Nan moman m ap ekri mesaj sa a, sa fè plis pase 5 jou depi bri ap kouri osijè zak kidnaping ki fèt sou responsab Fondasyon Trant Septanm nan, konpatriyòt Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine.

Daprè, enfòmasyon ki soti nan laprès nasyonal tankou entènasyonal, fanmi ak zanmi Lovinsky nan gwo toumant depi dimanch swa, 12 Out 2007, lè yo vin pèdi kontak ak Lovinsky ki, pi bonè nan sware a, te nan reyinyon ak yon delagasyon dwa moun ki soti nan peyi Kanada ak Etazini. (
Haitian Activist Planning Senate Run Reported Missing, AP, August, 15, 2007)

Depi dimanch, se gwo tèt chaje nan mitan zanmi ak fanmi ki oblije ap deside, an katastwf, ki atitid ki pi bon pou yo adopte dekwa pou sitiyasyon sa a pa fini an trajedi.

Jodi samdi 18 Out la, apre 5 jou depi konpatriyòt la anba men kriminèl ki kidnape l yo, nou kwa lè a rive pou santiman lapèrèz sispann kokobe fanmi ak zanmi Lovinsky. Okontrè, se kidnapè yo ki dwe koumanse konprann kijan sa ap fini pi byen pou yo, si yo ta libere Lovinsky vivan e an sante.

Nan sans sa a, nou kwè Lapolis dwe fè yon mesaj klè rive jwenn kidnapè yo prese prese. Asavwa, yo gen X è d tan pou yo lage otaj la vivan.

Yo gen garanti, pandan peryòd sa a, okenn aksyon ak zam pa p fèt kont yo.

Men, apre delè sa a, Lapolis ap itilize tout fòs li genyen aladispozisyon li pou li detere yo kote yo kache a.

Ayiti deja pèdi twòp bon pitit. Fòk, ansanm, nou jwenn yon mwayen kwape emoraji sa a.

DETUI LAVI SE YON ZAK KI PA KA DEFÈT ! Se pou rezon sa a, moun ki gen bon konprann, dwe toujou goumen pou yo pwoteje byen ki pi presye nou chak genyen sou tè sa a, lavi !

Konpatriyòt, otorite peyi a, se devwa nou jodi a pou nou sove lavi Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine. Souple, fè tout sa nou kapab pou lap? pote laviktwa sou lapèrèz nan peyi nou an. Se va yon onè pou nou, se va yon gwo viktwa pou tout lanasyon.

Frè nou,

"Depi nan Ginen bon nèg ap ede nèg!"
(Brotherhood is as ancient as Mother Africa - L'entraide fraternelle
date du temps o?, tous, nous f?mes encore dans les entrailles de



Haitian activist planning senate run reported missing” AP, August, 15, 2007

International Herald Tribune

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti: A senate candidate the the party of ousted former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide has disappeared and may have been kidnapped, police and supporters said Wednesday.|

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, a human rights activist and member of Aristide's Fanmi Lavalas party, was reported missing by his family on Sunday, police spokesman Frantz Lerebours said. Police found Pierre-Antoine's abandoned car near his Port-au-Prince home.

"He's still considered a missing person because we have not received a ransom request," Lerebours told The Associated Press.

Pierre-Antoine was recently picked to represent Fanmi Lavalas in senate elections at the end of the year, colleague Gilbert Elmeus told private broadcaster Radio Kiskeya.

Supporters said Pierre-Antoine had received threats because of his ties to Aristide, who left the impoverished Caribbean country in 2004 after an uprising and is now exiled in South Africa.

Pierre-Antoine leads the September 30 Foundation, which backs Aristide supporters victimized during the former president's ouster in 1991 and 2004. He was a vocal critic of the 2004-2006 U.S.-backed interim government that replaced Aristide as well as a 9,000-strong U.N. peacekeeping force sent to restore order after his departure.

Kidnappings for ransom soared in Haiti after the 2004 uprising but have dropped sharply since late last year, when President Rene Preval and U.N. peacekeepers launched a crackdown on street gangs.
Commémoration du 28 Juillet Texte de la déclaration de la Fondasyon Trant Septanm
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 00:37:31 +0200 (CEST)
From: "lovinsky pierre-antoine"
Subject: Commémoration du 28 Juillet Texte de la d éclaration de la FTS

Bonjour les amis,

Je vous envoie pour diffusion une déclaration de la Fondasyon Trant Septanm à l'occasion de la Commémoration du 92e anniversaire de la première occupation américaine d'Haiti.

Elle a été lu au cours du Sit-In organisé devant le Quartier Général de la MINUSTAH à Bourdon, ce 28 Juillet 2007.

Kenbe Fèm
Commémoration du 28 Juillet Texte de la déclaration de la FTS

Boite Postale 19042, #3, 2e Impasse Lavaud Port-au-Prince, HAITI
Tél: 509 – 706 – 9177 / 509 – 244 – 7987 / 88,
Couriel: fondasyontrantseptanm@yahoo.fr


28 Jiyè 2007

28 Jiyè 1915 – 28 Jiyè 2007, 92 lane depi lame yanki-a ki reprezante fòs enperyalis meriken-an te debake an channgo nan peyi nou. Nou ta pral pase 19 lane imilyasyon, 19 lane lawont, 19 lane maswife, 19 lane nan fè nwa, 19 lane kochma, 19 lane anmè kou fyèl. Kifè 28 jiyè-a, se yon dat madichon nan listwa peyi-nou.

Nou sonje zak sasinay peyizan Machatè-yo

Nou sonje zak sasinay sou Charlemagne Péralte

Nou sonje Rosalvo Bobo

Nou sonje Pierre Sully

Nou sonje tout lòt-yo, …

Nou sonje Kako-yo…

Nou sonje tout sa kite tonbe zam ale men…

Nan tan ayè, tankou nan tan jodi-a …

Onè pou-yo …

Rèspè pou-yo …

Se yo ki te sakrifye lavi-yo

pou sove lonè nou, pou sove diyite drapo nou-an.

Ochan 92.000 fwa pou yo.

Anthony Phelps, youn nan pi gran Entèlèktyèl, Ekriven ayisyen te ekri:

“ Et un matin de sang trop vif chut le grand mât et s'effondra le Choeur

La pierre incorruptible avait quitté sa couche

Et ce fut Pierre Sully,

Et ce fut fort Capois

Et ce fut Marchaterre

En vain sur une porte

fut crucifié Charlemagne Péralte et les cinq mille Cacos, en vain donnèrent leur sang par toutes leurs blessures.

Le dieu vert des yankees était plus for que les loas"

Li kontinye pi lwen nan menm tèks-la pou-li di:

“À quoi bon ce passé de douleurs et de gloire et à quoi bon dix huit cent quatre

Ô mon Pays je t'aime comme un être de chair

et je sais ta souffrance

et je vois ta misère

et me demande la rage au coeur: quelle main a tracé sur le registre des nations une petite étoile à côté de ton nom

Yankee de mon coeur qui bois mon café et mon cacao

qui pompes la sève de ma canne à sucre

Yankee de mon coeur
qui entres chez moi
en pays conquis
imprimes ma
et bats ma monnaie

Yankee de mon coeur
qui viens dans ma caille
parler en anglais
qui changes le nom
de mes vieilles rues

Yankee de mon coeur
j'attends dans ma nuit
que le vent change d'aire ”

Fen sitasyon-an

Alòske nan moman sa-a, pouvwa anplas-la te jwe wòl kolabo fòs enperyalis-yo

Alòske nan moman sa-a, boujwazi-a te favorize okipasyon-an ki ta pral pote gwo benefis pou li,

Alòske nan moman sa-a, anpil nan sa yo rele elit entèlèktyèl-yo te jwe wòl ti sousou fòs fè nwa-yo,

Pòv malere nan katye popilè lavil, peyizan nan mòn-yo ta mouri pa bann, pa pakèt anba bal.

Nan sa peyi nou ye jounen jodi-a. Nan sa n-ap viv jounen jodi-a nan peyi nou, ki Entèlèktyèl popilè, ki Istoryen popilè ki ka ede nou ramase moso listwa sa-a, pou nou ka wè klè, pou nou ka pran fòs.

Si an 1915 nou te sibi yon lokipasyon enperyalis, kriminèl, san manman. Nan lane 2004, nou tounen sibi yon lòt lokipasyon kriminèl, san manman,

enperyalis menm si fòs fè nwa-yo ap eseye kache figi yo dèyè lame tisousou kèk peyi pòv tankou nou. “Moun ki peye djaz-la, se li ki deside ki mizik ki pou jwe”

Kidonk, lokipasyon 1915, lokipasyon 2004, se menm kout baton-an. Si se apre 10 lane bòykotaj, konfizyon yo menm yo te kreye an 1904, nan mitan ak apre selebrasyon premye santnè Lendepandans nou, fòs enperyalis-yo te anvayi peyi-a pou te vin fè li fè bak pou yon syèk, se nan mitan menm bòykotaj-la ak konfizyon yo menm yo te kreye ansanm ak alye natirèl-yo, laboujwazi, ak kèk tisousou entèlètyèl-yo, pandan-nap selebre bisantnè lendepandans peyi nou an 2004, fòs enperyalis-yo anvayi peyi-a, fè yon koudeta epi kidnape Prezidan pèp-la te eli demokratikman.

Se vre, “listwa se yon pèpetyèl rekòmansman”. Lè esklizyon-an kòmanse fè bak, lè mas popilè-yo ak peyizan-yo kòmanse ap rantre tout bon vre nan batay pou yo pran desten-yo nan men yo, pou yo vanse sou chimen pwogrè ak demokrasi. Fòs enperyalis-yo, mele ak boujwazi lokal-la pap bay chans.

Kidonk kesyon pou nou menm lavalas, ki reprezante mouvman popilè demokratik-la, ki se anmenm tan zouti pèp-la genyen pou li menen batay pou chanjman sosyete-a, paske se nou pèp-la fè konfyans, paske apre move eksperyans eleksyon 7 Fevriye 2006-yo ki make retou sou pouvwa ti boujwazi reyaksyonè-a, ti boujwazi rètavèk-la, anba pwoteksyon laboujwazi ak fòs enperyalis-yo , se pou nou poze pwoblematik estrateji defans kòrèk etap nap fè lè n-ap vanse sou chimen chanjman sosyete-a.

Se pou nou pran konsyans sou ki jan anpil nan nou kite fòs enperyalis-yo achte nou ak lajan vèt. “ Kè nou paka yon bò, epi pou vant nou ak pòch-nou yon lòt bò ”. An nou pran egzanp sou eksperyans kèk pèp frè nan Amerik Latin nan ap fè. An nou pwoche bò kote-yo pi plis toujou pou nou aprann kijan yap vanse, kijan yap pwoteje etap yap fè, lè yap vanse.

Pa gen okenn chans pou pwogrè ak demokrasi nan mitan lokipasyon-an,

Pa gen okenn chans pou batay kont esklizyon pèp-la ap mennen-an vanse anba bòt okipan-yo,

Depi plis pase 3 zan, èske batay pou kreyòl-la vanse ….. NON

Depi plis pase 3 zan, èske batay pou vodou-a vanse …. NON

Depi plis pase 3 zan, èske gen lòt plas piblik ki konstwi … NON

Depi plis pase 3 zan, èske gen lòt wout ki fèt nan peyi-a … NON

Eske gen lòt lojman sosyo ki konstwi pou malere ak malerèz… NON

Eske gen lòt lekòl ki konstwi pou pitit pèp-la ………….. NON

Aba Lokipasyon … Aba Lokipasyon … Aba Lokipasyon


Pèp-la deja dekrete Sekretè Jeneral Nasyon Zini-an Ban Ki Moun, yo di ki ap vini nan peyi-a semèn pwochèn: “Persona non grata”, sòf si l-ap vini pou siyen papye depa twoup lokipasyon MINUSTAH-yo, sòf si Prezidan Jean Bertrand Aristide ap nan menm avyon lap vini-an. Si li vini ak 2 sa-yo pou nou, n-ap di li BYENVINI. Si li pa gen 2 sa-yo pou nou, nou deja di li, fè bak sou lide li genyen pou li vini pa bò isit.

Inite nan kan nou se fòs nou,

Se chans pou batay pèp-la vanse.

Inite nan kan nou se fòs nou,

Se chans pou batay pèp-la vanse.

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine
Koòdonatè Nasyonal


Visite à Port-au-Prince de Ban Ki Moon

Thu, 2 Aug 2007 20:26:51 +0200 (CEST)
From: "lovinsky pierre-antoine" <lovinskypa@yahoo.fr>
Subject: Visite à Port-au-Prince de Ban Ki Moon

Bonjour les amis,

Je vous envoie le texte d'une Note de Presse mise en circulation par la Fondasyon Trant Septanm à l'occasion de la visite du Secrétaire Général des Nations-Unies Monsieur Ban Ki Moon.

J'en profite pour vous annoncer que cette visite a coïncidé avec le Sit-In traditionnel organisé chaque Mercredi depuis presque 11 ans sur la Place des Martyrs au Champ de Mars, en face du Palais National, par la Fondasyon Trant Septanm. Une exposition de photos montrant les crimes et massacres commis par les soldats des troupes d'occupation de la MINUSTAH en Haiti.

Bien à vous


Boite Postale 19042, #3, 2e Impasse Lavaud Port-au-Prince, HAITI
Tél: 509 – 706 – 9177 / 509 – 244 – 7987 / 88,
Couriel: fondasyontrantseptanm@yahoo.fr

31 Juillet 2007
Pour diffusion immédiate
Contact: 509 – 706 – 9177
Email: fondasyontrantseptanm@yahoo.fr
Objet: Visite en Haiti du Secrétaire Général de l’ONU

Planifiée pour le lendemain de la commémoration du 92e annniversaire de la première occupation militaire d’Haiti, la visite en Haiti de Monsieur Ban Ki Moon, Secrétaire Général de l’ONU (Organisation des Nations Unies) représente une véritable giffle pour le peuple revendicatif haïtien.

Depuis quelques semaines, les visites de tenants de l’impérialisme se relaient dans la capitale haitienne et est un véritable marathon de la part de ceux-là même qui ont chambardé le processus démocratique en 2004. Le 20 Juillet 2007, c’était le tour de Stephen Harper, Premier Ministre du Canada. Le 1er Août 2007, le #1 de l’Organisations des Unies (ONU) débarque dans murs.

La présence de la MINUSTAH (Mission des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation en Haiti) dans le pays de Dessalines et de Charlemagne Péralte est une occupation pure et simple du territoire national et mérite d’être dénoncée et condamnée et comme de fait la Fondasyon Trant Septanm dénonce et condamne

cette occupation qui n’apporte au pays que gaspillage de ressources qui auraient pu être utilisées à des fins plus constructives.

Dans beaucoup de cas, les opérations de la MINUSTAH, particulièrement dans les quartiers populaires, avec leurs cortèges de personnes assassinées, dont des femmes, des femmes enceintes et des enfants en bas âge, sont beaucoup plus des opérations de destruction, de génocide (Guerre contre les pauvres) que des opérations de maintien de la paix.

A un mois de la réouverture des classes, les forces d’occupation continuent de maintenir leur présence dans le local de certains établissements scolaires, comme par example le Campus de l’UNIFA (Université de la Fondation Aristide), le lycée de Grand Ravine …etc.

Avec le coup d’état du 29 Février 2004, l’occupation par la force de notre pays,le kidnapping par le gouvernement des Etats –Unis, du président élu démocratiquement, le président Jean Bertrand Aristide, jamais dans l’histoire de notre pays, le processus démocratique n’aura été mis å aussi rude épreuve.

Le Comité Exécutif de la Fondasyon Trant Septanm profite du passage en Haiti de Monsieur Ban Ki Moon, Secrétaire Général de l’ONU, pour demander å son Excellence, le Président René Garcia Préval de mettre un terme au cauchemard du peuple haitien en exigeant le retrait du territoire national des forces d’occupation.

Ce qui permettra au drapeau national de recommencer å flotter dans le ciel bleu d’Haiti avec dignité, honneur et préstige.

Le Sit-In hebdomadaire (qui a lieu depuis plus de 10 ans) de la Fondasyon Trant

Septanm le mercredi 1er Août 2007 de 11:00 heures å Midi, le jour même de la visite de Monsieur Ban Ki Moon, donnera l’occasion de montrer au public les photos des crimes et massacres commis par les soldats des troupes d’occupation de la MINUSTAH conre les populations des quartiers pauvres.


Coordonnateur National

Dessalines Is Rising!!
Ayisyen: You Are Not Alone!

"When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped...........If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is a compromise." Robert Fritz

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